
#' Australian Election Study 2010
#' \itemize{
#'    \item Total sample: 5,200
#'    \item Valid responses: 2,061
#'    \item Effective response rate: 41.9
#' }
#' @details
#' The 2010 Australian Election Study is the ninth in a series of surveys beginning in 1987 that
#' have been timed to coincide with Australian Federal Elections. The series also builds on the
#' 1967, 1969 and 1979 Australian Political Attitudes Surveys. The Australian Election Studies aim
#' to provide a long-term perspective on stability and change in the political attitudes and
#' behaviour of the Australian electorate, and investigate the changing social bases of Australian
#' politics as the economy and society modernise and change character. In addition to these
#' long-term goals, they examine the political issues prevalent in the current election and assess
#' their importance for the election result.
#' The 2010 survey replicates many questions from the previous Australian Election Studies, but also
#' introduces new questions regarding internet usage in election campaigns. Other sections cover the
#' respondent's interest in the election campaign and politics, their past and present political
#' affiliation, evaluation of parties and candidates, alignment with parties on various election
#' issues, evaluation of the current economic situation, and attitudes to a range of election issues
#' including; global warming; taxation; unemployment; health and Medicare; refugees and asylum
#' seekers; and population policy. Opinions on social policy issues including abortion, equal
#' opportunities, and Australia's security were also covered in the 2010 Australian Election Study.
#' Background variables include level of education, employment status, occupation, type of employer,
#' position at workplace, trade union membership, sex, age, own and parents' country of birth,
#' parents' political preferences, religion, marital status, income, and where applicable, the
#' occupation, trade union membership and political preference of the respondent's spouse.
#' Version 1.0 of this data published 24/12/10 had an inherent bias derived from the sample supplied
#' by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). This bias resulted in significant
#' underrepresentation of younger enrolled voters in the achieved sample. To address this skew a
#' survey was conducted, focusing on enumeration of 18-44 year olds, in early 2011 to "top up" the
#' Version 1.0 data.
#' The 2010 Australian Election Study is the first in the series to provide the option of completing
#' the questionnaire online via a unique password, or via hardcopy. The "top up" survey, involved
#' telephone recruitment of a sample of age qualified persons from previous Australian National
#' University phone-based projects (stage 1) and the MyOpinions online panel database (stage 2), to
#' complete the existing online version of Australian Election Survey. The MyOpinions online panel
#' database was used to enumerate age groups still under-represented from stage 1. This was
#' considered the most expedient method, within the budget and time constraints to address the
#' under-representation in version 1.0. The weighting methodology was developed for Version 2.0 and
#' was used to determine numbers for the "top up" phase.
#' This data file is also supplemented with division level election results from the Australian
#' Electoral Commission election results website (http://results.aec.gov.au/15508/Website/). These
#' variables are found under the variable group "AEC Election Results".
#' \strong{Useful Links}
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \href{http://ada.edu.au/ADAData/codebooks/ADA.CODEBOOK.01228.pdf}{Original codebook}
#'    \item \href{http://ada.edu.au/ADAData/questionnaires/ADA.QUESTIONNAIRE.01228.pdf}{Original questionnaire}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.australianelectionstudy.org/voter_studies.html}
#' @section Variables:
#' Note: this documentation has been autogenerated from the dataset labels not the original codebook.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{uniqueid}{Unique Identifier}
#'   \item{mode}{Mode of completion}
#'   \item{yyyycomp}{Date of return (Responses received) Year}
#'   \item{mmcomp}{Date of return (Responses received) Month}
#'   \item{ddcomp}{Date of return (Responses received) Day}
#'   \item{lodggrp}{Lodgement Group}
#'   \item{state}{State (from sample)}
#'   \item{pcode}{RESTRICTED VARIABLE: Postcode}
#'   \item{division}{Division (from sample)}
#'   \item{a1}{A1. Interest in politics}
#'   \item{a2}{A2. Followed election news in the newspapers}
#'   \item{a3p1}{A3. Followed election news on TV}
#'   \item{a3p2}{A3. Followed election news on the radio}
#'   \item{a3p3}{A3. Followed election news on the internet}
#'   \item{a4}{A4. Interest in election campaign}
#'   \item{a5p1}{A5. During election: discussed politics with others}
#'   \item{a5p6}{A5. During election: discussed politics with others online}
#'   \item{a5p2}{A5. During election: talk to people about vote}
#'   \item{a5p3}{A5. During election: work for party/candidate}
#'   \item{a5p4}{A5. During election: go to meetings or rallies}
#'   \item{a5p5}{A5. During campaign: contribute money}
#'   \item{a5p7}{A5. During campaign: contribute money using the internet}
#'   \item{a6}{A6. Watched televised debate 25 July}
#'   \item{a7}{A7. Who performed better in televised debate}
#'   \item{a8p1}{A8. Candidate persuade you to vote for them - No}
#'   \item{a8p2}{A8. Candidate persuade you to vote for them - By telephone}
#'   \item{a8p3}{A8. Candidate persuade you to vote for them - By mail}
#'   \item{a8p4}{A8. Candidate persuade you to vote for them - By face-to-face}
#'   \item{a8p5}{A8. Candidate persuade you to vote for them - By email or through the web}
#'   \item{a9}{A9. Should voting be compulsory}
#'   \item{a10}{A10. Would you vote if voting not compulsory}
#'   \item{a11}{A11. Favour lowering voting age to 16 or stay at 18}
#'   \item{a12p1}{A12. Ease of voting if day changed to - On a weekday (Monday-Friday)}
#'   \item{a12p2}{A12. Ease of voting if day changed to - On a Sunday}
#'   \item{a12p3}{A12. Ease of voting if day changed to - Over a weekend}
#'   \item{a12p4}{A12. Ease of voting if day changed to - Over a one week period}
#'   \item{a13p1}{A13. Ease of voting if medium changed to - Electronic voting machines available in polling booths}
#'   \item{a13p2}{A13. Ease of voting if medium changed to - Early voting on paper ballots at pre-poll centres}
#'   \item{a13p3}{A13. Ease of voting if medium changed to - Voting online via the internet}
#'   \item{a13p4}{A13. Ease of voting if medium changed to - Other forms of electronic voting}
#'   \item{a13p5}{A13. Ease of voting if medium changed to - Postal voting}
#'   \item{a14}{A14. Use internet to get news on 2010 election}
#'   \item{a15p1}{A15. Website: Party or candidate campaign sites}
#'   \item{a15p2}{A15. Website: Mainstream news media}
#'   \item{a15p3}{A15. Website: Unofficial online videos}
#'   \item{a15p4}{A15. Website: Federal parliament}
#'   \item{a15p5}{A15. Website: Australian Electoral Commission}
#'   \item{a15p6}{A15. Website: Political blog}
#'   \item{a16_1}{A16. Activities online - Signed up to receive information from a party or candidate and/or registered as a follower/friend/supporter}
#'   \item{a16_2}{A16. Activities online - Used online tools to help parties and candidates}
#'   \item{a16_3}{A16. Activities online - Posted comments on a blog, twitter feed or wall of a social network site}
#'   \item{a16_4}{A16. Activities online - Shared unofficial campaign content with others via email, Facebook, twitter or sms}
#'   \item{a16_5}{A16. Activities online - Reposted unofficial campaign content on your own pages}
#'   \item{b1}{B1. Party identification}
#'   \item{xb1}{B1. Extended-Party identification}
#'   \item{b2}{B2. Strength of party identification}
#'   \item{b3}{B3. Care which party wins election}
#'   \item{b4}{B4. When decided which way to vote}
#'   \item{b5}{B5. Most important in vote decision}
#'   \item{b6}{B6. Prefer when Govt controls both houses}
#'   \item{b7}{B7. Difference between Labor and Liberal}
#'   \item{b8own}{B8. Own left-right position}
#'   \item{b8lib}{B8. Liberal left-right position}
#'   \item{b8alp}{B8. Labor left-right position}
#'   \item{b8nat}{B8. Nationals left-right position}
#'   \item{b8grn}{B8. Greens left-right position}
#'   \item{b9reps}{B9. Vote in House of Representatives}
#'   \item{xb9reps}{B9. Extended - Vote in House of Representatives}
#'   \item{b9senat}{B9. Vote in Senate}
#'   \item{xb9senat}{B9. Extended - Vote in Senate}
#'   \item{b10reps}{B10. Preferences to in House of Reps}
#'   \item{b10senat}{B10. Preferences to in Senate}
#'   \item{b11}{B11. Followed How to Vote card for H of R}
#'   \item{b12}{B12. Party box or own preferences for Senate}
#'   \item{b13}{B13. Thought of changing vote during campaign}
#'   \item{b14}{B14. Vote in House of Representatives in 2007}
#'   \item{b15}{B15. How well party voted for in November 2007 performed over the past three years}
#'   \item{b16p1}{B16. Previous vote - always same}
#'   \item{b16p2}{B16. Previous vote - sometimes Liberal}
#'   \item{b16p3}{B16. Previous vote - sometimes Labor}
#'   \item{b16p4}{B16. Previous vote - sometimes National (Country)}
#'   \item{b16p6}{B16. Previous vote - sometimes Greens}
#'   \item{b16p7}{B16. Previous vote - sometimes other party/independent}
#'   \item{b16p8}{B16. Previous vote - not before this election}
#'   \item{b17}{B17. Political parties care what people think}
#'   \item{b18}{B18. Political parties make system work}
#'   \item{b19lib}{B19. Feelings about Liberal Party}
#'   \item{b19alp}{B19. Feelings about Labor Party}
#'   \item{b19nat}{B19. Feelings about National Party}
#'   \item{b19grn}{B19. Feelings about Greens}
#'   \item{c1}{C1. Trust politicians generally}
#'   \item{c2}{C2. Find politics complicated}
#'   \item{c3julia}{C3. Feelings about Julia Gillard}
#'   \item{c3abbott}{C3. Feelings about Tony Abbott}
#'   \item{c3swann}{C3. Feelings about Wayne Swann}
#'   \item{c3truss}{C3. Feelings about Warren Truss}
#'   \item{c3rudd}{C3. Feelings about Kevin Rudd}
#'   \item{c3brown}{C3. Feelings about Bob Brown}
#'   \item{c4jgint}{C4. Julia Gillard - Intelligent}
#'   \item{c4jgcmp}{C4. Julia Gillard - Compassionate}
#'   \item{c4jgcmpt}{C4. Julia Gillard - Competent}
#'   \item{c4jgsen}{C4. Julia Gillard - Sensible}
#'   \item{c4jglea}{C4. Julia Gillard - Provides strong leadership}
#'   \item{c4jghon}{C4. Julia Gillard - Honest}
#'   \item{c4jgkno}{C4. Julia Gillard - Knowledgeable}
#'   \item{c4jgins}{C4. Julia Gillard - Inspiring}
#'   \item{c4jgtru}{C4. Julia Gillard - Trustworthy}
#'   \item{c5taint}{C5. Tony Abbott - Intelligent}
#'   \item{c5tacmp}{C5. Tony Abbott - Compassionate}
#'   \item{c5tacmpt}{C5. Tony Abbott - Competent}
#'   \item{c5tasen}{C5. Tony Abbott - Sensible}
#'   \item{c5talea}{C5. Tony Abbott - Provides strong leadership}
#'   \item{c5tahon}{C5. Tony Abbott - Honest}
#'   \item{c5takno}{C5. Tony Abbott - Knowledgeable}
#'   \item{c5tains}{C5. Tony Abbott - Inspiring}
#'   \item{c5tatru}{C5. Tony Abbott - Trustworthy}
#'   \item{c6}{C6. Labor Party's way of leadership change}
#'   \item{c7}{C7. Satisfied with Aust democracy}
#'   \item{c8}{C8. Attitude towards government involvement}
#'   \item{c9}{C9. Government looks after themselves}
#'   \item{c10}{C10. Government run by big interests}
#'   \item{c11p6}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-contact official via email}
#'   \item{c11p1}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-contact official in person or in writing}
#'   \item{c11p2}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-protest/march}
#'   \item{c11p3}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-work with like others}
#'   \item{c11p4}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-signed written petition}
#'   \item{c11p5}{C11. 5 yrs done to express views-signed e-petition}
#'   \item{c12}{C12. Fed Politicians know what people think}
#'   \item{c13}{C13. Doesn't make a difference who in power}
#'   \item{c14}{C14. Doesn't make a difference who vote for}
#'   \item{d1global}{D1. Importance of Global warming}
#'   \item{d1tax}{D1. Importance of Taxation}
#'   \item{d1educ}{D1. Importance of Education}
#'   \item{d1unemp}{D1. Importance of Unemployment}
#'   \item{d1envir}{D1. Importance of The environment}
#'   \item{d1inter}{D1. Importance of Interest rates}
#'   \item{d1indrel}{D1. Importance of Industrial relations}
#'   \item{d1health}{D1. Importance of Health and Medicare}
#'   \item{d1reas}{D1. Importance of Refugees and asylum seekers}
#'   \item{d1retx}{D1. Importance of The resources tax}
#'   \item{d1pop}{D1. Importance of Population policy}
#'   \item{d1econo}{D1. Importance of Management of the economy}
#'   \item{d2global}{D2. Party closest to own view Global warming}
#'   \item{d2tax}{D2. Party closest to own view Taxation}
#'   \item{d2educ}{D2. Party closest to own view Education}
#'   \item{d2unemp}{D2. Party closest to own view Unemployment}
#'   \item{d2envir}{D2. Party closest to own view The environment}
#'   \item{d2inter}{D2. Party closest to own view Interest rates}
#'   \item{d2indrel}{D2. Party closest to own view Industrial relations}
#'   \item{d2health}{D2. Party closest to own view Health and Medicare}
#'   \item{d2reas}{D2. Party closest to own view Refugees and asylum seekers}
#'   \item{d2retx}{D2. Party closest to own view The resources tax}
#'   \item{d2pop}{D2. Party closest to own view Population policy}
#'   \item{d2econo}{D2. Party closest to own view Management of the economy}
#'   \item{d3p1}{D3. Most important issue during election campaign}
#'   \item{d3p2}{D3. Second important issue during election campaign}
#'   \item{d4hhold}{D4. Financial situation of hhold now to 1 yr ago}
#'   \item{d4cntry}{D4. Economic situation country now to 1 yr ago}
#'   \item{d5hhold}{D5. Effect of govt policies on hhold situation}
#'   \item{d5cntry}{D5. Effect of govt policies on country situation}
#'   \item{d6hhold}{D6. Financial situation of hhold in 1 yr}
#'   \item{d6cntry}{D6. Economic situation country in 1 yr}
#'   \item{d7hhold}{D7. Effect of govt policies on hhold situation in 1 yr}
#'   \item{d7cntry}{D7. Effect of govt policies on country situation in 1 yr}
#'   \item{d8p1}{D8. Unemployment since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p2}{D8. Prices since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p3}{D8. Taxes since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p4}{D8. Standard of health services since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p5}{D8. Quality of education since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p6}{D8. Quality of industrial relations since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p7}{D8. Own standard of living since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d8p8}{D8. General standard of living since 2007 Federal election}
#'   \item{d9p1}{D9. High tax makes peoples less willing to work}
#'   \item{d9p2}{D9. Trade unions have too much power}
#'   \item{d9p3}{D9. Big business has too much power}
#'   \item{d9p4}{D9. Income and wealth should be redistributed}
#'   \item{d9p6}{D9. Stricter laws to regulate trade unions}
#'   \item{e1}{E1. Choice between taxes and social services}
#'   \item{e2migeo}{E2. Equal opportunities for migrants}
#'   \item{e2nudsex}{E2. Nudity & sex in films and magazines}
#'   \item{e2abland}{E2. Aboriginal land rights}
#'   \item{e2equop}{E2. Equal opportunities for women}
#'   \item{e2immig}{E2. No. of migrants allowed into Australia}
#'   \item{e2abor}{E2. Government help for aborigines}
#'   \item{e2asia}{E2. Building closer links with Asia}
#'   \item{e2terror}{E2. Aust support fight against terrorism}
#'   \item{e3}{E3. Feelings about abortion}
#'   \item{e4deathp}{E4. Death penalty reintroduced for murder}
#'   \item{e4marij}{E4. Decriminalise smoking of marijuana}
#'   \item{e4lawbrk}{E4. Stiffer sentences if break law}
#'   \item{e4pref}{E4. Women given preferential treatment}
#'   \item{e4boats}{E4. Turn back boats carrying asylum seekers}
#'   \item{e4opp}{E4. Increase business opportunities for women}
#'   \item{e5p1}{E5. Aims 10yrs 1-First choice}
#'   \item{e5p2}{E5. Aims 10yrs 1-Second choice}
#'   \item{e6p1}{E6. Aims 10yrs 2-First choice}
#'   \item{e6p2}{E6. Aims 10yrs 2-Second choice}
#'   \item{e7p1}{E7. Aims 10yrs 3-First choice}
#'   \item{e7p2}{E7. Aims 10yrs 3-Second choice}
#'   \item{e8armfrc}{E8. Confidence in the armed forces}
#'   \item{e8lglsys}{E8. Confidence in the legal system}
#'   \item{e8press}{E8. Confidence in the press}
#'   \item{e8televi}{E8. Confidence in Television}
#'   \item{e8trduns}{E8. Confidence in Trade unions}
#'   \item{e8police}{E8. Confidence in the police}
#'   \item{e8fedgov}{E8. Confidence in the Federal government in Canberra}
#'   \item{e8polpts}{E8. Confidence in Australian political parties}
#'   \item{e8fedpar}{E8. Confidence in the Federal parliament}
#'   \item{e8pubsvc}{E8. Confidence in the public service}
#'   \item{e8auscom}{E8. Confidence in Major Australian companies}
#'   \item{e8banfin}{E8. Confidence in banks and financial institutions}
#'   \item{e8univer}{E8. Confidence in universities}
#'   \item{e8polsys}{E8. Confidence in the Australian political system}
#'   \item{f1}{F1. Importance of Queen}
#'   \item{f2}{F2. Australia a republic}
#'   \item{f3}{F3. United States alliance under ANZUS}
#'   \item{f4}{F4. If Australia threatened trust US come to defence}
#'   \item{f5japan}{F5. Japan threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f5us}{F5. United States threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f5china}{F5. China threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f5vietn}{F5. Vietnam threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f5malay}{F5. Malaysia threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f5indon}{F5. Indonesia threat to Aust. security}
#'   \item{f6}{F6. Government spend more on defence}
#'   \item{f7}{F7. Aust involvement in the war in Afghanistan}
#'   \item{f8p1}{F8. Aust defence stronger than 10 yrs ago}
#'   \item{f8p4}{F8. Aust would be able to defend itself}
#'   \item{f8p7}{F8. Aust trading future lies with Asia}
#'   \item{f8p8}{F8. Aust provide military for war on terrorism}
#'   \item{f9}{F9. Number of immigrants increased}
#'   \item{f10p1}{F10. Immigrants increase crime}
#'   \item{f10p2}{F10. Immigrants good for economy}
#'   \item{f10p3}{F10. Immigrants take jobs from Aust}
#'   \item{f10p4}{F10. Immigrants make Aust more open}
#'   \item{f11}{F11 Threat of global warming to way of life}
#'   \item{f12}{F12. Own shares in Australian stock exchange}
#'   \item{f13p1}{F13. Quiz - Australia became federation in 1901}
#'   \item{f13p2}{F13. Quiz - 75 members of House of Reps}
#'   \item{f13p3}{F13. Quiz - Constitution changed by High Court}
#'   \item{f13p4}{F13. Quiz - Elections to Senate proportional}
#'   \item{f13p5}{F13. Quiz - No-one stands unless pay deposit}
#'   \item{f13p6}{F13. Quiz - Longest time between Fed elections 4 years}
#'   \item{g1}{G1. Age left school}
#'   \item{g1age}{G1. Age given (Numeric) (BASE: Age given)}
#'   \item{g2}{G2 - Years of tertiary study completed}
#'   \item{g3}{G3. Highest qualification since leaving school}
#'   \item{g4}{G4 - Work mainly doing last week}
#'   \item{g5}{G5. Occupation (ANZSCO 2 digit)}
#'   \item{xg5}{G5. Extended-Occupation (ANZSCO 4 digit)}
#'   \item{g5pos}{G5. Position in organisation}
#'   \item{g5employ}{G5. Employer}
#'   \item{g5superv}{G5. Supervisory responsibility}
#'   \item{g6}{G6. Belong to a trade union}
#'   \item{g7p1}{G7. Member of a business or employers association}
#'   \item{g7p2}{G7. Member of a farmers association}
#'   \item{g7p3}{G7. Member of a professional association}
#'   \item{g7p4}{G7. Member of a charitable organisation}
#'   \item{g7p5}{G7. Member of a sport or recreation organisation}
#'   \item{g8p1}{G8. Written a letter - part of job involvement}
#'   \item{g8p2}{G8. Gone to a meeting where you took part in making decisions - part of job involvement}
#'   \item{g8p3}{G8. Planned or chaired a meeting - part of job involvement}
#'   \item{g8p4}{G8. Given a presentation or speech - part of job involvement}
#'   \item{h1}{H1. Sex}
#'   \item{h2}{H2. Year of birth}
#'   \item{age}{Age (derived)}
#'   \item{ageder}{Age (categorised - derived)}
#'   \item{h3own}{H3. Country of birth}
#'   \item{xh3own}{H3. Extended-Country of birth}
#'   \item{h3mum}{H3. Mothers country of birth}
#'   \item{xh3mum}{H3. Extended-Mothers country of birth}
#'   \item{h3dad}{H3. Fathers country of birth}
#'   \item{xh3dad}{H3. Extended-Fathers country of birth}
#'   \item{h4dad}{H4. Fathers party ID at 14}
#'   \item{h4mum}{H4. Mothers party ID at 14}
#'   \item{h5}{H5. Religion}
#'   \item{xh5}{H5. Extended-Religion}
#'   \item{h6}{H6. Religious attendance}
#'   \item{h7}{H7. Marital status}
#'   \item{h8}{H8 - Number of hours to yourself}
#'   \item{h9}{H9. Own, buying or rent home}
#'   \item{h10}{H10. How often use internet}
#'   \item{h11}{H11. When start using internet}
#'   \item{h12attch}{H12. Sent an attachment with an email}
#'   \item{h12mlmed}{H12. Posted audio, video or image files}
#'   \item{h12wpblg}{H12. Personally designed a webpage or blog}
#'   \item{h12dwld}{H12. Downloaded a software program to your computer}
#'   \item{h13}{H13. Social class}
#'   \item{h14}{H14. Live rural or urban}
#'   \item{h15}{H15. Gross annual income}
#'   \item{h16}{H16. Spouse working now}
#'   \item{h17}{H17. Spouse Occupation (ANZSCO 2 digit)}
#'   \item{xh17}{H17. Extended-Spouse Occupation (ANZSCO 4 digit)}
#'   \item{h18}{H18. Spouse employer}
#'   \item{h19}{H19. Does spouse supervise people at work}
#'   \item{h20}{H20. Spouse member of trade union}
#'   \item{h21}{H21. Spouse party identification}
#'   \item{xh21}{H21. Extended-Spouse party identification}
#'   \item{excl}{Cases that have a missing (Gender or Age or State or Voted party [XB9REPS])}
#'   \item{weight2}{Weight (sex x age x state x past reps vote)}
#'   \item{statemap}{State mapping variable}
#'   \item{elecdiv}{AEC_2010 Commonwealth Electoral Division mapping variable}
#'   \item{alp_1prf}{ALP First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{lp_1pref}{Liberal First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{lnq_1pre}{Liberal-National Party (QLD) First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{grn_1pre}{Greens First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{np_1pref}{National Party First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{oth_1pre}{Other Parties First Preference Vote - Percentage}
#'   \item{alp_2pp}{ALP Two-Party Preferred Vote - 2 party preferred (vs LNP)}
#'   \item{lnp_2pp}{ALP Two-Party Preferred Vote - 2 party preferred (vs ALP)}
#'   \item{enrolmen}{Enrolment - number of enrolled voters in division}
#'   \item{turnout}{Turnout - number of voters that voted in the election}
#'   \item{turnoutp}{Turnout percentage - turnout as a percentage of enrolled voters}
#'   \item{turnouts}{Turnout swing - change in the turnout percentage compared to 2007}
#'   \item{informal}{Number of Informal votes in division}
#'   \item{informa1}{Informal Swing - change in the informal percentage compared to 2007}
#'   \item{candidat}{AEC 2010 Election Candidate identifier - 2CP non-elected candidate}
#'   \item{partyabn}{Party of 2CP non-elected candidate}
#'   \item{totalvot}{Number of votes for 2CP non-elected candidate}
#'   \item{swingn}{Swing in pct vote for 2CP non-elected candidate}
#'   \item{candida1}{AEC 2010 Election Candidate identifier - 2CP elected candidate}
#'   \item{partyaby}{Party of 2CP elected candidate}
#'   \item{totalvo1}{Number of votes for 2CP elected candidate}
#'   \item{swingy}{Swing in pct vote for 2CP elected candidate}
#' }
thmcmahon/aes documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m.