
#'Discrete heterogeneity model with multiple stages
#'Discrete heterogeneity model is applicable to scenario in which each subject
#'is assigned a latent class, and fixed parameters are used across subjects in
#'the same class. Multiple stages simply mean that more than one responses are
#'allowed in fitting this model. Typically, one response is nested with another,
#'but it does not have to be this case to fit the model.
#'Arbitrary number of covariates, repsonses and subject ids can be given in the
#'argument list. However, their number must be the same, i.e. equal to the
#'number of stages in this model. Furthermore, dimensions must match, i.e.
#'row(X1) = length(y1) = length(id1).
#'@param nclass numbers of class for all subjects, this determines how many
#'  groups of different parameters will be obtained
#'@param ... X1: A covariate matrix of the first stage, similar for X2, X3, ...;
#'  y1: A vector of response variables for the first stage, similar for y2, y3,
#'  ...; id1: A vector of subject IDs of the first stage, similar for id2, id3,
#'  ...
#'@return A list object containing both arguments and results. \code{lambda} is
#'  the estimate of class proportions, which sum up to 1. \code{beta} contains
#'  estimates, SEs and p-values for all linear parameters. \code{posteriorz}
#'  lists the probability of each subject belonging to a specific group, the
#'  estimated class id is determined by which class maximizes the probability.
#'  \code{all.loglik} lists log-likelihood in each iteration. \code{y} is a list
#'  object of responses of all stages. \code{id} is a list object of subject ids
#'  of all stages. \code{x} is a list object of covariates of all stages.
#'  \code{AIC} is the AIC for current model. \code{BIC} is the BIC for current
#'  model. These two can be used for class number selection. \code{runtime} is
#'  the whole elapsed time to fit the model.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(threestage)
#' attach(threestage)
#' mod <- LatentStage(5, X1=stage1[, 4:7],
#'        y1=stage1$Y1, id1=stage1$Person,
#'        X2=stage2[, 4:7],
#'        y2=stage2$Y2, id2=stage2$Person,
#'        X3=stage3[, 4:7],
#'        y3=stage3$Y3, id3=stage3$Person)
#' data(dating)
#' attach(dating)
#' nonmiss <- !is.na(wrote)
#' mod <- LatentStage(3, y1 = browsed, y2 = wrote[nonmiss],
#'                    id1 = respid, id2 = respid[nonmiss],
#'                    X1 = agedif, X2 = agedif[nonmiss])
LatentStage <- function(nclass, ...) {
    tt <- proc.time()
    dots <- list(...)
    dots <- dots[order(names(dots))]
    y <- dots[grep("y\\d", names(dots))]
    obsid <- dots[grep("id\\d", names(dots))]
    X <- dots[grep("X\\d", names(dots))]
    if (length(y)!=length(obsid)) stop("Stage of y and id do not match!")
    if (length(y)!=length(X)) stop("Stage of y and X do not match!")
    X <- lapply(X, function(x) model.matrix(~., data.frame(x)))
    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
        if (!all(y[[i]] %in% c(0, 1))) stop('y should only take 0 or 1!')
        if (length(y[[i]])!=length(obsid[[i]])) stop('Length of y and id do not match!')
        if (length(y[[i]])!=dim(X[[i]])[1]) stop('Dimension of y and X do not match!')

    yall <- unlist(y)
    obsidall <- unlist(obsid)
    Xall <- Matrix::bdiag(X)
    covname <- sapply(X, colnames)
    covname <- paste('stage', col(covname), covname)

    Xall <- Xall[order(obsidall), ]
    yall <- yall[order(obsidall)]
    obsidall <- obsidall[order(obsidall)]
    out <- logisticEM(y = yall, id = obsidall, x = Xall, beta = matrix(rnorm(dim(Xall)[2] * nclass), ncol = nclass),
                      lambda = rep(1, nclass)/nclass)
    od <- order(out$lambda)
    od <- rev(od)
    out <- within(out, {
        runtime <- proc.time() - tt
        lambda <- lambda[od]
        beta <- beta[, od, drop=F]
        posteriorz <- posteriorz[, od, drop=F]
        se.beta <- se.beta[, od, drop=F]
        p.beta <- p.beta[, od, drop=F]
        rownames(beta) <- covname
        rownames(se.beta) <- covname
        rownames(p.beta) <- covname
        names(lambda) <- paste('class', 1:nclass)
        colnames(beta) <- paste('class', 1:nclass)
        colnames(se.beta) <- paste('class', 1:nclass)
        colnames(p.beta) <- paste('class', 1:nclass)
        all.loglik <- all.loglik
        BIC <- -2*all.loglik[length(all.loglik)] + (length(beta) + nclass - 1)*log(length(unique(obsidall)))
        AIC <- -2*all.loglik[length(all.loglik)] + (length(beta) + nclass - 1)*2
    temp <- sapply(out[c('beta', 'se.beta', 'p.beta')], function(x)c(t(x)))
    rownames(temp) <- apply(expand.grid(colnames(out$beta), rownames(out$beta)), 1, function(x)Reduce(paste, x))
    out$beta <- temp
    out$se.beta <- NULL
    out$p.beta <- NULL
    # printit <- c('beta', 'lambda', 'BIC', 'runtime')
    # print(out[printit])
getmaxperm <- function(est_cls, cls) {
    if(max(est_cls) != max(cls)) stop('estimated class number is wrong!')
    pm <- gtools::permutations(max(cls), max(cls))
    maxtr <- 0
    mt <- table(est_cls, cls)
    for (i in 1:dim(pm)[1]) {
        temp <- mt[pm[i, ], ]
        tr <- sum(diag(temp))
        if (tr > maxtr) {
            maxtr <- tr
            maxpm <- pm[i, ]
tinyleap/LatentStage documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:27 p.m.