
#' @details
#' Questions alongside of their correct answer is based off of Table 1 of the
#' Taylor (1953) paper.
#' Items with their desired response bolded:
#' - `Q1`: I do not tire quickly. **(False)**
#' - `Q2`: I am troubled by attacks of nausea. **(True)**
#' - `Q3`: I believe I am no more nervous than most others. **(False)**
#' - `Q4`: I have very few headaches. **(False)**
#' - `Q5`: I work under a great deal of tension. **(True)**
#' - `Q6`: I cannot keep my mind on one thing. **(True)**
#' - `Q7`: I worry over money and business. **(True)**
#' - `Q8`: I frequently notice my hand shakes when I try to do something. **(True)**
#' - `Q9`: I blush no more often than others. **(False)**
#' - `Q10`: I have diarrhea once a month or more. **(True)**
#' - `Q11`: I worry quite a bit over possible misfortunes. **(True)**
#' - `Q12`: I practically never blush. **(False)**
#' - `Q13`: I am often afraid that I am going to blush. **(True)**
#' - `Q14`: I have nightmares every few nights. **(True)**
#' - `Q15`: My hands and feet are usually warm. **(False)**
#' - `Q16`: I sweat very easily even on cool days. **(True)**
#' - `Q17`: Sometimes when embarrassed, I break out in a sweat. **(True)**
#' - `Q18`: I hardly ever notice my heart pounding and I am seldom short of breath. **(False)**
#' - `Q19`: I feel hungry almost all the time. **(True)**
#' - `Q20`: I am very seldom troubled by constipation. **(False)**
#' - `Q21`: I have a great deal of stomach trouble. **(True)**
#' - `Q22`: I have had periods in which I lost sleep over worry. **(True)**
#' - `Q23`: My sleep is fitful and disturbed. **(True)**
#' - `Q24`: I dream frequently about things that are best kept to myself. **(True)**
#' - `Q25`: I am easily embarrassed. **(True)**
#' - `Q26`: I am more sensitive than most other people. **(True)**
#' - `Q27`: I frequently find myself worrying about something. **(True)**
#' - `Q28`: I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be. **(True)**
#' - `Q29`: I am usually calm and not easily upset. **(False)**
#' - `Q30`: I cry easily. **(True)**
#' - `Q31`: I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the time. **(True)**
#' - `Q32`: I am happy most of the time. **(False)**
#' - `Q33`: It makes me nervous to have to wait. **(True)**
#' - `Q34`: I have periods of such great restlessness that I cannot sit long I a chair. **(True)**
#' - `Q35`: Sometimes I become so excited that I find it hard to get to sleep. **(True)**
#' - `Q36`: I have sometimes felt that difficulties were piling up so high that I could not overcome them. **(True)**
#' - `Q37`: I must admit that I have at times been worried beyond reason over something that really did not matter. **(True)**
#' - `Q38`: I have very few fears compared to my friends. **(False)**
#' - `Q39`: I have been afraid of things or people that I know could not hurt me. **(True)**
#' - `Q40`: I certainly feel useless at times. **(True)**
#' - `Q41`: I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job. **(True)**
#' - `Q42`: I am usually self-conscious. **(True)**
#' - `Q43`: I am inclined to take things hard. **(True)**
#' - `Q44`: I am a high-strung person. **(True)**
#' - `Q45`: Life is a trial for me much of the time. **(True)**
#' - `Q46`: At times I think I am no good at all. **(True)**
#' - `Q47`: I am certainly lacking in self-confidence. **(True)**
#' - `Q48`: I sometimes feel that I am about to go to pieces. **(True)**
#' - `Q49`: I shrink from facing crisis of difficulty. **(True)**
#' - `Q50`: I am entirely self-confident. **(False)**
tmsalab/ecdmdata documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 4:45 a.m.