
Defines functions reservoir_outlet

Documented in reservoir_outlet

# lumpR/reservoir_outlet.R
# Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2017,2018 Tobias Pilz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Determine outlet coordinates of reservoirs
#' Takes a flow accumulation raster (or DEM for computation) and reservoir vector
#' file from a GRASS location and estimates the outlet coordinates of each reservoir
#' polygon. Can be run before \code{\link[lumpR]{reservoir_strategic}} to produce the required input. May also be used to provide outlet points for subbasin delineation. 
#' @param flowacc Flow accumulation raster in GRASS location used for determination
#'      of reservoir outlets (= highest accumulation value). Set to \code{NULL} if
#'      it should be calculated based on a DEM. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param dem Digital elevation model in GRASS location used for calculation of
#'      flow accumulation if no flow accumulation raster is given. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param res_vct Reservoir vector file (polygon) in GRASS location. For each polygon coordinates
#'      of the outlet (cell with highest flow accumulation) are determined. Needs
#'      at least the column \code{res_id} (integer) as reservoir identifier.
#'      If there are no columns \code{elevation} (double) and \code{area} (double) [hectars], they will be added.
#' @param outlets_vect Output: Name of vector file of outlet locations to be exported
#'      to GRASS location. Same fields as \code{res_vct}, fields 
#'       \code{res_id}, \code{elevation} and \code{area} may have been added.
#' @param keep_temp \code{logical}. Set to \code{TRUE} if temporary files shall be kept
#'      in the GRASS location, e.g. for debugging or further analyses. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param overwrite \code{logical}. Shall output of previous calls of this function be
#'      deleted? If \code{FALSE} the function returns an error if output already exists.
#'      Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param silent \code{logical}. Shall the function be silent (also suppressing warnings
#'      of internally used GRASS functions)? Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Function returns nothing, but produces \code{outlets_vect}. \bold{WARNING:} Up to version 2.5.0 this function
#' returned a \code{SpatialPoints} object with the outlet coordinates.
#' @note Prepare GRASS location and necessary files in advance and start GRASS
#'      session in R using \code{\link[rgrass7]{initGRASS}}. Location should not
#'      contain any maps ending on *_t as these will be removed by calling the
#'      function to remove temporary maps.
#'      Internal operations require a non-dbf datatabes driver (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, ODBC, ...). 
#'      Automatic switiching to sqlite will be attempted.
#'      \code{res_vct} must not contain a column \code{cat_new} as this will be the new identifier
#'      column for \code{outlets_vect}.
#'      Check the results by investigating vector file with outlet points written
#'      to GRASS location. Due to small projection inaccuracies between the DEM / flow
#'      accumulation raster and the reservoir vector file, calculated outlet locations
#'      might more or less deviate from true locations!
#'      Can be run before \code{\link[lumpR]{reservoir_strategic}}. 

#' @author Tobias Pilz \email{tpilz@@uni-potsdam.de}

reservoir_outlet <- function(
  ### INPUT ###
  flowacc = NULL,
  dem = NULL,
  res_vct = NULL,
  ### OUTPUT ###
  outlets_vect = NULL,
  ### PARAMETERS ###
  keep_temp = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
) {
  if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
  if(!silent) message("% START reservoir_outlet()")
  if(!silent) message("%")
  if(!silent) message("% Initialise function...")
  tryCatch(gmeta(), error = function(e) stop("Cannot execute GRASS commands. Maybe you forgot to run initGRASS()?"))
  cmd_out <- execGRASS("g.version", intern=TRUE)
  if (cmd_out=="")
    stop("Couldn't connect to GRASS-session. Try removing any open sinks by calling 'sink()' repeatedly. Or restart R.")
  # check arguments and input
  if(is.null(flowacc) & is.null(dem))
    stop("Either argument 'dem' or 'flowacc' has to be specified!")
  if(!is.null(dem)) check_raster(dem,"dem")
  if(!is.null(flowacc)) check_raster(flowacc,"flowacc")
  check_vector(res_vct, "res_vct")
    stop("Argument 'outlets_vect' needs to be specified!")
  #check for necessary columns in vector file
  cmd_out <- execGRASS("v.info", map=res_vct, flags=c("c", "e"), intern=T)
  if (!any(grepl(cmd_out, pattern="INTEGER\\|res_id")))
    stop(paste0("Reservoir vector file '",res_vct,"' has no column 'res_id' (INTEGER), please add it."))
  # if (!any(grepl(cmd_out, pattern="CHARACTER\\|name")))
  #   stop(paste0("Reservoir vector file '",res_vct,"' has no column 'name' (CHARACTER), please add it."))
  if (!any(grepl(cmd_out, pattern="\\|area"))) #add area field in hectars, if not present
    x <- execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map=res_vct, columns="area double", intern=TRUE) 
    x <- execGRASS("v.to.db", map=res_vct, option="area", columns="area", units="hectares", intern=TRUE) 
  # suppress annoying GRASS outputs 
  tmp_file <- file(tempfile(), open="wt")
  sink(tmp_file, type="output")
  # also supress warnings in silent mode
    tmp_file2 <- file(tempfile(), open="wt")
    sink(tmp_file2, type="message")
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    # remove mask if any
    tryCatch(suppressWarnings(execGRASS("r.mask", flags=c("r"))), error=function(e){})
    # remove output of previous function calls if overwrite=T
    if (overwrite) {
      cmd_out <- execGRASS("g.remove", type="raster,vector", pattern=paste("*_t", outlets_vect, sep=","), flags=c("f", "b"), intern=T)
    } else {
      # remove temporary maps in any case
      cmd_out <- execGRASS("g.remove", type="raster,vector", pattern="*_t", flags=c("f", "b"), intern=T)
    if(!silent) message("% OK")
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% Determine highest flow accumulation value for each reservoir...")
    # GRASS calculation of flow accumulation
    if (is.null(flowacc)) {
      flowacc <- "accum_t"
      x <- execGRASS("r.watershed", elevation=dem, accumulation=flowacc, flags="s", intern=T)
    # check if flowacc is integer
    cmd_out <- execGRASS("r.info", map=flowacc, flags="g", intern=T)
    type_line=which(grepl(cmd_out, pattern = "datatype=")) #search for line holding data type
    data_type=strsplit(cmd_out[type_line], split = "=")[[1]][2]
    if (data_type=="CELL") #if flowaccum is already integer, use it. Otherwise, create interger variant
      x <- execGRASS("g.copy", raster=paste0(flowacc,",accum_t"), flags=c("overwrite"), intern=T) else
      x <- execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression=paste0("accum_t = round(", flowacc, ")"), flags=c("overwrite"), intern=T)
    #we need a non-dbf driver connection to realize the next steps
    x <- execGRASS("db.connect", flags=c("p"), intern=TRUE) #check current db-driver
    if (!grepl(x[1], pattern = "SQLite|PostgreSQL|MySQL|ODBC")) #currently running under unsupported driver, try switching
      #keep original settings and convert into key/value pairs
      for (s in x) 
        s2=strsplit(s, split = ": ")
        if (length(s2[[1]])>1)
          org_settings[[s2[[1]][1]]] = s2[[1]][2] 
      org_settings$cmd="db.connect" #for later use in resetting db-connection
      x <- execGRASS("db.drivers", flags=c("p"), intern=TRUE) #check available drivers
      if (!any(grepl(x, pattern = "sqlite", ignore.case = TRUE))) #is sqlite available?  
        stop(paste0("Current db-driver (", org_settings$driver,") not supported for this operation. Cannot connect to 'sqlite' as alternative. Please fix this manually by using 'db.connect' with a supported driver (SQLite|PostgreSQL|MySQL|ODBC)"))
      {  #connect to sqlite
        x <- execGRASS("db.connect", driver="sqlite", database="$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db", intern=TRUE) #set to sqlite
        x <- execGRASS("db.connect", flags = "c", intern=TRUE) #test connection
        x <- execGRASS("db.connect", flags=c("p"), intern=TRUE) #check current db-driver
        if (!any(x== "driver: sqlite"))
          stop(paste0("Current db-driver (", org_settings$driver,") not supported for this operation. Cannot connect to 'sqlite' as alternative. Please fix this manually by using 'db.connect' with a supported driver (SQLite|PostgreSQL|MySQL|ODBC)"))          
    x <- execGRASS("g.copy", vector=paste0(res_vct,",resv_t"), flags=c("overwrite"), intern=T) #working copy of reservoir outlines

    #find maximum value of flowaccumulation for each reservoir - this should be the outlet
    x <- execGRASS("v.rast.stats", map="resv_t", raster=flowacc, method="max", column_prefix="fa", intern=TRUE)
    #convert map of max_flow_accum values to raster
    x <- execGRASS("v.to.rast", input="resv_t", output="max_flowaccum_t", use="attr", attribute_column="fa_maximum", flags="overwrite", intern=TRUE)
    #intersect map of flowaccum and max values of flowaccum to precisely locate cells
    x <- execGRASS("r.mapcalc",  expression="outlet_cells_t=if(accum_t==max_flowaccum_t,1,null())", flags="overwrite", intern=TRUE)
    #convert outlet points to vector
    x <- execGRASS("r.to.vect", input="outlet_cells_t", type="point", output=outlets_vect, flags=c("overwrite", "t"), intern=TRUE)
    #add subbasin-ID to outlet cells
    x <- execGRASS("v.db.addtable", map=outlets_vect, key = "cat_new", intern=TRUE) 
    x <- execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map=outlets_vect, columns="res_id int", intern=TRUE) 
    x <- execGRASS("v.what.vect", map=outlets_vect, column="res_id", query_map="resv_t", query_column="res_id", intern=TRUE)  
    #x <- execGRASS("v.what.vect", map=outlets_vect, column="name",   query_map="resv_t", query_column="name", intern=TRUE)  
    # preserve attribute table of res_vct
    x <- execGRASS("v.db.dropcolumn", map = "resv_t", columns = "fa_maximum", intern=T)
    #sadly, this command does not work when DBF-driver is used (default in Windows)
    x <- execGRASS("v.db.join", map = outlets_vect, column = "res_id", other_table = "resv_t", other_column = "res_id", intern=T)
    #restore original driver settings, if changed earlier
      x=do.call(what=execGRASS, args = org_settings)
    #      x <- execGRASS("db.connect", driver="dbf", database="e:\\till\\uni\\r_lib\\package_build\\lumpR\\lumpr_test\\wasa_example\\grassdata\\Esera\\PERMANENT\\dbf\\", intern=TRUE)      
    #add elevation field, if not present
    cmd_out <- execGRASS("v.info", map=outlets_vect, flags=c("c", "e"), intern=T)
    if (!any(grepl(cmd_out, pattern="\\|elevation"))) 
      x <- execGRASS("v.db.addcolumn", map=outlets_vect, columns="elevation double",     intern=TRUE) 
      x <- execGRASS("v.what.rast",    map=outlets_vect, column="elevation", raster=dem, intern=TRUE)  
    # delete temp
    if(keep_temp == FALSE)
      x <- execGRASS("g.remove", type="raster,vector", pattern="*_t", flags=c("f", "b"), intern=T)
    if(!silent) message(paste0("% Outlet points saved in map '",outlets_vect,"'"))
    if(!silent) message("%")
    if(!silent) message("% DONE!")
    if(!silent) message("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
    # stop sinking
    # restore original warning mode
      options(warn = oldw)
  # exception handling
  }, error = function(e) {
    # stop sinking
    # restore original warning mode
      options(warn = oldw)
    x <-tryCatch(suppressWarnings(execGRASS("r.mask", flags=c("r"), intern = T)), error=function(e){})
    if(keep_temp == FALSE)
      x <- execGRASS("g.remove", type="raster,vector", pattern=paste("*_t",outlets_vect, sep=","), flags=c("f", "b"), intern=T)
} # EOF
tpilz/lumpR documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 1:31 a.m.