Man pages for tradestatistics/tradestatistics
Open Trade Statistics API Wrapper and Utility Program

ots_cacheCaching wrapper to reduce API calls (internal)
ots_commoditiesOTS Commodities
ots_commodities_shortOTS Commodities Short
ots_commodity_codeString matching of official commodity/section names and...
ots_countriesOTS Countries
ots_countries_colorsOTS Countries Colors
ots_country_codeString matching of official country names and ISO-3 codes...
ots_create_tidy_dataDownloads and processes the data from the API to return a...
ots_create_tidy_data_memoisedDownloads and processes the data from the API to return a...
ots_create_tidy_data_unmemoisedDownloads and processes the data from the API to return a...
ots_distancesOTS Distances
ots_gdp_deflatorGDP Deflator
ots_gdp_deflator_adjustmentExpresses tidy data from the API in dollars of a reference...
ots_read_from_apiReads data from the API (internal function)
ots_sectionsOTS Sections
ots_sections_colorsOTS Sections Colors
ots_tablesOTS Tables
tradestatistics-packagetradestatistics: Open Trade Statistics API Wrapper and...
tradestatistics/tradestatistics documentation built on July 8, 2023, 12:26 a.m.