
Defines functions getFireHydro

Documented in getFireHydro

#' @title Generate fire-hydro shapefile
#' @description Generates shapefile showing fire potential. Presently only works on the SFNRC network (for EDEN data access)
#' @param EDEN_date EDEN date to be used for water levels. Should be a character or date class in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., "2018-10-18"
#' @param output_shapefile file address for shapefile output. Driver is inferred from file extnesion, so may not be correct. In this case, user can export shapefile after generating the sf object through \code{getFireHydro()}.
#' @param waterLevelExport NULL or a character vector specifying the file address/name used for exporting an image file of water level categories (e.g., /home/waterLevels.pdf).
#' @param fireSpreadExport NULL or a character vector specifying the file address/name used for exporting an image file of fire spread risk (e.g., /home/fireSpreadRisk.pdf).
#' @param csvExport If an exported .csv file of the output is desired, include a file addess/name here (e.g., "fireHydroOutput.csv")
#' @param EDEN_GIS_directory The source for EDEN data. Can be an \code{sf} object already in the working environment (such as the data output from \code{\link[fireHydro]{getEDEN}}) or, for users with access to the SFNRC's physical drive, the default value (\code{"detect"}) will identify the parent directory where EDEN water level data are located ("/opt/physical/gis/eden/" on linux; "Y:/gis/eden/" on Windows). This can alternatively be the specific address of a shapefile of EDEN data or a character string naming an object in the working environment, such as that generated from getEDEN().
#' @param vegetation_shp shapefile of vegetation data in Big Cypress and Everglades
#' @param BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp shapefile of polygons representing Big Cypress and Everglades planning units
#' @param returnShp TRUE/FALSE determinant of whether output is returned to the working environment
#' @param figureWidth width of output figure, in inches
#' @param figureHeight height of output figure, in inches 
#' @param ggBaseSize base_size argument passed to ggplot theme. 
#' @param burnHist logical; if FALSE, fire spread risk is a binary variable (high/low); if TRUE, fire history during the preceding three years is used to split fire spread risk into a gradient of risk: High = high current fire spread risk and no burn history in past 3 years; Moderately High = high current fire spread risk and burned three years ago; Moderate = high current fire spread risk and burned two years ago; Moderately Low = high current fire spread risk and burned in the past year; Low = low current fire spread risk (regardless of burn history)
#' @param burnData list with three elements: simple feature polygon files with burn history data. Data must be in ascending chronological order; this will be used to parse areas of high fire spread risk into finer categories.
#' @return sf 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # produce maps with the most recent EDEN data
#' EDENdat <- getEDEN()
#' fireDat <- getFireHydro(EDEN_date = EDENdat$date, 
#'      EDEN_GIS_directory = EDENdat$data,
#'      fireSpreadExport = paste0("fireRisk_", EDENdat$date, ".png"), 
#'      waterLevelExport = paste0("waterLevels_", EDENdat$date, ".png"))
#' ### some more examples:
#' getFireHydro(EDEN_date = "2018-10-18",
#'      fireSpreadExport = "fireRisk.png", waterLevelExport = "waterLevels.png")
#' # save output in multiple file types (and exclude burn history)
#' getFireHydro(EDEN_date = "2018-10-18", 
#'      burnHist = FALSE,
#'      fireSpreadExport = c("fireRisk.png", "fireRisk.pdf"))
#' # incorportate burn history to fire spread risk maps
#' getFireHydro(EDEN_date = "2018-10-18", 
#'      fireSpreadExport = c("fireRisk.png", "fireRisk.pdf"))
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom sf st_read
#' @importFrom sf st_transform
#' @importFrom sf st_intersection
#' @importFrom sf st_write
#' @importFrom sf st_set_geometry
#' @importFrom sf st_buffer
#' @importFrom sf st_area
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf
#' @importFrom terra as.polygons
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_sf
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_bw
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labs
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_brewer
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_colour_brewer
#' @export

getFireHydro <- function(EDEN_date, 
                         output_shapefile = NULL, 
                         waterLevelExport = NULL,
                         fireSpreadExport = NULL,
                         csvExport = NULL, 
                         EDEN_GIS_directory = "detect",
                         vegetation_shp = fireHydro::vegetation,
                         BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp = fireHydro::BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits,
                         returnShp = TRUE, figureWidth = 6.5, figureHeight = 4, 
                         ggBaseSize = 12,
                         burnHist = TRUE,
                         burnData = list(fireHydro::fire192, fire_2020_cy, rbind(fire_2021_cy, fire_2022_cy))) {
  ### TODO:
  ### supply example EDEN data for testing
  ### avoid warnings from st_intersect http://r-sig-geo.2731867.n2.nabble.com/Warning-in-st-intersection-td7591290.html https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/406
  ### un-pack piped statements
  ### user specifies what's displayed in the output?
  ### what's up with the shapefiles that used to be exported - are they useful? should they have export options? 
  feetToCm <- function(x) {
    outDat <- x * 12 * 2.54 # Fire Cache uses three sig figs for this unit conversion
  planningUnits_shp <- sf::st_union(BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp)
  if(is.numeric(EDEN_date)) {
    ### accept dates entered in YYYYMMDD format
    EDEN_date <- as.Date(EDEN_date, format = "%Y%m%d")
  EDEN_date2    <- format(x = EDEN_date, "%d %b %Y")
  ### argument to auto-generate output 
  # output_shapefile <- paste0("analysis/outcomes/fireRisk_area_", EDEN_date, ".csv")
  # outputCsv  <- paste0("analysis/outcomes/fireRisk_area_", EDEN_date, ".csv")
  # EDEN_GIS_directory_main <- gsub(x = EDEN_GIS_directory, pattern = "\\$.*", replacement = "")
  # get(paste0(EDEN_GIS_directory_main, "$", gsub(x = EDEN_GIS_directory, pattern = ".*\\$", replacement = "")))
  ### adjust EDEN directory for operating system
  # if(!"character" %in% class(EDEN_GIS_directory)) stop("EDEN_GIS_DIRECTORY argument needs to be a character vector (e.g., an object in the working environment ('dat1'), a shapefile address ('dat1.shp'), a directory (e.g., 'Y:/gis/eden/') or the word 'detect'. )")
  if ((length(EDEN_GIS_directory) == 1) && (class(EDEN_GIS_directory)[1] %in% "character") && (EDEN_GIS_directory[1] == "detect")) {
           Windows= {EDEN_GIS_directory <- "Y:/gis/eden/"},
           Linux  = {EDEN_GIS_directory <- "/opt/physical/gis/eden/"},
           Darwin = {stop("EDEN data parent directory address is not automatically identified for Mac OS.")})
    eden_epa               <- sf::st_read(paste0(EDEN_GIS_directory, substr(EDEN_date, 1, 4), "/eden_epa", EDEN_date, ".shp"))
  } else if ((length(EDEN_GIS_directory) == 1) && (class(EDEN_GIS_directory)[1] %in% "character") && (grepl(x = EDEN_GIS_directory, pattern = "shp$"))) {
    eden_epa               <- sf::st_read(EDEN_GIS_directory)
    # } else if (exists(EDEN_GIS_directory_main)) { # gsub(x = "a$data", pattern = "\\$.*", replacement = "")
  } else if ("sf" %in% class(EDEN_GIS_directory)) {
    # if ("sf" %in% class(get(EDEN_GIS_directory)) || "sf" %in% class(EDEN_GIS_directory)) { # if EDEN data are already a SIMPLE FEATURE object in workspace
      eden_epa   <- EDEN_GIS_directory
    #} else  if (any(unlist(sapply(X = get(EDEN_GIS_directory_main), FUN = class)) %in% "sf")) { # if EDEN data are already a SIMPLE FEATURE object in workspace
    #   eden_epa   <- get(EDEN_GIS_directory_main)$get(gsub(x = EDEN_GIS_directory, pattern = ".*\\$", replacement = "")) # gsub(x = "a$data", pattern = ".*\\$", replacement = "")
    # }
  } else if ("rast" %in% tolower(class(EDEN_GIS_directory))) {
    # convert spatRaster to sf - not sure this will work
    eden_epa   <- sf::st_as_sf(terra::as.polygons(EDEN_GIS_directory))
  } else {
    stop("EDEN_GIS_DIRECTORY argument appears to be invalid. It is not an sf object in current working environment")
  names(eden_epa)[1] <- 'WaterDepth'
  ### Fire Spread Risk category names
  riskNames   <- c("High", "Moderately High", "Moderate", "Moderately Low", "Low")

  ### use table of vegetation categories and their thresholds (above which, a pixel is no longer low risk)
  ### table names must be "veg" and "threshold"
  ### veg names must match exactly the categories in vegetation map. Can use regex commands to assign 
  ### one threshold to multiple categories (e.g., "cat1|cat2")
  ### units must be feet. 
  vegTbl <- data.frame(veg = c("Tall Continuous Grass",
                               "Short Continuous Grass",
                               "Pine Forest",
                               "Pine Savannah",
                               "Short Sparse Grass",
                               "Hammock/Tree Island|Coastal Forest",
                               "Brazilian Pepper/HID", 
                               "Beach dune"),
                       threshold = c(3.6, 0, 2.6, 1.6, 0, -0.6, -0.6, -1, 2.6))
  depthDivisions <- c(-Inf, -1, -0.6, 0, 0.6, 1.6, 2.6, 3.6, Inf) # number of columns in fire cache table
  noDivisions    <- length(depthDivisions) - 2
  descendingSeq  <- rev(0:noDivisions)
  ### WaterLevel: lower where water depth is higher. 
  ### veg map polygon is high risk where vegmap$WaterLevel > vegTbl$WaterLevel (*not* greater than or equal to)
  vegTbl$WaterLevel    <- descendingSeq[findInterval(feetToCm(vegTbl$threshold), feetToCm(depthDivisions))]
  ### this is tough to automate. Should reflect depthDivisions
  waterLevelLabels <- c("0" = "Above Surface: >3.6 ft",         
                        "1" = "Above Surface: 2.6-3.6 ft",   
                        "2" = "Above Surface: 1.6-2.6 ft",    
                        "3" = "Above Surface: 0.6-1.6 ft",    
                        "4" = "Above Surface: 0-0.6 ft", 
                        "5" = "Below Surface: -0.6-0 ft", 
                        "6" = "Below Surface: -1 to -0.6 ft", 
                        "7" = "Below Surface: < -1 ft" )
  waterLevelColors <- c("0" = "cornflowerblue", "1" = "lightseagreen", "2" = "green4", 
                        "3" = "yellow3",        "4" = "yellow1",       "5" = "orange",  
                        "6" = "orangered3",     "7" = "firebrick")
  ################### Trying to eliminate this section
  ### Read EDEN EPA hydro data                    
  # ye olde version (pre-20190222): eden_epa$WaterLevel    <- c(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)[findInterval(eden_epa$WaterDepth, c(-Inf, -30.48, -18.288, 0, 48.768, 91.44, 121.92, Inf))]   # Rank water depth
  # ye olde version (pre 20200731): eden_epa$WaterLevel    <- c(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)[findInterval(eden_epa$WaterDepth, feetToCm(c(-Inf, -1, -0.6, 0, 0.6, 1.6, 2.6, 3.6, Inf)))]   # Rank water depth
  eden_epa$WaterLevel    <- descendingSeq[findInterval(eden_epa$WaterDepth, feetToCm(depthDivisions))]   # Rank water depth
  # ggplot() +  geom_sf(data = eden_epa, mapping = aes(fill = factor(WaterLevel)), col = NA, lwd = 0) + theme_classic()
  ### h(g(f(x))) = f(x) %>%  g() %>% h() = a <- f(x); b <- g(a);   h(b)
  eden_epaGroup          <- dplyr::summarize(.data = dplyr::group_by(.data = eden_epa, WaterLevel), .groups = 'drop', 
                                             sum = sum(WaterDepth))                         # Dissovle grid to minize the file size
  eden_epaGroupPrj       <- sf::st_transform(eden_epaGroup, sf::st_crs(planningUnits_shp))                                   # Reproject dissolved grid to park boundary
  eden_epa_reclass       <- eden_epaGroupPrj[,"WaterLevel"]
  withCallingHandlers( # takes a long time
    eden_epa_reclass <- sf::st_intersection(eden_epa_reclass, planningUnits_shp), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)                                 # Clip the EDEN EPA hydro using the park boundary
  ### Combine EDEN EPA hydro and fuel types
  vegetation_reclass <- vegetation_shp[, c("Veg_Cat", "FuelType")]     
    eden_epaNveg        <- sf::st_intersection(sf::st_buffer(vegetation_reclass,0), eden_epa_reclass), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)
  eden_epaNveg$WF_Use <- riskNames[length(riskNames)]

  # ### alternate version (large object)
  # ### add vegetation_shp$Veg_Cat to eden_epa
  # newEDEN <- sf::st_transform(eden_epa, sf::st_crs(planningUnits_shp))
  # ### clip EDEN data to match planning units
  # withCallingHandlers( # takes hours. Not workable.
  #   newEDEN <- sf::st_intersection(newEDEN, planningUnits_shp), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)
  # ### this is supposed to do a spatial join to add a column, but takes forever
  # newDat <- sf::st_join(y = newEDEN, x = vegetation_shp[, "Veg_Cat"])
  # ###

  if (any(grepl(pattern = paste0(vegTbl$veg, collapse = "|"), x = unique(eden_epaNveg$Veg_Cat)))) {
    missingCats <- paste0(unique(eden_epaNveg$Veg_Cat)[!grepl(pattern = paste0(vegTbl$veg, collapse = "|"), x = unique(eden_epaNveg$Veg_Cat))], collapse = ",")
    message("Vegetation categories observed in vegetation map without corresponding water level threshold: ", missingCats)
  ### use table to assign high risk values
  for (i in 1:nrow(vegTbl)) {
    ### counterintuitive: if "WaterLevel" variable is greater than vegTbl$WaterLevel, observed water depth is lower than threshold.
    eden_epaNveg$WF_Use[grepl(x = eden_epaNveg$Veg_Cat, pattern = vegTbl$veg[i]) & 
                          (eden_epaNveg$WaterLevel         > vegTbl$WaterLevel[i])] <- riskNames[1]
  eden_epaNveg$RX_Use <-ifelse(eden_epaNveg$WF_Use == riskNames[1], "High Fuel Availability", "Low Fuel Availability")
 ### Combine fireRisk data with planning units
  # st_intersection warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all geometries
  withCallingHandlers( # takes a long time
    eden_epaNveg_planningUnits              <- sf::st_intersection(eden_epaNveg, BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp[, c("PlanningUn", "FMU_Name")]), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)
  ### make sure this works if not all levels occur in the data
  # eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des         <- plyr::revalue(as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel), waterLevelLabels)
  # eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des2         <- as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)
  # levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des2) <- waterLevelLabels[names(waterLevelLabels) %in% unique(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)]
  # all.equal(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des, eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des2)
  # head(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits[, c("WL_des", "WL_des2")])
  eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des         <- as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)
  levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des) <- waterLevelLabels[names(waterLevelLabels) %in% unique(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)]
  eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des_colors         <- as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)
  levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des_colors) <- waterLevelLabels[names(waterLevelLabels) %in% unique(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)]
  ### re-written in base R on 20180814:
  # eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des         <- plyr::revalue(as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel), waterLevelLabels)
  # eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des_colors  <- plyr::revalue(as.factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel), waterLevelColors)
  eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$area           <- sf::st_area(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits) * 0.000247105
  ### export as shapefile
  if (!is.null(output_shapefile)) { # nocov start
    # sf::st_write(obj = eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, output_shapefile, delete_layer = TRUE, driver="ESRI Shapefile") 
    sf::st_write(obj = eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, dsn = output_shapefile, delete_layer = TRUE, update = FALSE, delete_dsn = TRUE)
    # rgdal::writeOGR(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, output_shapefile, driver="ESRI Shapefile")
    # rgdal::writeOGR(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, output_shapefile, driver="GPKG")
  if (!is.null(csvExport)) { # nocov start
    ### Create a summary table of fire risk area for each planning unit
    ### and export as csv
    keyVars_df       <- sf::st_set_geometry(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, NULL)                                                # Drop geometry for summing each column for total values
    planFMUs         <- dplyr::summarize(.data = dplyr::group_by(.data = keyVars_df, PlanningUn, FMU_Name, WF_Use), .groups = 'drop', 
                                         area_acres = sum(area))                 # Summarize data (mean) by planning units
    is.num           <- sapply(planFMUs, is.numeric)                                                                        
    planFMUs[is.num] <- lapply(planFMUs[is.num], round, 2)
    utils::write.csv(planFMUs, file = csvExport, row.names = FALSE)       
  ### export as image
  if (!is.null(waterLevelExport)) {
    dataToPlot    <- "WL_des"
    # group.colors  <- as.character(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)
    dataToPlot    <- "WaterLevel"
    dataLabels    <- waterLevelLabels
    # dataLabels    <- unique(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WL_des)[order(as.numeric(unique(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WaterLevel)))] # this excludes levels that aren't present
    legendLabel   <- paste0("Water Levels\n", EDEN_date2)
    group.colors  <- waterLevelColors
    ### TODO: remove these calls to as.character(get(x))
    ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_sf(data = eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, ggplot2::aes(fill = as.character(get(dataToPlot))), 
                                         col = NA, lwd = 0, alpha = 1) + 
      ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp, alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                       lwd = 0.05, show.legend = FALSE) + 
      ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp[!BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp$FMU_Name %in% "Pinelands",], alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                       lwd = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) + 
      ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = ggBaseSize) + ggplot2::labs(fill = legendLabel) + 
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, drop = FALSE)  + 
      ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, guide = 'none') 
    # ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = legendPalette, direction=-1) +  ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette= legendPalette, direction = -1, guide = "none")
    for (i in 1:length(waterLevelExport)) {
      ggplot2::ggsave(file = waterLevelExport[i], width = figureWidth, height = figureHeight, units = "in")
  if (!is.null(fireSpreadExport)) {
    dataToPlot    <- "WF_Use"
    legendLabel   <- paste0("Fire Spread Risk \n", EDEN_date2)
    group.colors  <- c(
      `High`            = "brown4",
      `Moderately High` = "darkorange1",
      `Moderate`        = "yellow3",
      `Moderately Low`  = "deepskyblue2",
      `Low`             = "chartreuse4"
    # group.colors  <- c(
    #   "1"  = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Reds")[4],
    #   "2"  = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Oranges")[4],
    #   "3"  = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrBr")[2],
    #   "4"  = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[4],
    #   "5"  = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens")[4]
    # )
    # dataLabels    <- names(group.colors) <- riskNames
    dataLabels    <- names(group.colors)
    if (burnHist) {
      ### do some additional processing
      eden_epaNveg_planningUnits <- sf::st_buffer(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, dist = 0)
      namesToKeep <- names(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits)
        high17                <- sf::st_intersection(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, burnData[[1]]), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)  
      high17$WF_Use         <- factor(high17$WF_Use)
      levels(high17$WF_Use) <- c(riskNames[2], riskNames[length(riskNames)])
      high17 <- high17[, namesToKeep]
      withCallingHandlers( # if an error occurs, may need to change other years to use a2 
        high18                <- sf::st_intersection(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, burnData[[2]]), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)  
      high18$WF_Use         <- factor(high18$WF_Use)
      levels(high18$WF_Use) <- c(riskNames[3], riskNames[length(riskNames)])
      high18 <- high18[, namesToKeep]
        high19                <- sf::st_intersection(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, burnData[[3]]), warning = fireHydro::intersectionWarningHandler)  
      high19$WF_Use         <- factor(high19$WF_Use)
      levels(high19$WF_Use) <- c(riskNames[4], riskNames[length(riskNames)])
      high19 <- high19[, namesToKeep]
      eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use         <- factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use)
      levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use) <- c(riskNames[1], riskNames[length(riskNames)])
      levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use) <- c(levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use), dataLabels[!dataLabels %in% levels(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use)]) 
      eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use         <- factor(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits$WF_Use, levels = riskNames)
      ### TODO: merge fire history maps back into main object
      ### do headers need to match?
      burn <- do.call(rbind, list(
        sf::st_buffer(high17, dist = 1),
        sf::st_buffer(high18, dist = 1),
        sf::st_buffer(high19, dist = 1)
      # table(burn$WF_Use)
      eden_epaNveg_planningUnits <- rbind(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, burn[, names(eden_epaNveg_planningUnits)])
      ggplot() + geom_sf(data = eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, aes(fill = get(dataToPlot)), col = NA, alpha = 1, lwd = 0) + theme_bw(base_size = 12)  +
        ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp, alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                         lwd = 0.05, show.legend = FALSE) + 
        ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp[!BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp$FMU_Name %in% "Pinelands",], alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                         lwd = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
        ggplot2::labs(fill = legendLabel) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, drop = FALSE)  +
        ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, guide = 'none')
    if (!burnHist) { # fire spread risk map without burn history
      # legendPalette <- "Reds"
      group.colors  <- c(`High` = "brown4", `Low` = "ivory3")
      dataLabels    <- names(group.colors)
      ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_sf(data = eden_epaNveg_planningUnits, ggplot2::aes(fill = as.character(get(dataToPlot))), col = NA, lwd = 0, alpha = 1) + 
        ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp, alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                         lwd = 0.05, show.legend = FALSE) + 
        ggplot2::geom_sf(data = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp[!BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits_shp$FMU_Name %in% "Pinelands",], alpha = 0, col = "black", 
                         lwd = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) + 
        ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = ggBaseSize) + ggplot2::labs(fill = legendLabel) + 
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, drop = FALSE)  + 
        ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=group.colors, labels = dataLabels, guide = 'none') 
    # ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = legendPalette, direction=-1) +  ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette= legendPalette, direction = -1, guide = "none")
    for (i in 1:length(fireSpreadExport)) {
      ggplot2::ggsave(file = fireSpreadExport[i], width = figureWidth, height = figureHeight, units = "in")
  # nocov end
  if (returnShp) {
troyhill/fireHydro documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 12:09 p.m.