
Defines functions write_config write_tsv read_maaslin_results jaccard_ gene_distance_ gene_distance jaccard filter_dist_outliers read_metaphlan_table read_taxon_table pairwise_spearman get_significant_values Maaslin.wrapper log_transform

Documented in filter_dist_outliers gene_distance get_significant_values jaccard Maaslin.wrapper pairwise_spearman read_metaphlan_table read_taxon_table

write_config = function(taxa, variables, filename){
  template = 
    "Matrix: Metadata
  Read_PCL_Rows: %s-%s
  Matrix: Abundance
  Read_PCL_Rows: %s-"
  cat(sprintf(template, variables[1], variables[length(variables)], colnames(taxa)[1]), file = filename)

write_tsv = function(taxa, metadata, variables, filename){
  meta = metadata %>% data.frame %>% extract(, variables, drop = F) %>% as.matrix 
  otu = taxa %>% data.frame %>% as.matrix
  header = matrix(rownames(taxa), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "ID"))
  mat = cbind(header, meta, otu)
  write.table(mat, sep = "\t", row.names = F, col.names = T, quote = F, file = filename)

read_maaslin_results = function(dir){
  files = dir(dir, pattern = "-[A-Za-z0-9_]+.txt$", full.names = T)
  res = list()
  for(file in files){
    variable = str_match(file, "-([A-Za-z0-9_]+).txt$")[2]
    res[[variable]] = read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = T)

jaccard_ = function(x, y) {
  return(sum(x & y) / sum(x | y))

gene_distance_ = function(x, y) {
  return(sum(x & y) / min(c(sum(x>0), sum(y>0))))

#' Compute gene similarity (or distance) for gene profiles
#' This functions returns gene similarity / distance based on microbial gene profiles 
#' given as input. Gene similarity between two clades / genomes is the number of common
#' genes between the genomes divided by the number of genes in the smaller genome,
#' as defined in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9916801
#' Gene distance is '1 - gene similarity'.
#' #' 
#' @param x data frame or matrix (genomes x genes) containing gene profiles 
#' @param return_similarity set TRUE to return similarity instead of distance
#' @return a dist object containing gene similarities / distances
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @export
gene_distance <- function(x, return_similarity = FALSE) {
  gene_dist <- proxy::dist(x, method = gene_distance_)
  if (return_similarity) { return(1-gene_dist) }
  else { return(gene_dist) }

#' Compute Jaccard distance / index for given microbial profiles
#' This functions computes distance / similarity matrix based on microbial community profiles 
#' given as input. Jaccard distance is based on Jaccard index, following the definition given 
#' in wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index). Note, that this is different 
#' from Jaccard index in vegdist function in package vegan.
#' @param x data frame or matrix containing microbial community profiles
#' @param return_index set TRUE to return Jaccard Index instead of distance
#' @return a dist object containing Jaccard distances / indeces
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @export
jaccard <- function(x, return_index = FALSE) {
  jaccard_idx <- dist(x, method = jaccard_)
  if (return_index) { return(jaccard_idx) }
  else { return(1-jaccard_idx) }

#' Filter distance matrix for outliers
#' Detect and filter distance matrix for potential outliers by heuristical detection.
#' The distance matrix is pruned using the following criterion until no further outliers
#' are found: 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Compute distance threshold by computing \code{quant} quantile of the entire distance matrix
#' \item Find and remove the most extreme data point defined by highest median distance to other 
#' data if it has less than \code{n_neighbour} neighbours closer than threshold to itself
#' \item  Return to the first step and continue until no further data points are pruned.
#' }
#' @param d distance matrix as matrix
#' @param quant quantile of all distances to use as a filtering threshold
#' @param n_neighbour number of neighbours required
#' @return filtered distance matrix, or NULL if all samples were pruned
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export
filter_dist_outliers <- function(d, quant = 0.8, n_neighbour = 1) {
  while ( TRUE ) {
    median_dist <- apply(d,1,median)
    extreme_row <- which.max(median_dist)
    limit <- quantile(d[upper.tri(d)], quant)
    # break and return if there are no rows / columns to prune
    if ( sum(d[extreme_row, -extreme_row] < limit) > n_neighbour ) { return (d) }
    d <- d[ -extreme_row, -extreme_row]
    # return null if the whole matrix was pruned
    if ( is.null(dim(d)) ) { return(NULL)}

#' A function to read MetaPhlAn 2.0 output file
#' This functions reads a MetaPhlAn 2.0 output file as an R data frame
#' @param filename MetaPhlAn output file to be read
#' @param kingdom to read: One of "k__Bacteria", "k__Viruses", "k__Eukaryota"
#' @param lvl what level of taxonomy to read (default = 7, species)
#' @param normalize logical to determine if the output data will be normalized
#' for each sample to sum up to unity (default: TRUE)
#' @return a data frame with the MetaPhlAn results
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export
read_metaphlan_table <- function(filename, kingdom = "k__Bacteria", lvl = 7, normalize = TRUE) {
  lvl_identifiers <- list("k__","p__","c__","o__","f __","g__","s__")
  if (!(kingdom %in% c("k__Bacteria", "k__Viruses", "k__Eukaryota"))) {
    stop("Kingdom should be on of the following: k__Bacteria [default], k__Viruses, k__Eukaryota")
  if (!(lvl %in% 2:8)) {
    stop("lvl should be integer between 2 (phylotype) and 8 (subspecies / markers)")
  d <- read.table(filename, header=T)
  rownames(d) <- as.character(d[,1])
  d <- d[,-1]
  d <- d[grep(kingdom, rownames(d)),]
  rows <- which(sapply(rownames(d), function(x) length(strsplit(x,'|',fixed=T)[[1]]))==lvl)
  d <- d[rows,]
  d <- data.frame(t(d))
  if (normalize) {
    d <- d / apply(d,1,sum)

#' A function to read taxon table produced by summarize_taxa.py
#' This functions reads a summarize_taxa.py output file as an R data frame
#' @param filename taxon table file to read
#' @param lvl taxonomic level to read (default = 6, genera)
#' @return a data frame with the taxonomic data
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export
read_taxon_table <- function(filename, lvl=6) {
  data <- read.table(filename, header=T, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = F)
  # add rownames (taxonomy + OTU ID)
  rownames(data) <- data[,1]
  data <- data[,-1]
  colnames(data) <- substr(colnames(data),2,100)
  data <- as.data.frame(t(data))

#' A function to compute pairwise correlations between two data sets
#' This function computes pairwise correlations between columns of two data sets.
#' It assumes that the data sets have same samples (on rows) in same order.
#' @param x data set 1 (samples x features1)
#' @param y data set 2 (samples x features2)
#' @return a list with following elements
#' \itemize{
#'     \item r: features1 x features2 matrix of pairwise correlations
#'     \item p: features1 x features2 matrix of nominal p-values
#'     \item q: features1 x features2 matrix of fdr corrected p-values (q-values)
#' }
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export
pairwise_spearman <- function(x, y) {
  pvalues <- array(0,c(dim(x)[2],dim(y)[2]))
  spearman <- array(0,c(dim(x)[2],dim(y)[2]))
  for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
    for (j in 1:dim(y)[2]) {
      tmp <- spearman.test(x[,i],y[,j], alternative = "t", approximation = "AS89")
      pvalues[i,j] <- tmp$p.value
      spearman[i,j] <- tmp$estimate
  qvalues <- array(p.adjust(pvalues), dim(spearman))

#' A function to select significant components among matrix of measurements
#' This function takes a matrix of values (e.g. correlations from \code{\link{pairwise_spearman}})
#' and corresponding p-values and/or q-values. Given the threshold for p- and q-values 
#' it will return reduced matrices of significant values where each row and column 
#' contain at least one significant value (while retaining the original row and 
#' column names).
#' @param values matrix of values of interest (e.g. correlations)
#' @param p_values matrix of p-values for the matrix in the first argument
#' @param q_values (optional) matrix of q-values for the matrix in the first argument. If q-values are given, no p-value thresholding is done.
#' @param pvalue_threshold threshold for significance for the p-values (default 0.01)
#' @param qvalue_threshold threshold for significance for the q-value (default 0.1)
#' @return a list with following elements
#' \itemize{
#'     \item values: matrix of significant values in the matrix of the first argument 
#'     \item p: matrix of p-values for the values above
#'     \item q: matrix of q-values for the values above (if q-values are given as argument)
#' }
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export
get_significant_values <- function(values, p_values, q_values=NA, pvalue_threshold=0.01, qvalue_threshold=0.1) {
  if (all(is.na(q_values))) {
    ind <- which(p_values < pvalue_threshold, arr.ind = T)
    values_new = values[unique(ind[,1]),unique(ind[,2])]
    pvalues_new = p_values[unique(ind[,1]),unique(ind[,2])]
  } else {
    ind <- which(q_values < qvalue_threshold, arr.ind = T)
    values_new = values[unique(ind[,1]),unique(ind[,2])]
    pvalues_new = p_values[unique(ind[,1]),unique(ind[,2])]
    qvalues_new = q_values[unique(ind[,1]),unique(ind[,2])]

#' A wrapper function for MaAsLin
#' This function will run MaAsLin (\url{https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/maaslin/}) given a 
#' set of taxa and metadata.
#' This function requires Maaslin-package (\url{https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/maaslin/}).
#' However, in order to avoid multiple dependencies this is not explicitely defined as
#' dependency in the microbiomics-package.
#' @param taxa input taxa (samples x taxa data.frame)
#' @param metadata input metadata (samples x features data.frame)
#' @param strOutputDIR output directory (defaults to tmp directory)
#' @param variables subset of metadata columns to test (defaults to all columns)
#' @param strRandomCovariates features to be used as random effects 
#' @param \dots additional parameters for the Maaslin call. Parameters passed to 
#' \code{\link[Maaslin]{Maaslin}}.
#' @return a list with an association table per feature with associations with taxa.
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>, Raivo Kolde
#' @export
Maaslin.wrapper = function(taxa, metadata, strOutputDIR = tempfile(), variables = colnames(metadata), strRandomCovariates = NULL, ...) {
  # Create directory
  dir.create(strOutputDIR, showWarnings = F)
  # Specify files
  conf_file = file.path(strOutputDIR, "data.conf")
  data_file_tsv = file.path(strOutputDIR, "data.tsv")
  output_file = file.path(strOutputDIR, "output.txt")
  # Write maaslin files
  write_config(taxa, c(variables, strRandomCovariates), conf_file)
  write_tsv(taxa, metadata, c(variables, strRandomCovariates), data_file_tsv)
  # Run the maaslin command
  Maaslin(strInputTSV = data_file_tsv, strOutputDIR = strOutputDIR, strInputConfig = conf_file, strRandomCovariates = strRandomCovariates, ...)
  # Read maaslin results
  res = read_maaslin_results(strOutputDIR)

#' Log-transformation for microbiome data
#' This function will log-transform (base 10) table containing microbial relative abundances.
#' Zero values are replaced with half of the minimum value per each taxa.
#' @param table input table (samples x taxa data.frame)
#' @return log-transformed table (samples x tada data.frame)
#' @author Tommi Vatanen <tommivat@@gmail.com>
#' @export

log_transform <- function(table) {
  zero_to_half_min <- function(x) replace(x, x ==0, min(x[x>0]) / 2)
  table <- replace(table, TRUE, lapply(table, zero_to_half_min))
tvatanen/microbiomics documentation built on Sept. 27, 2019, 7:29 a.m.