
Defines functions agnostic.aov

Documented in agnostic.aov

#' Agnostic Analysis of Variance Model
#' Fit an analysis of variance model under agnostic perspective.
#' @param formula A formula specifying the model.
#' @param data A data frame in which the variables specified in the formula will be found. If missing, the variables are searched for in the standard way.
#' @param projections Logical flag: should the projections be returned?
#' @param qr Logical flag: should the QR decomposition be returned?
#' @param contrasts A list of contrasts to be used for some of the factors in the formula. These are not used for any Error term, and supplying contrasts for factors only in the Error term will give a warning.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to lm, such as subset or na.action. See 'Details' about weights.
#' @return An object of class c("agnostic.aov", "lm") or for multiple responses of class c("maov", "agnostic.aov", "mlm", "lm") or for multiple error strata of class c("aovlist", "listof"). There are print and summary methods available for these.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Test data
#' obs <- c(54, 60, 59, 45, 40, 55, 47, 33, 51, 66, 44,
#' 34, 36, 61, 49, 48, 50, 54, 62, 42, 48, 61, 60, 44)
#' obs2 <- rnorm(24)
#' groups <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "B", "c", "D"), 6))
#' groups2 <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "D", "B", "C"), 6))
#' mod1 <- agnostic.aov(obs ~ groups)
#' summary(mod1)
#' mod2 <- agnostic.aov(cbind(obs, obs2) ~ groups * groups2)
#' summary(mod2)
agnostic.aov <- function(formula, data = NULL, projections = FALSE, qr = TRUE,
                        contrasts = NULL, ...)
  Terms <- if (missing(data))
    terms(formula, "Error")
  else terms(formula, "Error", data = data)
  indError <- attr(Terms, "specials")$Error
  if (length(indError) > 1L)
    stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(indError), "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed",
                          "there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed"), length(indError)),
         domain = NA)
  lmcall <- Call <- match.call()
  lmcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::lm)
  lmcall$singular.ok <- TRUE
  if (projections)
    qr <- lmcall$qr <- TRUE
  lmcall$projections <- NULL
  if (is.null(indError)) {
    fit <- eval(lmcall, parent.frame())
    fit$call <- Call
    structure(fit, class = c(if (inherits(fit, "mlm")) "agnostic.maov",
                             "agnostic.aov", oldClass(fit)), projections = if (projections)
  else {
    if (pmatch("weights", names(Call), 0L))
      stop("weights are not supported in a multistratum aov() fit")
    opcons <- options("contrasts")
    options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly"))
    allTerms <- Terms
    errorterm <- attr(Terms, "variables")[[1L + indError]]
    eTerm <- deparse(errorterm[[2L]], width.cutoff = 500L,
                     backtick = TRUE)
    intercept <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
    ecall <- lmcall
    ecall$formula <- as.formula(paste(deparse(formula[[2L]],
                                              width.cutoff = 500L, backtick = TRUE), "~", eTerm,
                                      if (!intercept)
                                        "- 1"), env = environment(formula))
    ecall$method <- "qr"
    ecall$qr <- TRUE
    ecall$contrasts <- NULL
    er.fit <- eval(ecall, parent.frame())
    nmstrata <- attr(terms(er.fit), "term.labels")
    nmstrata <- sub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", nmstrata)
    nmstrata <- c("(Intercept)", nmstrata)
    qr.e <- er.fit$qr
    rank.e <- er.fit$rank
    if (rank.e < NROW(er.fit$coefficients))
      warning("Error() model is singular")
    qty <- er.fit$residuals
    maov <- is.matrix(qty)
    asgn.e <- er.fit$assign[qr.e$pivot[1L:rank.e]]
    maxasgn <- length(nmstrata) - 1L
    nobs <- NROW(qty)
    len <- if (nobs > rank.e) {
      asgn.e[(rank.e + 1L):nobs] <- maxasgn + 1L
      nmstrata <- c(nmstrata, "Within")
      maxasgn + 2L
    else maxasgn + 1L
    result <- setNames(vector("list", len), nmstrata)
    lmcall$formula <- form <- update(formula, paste(". ~ .-",
                                                    deparse(errorterm, width.cutoff = 500L, backtick = TRUE)))
    Terms <- terms(form)
    lmcall$method <- "model.frame"
    mf <- eval(lmcall, parent.frame())
    xlev <- .getXlevels(Terms, mf)
    resp <- model.response(mf)
    qtx <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts)
    cons <- attr(qtx, "contrasts")
    dnx <- colnames(qtx)
    asgn.t <- attr(qtx, "assign")
    if (length(wts <- model.weights(mf))) {
      wts <- sqrt(wts)
      resp <- resp * wts
      qtx <- qtx * wts
    qty <- as.matrix(qr.qty(qr.e, resp))
    if ((nc <- ncol(qty)) > 1L) {
      dny <- colnames(resp)
      if (is.null(dny))
        dny <- paste0("Y", 1L:nc)
      dimnames(qty) <- list(seq(nrow(qty)), dny)
    else dimnames(qty) <- list(seq(nrow(qty)), NULL)
    qtx <- qr.qty(qr.e, qtx)
    dimnames(qtx) <- list(seq(nrow(qtx)), dnx)
    for (i in seq_along(nmstrata)) {
      select <- asgn.e == (i - 1L)
      ni <- sum(select)
      if (!ni)
      xi <- qtx[select, , drop = FALSE]
      cols <- colSums(xi^2) > 1e-05
      if (any(cols)) {
        xi <- xi[, cols, drop = FALSE]
        attr(xi, "assign") <- asgn.t[cols]
        fiti <- lm.fit(xi, qty[select, , drop = FALSE])
        fiti$terms <- Terms
      else {
        y <- qty[select, , drop = FALSE]
        fiti <- list(coefficients = numeric(), residuals = y,
                     fitted.values = 0 * y, weights = wts, rank = 0L,
                     df.residual = NROW(y))
      if (projections)
        fiti$projections <- proj(fiti)
      class(fiti) <- c(if (maov) "agnostic.maov", "agnostic.aov", oldClass(er.fit))
      result[[i]] <- fiti
    structure(class = c("agnostic.aov", "listof"), result[!vapply(result,
                                                                 is.null, NA)], error.qr = if (qr)
                                                                   qr.e, call = Call, weights = if (length(wts))
                                                                     wts, terms = allTerms, contrasts = cons, xlevels = xlev)
vcoscrato/agnostic documentation built on April 4, 2020, 11:27 a.m.