
#' Summarize an Agnostic Analysis of Variance Model
#' @param object object of class "agnostic.aov".
#' @param intercept logical: should intercept terms be included?
#' @param split an optional named list, with names corresponding to terms in the model. Each component is itself a list with integer components giving contrasts whose contributions are to be summed.
#' @param expand.split logical: should the split apply also to interactions involving the factor?
#' @param keep.zero.df logical: should terms with no degrees of freedom be included?
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An object of class c("summary.aov", "listof") or "summary.aovlist" respectively.
#' For fits with a single stratum the result will be a list of agnostic ANOVA tables, one for each response (even if there is only one response): the tables are of class "anova" inheriting from class "data.frame". They have columns "Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", as well as "F value", "P.H0" and "P.H1" if there are non-zero residual degrees of freedom. There is a row for each term in the model, plus one for "Residuals" if there are any.
#' For multistratum fits the return value is a list of such summaries, one for each stratum.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Test data
#' obs <- c(54, 60, 59, 45, 40, 55, 47, 33, 51, 66, 44, 34, 36, 61,
#' 49, 48, 50, 54, 62, 42, 48, 61, 60, 44)
#' obs2 <- rnorm(24)
#' groups <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "B", "c", "D"), 6))
#' groups2 <- as.factor(rep(c("A", "D", "B", "C"), 6))
#' mod1 <- agnostic.aov(obs ~ groups)
#' summary(mod1)
#' mod2 <- agnostic.aov(cbind(obs, obs2) ~ groups * groups2)
#' summary(mod2)
summary.agnostic.aov <- function (object, intercept = FALSE, split, expand.split = TRUE,
                                 keep.zero.df = TRUE, ...)
  splitInteractions <- function(split, factors, names, asgn,
                                df.names) {
    ns <- names(split)
    for (i in unique(asgn)) {
      if (i == 0 || names[i + 1L] %in% ns)
      f <- rownames(factors)[factors[, i] > 0]
      sp <- f %in% ns
      if (any(sp)) {
        if (sum(sp) > 1L) {
          old <- split[f[sp]]
          nn <- setNames(nm = f[sp])
          marg <- lapply(nn, function(x) df.names[asgn ==
                                                    (match(x, names) - 1L)])
          term.coefs <- strsplit(df.names[asgn == i],
                                 ":", fixed = TRUE)
          ttc <- sapply(term.coefs, function(x) x[sp])
          rownames(ttc) <- nn
          splitnames <- setNames(nm = apply(expand.grid(lapply(old,
                                                               names)), 1L, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ".")))
          tmp <- sapply(nn, function(i) names(old[[i]])[match(ttc[i,
                                                                  ], marg[[i]])])
          tmp <- apply(tmp, 1L, function(x) paste(x,
                                                  collapse = "."))
          new <- lapply(splitnames, function(x) match(x,
          split[[names[i + 1L]]] <- new[sapply(new, function(x) length(x) >
        else {
          old <- split[[f[sp]]]
          marg.coefs <- df.names[asgn == (match(f[sp],
                                                names) - 1L)]
          term.coefs <- strsplit(df.names[asgn == i],
                                 ":", fixed = TRUE)
          ttc <- sapply(term.coefs, function(x) x[sp])
          new <- lapply(old, function(x) seq_along(ttc)[ttc %in%
          split[[names[i + 1L]]] <- new
  asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot[1L:object$rank]]
  uasgn <- unique(asgn)
  nterms <- length(uasgn)
  effects <- object$effects
  if (!is.null(effects))
    effects <- as.matrix(effects)[seq_along(asgn), , drop = FALSE]
  rdf <- object$df.residual
  nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)", attr(object$terms, "term.labels"))
  coef <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
  resid <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
  wt <- object$weights
  if (!is.null(wt))
    resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
  nresp <- NCOL(resid)
  ans <- vector("list", nresp)
  if (nresp > 1) {
    names(ans) <- character(nresp)
    for (y in 1L:nresp) {
      cn <- colnames(resid)[y]
      if (is.null(cn) || cn == "")
        cn <- y
      names(ans)[y] <- paste(" Response", cn)
  if (!is.null(effects) && !missing(split)) {
    ns <- names(split)
    if (!is.null(Terms <- object$terms)) {
      if (!is.list(split))
        stop("the 'split' argument must be a list")
      if (!all(ns %in% nmeffect)) {
        na <- sum(!ns %in% nmeffect)
        stop(sprintf(ngettext(na, "unknown name %s in the 'split' list",
                              "unknown names %s in the 'split' list"), paste(sQuote(ns[na]),
                                                                             collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
    if (expand.split) {
      df.names <- names(coef(object))
      split <- splitInteractions(split, attr(Terms, "factors"),
                                 nmeffect, asgn, df.names)
      ns <- names(split)
  for (y in 1L:nresp) {
    if (is.null(effects)) {
      nterms <- 0L
      df <- ss <- ms <- numeric()
      nmrows <- character()
    else {
      df <- ss <- numeric()
      nmrows <- character()
      for (i in seq(nterms)) {
        ai <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
        df <- c(df, sum(ai))
        ss <- c(ss, sum(effects[ai, y]^2))
        nmi <- nmeffect[1 + uasgn[i]]
        nmrows <- c(nmrows, nmi)
        if (!missing(split) && !is.na(int <- match(nmi,
                                                   ns))) {
          df <- c(df, lengths(split[[int]]))
          if (is.null(nms <- names(split[[int]])))
            nms <- paste0("C", seq_along(split[[int]]))
          ss <- c(ss, unlist(lapply(split[[int]], function(i,
                                                           e) sum(e[i]^2), effects[ai, y])))
          nmrows <- c(nmrows, paste0("  ", nmi, ": ",
    if (rdf > 0L) {
      df <- c(df, rdf)
      ss <- c(ss, sum(resid[, y]^2))
      nmrows <- c(nmrows, "Residuals")
    nt <- length(df)
    ms <- ifelse(df > 0L, ss/df, NA)
    x <- list(Df = df, `Sum Sq` = ss, `Mean Sq` = ms)
    if (rdf > 0L) {
      TT <- ms/ms[nt]
      TP <- pf(TT, df, rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
      TT[nt] <- TP[nt] <- NA
      x$"F value" <- TT
      x$"P.H0" <- TP
      x$"P.H1" <- pf(TT, df, rdf, lower.tail = TRUE)
    class(x) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(x, "row.names") <- format(nmrows)
    if (!keep.zero.df)
      x <- x[df > 0L, ]
    pm <- pmatch("(Intercept)", row.names(x), 0L)
    if (!intercept && pm > 0L)
      x <- x[-pm, ]
    ans[[y]] <- x
  class(ans) <- c("summary.aov", "listof")
  attr(ans, "na.action") <- object$na.action
vcoscrato/agnostic documentation built on April 4, 2020, 11:27 a.m.