What is vegan3d?

vegan3d is an R package of 3D plotting routines split apart from vegan. It can be used for dynamic plots based on rgl package, and for static 3D plots based on scatterplot3d package.

The package contains the following functions: * orditkplot: a Tcl/Tk-based 2D editable plot. Function opens a graphic window where labels can be moved with mouse, but points are fixed. It is also possible to edit labels and zoom into graph, and the final plot can be saved in various graphic formats or saved as an R object that can be further manipulated or plotted with standard R graphics commands.

Special plotting functions based on lattice and tcltk packages are still in vegan. ggplot2-based functions are in ggvegan and ggvegan2 packages.

Released version

CRAN version

Build status

R build

vegandevs/vegan3d documentation built on March 24, 2024, 4:06 p.m.