
#  setup  #
pkgs <- c(
sapply(pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
conflict_prefer('filter', 'dplyr')
conflict_prefer('select', 'dplyr')

#  unique IDs with regexes  #
custom_dict <- read.csv('dictionary/data_regex.csv', na = '', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
               dplyr::select(country.name.en.regex, country.name.en.regex)

CountryToRegex <- function(x, warn=TRUE) countrycode(x,
                                                     origin_regex = TRUE,
                                                     custom_dict = custom_dict,

# Hack to artificially extend the temporal coverage of panel datasets using the
# last available year
ExtendCoverage = function(dat, last_year = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) {
    out = dat
    tmp = dat %>%
          dplyr::filter(year == max(year))
    for (y in base::setdiff(2000:last_year, dat$year)) {
        tmp$year = y
        out = rbind(out, tmp)

#  sanity checks  #

if (! l10n_info()$`UTF-8`) warning('Running in a non-UTF-8 locale!')

SanityCheck <- function(dataset) {

    # is a data.frame-like object
    checkmate::assert_true(inherits(dataset, 'data.frame'))

    # unique identifier: country.name.en.regex
    checkmate::assert_true('country.name.en.regex' %in% colnames(dataset))

    # minimum number of rows and columns
    checkmate::assert_numeric(nrow(dataset), lower = 50)
    checkmate::assert_numeric(ncol(dataset), lower = 2)

    # missing indices
    if ('year' %in% colnames(dataset)) { # panel

    # duplicate indices
    if ('year' %in% colnames(dataset)) { # panel
        idx <- paste(dataset[['country.name.en.regex']], dataset[['year']])
        checkmate::assert_true(anyDuplicated(idx) == 0)
    } else { # cross-section
        checkmate::assert_true(anyDuplicated(dataset[['country.name.en.regex']]) == 0)

vincentarelbundock/countrycode documentation built on April 5, 2024, 12:52 p.m.