
#' Launch Radiant in the default browser
#' @details See \url{http://radiant-rstats.github.io/docs} for documentation and tutorials
#' @export
radiant <- function() {
  if (!"package:radiant" %in% search())
    if (!require(radiant)) stop("Calling radiant start function but radiant is not installed.")
  runApp(system.file("app", package = "radiant"), launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Update Radiant
#' @export
update_radiant <- function() {
  ## cleanup old session files
  unlink("~/radiant.sessions/*.rds", force = TRUE)

  ## avoid problems with loaded packages
  system(paste0(Sys.which("R"), " -e \"install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran', type = 'binary')\""))

  ## Restarting Rstudio session from http://stackoverflow.com/a/25934774/1974918
  ret <- .rs.restartR()

#' Create a launcher and updater for Windows (.bat)
#' @details On Windows a file named 'radiant.bat' and one named 'update_radiant.bat' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("analytics", "marketing", "quant", or "base"). Default is "analytics"
#' @export
win_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant", "radiant.data", "radiant.design", "radiant.basics", "radiant.model", "radiant.multivariate")) {

  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows")
    return(message("This function is for Windows only. For Mac use the mac_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y","Y")) {

    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    pt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME") ,"Desktop")
    if (!file.exists(pt))
      pt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE") ,"Desktop", fsep = "\\")

    if (!file.exists(pt)) {
      pt <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
      message(paste0("The launcher function was unable to find your Desktop. The launcher and update files/icons will be put in the directory: ", pt))

    pt <- normalizePath(pt, winslash='/')

    fn1 <- file.path(pt, "radiant.bat")
    launch_string <- paste0("\"",Sys.which('R'), "\" -e \"if (!require(radiant)) { install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary') }; library(radiant); shiny::runApp(system.file(\'", app[1], "\', package='radiant'), port = 4444, launch.browser = TRUE)\"")
    cat(launch_string, file=fn1, sep="\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- file.path(pt, "update_radiant.bat")
    launch_string <- paste0("\"", Sys.which('R'), "\" -e \"unlink('~/r_sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE); install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary')\"\npause(1000)")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2))
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.bat on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.bat you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n")
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")
  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher and updater for Mac (.command)
#' @details On Mac a file named 'radiant.command' and one named 'update_radiant.command' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("analytics", "marketing", "quant", or "base"). Default is "analytics"
#' @export
mac_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant","radiant.data","radiant.design","radiant.basics","radiant.model","radiant.multivariate")) {

  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Darwin")
    return(message("This function is for Mac only. For windows use the win_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y","Y")) {

    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    fn1 <- paste0("/Users/",Sys.getenv("USER"),"/Desktop/radiant.command")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nif (!require(radiant)) {\n  install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary')\n}\n\nlibrary(radiant)\nshiny::runApp(system.file(\'", app[1], "\', package='radiant'), port = 4444, launch.browser = TRUE)\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- paste0("/Users/",Sys.getenv("USER"),"/Desktop/update_radiant.command")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nunlink('~/r_sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE)\ninstall.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/', type = 'binary')\nSys.sleep(1000)")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2))
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.command  on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.command you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n")
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")

  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher and updater for Linux (.sh)
#' @details On Linux a file named 'radiant.sh' and one named 'update_radiant.sh' will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app or update Radiant to the latest version
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("analytics", "marketing", "quant", or "base"). Default is "analytics"
#' @export
lin_launcher <- function(app = c("radiant","radiant.data","radiant.design","radiant.basics","radiant.model","radiant.multivariate")) {

  if (!interactive()) stop("This function can only be used in an interactive R session")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Linux")
    return(message("This function is for Linux only. For windows use the win_launcher() function and for mac use the mac_launcher() function"))

  answ <- readline("Do you want to create shortcuts for Radiant on your Desktop? (y/n) ")
  if (substr(answ, 1, 1) %in% c("y","Y")) {

    local_dir <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
    if (!file.exists(local_dir)) dir.create(local_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    fn1 <- paste0("/home/",Sys.getenv("USER"),"/Desktop/radiant.sh")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nif (!require(radiant)) {\n  install.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/')\n}\n\nlibrary(radiant)\nshiny::runApp(system.file(\'", app[1], "\', package='radiant'), port = 4444, launch.browser = TRUE)\n")
    Sys.chmod(fn1, mode = "0755")

    fn2 <- paste0("/Users/",Sys.getenv("USER"),"/Desktop/update_radiant.sh")
    launch_string <- paste0("#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\nunlink('~/r_sessions/*.rds', force = TRUE)\ninstall.packages('radiant', repos = 'https://radiant-rstats.github.io/minicran/')\nsleep(1000)")
    Sys.chmod(fn2, mode = "0755")

    if (file.exists(fn1) && file.exists(fn2))
      message("Done! Look for a file named radiant.sh on your desktop. Double-click it to start Radiant in your default browser. There is also a file called update_radiant.sh you can double click to update the version of Radiant on your computer.\n")
      message("Something went wrong. No shortcuts were created.")

  } else {
    message("No shortcuts were created.\n")

#' Create a launcher on the desktop for Windows (.bat), Mac (.command), or Linux (.sh)
#' @details On Windows/Mac/Linux a file named radiant.bat/radiant.command/radiant.sh will be put on the desktop. Double-click the file to launch the specified Radiant app
#' @seealso \code{\link{win_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Windows
#' @seealso \code{\link{mac_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Mac
#' @seealso \code{\link{lin_launcher}} to create a shortcut on Linux
#' @param app App to run when the desktop icon is double-clicked ("analytics", "marketing", "quant", or "base"). Default is "analytics"
#' @export
launcher <- function(app = c("radiant","radiant.data","radiant.design","radiant.basics","radiant.model","radiant.multivariate")) {

  os <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
  if (os == "Darwin")
  else if (os == "Windows")
  else if (os == "Linux")
    return(message("This function is not available for your platform."))
vnijs/radiant documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:17 p.m.