
Defines functions smart_palette make_dygraph cond_color cond_icon

Documented in cond_color cond_icon make_dygraph smart_palette

#' @title Intelligently choose the correct color palette
#' @description Picks between 3 different color palettes based on number of
#'   categories to visualize. For <13 categories, uses Set1, Paired, & Set3
#'   from RColorBrewer. For More than 12 categories, builds a HCL color
#'   space-based palette.
#' @param n Number of colors to return (number of categories)
#' @return A character vector of `n` colors
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom colorspace rainbow_hcl
#' @export
smart_palette <- function(n) {
  if (n < 6) {
    return(brewer.pal(max(3, n), "Set1"))
  } else if (n < 9) {
    return(brewer.pal(n + 1, "Set1")[-6])
  } else if (n <= 10) {
    # nolint start
    return(c("#00b769", "#d354be", "#436a00", "#0047a7", "#ffac3e", "#00dfe0", "#e5356f", "#01845d", "#ff8c80", "#ad5700")[seq_len(n)])
    # ^ made with http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
    # Settings:
    # - Color space is 'colorblind friendly'
    # - 10 colors
    # - hard (force vector) instead of k-means
  } else if (n == 11) {
    return(brewer.pal(12, "Paired")[-11])
  } else if (n <= 14) {
    return(c("#cd9c2e", "#b3467d", "#91b23e", "#6c81d9", "#45c097", "#5d398b", "#568435", "#ca75c7", "#c67b3a", "#9e3d45", "#64c471", "#d34b65", "#aa9747", "#bd523b")[seq_len(n)])
    # ^ made with http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
    # Settings:
    # - Color space is 'colorblind friendly'
    # - 14 colors
    # - soft (k-means)
    # nolint end
  } else {

#' @title Construct a Standard Wikimedia Discovery Dygraph
#' @description Construct a dygraph using the custom formatting Wikimedia
#'   dashboards use as standard. This is nothing special - a standard dygraph
#'   with a bit of custom CSS shipped with the package - but it's surrounded by
#'   code that allows the function to turn all our usual `data.frame` formats
#'   into [xts::xts] objects.
#' @param data a `data.frame` reformatted to be XTS-able
#' @param xlab the label to use for the dygraph's x-axis
#' @param ylab the label to use for the dygraph's y-axis
#' @param title the title to use on the dygraph
#' @param legend_name a custom name for the variable in the event that
#'   `is_single` is `TRUE`. `NULL` by default (in which case the variable
#'   will be named "events")
#' @param use_si whether to use si labelling (1000 becomes 1K). `TRUE` by default
#' @param expr an optional expression to evaluate prior to building the dygraph.
#'   We use this in (for example) reactive graphing
#' @param group Group to associate this plot with. The x-axis zoom level of
#'   plots within a group is automatically synchronized
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass on to [dygraphs::dyOptions].
#' @importFrom dygraphs renderDygraph dyCSS dyOptions dyLegend dygraph
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
make_dygraph <- function(data, xlab, ylab, title,
                         legend_name = NULL, use_si = TRUE, expr = NULL,
                         group = NULL, ...) {

  # Evaluate the expression

  # Make sure we're not dealing with tbl_df or data.table nonsense
  class(data) <- "data.frame"

  data <- data[!is.na(data[[1]]), ]

  # If we've only got a single variable reformatting into an XTS looks weird,
  # but otherwise we're all cool.
  if (ncol(data) == 2) {
    if (is.null(legend_name)) {
      legend_name <- names(data)[2]
    data <- xts::xts(data[[2]], data[[1]])
    names(data) <- legend_name
  } else {
    data <- xts::xts(data[, -1], order.by = data[[1]])

  # Construct and return the dygraph.
  dy <- dygraph(data, main = title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, group = group) %>%
    dyLegend(width = 400, show = "always") %>%
    dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3, colors = smart_palette(ncol(data)),
              drawPoints = FALSE, pointSize = 3, labelsKMB = use_si,
              includeZero = TRUE, ...) %>%
    dyCSS(css = system.file("custom.css", package = "polloi"))

#' @title Select a Colour Conditionally
#' @description select a colour based on the true/false nature of a condition.
#'   Uses green as the "true" colour by default, "red" as false, and
#' @param condition a condition to be evaluated to produce a single `TRUE` or
#'   `FALSE` value
#' @param true_color the colour used to represent a `TRUE` result. Green by
#'   default
#' @family Shiny Dashboarding
#' @export
cond_color <- function(condition, true_color = "green") {
  if (is.na(condition)) {

  colours <- c("green", "red")
  return(ifelse(condition, true_color, colours[!colours == true_color]))

#' @title Select an appropriate directional icon
#' @description allows you to select an appropriate directional icon for a
#'   change in condition
#' @param condition a condition to be evaluated to produce a single
#'   `TRUE`/`FALSE`
#' @param true_direction which direction represents a positive change. "up" by
#'   default
#' @family Shiny Dashboarding
#' @export
cond_icon <- function(condition, true_direction = "up") {

  if (true_direction == "up") {
    return(shiny::icon(ifelse(condition, "arrow-up", "arrow-down")))

  return(shiny::icon(ifelse(condition, "arrow-down", "arrow-up")))

#'@title Custom Axis Formatter
#'@description This is a JS date formatter to be used in \code{dyAxis} when
#'  it's desired to have the dates on the axis look like "Monday (8/13)", in
#'  other words: "Day of the week (MM/DD)"
#'polloi::make_dygraph(data) %>%
#'  dyAxis("x", axisLabelFormatter = polloi::custom_axis_formatter)
custom_axis_formatter <- 'function (d, gran) {
var weekday = new Array(7);
weekday[0]=  "Sunday";
weekday[1] = "Monday";
weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
weekday[4] = "Thursday";
weekday[5] = "Friday";
weekday[6] = "Saturday";
return weekday[d.getDay()] + "<br>(" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getDate() + ")";
wikimedia/wikimedia-discovery-polloi documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 2:12 p.m.