
fbseqStudies reproduces the results of academic studies of the methodology behind the fbseq and fbseqCUDA packages.

System requirements


Option 1: install a stable release (recommended).

Navigate to a list of stable releases on the project's GitHub page. Download the desired tar.gz bundle, then install it either with install.packages(..., repos = NULL, type="source") from within R R CMD INSTALL from the Unix/Linux command line.

Option 2: use install_github to install the development version.

For this option, you need the devtools package, available from CRAN or GitHub. Open R and run


Option 3: build the development version from the source.

Open a command line program such as Terminal in Mac/Linux and enter the following commands.

git clone
R CMD build fbseqStudies

where ... is replaced by the name of the tarball produced by R CMD build.

Run a scaled-down version first

Before seriously running a long job with one of the functions in the next section, do a trial run first. For a trial run, set the "fbseqStudies.scaledown" option to TRUE.

options("fbseqStudies.scaledown" = TRUE) # Scale down the computation.
paper_case() # Replicate the results of the case study paper.

Calling options("fbseqStudies.scaledown" = TRUE) selects the OpenMP backend for fbseq, ensures that datasets are small in the numbers of genes, and configures the MCMCs to run for only a few iterations. That way, paper_case() will complete in a few minutes on your home computer, as opposed to several days on a machine with a CUDA-capable general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPU).

Replicate the studies

Each function below reproduces the results of a paper. Each takes several days to run if getOption("fbseqStudies.scaledown") is FALSE (for serious analyses), but if your job is interrupted, simply calling the function again will resume the workflow roughly where it last left off. The same is true for the *_mcmc() functions described later.

To run all 3 above functions in sequence, call the function Landau_dissertation(), which reproduces all the computation, figures, tables, etc. of the Statistics PhD dissertation of Will Landau (,

For further control, choose among the following. For even finer-grained control, see the manual and help files.

wlandau/fbseqStudies documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:44 a.m.