## Shell Function
tjbal <- function(
formula = NULL,
data, # data in long form
Y, # outcome
D, # treatment
X = NULL, # time-invariant covariates
X.avg.time = NULL, # take averages of covariates in a given time period
index, # unit and time
trim.npre = 0, # drop units with <= certain periods of pre-treatment data
Y.match.time = NULL,
Y.match.npre = NULL, # fix the number of pre-periods for balancing when T0s are different
demean = TRUE, # take out pre-treatment unit mean
estimator = "mean", # mean, meanfirst, kernel
print.baltable = TRUE, # print out table table
vce = "jackknife", ## uncertainty estimates
conf.lvl = 0.95, ## confidence interval
nsims = 200, ## number of bootstrap runs
parallel = TRUE, ## parallel computing
cores = NULL,
seed = NULL
) {
## Main Functions
tjbal.formula <- function(
formula = NULL,
data, # data in long form
X.avg.time = NULL, # take averages of covariates in a given time period
index, # unit and time
trim.npre = 0, # drop units with <= certain periods of pre-treatment data
Y.match.time = NULL,
Y.match.npre = NULL, # fix the number of pre-periods for balancing when T0s are different
demean = TRUE, # take out pre-treatment unit mean
estimator = "meanfirst", # mean, meanfirst, kernel
print.baltable = TRUE, # print out table table
vce = "jackknife", ## uncertainty via bootstrap
conf.lvl = 0.95, ## confidence interval
nsims = 200, ## number of bootstrap runs
parallel = TRUE, ## parallel computing
cores = 4,
seed = NULL
) {
## parsing
varnames <- all.vars(formula)
Yname <- varnames[1]
Dname <- varnames[2]
if (length(varnames) > 2) {
Xname <- varnames[3:length(varnames)]
} else {
Xname <- NULL
namesData <- colnames(data)
for (i in 1:length(varnames)) {
if(!varnames[i] %in% namesData) {
stop(paste0("variable \"", varnames[i],"\" is not in the dataset."))
## run the model
out <- tjbal.default(data = data, Y = Yname,
D = Dname, X = Xname,
X.avg.time = X.avg.time, index = index, trim.npre = trim.npre,
Y.match.time= Y.match.time, Y.match.npre = Y.match.npre,
demean = demean, estimator = estimator,
sigma = sigma,
print.baltable = print.baltable,
vce = vce, conf.lvl = conf.lvl, nsims = nsims,
parallel = parallel, cores = cores,
seed = seed)
out$call <- match.call()
out$formula <- formula
## print(out)
tjbal.default <- function(
data, # data in long form
Y, # outcome
D, # treatment
X = NULL, # time-invariant covariates
X.avg.time = NULL, # take averages of covariates in a given time period
index, # unit and time
trim.npre = 0, # drop units with <= certain periods of pre-treatment data
Y.match.time = NULL,
Y.match.npre = NULL, # fix the number of pre-periods for balancing when T0s are different
demean = TRUE, # take out pre-treatment unit mean
estimator = "meanfirst", # mean, meanfirst, kernel
print.baltable = TRUE, # print out table table
vce = "jackknife", ## uncertainty via bootstrap
conf.lvl = 0.95, ## confidence interval
nsims = 200, ## number of bootstrap runs
parallel = TRUE, ## parallel computing
cores = 4,
seed = NULL
) {
## Checking Parameters
if (is.null(seed)==FALSE) {set.seed(seed)}
if (class(data)[1] == "tbl_df") {
#warning("Transforming a tibble into a data frame.")
data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (is.data.frame(data)==FALSE) {
stop("Not a data frame")
data <- droplevels(data)
## index
if (length(index) != 2 | sum(index %in% colnames(data)) != 2) {
stop("\"index\" option misspecified. Try, for example, index = c(\"unit.id\", \"time\").")
if (vce == "boot") {vce <- "bootstrap"}
if (vce == "jack") {vce <- "jackknife"}
if (vce == "fixed") {vce <- "fixed.weights"}
if (is.null(Y.match.time)==FALSE) {
if (Y.match.time[1] == "none") {
Y.match.pre <- 0
Y.match.time <- NULL
if (is.null(sigma)==FALSE) {
if (is.numeric(sigma)==FALSE) {
stop("\"sigma\" needs to be numeric; the default is 2.")
if (is.null(nsims)==TRUE) {
nsims <- 200
## Parsing raw data
##store variable names
Yname <- Y
Dname <- D
Xname <- X
id <- index[1];
time <- index[2];
TT <- length(unique(data[,time]))
N <- length(unique(data[,id]))
p <- length(Xname)
## check balanced panel
if (var(table(data[,id])) + var(table(data[, time])) > 0) {
stop("The panel is not balanced.")
## time should be numeric
if (is.numeric(data[,time])==FALSE) {
stop("The time indicator must be numeric.")
## check missingness
if (sum(is.na(data[, Yname])) > 0) {
stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", Yname,"\".", sep = ""))
if (sum(is.na(data[, Dname])) > 0) {
stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", Dname,"\".", sep = ""))
if (sum(is.na(data[, id])) > 0) {
stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", id,"\".", sep = ""))
if (sum(is.na(data[, time])) > 0) {
stop(paste("Missing values in variable \"", time,"\".", sep = ""))
## sort data
data <- data[order(data[,id], data[,time]), ]
## time and unit
Ttot <- sort(unique(data[,time]))
units <- unique(data[,id])
## check balanced panel
if (nrow(data) != TT*N) {
stop("Data are not balanced or \"index\" does not uniquely identity an observation.")
##treatment indicator
D.sav <- D<- matrix(data[,Dname],TT,N)
## once treated, always treated
D <- apply(D, 2, function(vec){cumsum(vec)})
T0 <- TT - D[TT,] # a vector, number of pre-treatment periods for each unit
## drop units with too few pre-treatment periods
id.drop <- which(T0 <= trim.npre)
N.drop <- length(id.drop)
D <- ifelse(D > 0, 1, 0)
if (sum(abs(D-D.sav))!=0) {
cat("\nTreatment status changed to \"treated\" after a unit has even been treated; in other words, no switch on-and-off is allowed.\n")
if (N.drop>0) {
N <- N - N.drop
D <- D[,-id.drop, drop = FALSE]
data <- data[rep(T0,each = TT)>trim.npre,]
units <- units[-id.drop]
T0 <- T0[-id.drop]
cat(paste0("\nDrop ",length(id.drop)," units with ",trim.npre," or fewer pre-treatment periods.\n"))
## treatment
treat <-ifelse(D[TT,]==1, 1, 0) # cross-sectional: treated unit
id.tr <- which(treat == 1)
id.co <- which(treat == 0)
Ntr <- length(id.tr)
Nco <- length(id.co)
if (Ntr == 0) {
stop("No treated units remain.")
if (Nco == 0) {
stop("No control units remain.")
## check the number of treated units
if (Ntr <= 5) {
cat("Too few treated unit(s). Uncertainty estimates not provided.\n")
vce <- "none"
## treatment timing
T0.tr <- T0[id.tr]
## same timing:
if (Ntr==1) {
sameT0 <- TRUE
} else {
if (var(T0.tr)==0) {
sameT0 <- TRUE
} else {
sameT0 <- FALSE
if (sameT0==TRUE) {
Tpre <- Ttot[1:unique(T0.tr)]
## outcome variable
outcome <- matrix(data[,Yname],N, TT, byrow = TRUE)
Y.var <- paste0(Yname, Ttot) ## outcome variable names (wide form)
colnames(outcome) <- Y.var ## including both pre and post
## covariates (allow missing, but non-missing values have to be same for each unit)
if (class(data[,id])!="factor") { ## to avoid an error with ddply
data[,id] <- as.factor(data[,id])
if (p > 0) {
if (is.null(X.avg.time)==FALSE) {
if (sameT0 == FALSE) {
stop("\"X.avg.time\" is only allowed when the treatment starts at the same time.")
if (is.list(X.avg.time)==TRUE) {
if (length(X.avg.time)!=p) {
stop("Length of \"X.avg.time\" (as a list) must equal the number of covariates.")
Xvar <- matrix(NA, N, p)
colnames(Xvar) <- Xname
for (i in 1:p) {
this.period <- X.avg.time[[i]]
if (sum(1 - this.period%in%Tpre)>0) {
stop("Elements in \"X.avg.time\" must be in the pre-treatment period.")
selected.row <- which(data[,time] %in% this.period)
X.pre <- data[selected.row, c(id,Xname[i]),drop = FALSE]
covar.tmp <- ddply(X.pre, .(unit = X.pre[, id]),
numcolwise(mean), na.rm = TRUE)[,-1]
if (length(covar.tmp)!=N) {
stop(paste0("Missing values in ",Xname[i]," in specified years."))
} else{
Xvar[,i] <- covar.tmp
} else { # not a list, a set of numbers only
if (sum(1 - X.avg.time%in%Tpre)>0) {
stop("\"X.avg.time\" must be in the pre-treatment period.")
selected.row <- which(data[,time] %in% X.avg.time)
X.pre <- data[selected.row, Xname, drop = FALSE]
Xvar <- ddply(X.pre, .(unit = data[selected.row, id]),
numcolwise(mean), na.rm = TRUE)[,-1]
## check missingness
if (nrow(Xvar)!= N) {
stop("Missing values in covariates.")
## check missingness again
for (i in 1:p) {
if (sum(is.na(Xvar[, i])) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Missing values in variable \"", Xname[i],"\".", sep = ""))
} else { # no X.avg.time is given
Xvar <- matrix(NA, N, p); colnames(Xvar) <- Xname
for (i in 1:p) {
if (sum(is.na(data[, Xname[i]])) > 0) {
warning(paste0("Missing values in variable \"", Xname[i],"\".", sep = ""))
## check variation
X.tmp <- matrix(data[,Xname[i]], N, TT, byrow = TRUE)
X.var <- apply(X.tmp,1,var,na.rm = TRUE)
if (sum(is.na(X.var))>0) {
stop(paste0("Variable \"", Xname[i], "\" is completely missing in some unit(s)."))
if (sum(X.var)!=0) { # if not time-invariant
stop(paste0("\"", Xname[i],"\" is not time-invariant for some unit(s)."))
## fill in the matrix
Xvar[,i] <- apply(X.tmp, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # the first period
## prepare "wide" form data
if (p>0) {
data.wide <- cbind.data.frame(id = 1:N, unit = units, treat = treat, T0 = T0, outcome, Xvar)
} else {
data.wide <- cbind.data.frame(id = 1:N, unit = units, treat = treat, T0 = T0, outcome)
## balancing
if (sameT0 == TRUE) {
bal.out <- tjbal.single(data = data.wide, Y = Yname, D = "treat", X = Xname,
Y.match.time = Y.match.time, Y.match.npre = Y.match.npre,
Ttot = Ttot, unit = "id",
demean = demean, estimator = estimator, sigma = sigma,
print.baltable = print.baltable,
vce = vce, conf.lvl = conf.lvl,
nsims = nsims, parallel = parallel, cores = cores)
} else {
bal.out <- tjbal.multi(data = data.wide, Y = Yname, D = "treat", X = Xname,
Y.match.time = Y.match.time, Y.match.npre = Y.match.npre,
Ttot = Ttot, unit = "id",
demean = demean, estimator = estimator, sigma = sigma,
vce = vce, conf.lvl = conf.lvl,
nsims = nsims, parallel = parallel, cores = cores)
out <- c(list(sameT0 = sameT0, index = index, Yname = Yname), bal.out)
out$call <- match.call()
class(out) <- "tjbal"
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