
# This code doing:
# 1) Extract SNNGraph clusters (by scran) of the whole 7k cells or a subset of 1362 cells focusing on HEP processes (i.e., cells of C3, C13, C10, C6, C15, C7). 
# For the 7k cells, extract the soft-thresholding clusters with or without the transition cells (by QUANTC), 
## consensus clusters with two parameters (by SC3), 
## and Leiden clusters with 4 resolution settings (by Seurat4).
# 2) Save these cluster IDs into the SingleCellExperimentobject.
## and plot umap for each clustering methods
# last update 1/31/2022
# by Holly yang

subDir = 'E8.25_mesoderm_robustness'

# normalized data were downloaded and reanalyzed
# refer to GSE87038_E8.25_normalize.R

library(Seurat) #Seurat version 4.0.6

parameters = list()
parameters$k = 10 # An Integer number of nearest neighbors to use when creating the k nearest neighbor graph for Louvain/Leiden/SNNGraph clustering.

## 0) load the R object                             ##
## refer to 2_QuanTC_simulation_cluster_notused.R   ##
## focusing on 1.3k cells analyzed by QuanTC        ##
## refer to SC3_GSE87038_E8.25_HEP.R                ##

# class: SingleCellExperiment
# dim: 10938 7240
# metadata(0):
#   assays(2): counts logcounts
# rownames(10938): Sox17 Mrpl15 ... AC149090.1 CAAA01147332.1
# rowData names(2): ENSEMBL SYMBOL
# colnames(7240): cell_63220 cell_63221 ... cell_95723 cell_95725
# colData names(19): cell barcode ... batch label
# reducedDimNames(5): pca.corrected umap TSNE UMAP force
# altExpNames(0):

sce <- sce[,which(colLabels(sce) %in% c(3, 13, 10,6,15, 7))]
# class: SingleCellExperiment 
# dim: 10938 1362 
# metadata(0):
#   assays(2): counts logcounts
# rownames(10938): Sox17 Mrpl15 ... AC149090.1 CAAA01147332.1
# rowData names(2): ENSEMBL SYMBOL
# colnames(1362): cell_63240 cell_63242 ... cell_95715 cell_95717
# colData names(19): cell barcode ... batch label
# reducedDimNames(5): pca.corrected umap TSNE UMAP force
# altExpNames(0):

colData(sce)$label <- factor(sce$label, levels=c('3', '13', '10','6','15', '7'))

# 1.1) # extract SNNGraph clusters  
# The parameter k indicates the number of nearest neighbors to consider during graph construction, whicc
# we set to 5 for small number of cells (e.g., <500) and 10 to large number of sequenced cells (e.g., 4k).
# In this example, 'pca.corrected' is the author published PCA estimation, based on which
# we have clusered all 7240 cells into 19 clusters using  SNNGraph method that considers 10 nearest neighbors during graph construction.
# Here, to compare different clustering methods, we focused on the downsampled 1363 cells of the original 6 clusters, 
# For simplification, we did NOT rerun the SNNGraph method while also considering 10 nearest neighbors during graph construction.
# # set.seed(0010101)
# # dec.pois <- modelGeneVarByPoisson(sce,  block=sce$batch)
# # save(dec.pois, file='../hvg.dev.RData' )
# # load('../hvg.dev.RData')
# # dim(dec.pois)
# # #[1] 29452     7
# # k: An integer scalar specifying the number of nearest neighbors to consider during graph construction.
# SNNGraph.ID <- scran::buildSNNGraph(sce, k= parameters$k, use.dimred = 'pca.corrected')
# SNNGraph.ID <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(SNNGraph.ID)$membership
# # check the agreeement between new and original clusters using the SNNGraph method
# table(as.vector(colLabels(sce)), SNNGraph.ID)
# # SNNGraph.ID
# #      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
# # 10   0   0 134 144   0   0   0   0
# # 13   0 222   0   1   0   0   0   0
# # 15   0   0   0   2  58   0   0   0
# # 3    0   0   0   0   0 276 105   0
# # 6    0   0 174   0   0   0   0 109
# # 7  137   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
# colData(sce)$C_SNNGraph = SNNGraph.ID

#save(sce, file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 1.2.1 ) # extract the QUANTC-assigned 4 clusters for 1362 cells
# refer to QuanTC_soft.thresholding_clusters.m
C_TC <- read.table('F:/projects/scRNA/results/GSE87038_gastrulation/QuanTC_Output/QuanTC_HEP/k4/C_TC.txt')
C_TC <- C_TC[,1]

index_TC <- read.table('F:/projects/scRNA/results/GSE87038_gastrulation/QuanTC_Output/QuanTC_HEP/k4/index_TC.txt')
index_TC <- index_TC[,1]
unique(C_TC[index_TC]) # 5 verified the C_TC is the cluster ID generated by QuanTC

colData(sce)$C_Soft_k4 <- C_TC

table(sce$label, sce$C_Soft_k4)
#      1   2   3   4   5  # rename to be same as that in the SFig !
# 3    0 379   0   0   2
# 13   1   0 218   0   4
# 10 241   0  22   0  15
# 6  272   0   0   0  11
# 15   3   0   0  24  33
# 7    0   0   0 137   0

## replace the QuanTC.cluster IDs
tmp <- data.frame(colData(sce))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k4 = replace(C_Soft_k4, C_Soft_k4 == 1, 'C3'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k4 = replace(C_Soft_k4, C_Soft_k4 == 2, 'C4'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k4 = replace(C_Soft_k4, C_Soft_k4 == 3, 'C1'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k4 = replace(C_Soft_k4, C_Soft_k4 == 4, 'C2'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k4 = replace(C_Soft_k4, C_Soft_k4 == 5, 'TC'))

colData(sce) = DataFrame(tmp)

# 1.2.2 ) # extract the QUANTC-assigned 6 clusters for 1362 cells
# refer to QuanTC_soft.thresholding_clusters.m
C_TC <- read.table('F:/projects/scRNA/results/GSE87038_gastrulation/QuanTC_Output/QuanTC_HEP/k6/C_TC.txt')
C_TC <- C_TC[,1]

index_TC <- read.table('F:/projects/scRNA/results/GSE87038_gastrulation/QuanTC_Output/QuanTC_HEP/k6/index_TC.txt')
index_TC <- index_TC[,1]
unique(C_TC[index_TC]) # 7 verified the C_TC is the cluster ID generated by QuanTC

colData(sce)$C_Soft_k6 <- C_TC

table(sce$label, sce$C_Soft_k6)
#      1   2   3   4   5   6   7
# 3    0 254   0   0   0 111  16
# 13   0   0 216   0   0   0   7
# 10 160   0  19  19   0   0  80
# 6   21   0   0 153   0   0 109
# 15   0   0   0   2  24   0  34
# 7    0   0   0   0 137   0   0

## replace the QuanTC.cluster IDs
tmp <- data.frame(colData(sce))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 1, 'C5'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 2, 'C4'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 3, 'C3'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 4, 'C6'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 5, 'C1'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 6, 'C2'))
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(C_Soft_k6 = replace(C_Soft_k6, C_Soft_k6 == 7, 'TC'))

colData(sce) = DataFrame(tmp)

#save(sce, file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 1.3) # extract consensus clusters  
# refer to
# needs to customize ks accordingily per dataset, the larger range the longer running time
# then, manually pick the optimal matches to follow up, 
# In this case, ks=4,5,6,7,8,9 are tested, 
# and for the related soft-thresholding clustering method (QuanTC), 
# we had take average of the Consensus.Cluster-agreeable clustering results of k=5,6,9,10 to get cell-cell similarity matrix M

# # BEGIN NOT repeat, runs 1 hour !!!! 
# refer to F:\projects\BioTIP\source\GSE87038_gastrulation\SC3_GSE87038_E8.25_HEP.R
# define feature names in feature_symbol column
sce.sc3 = sce
rowData(sce.sc3)$feature_symbol <- rownames(sce.sc3)
# remove features with duplicated names
any(duplicated(rowData(sce.sc3)$feature_symbol))  # F
# [1]      0 515

### to run SC3 successfully, transform sparsematrix to matrix  !!!!!!!!!!!!!
counts(sce.sc3) <- as.matrix(counts(sce.sc3))
logcounts(sce.sc3) <- as.matrix(logcounts(sce.sc3))

sum(logcounts(sce.sc3)<1e-16,2)/nrow(logcounts(sce.sc3))>0.95  # TRUE tehrefore no cell being filtered

# NOT repeat, runs 3 hours !!!! 
# # biology: boolean parameter, defines whether to compute differentially expressed genes, marker genes and cell outliers.
sce.sc3 <- sc3(sce.sc3, ks = 3:10, biology = FALSE, svm_max = 8000)  # default is 5000!!!
# Setting SC3 parameters...
# Your dataset contains more than 2000 cells. Adjusting the nstart parameter of kmeans to 50 for faster performance...
# Calculating distances between the cells...
# Performing transformations and calculating eigenvectors...
# Performing k-means clustering...
# Calculating consensus matrix...


# When the sce.sc3 object is prepared for clustering, SC3 can also estimate the optimal number of clusters k in the dataset
# NOT repeat, runs 10 mins  !!!!
sce.sc3 <- sc3_estimate_k(sce.sc3)
# $ k_estimation   : num 5

# to save space, transform back matrix to sparse matrix
counts(sce.sc3) <- as(counts(sce.sc3), 'dgCMatrix')
logcounts(sce.sc3) <- as(logcounts(sce.sc3), 'dgCMatrix')
# sce <- sce.sc3
# save(sce, file='F:/projects/scRNA/results/GSE87038_gastrulation/QuanTC/QuanTC_HEP/sce_E8.25HEP_uncorrected_SC3.RData') ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# gc()
# END DO NOT REPET !!!!!!!!!!!!!

# sce.sc3 <- sce
# load(file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'))
# colData(sce) = colData(sce)[,1:22]

## manually check
table(colData(sce.sc3)$label, colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_6_clusters)[c(3, 13, 10,6,15, 7),]
#      1   2   3   4   5   6
# 3  266   0   1   0   0 114
# 13   0   1   0 222   0   0  good
# 10   0 218  33  27   0   0  good
# 6    0 108 170   5   0   0
# 15   0   1  34   0  25   0
# 7    0   0   0   0 137   0  good

# load(file='sce_E8.25_HEP.RData')
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks4 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_4_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks5 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_5_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks6 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_6_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks7 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_7_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks8 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_8_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks9 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3_9_clusters
colData(sce)$C_consensus_ks10 = colData(sce.sc3)$sc3__clusters


# save(sce, file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 1.4.1) # extract Leiden clustering (using Seurat)  
# https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/get_started.html
# Leiden requires the leidenalg python.
# We apply the Seurat packge, by setting the algorithm =4 in the function FindClusters()	
# This parameter decides the algorithm for modularity optimization 
# (1 = original Louvain algorithm; 2 = Louvain algorithm with multilevel refinement; 
# 3 = SLM algorithm; 4 = Leiden algorithm). 
# The resolution parameter: use a value above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of communities.

# convert from SingleCellExperiment
sce.seurat <- as.Seurat(sce)
# Warning: Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')
# An object of class Seurat 
# 10938 features across 1362 samples within 1 assay 
# Active assay: originalexp (10938 features, 0 variable features)
# 5 dimensional reductions calculated: pca.corrected, umap, TSNE, UMAP, force

# Computes the k.param nearest neighbors for a given dataset
sce.seurat <- FindNeighbors(sce.seurat, reduction = "pca.corrected", k.param = parameters$k)
sce.seurat <- FindClusters(sce.seurat, resolution = 0.8, algorithm = 4) # smaller  number of communities 
table(Idents(sce.seurat), colData(sce)$label)  # the cluster 2/8/9 are mixture of SNNGraph clusters
#       3  13  10   6  15   7
# 1  239   0   3   0   0   0
# 2    0   0  79  86   0   0
# 3    0   1 152   1   0   0
# 4    3 125  15   0   1   0
# 5  139   0   0   0   0   0
# 6    0   0   0 138   0   0
# 7    0   0   0   0   0 135
# 8    0  94  11   0   1   0
# 9    0   3  18  58   4   0
# 10   0   0   0   0  54   2
colData(sce)$C_Leiden_0.8 = Idents(sce.seurat)

sce.seurat <- FindClusters(sce.seurat, resolution = 0.4, algorithm = 4) # smaller  number of communities 
table(Idents(sce.seurat), colData(sce)$label)  # the cluster 3/8 are mixture of SNNGraph clusters
#     3  13  10   6  15   7
# 1 378   0   3   0   0   0
# 2   0   3  18 198   4   0
# 3   0   0  82  84   0   0
# 4   0   1 150   1   0   0
# 5   3 125  14   0   1   0
# 6   0   0   0   0   0 135
# 7   0  94  11   0   1   0
# 8   0   0   0   0  54   2
colData(sce)$C_Leiden_0.4 = Idents(sce.seurat)

sce.seurat <- FindClusters(sce.seurat, resolution = 1.2, algorithm = 4) # smaller  number of communities 
table(Idents(sce.seurat), colData(sce)$label)  # the cluster 1/5/11 are mixture of SNNGraph clusters
#       3  13  10   6  15   7
# 1    0   0  75  88   0   0
# 2  138   0   0   0   0   0
# 3    0   0   0 136   0   0
# 4  135   0   1   0   0   0
# 5    0  94  12   0   1   0
# 6    0   0 105   1   0   0
# 7    0   0   0   0   0 104
# 8    2  91   9   0   1   0
# 9  101   0   0   0   0   0
# 10   0   0   0   0  54  33
# 11   0   3  18  58   4   0
# 12   0   1  51   0   0   0
# 13   5  34   7   0   0   0
colData(sce)$C_Leiden_1.2 = Idents(sce.seurat)

#save(sce, file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# ################################################################
# # 1.4.2) # extract Leiden (default paramters with monocle3) clustering  
# # by running parts of the code of timonocle3
# # https://github.com/dynverse/ti_monocle3/blob/master/package/R/ti_monocle3.R
# # https://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/monocle3/docs/clustering/
# # cluster_method = c("leiden", "louvain")
# # resolution = NULL (Default), the parameter is determined automatically.
# # k: Integer number of nearest neighbors to use when creating the k nearest neighbor graph for Louvain/Leiden clustering.
# ###################################################################
# feature_info <- rowData(sce)
# if (!"gene_short_name" %in% colnames(feature_info)) {
#   if ("SYMBOL" %in% colnames(feature_info)) {
#     colnames(feature_info)[which(colnames(feature_info)=="SYMBOL")] = "gene_short_name"
#   } else {
#     feature_info$gene_short_name <-  rownames(feature_info)
#   }
# }
# # create cds object
# cds <- monocle3::new_cell_data_set(
#   expression_data = logcounts(sce),  #exprs(sce),
#   cell_metadata = colData(sce),
#   gene_metadata = feature_info
# )
# # perform data preprocessing,  required by clustering analysis in Monocle3
# cds <- monocle3::preprocess_cds(
#   cds,
#   num_dim = 2,
#   norm_method = "none" #  because in this case, the data already be log-transformed and normalized 
# )
# # perform dimensionality reduction
# cds <- monocle3::reduce_dimension(
#   cds,
#   reduction_method = 'UMAP',
#   preprocess_method = 'PCA'
# )
# # perform clustering
# cds <- monocle3::cluster_cells(
#   cds,
#   k = 20, #parameters$k, #for Louvain/Leiden clustering. Default is 20 in timonocle3. 
#   cluster_method = "leiden"
# )
# table(cds@clusters[['UMAP']]$clusters,colData(sce)$label)
# #     3  13  10   6  15   7
# # 1    1  75  41   0   2  83
# # 2    0   1  53 107   0   0
# # 3    0   1  13 106   0   0
# # 4    0  56  13   0  30   6
# # 5   90   0   5   0   0   0
# # 6   92   0   2   0   0   0
# # 7    0  16   4   0   5  48
# # 8    0  46  11   1  15   0
# # 9    4   3  39  22   0   0
# # 10  65   0   1   0   0   0
# # 11   0   4  34  22   0   0
# # 12  54   0   0   0   0   0
# # 13  47   0   0   0   0   0
# # 14  28   6  11   0   0   0
# # 15   0   0  20  15   0   0
# # 16   0   6  15  10   3   0
# # 17   0   9  16   0   5   0
# colData(sce)$C_monocle = cds@clusters[['UMAP']]$clusters
# #monocle3::plot_cells(cds, color_cells_by="cluster", label_groups_by_cluster=TRUE)

## 2) Save these cluster IDs into the SingleCellExperimentobject. ##
## plot different clustering restuls                              ##
save(sce, file=paste0(subDir,'/sce_E8.25_HEP.RData'), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


## 3) Annotate cell identities by comparing to the original cluster IDs. ##
# [1] "cell"             "barcode"          "sample"           "pool"             "stage"           
# [6] "sequencing.batch" "theiler"          "doub.density"     "doublet"          "cluster"         
# [11] "cluster.sub"      "cluster.stage"    "cluster.theiler"  "stripped"         "celltype"        
# [16] "colour"           "sizeFactor"       "batch"            "label"            "C_Soft_k4"       
# [21] "C_Soft_k6"        "C_consensus_ks4"  "C_consensus_ks5"  "C_consensus_ks6"  "C_consensus_ks7" 
# [26] "C_consensus_ks8"  "C_consensus_ks9"  "C_consensus_ks10" "C_Leiden_0.4"     "C_Leiden_0.8"    
# [31] "C_Leiden_1.2"

x <- grep('C_', colnames(colData(sce)))
(n=length(x)) # 12

pdf(file=paste0(subDir,"/umap.",subDir,"_clustering_methods.pdf"), width=10, height=9)
   plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap', colour_by='label', #add_legend=FALSE,
                 text_by='label', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('SNNGraph')  + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap', colour_by='C_Soft_k4', #add_legend=FALSE,
                 text_by='C_Soft_k4', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('QuanTC k4')  + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_Soft_k6', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_Soft_k6', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('QuanTC k6') + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_Leiden_0.4', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_Leiden_0.4', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('Leiden_0.4') + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_Leiden_0.8', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_Leiden_0.8', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('Leiden_0.8') + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_Leiden_1.2', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_Leiden_1.2', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('Leiden_1.2') + ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks4', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_consensus_ks4', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks4') + ylim(5,20) 
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks5', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_consensus_ks5', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks5') + ylim(5,20) 
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks6', #add_legend=FALSE,
                 text_by='C_consensus_ks6', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks6') + ylim(5,20) 

   plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks7', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_consensus_ks7', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks7') + ylim(5,20) 
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks8', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_consensus_ks8', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks8') + ylim(5,20) 
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks9', #add_legend=FALSE,
                text_by='C_consensus_ks9', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
  ggtitle('consensus_ks9')+ ylim(5,20)
  ,plotReducedDim(sce, dimred='umap',colour_by='C_consensus_ks10', #add_legend=FALSE,
                  text_by='C_consensus_ks10', text_size = 4, text_colour='black', point_size=0.5) + 
    ggtitle('consensus_ks10') + ylim(5,20) 
  ,ncol=3, nrow=3

xyang2uchicago/NPS documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:15 p.m.