
#' wethepeople is an R package for working with the White House's We The People petition data.
#' @name wethepeople
#' @title A package for working with the We The People data.
#' @docType package
#' @author Yoni Ben-Meshulam \email{yoni@@opower.com}
#' @examples
#' # Load a sample set of petitions and generate some plots:
#' data(petitions)
#' some_petitions <- head(petitions, n=5)
#' plot_issues_over_time(some_petitions)
#' plot_issues_pending_response(petitions)
#' plot_wordcloud(some_petitions, 'title')
#' # Create an API Client:
#' client <- WeThePeopleAPIClient()
#' # Load petitions from the live API:
#' petitions <- client$petitions(limit=2)
#' # Maye some eye candy:
#' plot_issues_over_time(petitions)
#' plot_wordcloud(some_petitions, 'title')

#' Petitions loaded Feb 19, 2013
#' Sample petitions loaded from the API on February 19, 2013.
#' @name petitions
#' @docType data
#' @author Yoni Ben-Meshulam \email{yoni@@opower.com}
#' @keywords data

#' Petition sentiment analyses loaded Feb 19, 2013
#' @name petition_analyses
#' @docType data
#' @author Yoni Ben-Meshulam \email{yoni@@opower.com}
#' @keywords data

#' Signatures loaded Feb 19, 2013
#' Sample signatures loaded from the API on February 19, 2013.
#' @name signatures
#' @docType data
#' @author Yoni Ben-Meshulam \email{yoni@@opower.com}
#' @keywords data

# Appease CRAN by removing all "no visible binding for global variable" notes.
# See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439256/how-can-i-handle-r-cmd-check-no-visible-binding-for-global-variable-notes-when
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
yoni/r_we_the_people documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:31 p.m.