
Defines functions cutMesh selectVertex

Documented in cutMesh selectVertex

#' select and crop triangular surface meshes
#' select a subset of a surface mesh interactively.
#' select vertices or trim a triangular mesh by selecting a subset - either
#' restricted to visible from the current point of view or by rectangular
#' region. Visibility is determined by the fact that the vector from the
#' viewpoint to the selected vertex does not intersect the mesh.
#' @param mesh triangular mesh of class "mesh3d"
#' @param col color to render the mesh. 
#' @param visible select only vertices visible (from the present point of view)
#' @param add logical: add the surface to an existing window.
#' @param render character: how to render the surface. Possible values are
#' "shade" or "wire".
#' @param offset initial offset to move vertex slightly away from the surface.
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to the rendering functions
#' shade3d and wire3d from package "shapes". 
#' @return selectVertex returns the indices of the selected vertices.
#' cutMesh returns the trimmed mesh.
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @seealso \code{\link{vcgPlyRead}}, \code{\link{glVisible}}, \code{\link{cutMesh}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(Morpho)
#' data(nose)
#' selection <- selectVertex(shortnose.mesh)
#' }
#' @importFrom rgl wire3d shade3d open3d rgl.bringtotop select3d rgl.pop points3d clear3d
#' @export selectVertex 
selectVertex <- function(mesh,col=3,visible=TRUE,add=FALSE,render=c("shade","wire"), offset=1e-3, ...)
    visifun <- function()
            visi <- which(glVisible(mesh, offset=offset))
            tmpsel <- visi[which(visi%in%tmpsel)]
    render <- substr(render[1],1L,1L)
    back <- front <- "filled"
    if (render == "s")
        back <- front <- "lines"
    if (!add)
    shade3d(mesh, col = col, specular="black",back=back,front=front,...)
    selcheck <- 0
    run <- 0
    cat("select a region using the right mouse button\n")
    if (interactive()) {
    while (run == 0) { #initial selection
        rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
        if (interactive()) {
            f <- select3d("right")
            subset <- t(mesh$vb[1:3, ])
            tmpsel <- which(f(subset))
                tmpsel <- visifun()
            selected <- tmpsel
            if (interactive()) {
            while (selcheck == 0) {
                if (iter == 0)
                   view <- points3d(subset[selected,1],subset[selected,2],subset[selected,3], col = 2, cex = 2) 
                    if (visible)
                        visiquestion <- ("do more? (q/a/r/i/s)(quit|add|remove|invert|switch selection mode)\ncurrent selection mode: visible only\n")
                        visiquestion <-("do more? (q/a/r/i/s)(quit|add|remove|invert|switch selection mode)\ncurrent selection mode: all vertices\n")
                answer <- readline(visiquestion)
                if (answer == "q") {
                    selcheck <- 1
                    run <- 1
                if (answer == "s") {
                    visible <- !visible
                if (substr(answer,1L,1L) == "a") {
                    rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
                    f <- select3d("right")
                    tmpsel <- which(f(subset))
                        tmpsel <- visifun()
                    selected <- unique(c(selected,tmpsel))
                    rgl.pop("shapes", id = view)
                    view <- points3d(subset[selected,1],subset[selected,2],subset[selected,3], col = 2, cex = 2)
                if (substr(answer,1L,1L) == "i") {
                    rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
                                        #f <- select3d("right")
                    selected <- (1:ncol(mesh$vb))[-selected]
                    rgl.pop("shapes", id = view)
                    view <- points3d(subset[selected,1],subset[selected,2],subset[selected,3], col = 2, cex = 2)
                if (substr(answer,1L,1L) == "r") {
                    rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
                    f <- select3d("right")
                    tmpsel <- which(f(subset))
                        tmpsel <- visifun()
                    remov <- which(selected%in%tmpsel)
                    rgl.pop("shapes", id = view)
                    if (length(remov) > 0 )
                        selected <- selected[-remov]
                    view <- points3d(subset[selected,1],subset[selected,2],subset[selected,3],col = 2, cex = 2)
                iter <- iter+1
        } else  {

#' crop triangular surface meshes
#' crop a surface mesh interactively.
#' select vertices or trim a triangular mesh by selecting a subset - either
#' restricted to visible from the current point of view or by rectangular
#' region. Visibility is determined by the fact that the vector from the
#' viewpoint to the selected vertex does not intersect the mesh.
#' @param mesh triangular mesh of class "mesh3d"
#' @param visible select only vertices visible (from the present point of view)
#' @param keep.selected logical: determines if the selected vertices or their
#' complement are deleted.
#' @param col color to render the mesh.
#' @param add logical: add the surface to an existing window.
#' @param render character: how to render the surface. Possible values are
#' "shade" or "wire".
#' @param offset initial offset to move vertex slightly away from the surface. 1e-3 seems to be a good threshold for objects from the macroscopical world.
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to the rendering functions
#' shade3d and wire3d from package "rgl".
#' @return selectVertex returns the indices of the selected vertices.
#' cutMesh returns the trimmed mesh.
#' @author Stefan Schlager
#' @seealso \code{\link{vcgPlyRead}},  \code{\link{glVisible}}, \code{\link{selectVertex}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' require(Morpho)
#' data(nose)
#' selection <- cutMesh(shortnose.mesh)
#' }
#' @export cutMesh
cutMesh <- function(mesh,visible=TRUE,keep.selected=TRUE,col=3,add=FALSE,render=c("shade","wire"),offset=1e-3,...)
        mesh <- vcgUpdateNormals(mesh)
        render <- substr(render[1],1L,1L)
        back <- front <- "lines"
        if (render == "s")
            back <- front <- "filled"
        removal <- selectVertex(mesh,col=col,visible=visible,add=add,render=render,offset=offset,...)
        vb <- 1:ncol(mesh$vb)
        if (keep.selected)
            vb <- vb[-removal]
            vb <- removal
        outmesh <- rmVertex(mesh,vb)
        cat(paste(length(vb)," vertices removed\n"))
zarquon42b/mesheR documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 2:17 p.m.