
Validation and Integration Workflows for {sandpaper}

Because this package uses {renv} internally to provision packages, it follows a modified R CMD check workflow with the following modifications:

Integration Tests

We want to make sure that the new version of {sandpaper} does not destroy rendering of current lessons, so we provide an integration test on MacOS that will re-render https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper-docs locally to see if any errors pop up.

The {renv} cache

The {renv} cache root path is explicitly set as the environment variable RENV_PATHS_ROOT. By default, the {testthat} package provisions a temporary directory for this when testing to preserve the cache that might be used for the package itself. This cache, however, seems to get destroyed periodically on linux and causes testing times to baloon out of control to be > 10 or even > 20 minutes!!!

The one catch is that we cannot run tests on windows for whatever reason, the cache does not behave well, so we have disabled the cache running in Windows in both GitHub Actions, in the functions, and in the tests themselves by setting options(sandpaper.use_renv = FALSE) explicitly in tests/testthat/setup.R if the tests are running on Windows.

We have also added a catch in ci_build_markdown() to not run on Windows if it is currently in a test.

New Steps

Restore {renv} cache

This restores the cache in RENV_PATHS_ROOT by evaluating if .github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml has changed (note: that this should probably change to evaluate if the cache itself has changed, but whatevs).

Prime {renv} Cache

For some reason, the cache is not preserved after running the tests, so we prime the cache before testing to make sure that it still exists after the tests run.

zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on April 15, 2024, 5:32 p.m.