
Defines functions diagnosis

Documented in diagnosis

#' @title Diagnostic test accuracy evaluation
#' @name diagnosis
#' @description \code{diagnosis} estimate sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, area under ROC curve and other validity measures for binary diagnostic test evaluation. It accepts as input either columns from a dataset or vectors, a 2 x 2 table or numbers representing true positives, false negatives, false positives and true negatives. \code{plot} for \code{diagnosis} draw a simple nomogram or a ROC plot. \code{diagnosis} is a list, but has a table that allows the output to be easily exported to a spreadsheet.
#' @param TP,FN,FP,TN A number representing True Positives, False Negatives, False Positives, and True Negatives from a 2 x 2 table.
#' @param tab A 2 x 2 cross table representing the counts of agreement and disagreement of the reference standard and the index test.
#' @param ref The reference standard. A column in a data frame or a vector indicating the classification by the reference test. The reference standard should be coded either as 0 (absence of the condition) or 1 (presence of the condition). If it is formated as character, the function will convert it to a factor, then use the reference factor level as the absence of the condition.
#' @param test The index test or test under evaluation. A column in a dataset or vector indicating the test results. The index test should be coded either as 0 (absence of the condition) or 1 (presence of the condition). If it is formated as character, the function will convert it to a factor, then use the reference factor level as the absence of the condition.
#' @param CL Confidence limits for confidence intervals. Must be a numeric value between 0 and 1. Default is 0.95.
#' @param CL.type Type of confidence limit. Accepted values are "wilson", "exact", approximate". See \code{\link{binom.CI}}
#' @param reference.name,index.name The names of the index and reference tests. If one have labels in the dataset, one may pass the labels to these arguments (see example). If one defines \code{dimnames} of table or matrix, the names of the dimension will override these arguments. (see example) These arguments may be important as other functions that uses \code{diagnosis} output require these names.
#' @param x For \code{plot} and \code{print} functions, \code{x} is an object assigned with diagnosis output.
#' @param type For \code{plot}, type assigns what plot will be returned. "nomogram" or "roc" are possble values. If \code{type = "roc"}, don't forget to set the correct \code{xlab} and \code{ylab} arguments.
#' @param xlab,ylab Characters indicating the labels of the horizantal and vertical axis. These will be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}. The default values are \code{xlab = "Pre-test probability"} and \code{ylab = "Post-test proabbility"}. But these make sense only if \code{type = "nomogram"}. If \code{type = "roc"} one must set by hand \code{xlab = "1 - Specificity"} and \code{ylab = "Sensitivity"}
#' @param lines.arg A \code{\link[base]{list}} of arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{lines}}.
#' @param grid Logical. If \code{TRUE}, it calls the \code{\link[graphics]{grid}} function with the deafult arguments.
#' @param auto.shade Logical. If \code{TRUE}, it calls the \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}} function with the arguments in the \code{shade.arg}. It represents the confidence band of the Positive Likelihood Ratio of the test.
#' @param shade.arg A \code{\link[base]{list}} of arguments to be passed to A \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}}. See \code{auto.shade}.
#' @param auto.legend Logical. If \code{TRUE}, it makes a legend of the graph.
#' @param digits The number of decimals that will be passed to \code{\link[base]{print}}.
#' @param ... Other options passed to \code{\link[base]{print}} or \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.
#' @details Sensitivity, Specificity, Predictive values and Accuracy confidence limits rely on binomial distribution, which does not give result outside [0:1] such as normal distribution or asymptotic theory. DOR, Likelihoodratios and Youden J index confidence limits rely on normal approximation (Wald method for likelihoods). The AUC (area under the ROC curve) is estimated by trapezoidal method (see below). See example to check how results can be exported to a document or to a spreadsheet.
#' If one, decides to input a table, the expected format is as follows:
#' \tabular{cll}{
#' \tab TN \tab FN \cr
#' \tab FP \tab TP \cr
#' }
#' \code{plot.diag} will draw a very simple nomogram as many examples from wikipedia \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomogram}. This is not a generic nomogram as shown in many evidenced based medicine texts, because this one shows only pre-test and post-test variations with a fixed positive likelihood ratio estimated from the data. This likelihood is a statistic from an object created by \code{diagnosis} function. Its usage is the same as applying the Bayes theorem where the pre-test odds times positive likelihood ratio equals the pos-test odd (transforming the odds to probabilities). To use it, draw, with a rule, a vertical line from a desired pre-test  probability, and to find the corresponding post-test probability, draw a horizontal line from the intersection of the curve and the vertical line toward the vertical axis.
#' @return A 2 x 2 table from which the validity measures are calculated.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Sample size. The number of subjects analyzed.
#' \item Prevalence. The proportion classified as with the target condition by the reference standard.
#' \item Sensitivity. The probability of the test to correctly classify subjects with the target condition (TP/(TP+FN)).
#' \item Specificity. The probability of the test to correctly classify subjects without the target condition (TN/(TN+FP)).
#' \item Predictive values. The probabilities of being with (positive predictive value) (TP/(TP+FP)) or without (negative predictive value) the target condition given a test result (TN/(TN+FN)).
#' \item Likelihood ratios. The probability of test a result in people with the target condition, divided by the probability of the same test result in people without the target condition (PLR = Se/(1-Sp); NLR = (1-Sp)/Se).
#' \item Diagnostic odds ratio. Represents the overall discrimination of a dichotomous test, and is equivalent to the ratio of PLR and NLR.
#' \item Error rate. Expresses how many errors we make when we diagnose patients with an abnormal test result as diseased, and those with a normal test result as non-diseased ((FP+FN)/sample size).
#' \item Youden J index. This is an overall accuracy measure. It ranges from -1 to 1, the closest to one better the test is. Se + Sp -1.
#' \item Accuracy. Overall measure that express the capacity of the test to correctly classify subjects with and without the target condition ((TP+TN)/(sample size)).
#' \item Area under ROC curve. Overall measure of accuracy - here the method is the trapezoidal. It gives identical results as (Se+SP)/2.
#' }
#' @references
#' Knotterus. The Evidence Based Clinical Diagnosis; BMJBooks, 2002.
#' Xiou-Hua Zhou, Nancy A Obuchowsky, Donna McClish. Statistical Mehods in diagnostic Medicine; Wiley, 2002.
#' Simel D, Samsa G, Matchar D (1991). Likelihood ratios with confidence: Sample size estimation for diagnostic test studies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 44: 763 - 770
#' @seealso \code{\link{LRgraph}}, \code{\link{binom.CI}}
#' @examples
#' # Simulating a dataset
#' mydata <- as.data.frame(rbind(
#' cbind(rep(c("positive"),18),rep(c("negative"),18)),
#'   cbind(rep(c("positive"),72),rep(c("positive"),72)),
#'   cbind(rep(c("negative"),25),rep(c("positive"),25)),
#'   cbind(rep(c("negative"),149),rep(c("negative"),149))
#' ))
#' colnames(mydata) <- c('culture','serology')
#' # Setting labels to the dataset
#' attr(mydata, "var.labels") <- c("Automatic culture","ELISA test")
#' # A little description of the data set to check if it is ok!
#' str(mydata)
#' # Running the diagnosis analysis
#' diagnosis(ref = mydata$culture, test = mydata$serology)
#' # Same thing passing the labels
#' diagnosis(ref = mydata$culture, test = mydata$serology,
#' reference.name = attr(mydata, "var.labels")[1],
#' index.name = attr(mydata, "var.labels")[2])
#' #Simulating a table
#' mytable <- matrix(c(149,18,25,72), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
#'                   dimnames = list(Serology = c('absent','present'),
#'                                   Citology = c('absent','present')))
#' # Running analysis from a 2 x 2 table
#' # The names of the table dimensions overrides the index.name and reference.name
#' diagnosis(tab = mytable)
#' # Inserting values as isolated numbers
#' diagnosis(TP = 72, FN = 18, FP = 25, TN = 149,
#'           index.name = "Serology", reference.name = "Citology")
#' #---------------------------------
#' # Export results to a spreadsheet:
#' #---------------------------------
#' # Assigning diagnosis to an object
#' mytest <- diagnosis(TP = 364, FN = 22, FP = 17, TN = 211,
#' index.name = "Gram", reference.name = "Culture")
#' # Export to a spreadsheet using csv format
#' # write.csv(mytest$results, 'MytestResults.csv', quote = FALSE, na = '')
#' # OR to a doc document with rtf library
#' # library(rtf)
#' # rtf1 <- RTF("MytestResults.doc")
#' # addParagraph(rtf1, "Table 1 - Diagnostic test accuracy.")
#' # addNewLine(rtf1)
#' # addTable(rtf1, mytest$results, col.justify = c("L","C","C","C"),
#' #          header.col.justify = c("L","C","C","C), row.names = TRUE)
#' # done(rtf1)
#' # Draw a ROC plot
#' # WARNING: the axis labels must be set by hand.
#' plot(mytest, type = "roc", grid = TRUE, xlab = "1 - Specificity", ylab = "Sensitivy")
#' # Draw a nomogram from a test
#' plot(mytest, type = "nomogram", grid = TRUE, auto.shade = FALSE)
#' plot(mytest, type = "nomogram", grid = FALSE, auto.shade = TRUE)
#' plot(mytest, type = "nomogram", grid = TRUE, auto.shade = TRUE)
#' rm(mydata, mytable, mytest)
#' @import stats
#' @export
diagnosis <- function(tab = NULL, ref = NULL, test = NULL,
                      TN = NULL, FN = NULL, FP = NULL, TP = NULL,
                      reference.name = NULL, index.name = NULL, CL = 0.95,
                      CL.type = c("wilson", "exact", "approximate")) {
  if (all(is.null(TP), is.null(TN), is.null(FP), is.null(FN), is.null(ref), is.null(test), is.null(tab))) {
    stop("A combination of TP and FP and FN and TN, or ref and test, or a valid tab must be provided.")

  if (!is.null(TP) && !is.null(TN) && !is.null(FP) && !is.null(FN)) {
    if (!is.numeric(c(TP, TN, FN, FP)) || length(FP) != 1 || length(TP) != 1 || length(FN) != 1 || length(TN) != 1) {
      stop("When TP and FP and FN and TN are provided, they all must be numeric, each of length 1.")
    if (is.null(reference.name)) {
      reference.name <- 'Not informed'
    if (is.null(index.name)) {
      index.name <- 'Not informed'
    tab <- as.table(cbind(rbind(TN, FP), rbind(FN, TP)))
    dimnames(tab) <- list(c("Negative", "Positive"), c("Negative", "Positive"))
    names(dimnames(tab)) <- c(index.name, reference.name)

  if (!is.null(ref) && !is.null(test)) {
    if (any(is.na(ref), is.na(test))) {
      stop('There are NAs either in index test or reference standard. Consider removing or inputing!')
    if (is.factor(ref) || is.factor(test)) {
      if (nlevels(ref) != 2 || nlevels(test) != 2) {
        stop('It seems there are more than two levels either in "ref" or in "test".')
    if (!is.factor(ref) || !is.factor(test)) {
      if (nlevels(as.factor(ref)) != 2 || nlevels(as.factor(test)) != 2) {
        stop('It seems there are more than two levelseither in "ref" or in "test".')
    if (is.null(reference.name)) {
      reference.name <- deparse(substitute(ref))
    if (is.null(index.name)) {
      index.name <- deparse(substitute(test))
    tab <- table(test, ref, dnn = c(index.name, reference.name))
    TN <- tab[1, 1]
    FN <- tab[1, 2]
    FP <- tab[2, 1]
    TP <- tab[2, 2]

  if (!is.null(tab)) {
    if (any(!is.table(tab) & !is.matrix(tab))) {
      stop("'tab' should be a table or a matrix.")
    if (any(dim(tab) != c(2, 2))) {
      stop("'tab' should be a 2 x 2 table or matrix.")
    if (!is.null(names(dimnames(tab))[2])) {
      reference.name <- names(dimnames(tab))[2]
    if (is.null(reference.name) && is.null(names(dimnames(tab))[2])) {
      reference.name <- 'Not informed'
    if (!is.null(names(dimnames(tab))[1])) {
      index.name <- names(dimnames(tab))[1]
    if (is.null(index.name) && is.null(names(dimnames(tab))[1])) {
      index.name <- 'Not informed'
    TN <- tab[1, 1]
    FN <- tab[1, 2]
    FP <- tab[2, 1]
    TP <- tab[2, 2]
    if (!is.numeric(c(TN, FN, FP, TP))) {
      stop("At least one of the table cells are not numeric.")

  tabmarg <- addmargins(tab)
  Conf.limit <- CL
  n <- sum(tab)
  tmp <- binom.CI((TP + FN), n, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  p <- tmp$proportion
  p.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  p.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  tmp <- binom.CI(TP, TP + FN, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  Se <- tmp$proportion
  Se.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  Se.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  tmp <- binom.CI(TN, FP + TN, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  Sp <- tmp$proportion
  Sp.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  Sp.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  PLR <- Se / (1 - Sp)
  PLR.term <- (qnorm(1 - ((1 - CL) / 2), mean = 0, sd = 1)) * sqrt((1 - Se) / ((TP + FN) * Sp) + (Sp) / ((FP + TN) * (1 - Sp)))
  PLR.inf.cl <- exp(log(PLR) - PLR.term)
  PLR.sup.cl <- exp(log(PLR) + PLR.term)
  NLR <- (1 - Se) / Sp
  NLR.term <- (qnorm(1 - ((1 - CL) / 2), mean = 0, sd = 1)) * sqrt((Se) / ((TP + FN) * (1 - Se)) + (1 - Sp) / ((FP + TN) * (Sp)))
  NLR.inf.cl <- exp(log(NLR) - NLR.term)
  NLR.sup.cl <- exp(log(NLR) + NLR.term)
  tmp <- binom.CI(TP + TN, n, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  accu <- tmp$proportion
  accu.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  accu.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  tmp <- binom.CI(TP, TP + FP, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  PPV <- tmp$proportion
  PPV.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  PPV.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  tmp <- binom.CI(TN, TN + FN, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  NPV <- tmp$proportion
  NPV.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  NPV.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  OR <- fisher.test(tab, conf.level = CL)
  DOR <- unname(OR$estimate)
  DOR.inf.cl <- OR$conf.int[1]
  DOR.sup.cl <- OR$conf.int[2]
  tmp <- binom.CI(FN + FP, n, conf.level = CL, type = CL.type)
  ER <- tmp$proportion
  ER.inf.cl <- tmp$lower
  ER.sup.cl <- tmp$upper
  AUC <- (Se + Sp) / 2
  Youden <- Se + Sp - 1
  Youden.term <- qnorm(1 - ((1 - CL) / 2)) * sqrt(((Se * (1 - Se)) / (TP + FN) + ((Sp * (1 - Sp)) / (TN + FP))))
  Youden.inf.cl <- Youden - Youden.term
  Youden.sup.cl <- Youden + Youden.term

  results <- data.frame(Estimate = c(n, p, Se, Sp, PPV, NPV, PLR, NLR, DOR, ER, accu, Youden, AUC),
             lower.cl = c(NA, p.inf.cl, Se.inf.cl, Sp.inf.cl, PPV.inf.cl, NPV.inf.cl, PLR.inf.cl, NLR.inf.cl, DOR.inf.cl, ER.inf.cl, accu.inf.cl, Youden.inf.cl, NA),
             upper.cl = c(NA, p.sup.cl, Se.sup.cl, Sp.sup.cl, PPV.sup.cl, NPV.sup.cl, PLR.sup.cl, NLR.sup.cl, DOR.sup.cl, ER.sup.cl, accu.sup.cl, Youden.sup.cl, NA))
  rownames(results) <- c('Sample size:','Prevalence:', 'Sensitivity:', 'Specificity:',
                         'Postive predictive value:', 'Negative predictive value:',
                         'Positive likelihood ratio:', 'Negative likelihood ratio:',
                         'Diagnostic Odds Ratio:', 'Error rate:',
                         'Accuracy:', 'Youden J index:', 'Area under ROC curve:')
  # results evaluations
  output <- list(tabmarg = tabmarg, n = n, p = p, p.inf.cl = p.inf.cl,
                 p.sup.cl = p.sup.cl, Se = Se, Se.inf.cl = Se.inf.cl, Se.sup.cl = Se.sup.cl,
                 Sp = Sp, Sp.inf.cl = Sp.inf.cl, Sp.sup.cl = Sp.sup.cl,
                 PLR = PLR, PLR.inf.cl = PLR.inf.cl, PLR.sup.cl = PLR.sup.cl,
                 NLR = NLR, NLR.inf.cl = NLR.inf.cl, NLR.sup.cl = NLR.sup.cl,
                 accu = accu, accu.inf.cl = accu.inf.cl, accu.sup.cl = accu.sup.cl,
                 PPV = PPV, PPV.inf.cl = PPV.inf.cl, PPV.sup.cl = PPV.sup.cl,
                 NPV = NPV, NPV.inf.cl = NPV.inf.cl, NPV.sup.cl = NPV.sup.cl,
                 DOR = DOR, DOR.inf.cl = DOR.inf.cl, DOR.sup.cl = DOR.sup.cl,
                 ER = ER, ER.inf.cl = ER.inf.cl, ER.sup.cl = ER.sup.cl,
                 Youden = Youden, Youden.inf.cl = Youden.inf.cl, Youden.sup.cl = Youden.sup.cl,
                 AUC = AUC, Conf.limit = Conf.limit, reference.name = reference.name,
                 index.name = index.name, results = results)
  class(output) <- "diagnosis"

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DiagnosisMed documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.