
Defines functions sienaDataConstraint validateSienaDependent sienaDependent varDyadCovar coDyadCovar varCovar coCovar sienaNodeSet sienaCompositionChangeFromFile sienaCompositionChange

Documented in coCovar coDyadCovar sienaCompositionChange sienaCompositionChangeFromFile sienaDataConstraint sienaDependent sienaNodeSet varCovar varDyadCovar

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: sienautils.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains utilities for creating siena special
# * objects from vectors etc
# *****************************************************************************/

##@sienaCompositionChange Create
sienaCompositionChange <- function(changelist, nodeSet="Actors", option=1)
    if (!is.list(changelist))
        stop("changelist must be a list")
    warn <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    changelist <- lapply(changelist, as.numeric)
    options(warn = warn)
    if (any(sapply(changelist,function(x)any(is.na(x)))))
        stop("Non numeric data")
    out <- changelist
    class(out) <- "compositionChange"
    if (is.vector(nodeSet) && length(nodeSet) > 1)
        stop ("only one node set relevant")
    if (!is.character(nodeSet))
		stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
    if (!is.numeric(option))
        stop("option should be numeric")
    if (option < 1 || option > 4)
        stop("option should be between 1 and 4")
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSet
    attr(out, "ccOption") <- option
##@sienaCompositionChangeFromFile Create
sienaCompositionChangeFromFile <- function(filename, nodeSet="Actors",
                                           fileobj=NULL, option=1)
    if (is.null(fileobj))
        tmp <- readLines(filename)
        tmp <- fileobj
    changelist <- lapply(tmp, function(x)
						 ##  cat("x1",x)
                         x <- sub("^ +", "", x)
						 ##  cat("x2",x, "x")
                         x <- unlist(strsplit(x, " +"))
						 ##   print(x)
    warn <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    changelist <- lapply(changelist, as.numeric)
    options(warn = warn)
    if (any(sapply(changelist, function(x)any(is.na(x)))))
        stop("Non numeric data")
    out <- changelist
    class(out) <- "compositionChange"
    if (is.vector(nodeSet) && length(nodeSet) > 1)
        stop ("only one node set relevant")
    if (!is.character(nodeSet))
        stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
    if (!is.numeric(option))
        stop("option should be numeric")
    if (option < 1 || option > 4)
        stop("option should be between 1 and 4")
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSet
    attr(out, "ccOption") <- option
##@sienaNodeSet Create
sienaNodeSet <- function(n, nodeSetName="Actors", names=NULL)
    if (!is.numeric(n))
        stop("n must be numeric")
    if (!is.character(nodeSetName))
        stop("node set name must be a character string")
    if (!is.null(names) && length(names) != n)
        stop("node names incorrect length")
    out <- 1:n
    attributes(out) <- list(class="sienaNodeSet", nodeSetName=nodeSetName)
    if (!is.null(names))
        names(out) <- names

##@coCovar Create
coCovar <- function(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSet="Actors", imputationValues=NULL)
    ##vector, numeric or factor
    if (!is.vector(val))
        stop("val must be a vector")
    if (!(is.numeric(val) || is.factor(val)))
        stop("val must be numeric or a factor")
    if (!is.character(nodeSet))
        stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
	if (!is.null(imputationValues))
		if (!(is.numeric(imputationValues) || is.factor(imputationValues)))
			stop("imputationValues must be numeric or a factor")
		if (anyNA(imputationValues))
			stop("imputationValues must not contain any NA values")
		if (length(imputationValues) != length(val))
			stop("imputationValues must have the same length as val")
    out <- val
    class(out) <- "coCovar"
    attr(out, "centered") <- centered
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSet
    attr(out, "imputationValues") <- imputationValues
##@varCovar Create
varCovar<- function(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSet="Actors", imputationValues=NULL)
    ##matrix, numeric or factor, nrow = nactors and cols = observations-1
    if (!is.matrix(val))
        stop("val must be a matrix")
    if (!(is.numeric(val) || is.factor(val)))
        stop("val must be numeric or a factor")
    if (!is.character(nodeSet))
        stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
    if (!is.null(imputationValues))
		if (!(is.numeric(imputationValues) || is.factor(imputationValues)))
			stop("imputationValues must be numeric or a factor")
		if (any(is.na(imputationValues)))
			stop("imputationValues must not contain any NA values")
		if (any(dim(imputationValues) != dim(val)))
			stop("imputationValues must have the same dimension as val")
    out <- val
    class(out) <- "varCovar"
    attr(out, "centered") <- centered
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSet
    attr(out, "imputationValues") <- imputationValues

##@coDyadCovar Create
coDyadCovar<- function(val, centered=TRUE, nodeSets=c("Actors","Actors"),
					   type=c("oneMode", "bipartite"))
    ##matrix, numeric or factor, dims= those of net - must validate later or
	## sparse matrix
    if (!sparse)
        if (!is.matrix(val))
            stop("val must be a matrix")
        if (!(is.numeric(val) || is.factor(val)))
            stop("val must be numeric or a factor")
        if (!is(val, "dgTMatrix"))
            stop("not a sparse triples matrices")
        val <- list(val)
    vardims <- dim(val)
    if (length(nodeSets) > 2)
        stop("nodeSets may only have one or two elements")
    if (!is.character(nodeSets))
        stop("nodeSets must be a vector of character strings")
	if (missing(type))
		if (nodeSets[1] == nodeSets[2])
			type <- "oneMode"
			type <- "bipartite"
		type <- match.arg(type)
	if (type == "bipartite")
		if (nodeSets[1] == nodeSets[2])
			stop("bipartite covariate needs two different node sets")
		if (nodeSets[1] != nodeSets[2])
			stop("Both node sets must be the same for a oneMode covariate")
    out <- val
    class(out) <- "coDyadCovar"
	attr(out, "type") <- type
    attr(out, "centered") <- centered
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSets
    attr(out, "sparse") <- sparse
    attr(out, "vardims") <- vardims
##@varDyadCovar Create
varDyadCovar<- function(val, centered=TRUE,
						nodeSets=c("Actors","Actors"), sparse=is.list(val),
					   type=c("oneMode", "bipartite"))
    ##array, numeric or factor, dims= those of net by observations-1 -
    ##must validate later or list of sparse matrices
    if (!sparse)
        if (!is.array(val) || !(length(dim(val)) == 3))
            stop("val must be a 3d array")
        if (!(is.numeric(val) || is.factor(val)))
            stop("val must be numeric or a factor")
        vardims <- dim(val)
         if (!is.list(val))
            stop("values must be an array or a list of sparse matrices")
        if (!all(sapply(val, function(x) is(x,"dgTMatrix"))))
            stop("not a list of sparse triples matrices")
        vardims <- sapply(val, dim) ## dimensions of matrices in columns
        if (any(vardims != vardims[, 1]))
            stop("all matrices must have the same dimension")
        vardims <- vardims[, 1]
        vardims[3] <- length(val)

    if (length(nodeSets) > 2)
        stop("nodeSets may only have one or two elements")
    if (!is.character(nodeSets))
        stop("nodeSets must be a vector of character strings")
    if (length(nodeSets) == 1)
        nodeSets <- c(nodeSets, nodeSets)
	if (missing(type))
		if (nodeSets[1] == nodeSets[2])
			type <- "oneMode"
			type <- "bipartite"
		type <- match.arg(type)
	if (type == "bipartite")
		if (nodeSets[1] == nodeSets[2])
			stop("bipartite covariate needs two different node sets")
		if (nodeSets[1] != nodeSets[2])
			stop("Both node sets must be the same for a oneMode covariate")
    out <- val
    class(out) <- "varDyadCovar"
	attr(out, "type") <- type
    attr(out, "centered") <- centered
    attr(out, "nodeSet") <- nodeSets
    attr(out, "sparse") <- sparse
    attr(out, "vardims") <- vardims
##@sienaDependent Create
sienaDependent <- function(netarray, type=c("oneMode","bipartite","behavior",
					"continuous"), nodeSet="Actors", sparse=is.list(netarray), 
					allowOnly=TRUE, imputationValues=NULL)
	if (inherits(netarray,'data.frame'))
		stop("The first argument must not be a data.frame, but an array or a list of sparse matrices.")
	if (!sparse)
        if (!is.array(netarray))
            stop("netarray must be an array or a list of sparse matrices")
        netdims <- dim(netarray)
        if (length(netdims) == 2) ## assume behavior network
            dim(netarray) <- c(netdims[1], 1, netdims[2])
            netdims <- dim(netarray)
        if (!is.numeric(netarray))
            stop("entries must be numeric")
      #  require(Matrix)
        if (!is.list(netarray))
            stop("netarray must be an array or a list of sparse matrices")
        if (!all(sapply(netarray, function(x) is(x,"dgTMatrix"))))
            stop("not a list of sparse triples matrices")
        netdims <- sapply(netarray, dim) ## dimensions of network in columns
        if (any(netdims != netdims[, 1]))
            stop("all matrices must have the same dimension")
        netdims <- netdims[, 1]
        netdims[3] <- length(netarray)
    observations <- netdims[3]
    if (observations < 2)
        stop("netarray must have at least two observations")
    if (netdims[2] == 1) ## how we defined a behavior array earlier
        if (missing(type))
            type <- "behavior"
            type <- match.arg(type)
            if (type != "behavior" && type != "continuous")
                stop("incorrect type")

    else if (netdims[1] != netdims[2])
        if (missing(type))
            type <- "bipartite"
            type <- match.arg(type)
            if (type != "bipartite")
                stop("incorrect type")
        type <- match.arg(type)
        if (type == "behavior")
            stop("incorrect type")
    if (!is.character(nodeSet))
        stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
    if (type == "bipartite")
        if (!is.vector(nodeSet) || length(nodeSet) != 2)
            stop ("need 2 node sets for a bipartite network")
        if (!is.character(nodeSet[[1]]) || ! is.character(nodeSet[[2]]))
            stop ("nodesets should be character strings")
		if (nodeSet[[1]] == nodeSet[[2]])
            stop ("nodesets should be different from each other")
        if (is.vector(nodeSet) && length(nodeSet) > 1)
            stop ("only one node set for this network")
        if (!is.character(nodeSet))
            stop ("nodeset should be a character string")
    if (type != "behavior" && type != "continuous")
        if (sparse)
            netarray <- lapply(netarray, function(x)as(drop0(x), "dgTMatrix"))
            if (!all(sapply(netarray, function(x)
                            tmp <- x@x
                                all(is.na(tmp) | tmp == 1 | tmp == 10 |
                                    tmp == 11 )
                 stop("entries in networks must be 0, 1, 10 or 11")
            if (!all(netarray %in% c(0, 1, 10, 11) | is.na(netarray)))
                stop("entries in networks must be 0, 1, 10 or 11")
  	if (!is.null(imputationValues))    
        if (type != "behavior" && type != "continuous")
            stop("imputationValues only implemented for dependent behavior variables")
		if (!(is.numeric(imputationValues)))
			stop("imputationValues must be numeric or a factor")
		if (any(is.na(imputationValues)))
			stop("imputationValues may not contain any NA values")
		if (nrow(imputationValues) != netdims[1] || ncol(imputationValues) != netdims[3])
			stop("imputationValues and data must have the same dimension")
    obj <- netarray
    class(obj) <- ("sienaDependent")
    attr(obj, "type") <- type
    attr(obj, "sparse") <- sparse
    attr(obj, "nodeSet") <- nodeSet
    attr(obj, "netdims") <- netdims
	attr(obj, "allowOnly") <- allowOnly
    if (!is.null(imputationValues))    
        attr(obj, "imputationValues") <- imputationValues

##@sienaNet Create
sienaNet <- sienaDependent

##@validateSienaDependent Miscellaneous not used yet
validateSienaDependent <- function(net)
    if (!inherits(net,"sienaDependent"))
        stop ("Not a sienaDependent object")
    if (!attr(net, "type") %in% c("oneMode", "bipartite", "behavior"))
        stop ("invalid type in net")

##@sienaDataConstraint DataCreate
sienaDataConstraint <- function(x, net1, net2, type=c("higher",
                                                "disjoint", "atLeastOne"),
    type <- match.arg(type)
    net1 <- deparse(substitute(net1))
    net2 <- deparse(substitute(net2))
    pairname <- paste(net1, net2, sep=",")
    atts <- attr(x, type)
    if (is.null(atts))
        stop("No constraints calculated: Need to recreate data object")
    if (!pairname %in% names(atts))
        stop("No such constraint found")

    if (value == attr(x, type)[pairname])
        message("No change in constraint")
        attr(x, type)[pairname] <- value

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RSienaTest documentation built on July 14, 2021, 3 a.m.