
Defines functions log1pexp log1mexp igamma pbeta_ser pbetaI hypot yn jn Ai y1 y0 j1 j0 Li2 Ei Bernoulli zeta dgamma dbinom erfc erf

Documented in Ai Bernoulli dbinom dgamma Ei erf erfc hypot igamma j0 j1 jn Li2 log1mexp log1pexp pbetaI y0 y1 yn zeta

## erf(), erfc()

erf <- function(x) {
    if(is.numeric(x)) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
    else if(is.mpfr(x)) { # maybe also mpfrMatrix
	##new("mpfr", .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["erf"]]))
	x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["erf"]])
    else stop("invalid class(x): ", class(x))
##    pnorm(x* sqrt(2)) = (1 + erf(x))/2
##==> pnorm(x.)	 = (1 + erf(x./sqrt(2)))/2

##    pnorm(x* sqrt(2), lower=FALSE) = erfc(x)/2
##==> pnorm(x., lower=TRUE)  = erfc(x./sqrt(2))/2
erfc <- function(x) {
    if(is.numeric(x)) 2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2), lower.tail = FALSE)
    else if(is.mpfr(x)) {
	x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["erfc"]])
    else stop("invalid class(x): ", class(x))

pnorm <- function (q, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(is.numeric(q) && is.numeric(mean) && is.numeric(sd))
	stats__pnorm(q, mean, sd, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
    else if((q.mp <- is.mpfr(q)) || is.mpfr(mean) || is.mpfr(sd)) {
	stopifnot(length(lower.tail) == 1L, length(log.p) == 1L)
	rr <- q <- ((if(q.mp) q else as(q, "mpfr")) - mean) / sd
	if(any(neg <- (q < 0))) ## swap those:	Phi(-z) = 1 - Phi(z)
	    rr[neg] <- pnorm(-q[neg], lower.tail = !lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
	if(any(pos <- !neg)) {
	    q <- q[pos] #==> now  q >= 0
	    prec.q <- max(.getPrec(q))
	    two <- mpfr(2, prec.q + 4L)
	    Irt2 <- sqrt(mpfr(0.5, prec.q + 4L)) # 1 / sqrt(2)
	    rr[pos] <- roundMpfr(precBits = prec.q,
              if(lower.tail) {
		if(log.p) {
		    r <- q
		    sml <- q < 0.67448975
		    if(any(sml)) {
			eq2 <- erf(q[sml]*Irt2) ## |eq2| < 1/2 <==> |q*Irt2| < 0.47693627620447
			##                        <==>  sml   <==>   |q|   < 0.67448975019608
			r[ sml] <- log1p(eq2) - log(two)
		    if(any(!sml)) {
			ec2 <- erfc(q[!sml]*Irt2) ## ==> ec2 = 1-eq2 <= 1 - 1/2 = 1/2
			r[!sml] <- log1p(-0.5*ec2)
		else ## !log.p
		    (1 + erf(q*Irt2))/2
	    } else { ## upper.tail
		r <- erfc(q*Irt2) / 2
		if(log.p) log(r) else r
    } else stop("(q,mean,sd) must be numeric or \"mpfr\"")

dnorm <- function (x, mean = 0, sd = 1, log = FALSE) {
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(mean) && is.numeric(sd))
	stats__dnorm(x, mean, sd, log=log)
    else if((x.mp <- is.mpfr(x)) || is.mpfr(mean) || is.mpfr(sd)) {
	## stopifnot(length(log) == 1)
	prec <- pmax(53, getPrec(x), getPrec(mean), getPrec(sd))
	if(!x.mp) x <- mpfr(x, prec)
	x <- (x - mean) / sd
	twopi <- 2*Const("pi", prec)
	## f(x) =  1/(sigma*sqrt(2pi)) * exp(-1/2 x^2)
	if(log) ## log( f(x) ) = -[ log(sigma) + log(2pi)/2 + x^2 / 2]
	    -(log(if(is.mpfr(sd)) sd else mpfr(sd, prec))  + (log(twopi) + x*x)/2)
	else exp(-x^2/2) / (sd*sqrt(twopi))
    } else stop("invalid arguments (x,mean,sd)")

## 'ncp': not yet -- checked in  ../tests/special-fun-ex.R
dt <- function (x, df, ncp, log = FALSE) {
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(df) && (missing(ncp) || is.numeric(ncp)))
	stats__dt(x, df, ncp, log=log)
    else if (missing(ncp) || all(ncp == 0)) {
        stopifnot(length(log) == 1)
        if((x.mp <- is.mpfr(x)) | (df.mp <- is.mpfr(df)) || missing(ncp) || is.mpfr(ncp)) {
            prec <- pmax(53L, getPrec(x), getPrec(df), if(missing(ncp)) 0L else getPrec(ncp))
            if(! x.mp)  x <- mpfr( x, prec)
            if(!df.mp) df <- mpfr(df, prec)
            twopi <- 2*Const("pi", prec)
        ## From Catherine Loader's comment in src/nmath/dt.c  (n := df) :
        ## the following form should be "stable" ["contrary" to the direct formula]:
        ##   f_n(x) = sqrt(n/2) / ((n+1)/2) * Gamma((n+3)/2) / Gamma((n+2)/2)
        ##              * (1+x^2/n)^(-n/2)
        ##              / sqrt( 2 pi (1+x^2/n) )
            ## MM "FIXME": consider pkg 'DPQ's b_chi() and lb_chi() {and old c_nu()}
            ## ---------  for the constant
            if(log) {
                log(df/2)/2 - log((df+1)/2) + lgamma((df+3)/2) - lgamma((df+2)/2) +
                    (-df/2)*log1p(x^2/df) - log( twopi*(1+x^2/df) )/2
            } else {
                sqrt(df/2) / ((df+1)/2) * gamma((df+3)/2) / gamma((df+2)/2) *
                    (1+x^2/df)^(-df/2) / sqrt( twopi*(1+x^2/df) )

        } else stop("invalid arguments (x,df,ncp)")
    else stop("ncp != 0 not yet implemented")

dpois <- function (x, lambda, log = FALSE,
                   useLog = { ## MPFR overflow:
                       ln2 <- log(2)
                       any(lambda >= -.mpfr_erange("Emin")*ln2) ||
                           any(x*log(lambda) >= .mpfr_erange("Emax")*ln2)
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(lambda)) ## standard R
	stats__dpois(x, lambda, log=log)
    else if((l.mp <- is.mpfr(lambda)) | (x.mp <- is.mpfr(x))) {
	prec <- pmax(53, getPrec(lambda), getPrec(x))
	if(!l.mp) lambda <- mpfr(lambda, prec)
	if(!x.mp) x <- mpfr(x, prec)
        if(log || useLog) {
            ## NB: For large lambda, x ~= lambda this has a *LOT* of cancellation, e.g., for
            ## --  lambda = 1e100,  prec = 256  is *NOT* sufficient !!
            r <- x + 0*lambda
            isI <- is.infinite(lambda) # & is.finite(x) # x <= lambda = +Inf
            r[ isI] <- if(log) -Inf else 0
            ## "else"
            if(any(!isI)) {
                lambda <- lambda[!isI]
                x <- x[!isI]
                r[!isI] <- -lambda + x*log(lambda) - lfactorial(x)
            if(log) r else exp(r)
	else exp(-lambda) * lambda^x /  factorial(x)
    } else
	stop("(x,lambda) must be numeric or \"mpfr\"")

dbinom <- function(x, size, prob, log = FALSE,
                   useLog = any(abs(x) > 1e6) || ## MPFR overflow:
                       max(x*log(prob), (size-x)*log1p(-prob)) >=
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(size) && is.numeric(prob)) ## standard R
	stats__dbinom(x, size, prob, log=log)
    else if((s.mp <- is.mpfr(size)) | (p.mp <- is.mpfr(prob)) | (x.mp <- is.mpfr(x))) {
	stopifnot(is.whole(x)) # R's dbinom() gives NaN's with a warning..
	prec <- pmax(53, getPrec(size), getPrec(prob), getPrec(x)) # full prec(x)
        if(!is.integer(x) && !useLog) {
            xi <- as.integer(x) # chooseMpfr() needs it
            if(x.mp) (if(anyNA(xi) || any(xi != x)) stop else message)(
                "'x' coerced from \"mpfr\" to integer -- necessary for chooseMpfr()")
            x <- xi
	if(!s.mp) size <- mpfr(size, prec)
	if(!p.mp) prob <- mpfr(prob, prec)
	## n:= size, p:= prob,	compute	 P(x) = choose(n, x) p^x (1-p)^(n-x)
        if(useLog) { # do *not* use chooseMpfr() {which is O(x^2)}
            lC.nx <- ## lchoose(size, x), but that is *not* yet available for "mpfr" __FIXME?__
                lfactorial(size) - (lfactorial(x) + lfactorial(size-x))
        } else {
            C.nx <- chooseMpfr(size, x)
            lC.nx <- log(C.nx)
        if(log || useLog) {
            r <- lC.nx + x*log(prob) + (size-x)*log1p(-prob)
            if(log) r else exp(r)
	else C.nx * prob^x * (1-prob)^(size-x)
    } else
	stop("(x,size, prob) must be numeric or \"mpfr\"")
}## {dbinom}

dnbinom <- function (x, size, prob, mu, log = FALSE, useLog = any(x > 1e6)) {
    if(!missing(mu)) {
        if (!missing(prob))
            stop("'prob' and 'mu' both specified")
        ## Using argument 'mu' instead of 'prob'
        if (size == Inf)
            return( dpois(x, lambda=mu, log) )
            prob <- size/(size+mu)  #  and continue :
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(size) && is.numeric(prob)) { ## standard R
            stats__dnbinom(x, size, mu=mu,     log=log)
            stats__dnbinom(x, size, prob=prob, log=log)
    } else if((s.mp <- is.mpfr(size)) | (p.mp <- is.mpfr(prob)) | (x.mp <- is.mpfr(x))) {
	stopifnot(is.whole(x)) # R's dbinom() gives NaN's with a warning..
	prec <- pmax(53, getPrec(size), getPrec(prob), getPrec(x))
        if(!is.integer(x) && !useLog) {
            xi <- as.integer(x) # chooseMpfr() needs it
            if(x.mp) (if(anyNA(xi) || any(xi != x)) stop else message)(
                "'x' coerced from \"mpfr\" to integer -- necessary for chooseMpfr()")
            x <- xi
	if(!s.mp) size <- mpfr(size, prec)
	if(!p.mp) prob <- mpfr(prob, prec)
        if(!x.mp && !is.integer(x)) x <- mpfr(x, prec)
	## n:= size, p:= prob,	compute	 P(x) = choose(n+x-1, x) * p^n * (1-p)^x
        if(!useLog) {
            C.nx <- chooseMpfr(size+x-1, x)
            if(log || ## MPFR overflow:
               max(size*log(prob), x*log1p(-prob)) >= .mpfr_erange("Emax")*log(2))
                r <- log(C.nx) + size*log(prob) + x*log1p(-prob)
                if(log) r else exp(r)
            else C.nx * prob^size * (1-prob)^x
        } else { # x not integer, typically  |x| > .Machine$integer.max (= 2147483647 = 2^31 - 1)
            ## => x is large but  size >= x is even larger ... so everything is large
            ## FIXME (?) suffering from cancellation (when ?) !
            logC.nx <- lgamma(size+x) - lgamma(size) - lgamma(x+1)
            if(log)  logC.nx + size*log(prob) + x*log1p(-prob)
            else exp(logC.nx + size*log(prob) + x*log1p(-prob))
    } else
	stop("(x,size, prob | mu) must be numeric or \"mpfr\"")
}## {dnbinom}

dgamma <- function(x, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate, log = FALSE) {
    missR <- missing(rate)
    missS <- missing(scale)
    if (!missR && !missS) { ## as stats::dgamma()
        if (abs(rate * scale - 1) < 1e-15)
            warning("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both")
        else stop("specify 'rate' or 'scale' but not both")
    ## and now use 'scale' only
    if(is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(shape) && is.numeric(scale))
        stats__dgamma(x, shape, scale=scale, log=log)
    else if((sh.mp <- is.mpfr(shape)) |
	    (sc.mp <- is.mpfr(scale)) || is.mpfr(x)) {
        ##     f(x)= 1/(s^a Gamma(a)) x^(a-1) e^-(x/s)  ; a=shape, s=scale
        ## log f(x) = -a*log(s) - lgamma(a) + (a-1)*log(x) - (x/s)
	if(!sh.mp || !sc.mp) {
	    prec <- pmax(53, getPrec(shape), getPrec(scale), getPrec(x))
		shape <- mpfr(shape, prec)
	    else ## !sc.mp :
		scale <- mpfr(scale, prec)
	## for now, "cheap", relying on "mpfr" arithmetic to be smart
	## "TODO":  Use C.Loader's formulae via dpois_raw() ,  bd0() etc
	## lgam.sh <- lgamma(shape)
	## ldgamma <- function(x, shp, s) -shp*log(s) -lgam.sh + (shp-1)*log(x) - (x/s)
        ldgamma <- function(x, shp, s) -shp*log(s) -lgamma(shp) + (shp-1)*log(x) - (x/s)
	    ldgamma(x, shape, scale)
	else { ## use direct [non - log-scale] formula when applicable
	    ## ok <- lgam.sh < log(2) * Rmpfr:::.mpfr.erange("Emax") & ## finite gamma(shape) := exp(lgam.sh)
	    ##       is.finite(xsh1 <- x^(shape-1)) &
	    ##       !is.na(r <- xsh1 * exp(-(x/scale)) / (scale^shape * exp(lgam.sh)))
	    ## r[!ok] <- exp(ldgamma(x[!ok], shape[!ok], scale[!ok]))
	    ## r
	    exp(ldgamma(x, shape, scale))
    } else
	stop("(x, shape, scale) must be numeric or \"mpfr\"")
}## {dgamma}

## zeta()
zeta <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr") # keep "mpfrArray"
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["zeta"]])

## "FIXME" -- rather use 'bigq' in gmp and the "sumBin" algorithm from copula!
Bernoulli <- function(k, precBits = 128) {
    ## Purpose: Bernoulli Numbers (in high precision)
    ## -----------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: k: non-negative integer vector
    ## -----------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 12 Dec 2008, 11:35
    stopifnot(all(k >= 0), k == as.integer(k))
    r <- - k * zeta(if(is.mpfr(k)) 1 - k else mpfr(1 - k, precBits=precBits))
    if(any(k0 <- k == 0)) r[k0] <- mpfr(1, precBits=precBits)

## eint() "Exponential integral"
Ei <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr") # keep "mpfrArray"
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["Eint"]])

## Li_2() the dilogarithm
Li2 <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr") # keep "mpfrArray"
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["Li2"]])

### ------------- Bessel: ---------
## j0, j1, jn
## y0, y1, yn
j0 <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr") # keep "mpfrArray"
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["j0"]])
j1 <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["j1"]])
y0 <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["y0"]])
y1 <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["y1"]])

Ai <- function(x) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(Math_mpfr, x, .Math.codes[["Ai"]])

jn <- function(n, x, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_jn, x, n, match.arg(rnd.mode))
yn <- function(n, x, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    if(!inherits(x, "mpfr")) x <- as(x, "mpfr")
    x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_yn, x, n, match.arg(rnd.mode))

###-------- 2-argument cases -------

## We want to automatically construct the methods needed:
## But atan2() as argument list and  signature	(y, x)
## where  beta() and lbeta()  have  (a,b) --> cannot treat them identically;
## and treat atan2() speparately

## NB: atan2(), beta() and lbeta() all have implicitGeneric()s in methods with no '...'
## ==  ---> canNOT have 3rd argument : rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')
##     ---> using   "N"  instead of    match.arg(rnd.mode)
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "mpfr", x = "mpfr"),
          function(y, x) new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, y, x, "N")))
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "mpfr", x = "numeric"),
          function(y, x) new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, y, .mpfr(x, 128L), "N")))
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "numeric", x = "mpfr"),
          function(y, x) new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, .mpfr(y, 128L), x, "N")))
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "mpfr", x = "ANY"),
          function(y, x) new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, y, as(x, "mpfr"), "N")))
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "ANY", x = "mpfr"),
          function(y, x) new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, as(y, "mpfr"), x, "N")))

setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "mpfrArray", x = "mpfrArray"),
          function(y, x) {
              if(dim(x) != dim(y))
                  stop("array dimensions differ")
              x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, y, x, "N")
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "mpfrArray", x = "ANY"),
          function(y, x) {
              if(length(y) %% length(x) != 0)
                  stop("length of first argument (array) is not multiple of the second argument's one")
              y@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, y, if(is.numeric(x))
                  .mpfr(x, 128L) else as(x, "mpfr"), "N")
setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "ANY", x = "mpfrArray"),
          function(y, x) {
              if(length(x) %% length(y) != 0)
                  stop("length of second argument (array) is not multiple of the first argument's one")
              x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_atan2, if(is.numeric(y))
                  .mpfr(y, 128L) else as(y, "mpfr"), x, "N")

## Using  "macro"  {instead of previous aux. function  mpfrMath2setMeth.a.b() :
for (ff in list(c("beta",  "R_mpfr_beta"),
                c("lbeta", "R_mpfr_lbeta"))) eval(substitute(
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "mpfr", b = "mpfr"),
	      function(a, b) new("mpfr", .Call(Csub, a, b, "N")))
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "mpfr", b = "numeric"),
	      function(a, b) new("mpfr", .Call(Csub, a, .mpfr(b, 128L), "N")))
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "numeric", b = "mpfr"),
	      function(a, b) new("mpfr", .Call(Csub, .mpfr(a, 128L), b, "N")))
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "mpfr", b = "ANY"),
	      function(a, b) new("mpfr", .Call(Csub, a, as(b, "mpfr"), "N")))
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "ANY", b = "mpfr"),
	      function(a, b) new("mpfr", .Call(Csub, as(a, "mpfr"), b, "N")))

    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "mpfrArray", b = "mpfrArray"),
	      function(a, b) {
		  if(dim(b) != dim(a))
		      stop("array dimensions differ")
		  b@.Data[] <- .Call(Csub, a, b, "N")
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "mpfrArray", b = "ANY"),
	      function(a, b) {
		  if(length(a) %% length(b) != 0)
		      stop("length of first argument (array) is not multiple of the second argument's one")
		  a@.Data[] <- .Call(Csub, a, if(is.numeric(b))
				     .mpfr(b, 128L) else as(b, "mpfr"), "N")
    setMethod(fname, signature(a = "ANY", b = "mpfrArray"),
	      function(a, b) {
		  if(length(b) %% length(a) != 0)
		      stop("length of second argument (array) is not multiple of the first argument's one")
		  b@.Data[] <- .Call(Csub, if(is.numeric(a))
				     .mpfr(a, 128L) else as(a, "mpfr"), b, "N")

}, list(fname = ff[[1]], Csub = as.symbol(ff[[2]]))))

## hypot()
hypot <- function(x,y, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    if(is(x, "mpfrArray") || is.array(x)) {
	if(is.array(x)) x <- mpfrArray(x, 128L, dim=dim(x), dimnames(x))
	if(is.array(y)) y <- mpfrArray(y, 128L, dim=dim(y), dimnames(y))
	if(is(y, "mpfrArray")) {
	    if(dim(x) != dim(y))
		stop("array dimensions differ")
	    x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_hypot, x, y, match.arg(rnd.mode))
	} else { ## y is not (mpfr)Array
	    if(length(x) %% length(y) != 0)
		stop("length of first argument (array) is not multiple of the second argument's one")
	    x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_hypot, x, as(y, "mpfr"), match.arg(rnd.mode))
    } else if(is(y, "mpfrArray")) {
	if(length(y) %% length(x) != 0)
	    stop("length of second argument (array) is not multiple of the first argument's one")
	y@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_hypot, as(x, "mpfr"), y, match.arg(rnd.mode))
	new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_hypot, as(x, "mpfr"), as(y, "mpfr"), match.arg(rnd.mode)))

## The Beta(a,b)  Cumulative Probabilities are exactly computable for *integer* a,b:
pbetaI <- function(q, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
		   precBits = NULL,
                   useRational = !log.p && !is.mpfr(q) && is.null(precBits) && int2,
                   rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'))
    stopifnot(length(shape1) == 1, length(shape2) == 1,
	      (i1 <- is.whole(shape1)) | (i2 <- is.whole(shape2)),
	      shape1 >= 0, shape2 >= 0,
	      length(lower.tail) == 1, length(log.p) == 1,
	      0 <= q, q <= 1, ncp == 0,
	      is.null(precBits) ||
	      (is.numeric(precBits) && is.whole(precBits) && precBits >= 2))

    int2 <- i1 && i2 # both integer -> can use rational
### TODO: Also have finite (but non-rational) sum if only *one* is an integer number
### ----

    ## Care for too large (a,b) and "integer overflow".
    ## NB:  below have 0:(b - 1) or 0:(a - 1)
    max.ab <- 2^20
    if(is.na(a <- as.integer(shape1)) || (!lower.tail && a > max.ab))
        stop("a = shape1 is too large for 'lower.tail=FALSE' and the current algorithm")
    if(is.na(b <- as.integer(shape2)) || (lower.tail && b > max.ab))
        stop("b = shape2 is too large for 'lower.tail=TRUE' and the current algorithm")
    n <- a + b - 1L
    if(!useRational) {
        pr.x <- getPrec(q, bigq. = 256L)
        if(is.null(precBits)) {
            aq <- abs(as.numeric(q))
            mq <- if(any(po <- aq > 0)) min(aq[po]) else 1 # ==> log = 0
            ## -n*log(|x|): such that 1 - |x|^n does not completely cancel
            precBits <- max(128L, pr.x, -as.numeric(n)*log(mq))
        if(pr.x < precBits || !is.mpfr(q))
            q <- mpfr(q, precBits=precBits)
        mpfr1 <- list(.Call(const_asMpfr, 1, 16L, "N")) # as prototype for vapply()
    F <- if(log.p) log else identity
    ## FIXME: logspace add sum   lsum(.) should be more accurate for large n ==> could use larger a,b

    if(lower.tail) {
	## The prob. is	  P[ X <= x ] = \sum_{k=a}^ n    (n \\ k) x^k (1-x)^(n-k)
        ## but we want to sum from 0 {smallest --> largest} as well:
        ##                P[ X <= x ] = \sum_{k=0}^{b-1} (n \\ k) (1-x)^k x^(n-k)
	k <- 0:(b - 1L)
        FUN.x <- function(x) sum(n.choose.k * (1-x)^k * x^(n-k))
    } else { ## upper tail
	## Prob. P[ X > q ] =  1 - P[X <= q ] = \sum_{k=0}^{a-1} (n \\ k) x^k (1-x)^(n-k)
	k <- 0:(a - 1L)
        FUN.x <- function(x) sum(n.choose.k * x^k * (1-x)^(n-k))
    n.choose.k <- chooseZ(n, k)
    if(useRational) {
        q <- as.bigq(q)
        if(length(q) == 1L) FUN.x(q) else c_bigq(lapply(q, FUN.x))
    } else { # mpfr
            ## "vapply() for "mpfr"
                vapply(q, FUN.x, mpfr1))),
            ## reduce the precision, in order to not "claim wrongly":
            precBits=precBits, match.arg(rnd.mode))

## TODO  1) add (and test) R mpfr version R's bpser() in toms708.c
##       2) compare with bpser() from package DPQ which should have more flexible variant
##          ~/R/Pkgs/DPQ/R/beta-fns.R  &  ~/R/Pkgs/DPQ/src/bpser.c
pbeta_ser <- function(q, shape1, shape2, log.p=FALSE) {

### MPFR version >= 3.2.0 :
## >>> Note: the current implementation of mpfr_gamma_inc is slow for large values of rop or op,
## >>> ====  in which case some internal overflow might also occur.
##  mpfr_gamma_inc(a,x) =: igamma(a,x)    where
## igamma(a,x) = "upper" incomplete gamma  Γ(a,x) :=: Γ(a) - γ(a,x);
##	γ(a,x) = "lower" incomplete gamma  γ(a,x) := ₀∫ˣ tᵃ⁻¹ e⁻ᵗ dt, and
## R's  pgamma(x, a) :==  γ(a,x) / Γ(a)
## >>> ../man/igamma.Rd <<<
igamma <- function(a,x, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    if(mpfrVersion() < "3.2.0")
	stop("igamma()'s MPFR equivalent needs mpfr version >= 3.2.0, but mpfrVersion()=",
    if(is(a, "mpfrArray") || is.array(a)) {
	if(is.array(a)) a <- mpfrArray(a, 128L, dim=dim(a), dimnames(a))
	if(is.array(x)) x <- mpfrArray(x, 128L, dim=dim(x), dimnames(x))
	if(is(x, "mpfrArray")) {
	    if(dim(a) != dim(x))
		stop("array dimensions differ")
	    a@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_igamma, a, x, match.arg(rnd.mode))
	} else { ## x is not (mpfr)Array
	    if(length(a) %% length(x) != 0)
		stop("length of first argument (array) is not multiple of the second argument's one")
	    a@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_igamma, a, as(x, "mpfr"), match.arg(rnd.mode))
    } else if(is(x, "mpfrArray")) {
	if(length(x) %% length(a) != 0)
	    stop("length of second argument (array) is not multiple of the first argument's one")
	x@.Data[] <- .Call(R_mpfr_igamma, as(a, "mpfr"), x, match.arg(rnd.mode))
	new("mpfr", .Call(R_mpfr_igamma, as(a, "mpfr"), as(x, "mpfr"), match.arg(rnd.mode)))

## only as long as we still may have   mpfrVersion() < "3.2.0", e.g. in Fedora 30 (2019f)

## mpfrVersion() cannot be called at package build time  (underlying C entry point not ready):
## if(mpfrVersion() < "3.2.0")
## dummy .. to pacify "R CMD check"
## R_mpfr_igamma <- quote(dummy) # gives NOTE  ‘R_mpfr_igamma’ is of class "name"

## These are identical from package copuula/R/special-func.R -- where MM authored the function also:
## We want to export these, but cannot easily import from copula which "weekly depends" on Rmpfr

##' @title Compute  f(a) = log(1 - exp(-a))  stably
##' @param a numeric vector of positive values
##' @param cutoff  log(2) is optimal, see  Maechler (201x) .....
##' @return f(a) == log(1 - exp(-a)) == log1p(-exp(-a)) == log(-expm1(-a))
##' @author Martin Maechler, May 2002 .. Aug. 2011
##' @references Maechler(2012)
##' Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(-|a|)) Assessed by the Rmpfr package.
##' http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rmpfr/vignettes/log1mexp-note.pdf
## MM: ~/R/Pkgs/Rmpfr/inst/doc/log1mexp-note.Rnw
##--> ../man/log1mexp.Rd
log1mexp <- function(a, cutoff = log(2)) ## << log(2) is optimal >>
    if(has.na <- any(ina <- is.na(a))) {
	y <- a
	a <- a[ok <- !ina]
    if(any(a < 0))## a == 0  -->  -Inf	(in both cases)
	warning("'a' >= 0 needed")
    tst <- a <= cutoff
    r <- a
    r[ tst] <- log(-expm1(-a[ tst]))
    r[!tst] <- log1p(-exp(-a[!tst]))
    if(has.na) { y[ok] <- r ; y } else r

##' @title Compute  f(x) = log(1 + exp(x))  stably and quickly
##--> ../man/log1mexp.Rd
log1pexp <- function(x, c0 = -37, c1 = 18, c2 = 33.3)
    if(has.na <- any(ina <- is.na(x))) {
	y <- x
	x <- x[ok <- !ina]
    r <- exp(x)
    if(any(i <- c0 < x & (i1 <- x <= c1)))
	r[i] <- log1p(r[i])
    if(any(i <- !i1 & (i2 <- x <= c2)))
	r[i] <- x[i] + 1/r[i] # 1/exp(x) = exp(-x)
    if(any(i3 <- !i2))
	r[i3] <- x[i3]
    if(has.na) { y[ok] <- r ; y } else r

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Rmpfr documentation built on March 25, 2024, 3 p.m.