
Defines functions snpgdsSNPRateFreq snpgdsSampMissrate snpgdsSelectSNP snpgdsIndInbCoef snpgdsIndInb snpgdsDiss snpgdsHCluster snpgdsCutTree snpgdsDrawTree snpgdsSNPList snpgdsSNPListIntersect snpgdsSNPListStrand snpgdsSummary snpgdsGetGeno snpgdsCreateGeno snpgdsCreateGenoSet snpgdsCombineGeno snpgdsErrMsg snpgdsExampleFileName snpgdsGDS2PED snpgdsGDS2BED snpgdsBED2GDS snpgdsGDS2Eigen snpgdsVCF2GDS snpgdsOption .onAttach .Last.lib

Documented in snpgdsBED2GDS snpgdsCombineGeno snpgdsCreateGeno snpgdsCreateGenoSet snpgdsCutTree snpgdsDiss snpgdsDrawTree snpgdsErrMsg snpgdsExampleFileName snpgdsGDS2BED snpgdsGDS2Eigen snpgdsGDS2PED snpgdsGetGeno snpgdsHCluster snpgdsIndInb snpgdsIndInbCoef snpgdsOption snpgdsSampMissrate snpgdsSelectSNP snpgdsSNPList snpgdsSNPListIntersect snpgdsSNPListStrand snpgdsSNPRateFreq snpgdsSummary snpgdsVCF2GDS

# Package name: SNPRelate
# Description:
#     A High-performance Computing Toolset for Relatedness and
# Principal Component Analysis of SNP Data
# Author: Xiuwen Zheng
# Email: zhengx@u.washington.edu

# Default human chromosome coding:
#          autosome                        -> 1 .. 22
#     X    X chromosome                    -> 23
#     XY   Pseudo-autosomal region of X    -> 24
#     Y    Y chromosome                    -> 25
#     MT   Mitochondrial                   -> 26

# Summary Descriptive Statistics

# To calculate the missing rate and allele frequency for each SNP
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs

snpgdsSNPRateFreq <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	# samples
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id")) %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
	# SNPs
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id")) %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	rv <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# call allele freq. and missing rates
	rv <- .C("gnrSNPFreq", AF=double(rv$n.snp), MF=double(rv$n.snp),
		MR=double(rv$n.snp), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
	list(AlleleFreq=rv$AF, MinorFreq=rv$MF, MissingRate=rv$MR)

# To calculate the missing rate for each sample
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs

snpgdsSampMissrate <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	# samples
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id")) %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
	# SNPs
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id")) %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	rv <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# call allele freq. and missing rates
	rv <- .C("gnrSampFreq", MR=double(rv$n.samp), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")

# Return a list of candidate SNPs
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   autosome.only -- whether only use autosomal SNPs
#   remove.monosnp -- whether remove monomorphic snps or not
#   maf -- the threshold of minor allele frequencies, keeping ">= maf"
#   missing.rate -- the threshold of missing rates, keeping "<= missing.rate"

snpgdsSelectSNP <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
	autosome.only=TRUE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	# SNPs
	snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- snp.id & (chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end))
			if (verbose)
				tmp <- n.snp - sum(snp.id)
				if (tmp > 0) cat("Removing", tmp, "non-autosomal SNPs\n")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
	} else {
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end)
			snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
			if (verbose)
				cat("Removing", length(chr) - length(snp.ids), "non-autosomal SNPs\n")

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# call allele freq. and missing rates
	if (remove.monosnp || is.finite(maf) || is.finite(missing.rate))
		if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1;
		if (!is.finite(missing.rate)) missing.rate <- 2;
		# call
		rv <- .C("gnrSelSNP_Base", as.logical(remove.monosnp),
			as.double(maf), as.double(missing.rate),
			out.num=integer(1), out.snpflag = logical(node$n.snp),
			err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[rv$out.snpflag]
		# show
		if (verbose)
			cat("Removing", rv$out.num, "SNPs (monomorphic, < MAF, or > missing rate)\n")

	# output

# Individual Inbreeding Coefficients

# To calculate individual inbreeding coefficient
#   x -- an array of snp genotypes
#   p -- allele frequencies
#   method -- "mom", "mle"

snpgdsIndInbCoef <- function(x, p, method=c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"),
	# check
	stopifnot(length(x) == length(p))
	stopifnot(method %in% c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"))
	method <- method[1]
	x[!(x %in% c(0,1,2))] <- NA

	if (method == "mom.weir")
		num <- x*x - (1+2*p)*x + 2*p*p
		den <- 2*p*(1-p)
		flag <- is.finite(num) & is.finite(den)
		return(sum(num[flag]) / sum(den[flag]))
	} else if (method == "mom.visscher")
		d <- (x*x - (1+2*p)*x + 2*p*p) / (2*p*(1-p))
	} else if (method == "mle")
		rv <- .C("gnrIndInbCoef", length(x), as.integer(x), as.double(p), as.double(reltol),
			out=double(1), err = integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

# To calculate individual inbreeding coefficients
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   autosome.only -- whether only use autosomal SNPs
#   remove.monosnp -- whether remove monomorphic snps or not
#   maf -- the threshold of minor allele frequencies, keeping ">= maf"
#   missing.rate -- the threshold of missing rates, keeping "<= missing.rate"
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsIndInb <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
	autosome.only=TRUE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN,
	method=c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"),
	allele.freq=NULL, out.num.iter=TRUE, reltol=.Machine$double.eps^0.75, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	stopifnot(method[1] %in% c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"))

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	if (verbose)
		cat("Estimate individual inbreeding coefficients:\n");

	# SNPs
	snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- snp.id & (chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end))
			if (verbose)
				tmp <- n.snp - sum(snp.id)
				if (tmp > 0) cat("Removing", tmp, "non-autosomal SNPs\n")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
	} else {
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end)
			snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
			if (verbose)
				cat("Removing", length(chr) - length(snp.ids), "non-autosomal SNPs\n")

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# call allele freq. and missing rates
	if (remove.monosnp || is.finite(maf) || is.finite(missing.rate))
		if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1;
		if (!is.finite(missing.rate)) missing.rate <- 2;
		# call
		rv <- .C("gnrSelSNP_Base", as.logical(remove.monosnp),
			as.double(maf), as.double(missing.rate),
			out.num=integer(1), out.snpflag = logical(node$n.snp),
			err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[rv$out.snpflag]
		if (!is.null(allele.freq))
			allele.freq <- allele.freq[rv$out.snpflag]
		# show
		if (verbose)
			cat("Removing", rv$out.num, "SNPs (monomorphic, < MAF, or > missing rate)\n")

	# get the dimension of SNP genotypes
	node <- .C("gnrGetGenoDim", n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),

	if (verbose)
		cat("Working space:", node$n.samp, "samples,", node$n.snp, "SNPs\n");

	# call allele freq.
	if (is.null(allele.freq))
		rv <- .C("gnrSNPFreq", AF=double(node$n.snp), MF=double(node$n.snp),
			MR=double(node$n.snp), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
		allele.freq <- rv$AF

	# call individual inbreeding coefficients
	r <- .C("gnrIndInb", allele.freq,
		as.integer(match(method[1], c("mom.weir", "mom.visscher", "mle"))),
		as.double(reltol), coeff=double(node$n.samp), iternum=integer(node$n.samp),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (r$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# output
	rv <- list(sample.id = sample.ids, snp.id = snp.ids,
		inbreeding = r$coeff)
	if (out.num.iter & method[1]=="mle")
		rv$out.num.iter <- r$iternum

# Genetic Distance analysis

# To calculate the genetic dissimilarity matrix for SNP genotypes
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   autosome.only -- whether only use autosomal SNPs
#   remove.monosnp -- whether remove monomorphic snps or not
#   maf -- the threshold of minor allele frequencies, keeping ">= maf"
#   missing.rate -- the threshold of missing rates, keeping "<= missing.rate"
#   num.thread -- the number of threads to be used
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsDiss <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL, autosome.only=TRUE,
	remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN, num.thread=1, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	stopifnot(is.numeric(num.thread) & (num.thread>0))

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	if (verbose)
		cat("Individual dissimilarity analysis on SNP genotypes:\n");

	# SNPs
	snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- snp.id & (chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end))
			if (verbose)
				tmp <- n.snp - sum(snp.id)
				if (tmp > 0) cat("Removing", tmp, "non-autosomal SNPs\n")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
	} else {
		if (autosome.only)
			chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
			opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
			snp.id <- chr %in% c(opt$autosome.start : opt$autosome.end)
			snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
			if (verbose)
				cat("Removing", length(chr) - length(snp.ids), "non-autosomal SNPs\n")

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# call allele freq. and missing rates
	if (remove.monosnp || is.finite(maf) || is.finite(missing.rate))
		if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1;
		if (!is.finite(missing.rate)) missing.rate <- 2;
		# call
		rv <- .C("gnrSelSNP_Base", as.logical(remove.monosnp),
			as.double(maf), as.double(missing.rate),
			out.num=integer(1), out.snpflag = logical(node$n.snp),
			err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[rv$out.snpflag]
		# show
		if (verbose)
			cat("Removing", rv$out.num, "SNPs (monomorphic, < MAF, or > missing rate)\n")

	# get the dimension of SNP genotypes
	node <- .C("gnrGetGenoDim", n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),

	if (verbose)
		cat("Working space:", node$n.samp, "samples,", node$n.snp, "SNPs\n");
		cat("\tUse", num.thread, "CPU cores.\n")

	# call C function
	rv <- .C("gnrDiss", as.logical(verbose), TRUE, as.integer(num.thread),
		diss = matrix(NaN, ncol=node$n.samp, nrow=node$n.samp),
		err = integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# return
	rv <- list(sample.id = sample.ids, snp.id = snp.ids, diss = rv$diss)
	class(rv) <- "snpgdsDissClass"

# To perform hierarchical cluster analysis
#   dist -- the dissimilarity matrix
#   sample.id -- only work if dist is a matrix, to specify sample id
#   need.mat -- if TRUE, store the dissimilarity matrix in the result
#   hang -- see plot.hclust

snpgdsHCluster <- function(dist, sample.id=NULL, need.mat=TRUE, hang=0.25)
	# check
	stopifnot(is.matrix(dist) | inherits(dist, "snpgdsDissClass") |
		inherits(dist, "snpgdsIBSClass"))

	if (inherits(dist, "snpgdsDissClass"))
		sample.id <- dist$sample.id
		dist <- dist$diss
	if (inherits(dist, "snpgdsIBSClass"))
		sample.id <- dist$sample.id
		dist <- 1 - dist$ibs

	if (is.null(sample.id))
		stopifnot(nrow(dist) == ncol(dist))
		if (is.null(colnames(dist)) | is.null(rownames(dist)))
			stop("Please specify 'sample.id'.")
		sample.id <- colnames(dist)
	} else {
		stopifnot(nrow(dist) == length(sample.id))
		stopifnot(ncol(dist) == length(sample.id))
		colnames(dist) <- sample.id
		rownames(dist) <- sample.id

	# run
	hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist), method="average")
	obj <- as.dendrogram(hc, hang=hang)

	rv <- list(sample.id = sample.id, hclust = hc, dendrogram = obj)
	if (need.mat) rv$dist <- dist
	class(rv) <- "snpgdsHCClass"

# To determine sub groups of individuals
#   hc -- a "snpgdsHCClass" object
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsCutTree <- function(hc, z.threshold=15, outlier.n=5, n.perm = 5000,
	samp.group=NULL, col.outlier="red", col.list=NULL, pch.outlier=4, pch.list=NULL,
	label.H=FALSE, label.Z=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(hc, "snpgdsHCClass"))
	stopifnot(n.perm >= 50)

	if (is.null(hc$dist))
		stop("`hc' should have a matrix of dissimilarity.")

	auto.cluster <- is.null(samp.group)
	if (verbose)
		if (auto.cluster)
			cat(sprintf("Determine groups by permutation (Z threshold: %g, outlier threshold: %d):\n",
				z.threshold, outlier.n))

	# result
	ans <- list(sample.id = hc$sample.id)
	ans$z.threshold <- z.threshold
	ans$outlier.n <- outlier.n
	ans$samp.order <- hc$hclust$order

	if (!auto.cluster)
		stopifnot(length(samp.group) == length(hc$sample.id))
		merge <- NULL

	} else {
		# determine the number of groups

		# check

		n <- dim(hc$dist)[1]
		rv <- .C("gnrDistPerm", n, as.double(hc$dist),
			as.integer(hc$hclust$merge), as.integer(n.perm), as.double(z.threshold),
			OutZ = double(n-1), OutN1 = integer(n-1), OutN2 = integer(n-1),
			OutGrp = integer(n), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

		merge <- data.frame(z=rv$OutZ, n1=rv$OutN1, n2=rv$OutN2)

		if (is.finite(outlier.n))
			tab <- table(rv$OutGrp)
			x <- as.integer(names(tab)[tab <= outlier.n])
			flag <- rv$OutGrp %in% x

			samp.group <- sprintf("G%03d", rv$OutGrp)
			samp.group[flag] <- sprintf("Outlier%03d", rv$OutGrp[flag])
			samp.group <- as.factor(samp.group)

			n.g <- length(tab) - length(x)
			n.o <- length(x)
			nm <- character()

			if (n.g > 0) nm <- c(nm, sprintf("G%03d", 1:n.g))
			if (n.o > 0) nm <- c(nm, sprintf("Outlier%03d", 1:n.o))
			levels(samp.group) <- nm

		} else {
			# not detect outliers

			samp.group <- as.factor(sprintf("G%03d", rv$OutGrp))
			n <- levels(samp.group)
			n <- sprintf("G%03d", 1:length(n))
			levels(samp.group) <- n		

	# create a new dendrogram
	add.point <- function(n, sample.id, subgroup)
			idx <- match(attr(n, "label"), sample.id)
			if (as.character(subgroup[idx]) == "outlier")
				attr(n, "nodePar") <- list(pch=pch.outlier, col=col.outlier)
			} else {
				idx <- as.integer(subgroup[idx])
				attr(n, "nodePar") <- list(pch=pch.list[idx], col=col.list[idx])
		} else 
			if (!is.null(merge))
				if (label.H | label.Z)
					x1 <- attr(n[[1]], "members"); x2 <- attr(n[[2]], "members")
					w1 <- (x1 == merge$n1) & (x2 == merge$n2)
					w2 <- (x2 == merge$n1) & (x1 == merge$n2)
					w <- which(w1 | w2)
					if (length(w) > 0)
						if (merge$z[w[1]] >= z.threshold)
							if (label.H)
								if (label.Z)
									attr(n, "edgetext") <- sprintf("H: %0.2f, Z: %0.1f",
										attr(n, "height"), merge$z[w[1]])
								} else {
									attr(n, "edgetext") <- sprintf("H: %0.2f",
										attr(n, "height"))
							} else {
								if (label.Z)
									attr(n, "edgetext") <- sprintf("Z: %0.1f", merge$z[w[1]])

	ans$samp.group <- samp.group

	n <- nlevels(samp.group); grps <- levels(samp.group)
	dmat <- matrix(0.0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
	for (i in 1:n)
		m <- hc$dist[grps[i] == samp.group, grps[i] == samp.group]
		ms <- sum(grps[i] == samp.group)
		mflag <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=ms, ncol=ms)
		diag(mflag) <- FALSE
		dmat[i, i] <- mean(m[mflag], na.rm=TRUE)
		if (i < n)
			for (j in (i+1):n)
				dmat[i, j] <- dmat[j, i] <-
					mean(hc$dist[grps[i] == samp.group, grps[j] == samp.group], na.rm=TRUE)
	colnames(dmat) <- rownames(dmat) <- grps
	ans$dmat <- dmat

	if (is.null(pch.list))
		pch.list <- rep(20, n)
	} else {
		pch.list <- rep(pch.list, (n %/% length(pch.list))+1)
	if (is.null(col.list))
		col.list <- 1:n
	} else {
		col.list <- rep(col.list, (n %/% length(col.list))+1)

	ans$dendrogram <- dendrapply(hc$dendrogram, add.point, sample.id=hc$sample.id,
	ans$merge <- merge

	if (!is.null(merge))
		cluster <- samp.group[hc$hclust$order]
		ans$clust.count <- table(cluster)[unique(cluster)]
	} else {
		ans$clust.count <- NULL

	if (verbose)
		cat(sprintf("Create %d groups.\n", n))


# Draw a dendrogram
#   hc -- a "snpgdsHCClass" object
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsDrawTree <- function(obj, clust.count=NULL, dend.idx=NULL,
	type=c("dendrogram", "z-score"), yaxis.height=TRUE, yaxis.kinship=TRUE,
	y.kinship.baseline=NaN, y.label.kinship=FALSE,
	outlier.n=NULL, shadow.col = c(rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25), rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.05)),
	outlier.col=rgb(1, 0.50, 0.50, 0.5), leaflab="none", labels=NULL, y.label=0.2,
	# check
	stopifnot(is.null(dend.idx) | is.numeric(dend.idx))
	type <- match.arg(type)

	if (type == "dendrogram")
		stopifnot(is.null(outlier.n) | is.numeric(outlier.n))

		# initialize ...
		if (is.null(clust.count))
			clust.count <- obj$clust.count
		if (is.null(outlier.n))
			outlier.n <- obj$outlier.n

		# draw
		if (!is.null(dend.idx))
			den <- obj$dendrogram[[dend.idx]]
			x.offset <- 0
			for (i in 1:length(dend.idx))
				if (dend.idx[i] == 2)
					IX <- dend.idx[1:i]
					IX[i] <- 1
					x.offset <- x.offset + attr(obj$dendrogram[[IX]], "member")
		} else {
			den <- obj$dendrogram
			x.offset <- 0

		par(mar=c(4, 4, 4, 4))
		oldpar <- par(mgp=c(5, 1, 0))  # to avoid ylab
		plot(den, leaflab=leaflab, axes=F, ...)

		# draw left y-axis
		if (yaxis.height)
			axis(side=2, line=0)
			tmp <- list(...)
			if (!is.null(tmp$ylab))
				ylab <- tmp$ylab
				ylab <- "individual dissimilarity"
			mtext(ylab, side=2, line=2.5)

		# draw right y-axis
		if (yaxis.kinship)
			if (is.finite(y.kinship.baseline))
				y.kinship.baseline <- y.kinship.baseline[1]
			} else {
				y.kinship.baseline <- attr(den, "height")

			ym <- pretty(c(0, 1))
			axis(side=4, (1 - ym) * y.kinship.baseline, ym, line=0)
			mtext("kinship coefficient", 4, line=2.5)

		# draw others
		if (!is.null(clust.count))
			m <- c(0, cumsum(clust.count))
			jj <- 1; k <- 1
			for (i in 1:length(clust.count))
				if (clust.count[i] > outlier.n)
					rect(m[i] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[3L],
						m[i+1] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[4L],
						col = shadow.col[jj], border = NA)
					jj <- 3 - jj
					if (!is.null(labels[k]))
						text((m[i]+m[i+1])/2 - x.offset, y.label, labels[k])
					k <- k + 1
				} else {
					rect(m[i] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[3L],
						m[i+1] + 0.5 - x.offset, par("usr")[4L],
						col = outlier.col, border = NA)

		# draw kinship label
		if (yaxis.kinship & y.label.kinship)
			# identical twins
			h1 <- (1 - 0.5)*y.kinship.baseline
			abline(h=h1, lty=2, col="gray")

			# parent–child / full-siblings
			h2 <- (1 - 0.25)*y.kinship.baseline
			abline(h=h2, lty=2, col="gray")

			# parent–child / full-siblings
			h3 <- (1 - 1/8)*y.kinship.baseline
			abline(h=h3, lty=2, col="gray")

			# first cousins
			h4 <- (1 - 1/16)*y.kinship.baseline
			abline(h=h4, lty=2, col="gray")

			axis(side=4, c(h1, h2, h3, h4), c("twins", "PC/FS", "DFC/HS", "FC"),
				tick=FALSE, line=-0.75, las=2, cex.axis=0.75, col.axis="gray25")

	} else if (type == "z-score")
		# the distribution of Z scores
		if (is.null(obj$merge))
			stop("There is no Z score in this object.")

		y <- obj$merge[,1]
		y <- y[order(y, decreasing=TRUE)]

		plot(y, xlab="the order of Z score", ylab="Z score", type="b", pch="+", log="x", ...)
		abline(h=15, col="gray", lty=2)


# SNP functions

# To get a list of SNP information including rs, chr, pos, allele
#   and allele frequency
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a set of sample used in calculating the allele frequencies

snpgdsSNPList <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))

	# rs id
	if (is.null(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)))
		rs.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
		rs.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.rs.id"))
	# chromosome
	chromosome <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))
	# position
	position <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))
	# allele
	allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele"))
	# allele freq.
	afreq <- snpgdsSNPRateFreq(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id)$AlleleFreq

	rv <- list(rs.id = rs.id, chromosome = chromosome,
		position = position, allele = allele, afreq = afreq)
	class(rv) <- "snpgdsSNPListClass"

# To get a common list of SNPs from SNP objects, and return
# snp alleles from the first snp object
#   snplist1 -- the first object of snpgdsSNPListClass
#   snplist2 -- the second object of snpgdsSNPListClass

snpgdsSNPListIntersect <- function(snplist1, snplist2)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(snplist1, "snpgdsSNPListClass"))
	stopifnot(inherits(snplist2, "snpgdsSNPListClass"))

	s1 <- paste(snplist1$rs.id, snplist1$chromosome, snplist1$position, sep="-")
	s2 <- paste(snplist2$rs.id, snplist2$chromosome, snplist2$position, sep="-")
	s <- intersect(s1, s2)
	flag <- s1 %in% s

	rv <- list(rs.id = snplist1$rs.id[flag],
		chromosome = snplist1$chromosome[flag], position = snplist1$position[flag],
		allele = snplist1$allele[flag], afreq = snplist1$afreq[flag])
	class(rv) <- "snpgdsSNPListClass"

# To get a vector of logical variables, indicating whether genotypes
# need to be converted in snplist2.
#   snplist1 -- the first object of snpgdsSNPListClass
#   snplist2 -- the second object of snpgdsSNPListClass

snpgdsSNPListStrand <- function(snplist1, snplist2, same.strand=FALSE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(snplist1, "snpgdsSNPListClass"))
	stopifnot(inherits(snplist2, "snpgdsSNPListClass"))

	s1 <- paste(snplist1$rs.id, snplist1$chromosome, snplist1$position, sep="-")
	s2 <- paste(snplist2$rs.id, snplist2$chromosome, snplist2$position, sep="-")
	s <- intersect(s1, s2)
	I1 <- match(s, s1); I2 <- match(s, s2)

	# call
	rv <- .C("gnrAlleleStrand", snplist1$allele, snplist1$afreq, I1,
		snplist2$allele, snplist2$afreq, I2,
		same.strand, length(s), out=logical(length(s)),
		out.n.ambiguity=integer(1), out.n.mismatching=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# result
	res <- logical(length(s2)); res[I2] <- rv$out
	res[setdiff(1:length(s2), I2)] <- NA

# GDS file management

# To summarize the gds file
#   gds -- an object of gds file, or a file names
#   show -- print information on screen

snpgdsSummary <- function(gds, show=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gds, "gds.class") | is.character(gds))

	# open ...
	if (is.character(gds))
		gds.tmp <- openfn.gds(gds)
	} else {
		gds.tmp <- gds

	# checking ...

	warn.flag <- FALSE

	# check sample id
	dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.id"))$dim
	if (length(dm) != 1)
		if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
		stop("Invalid dimension of `sample.id'.")
	samp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.id"))
	if (length(samp.id) != length(unique(samp.id)))
		warning("sample.id is not unique!")
		samp.id <- unique(samp.id)
		warn.flag <- TRUE
	n.samp <- dm[1]

	# check snp id
	dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.id"))$dim
	if (length(dm) != 1)
		if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
		stop("Invalid dimension of `snp.id'.")
	n.snp <- dm[1]
	snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.id"))
	if (length(snp.id) != length(unique(snp.id)))
		warning("snp.id is not unique!")
		warn.flag <- TRUE
		snp.flag <- rep(FALSE, n.snp)
		snp.flag[match(unique(snp.id), snp.id)] <- TRUE
	} else {
		snp.flag <- rep(TRUE, n.snp)

	# check snp position
	dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.position"))$dim
	if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
		if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
		stop("Invalid dimension of `snp.position'.")
	snp.pos <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.position"))
	snp.pos[!is.finite(snp.pos)] <- -1
	if (any(snp.pos <= 0))
		message("Some values of snp.position are invalid (should be > 0)!")
		warn.flag <- TRUE
		snp.flag <- snp.flag & (snp.pos > 0)

	# check snp chromosome
	dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.chromosome"))$dim
	if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
		if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
		stop("Invalid dimension of `snp.chromosome'.")
	snp.chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.chromosome"))
	snp.chr[!is.finite(snp.chr)] <- -1
	flag <- (snp.chr >= 1)
	if (any(!flag))
		message("Some values of snp.chromosome are invalid (should be finite and >= 1)!")
		warn.flag <- TRUE
		snp.flag <- snp.flag & flag

	# check snp allele
	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)))
		dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.allele"))$dim
		if ((length(dm) != 1) | (dm[1] != n.snp))
			if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
			stop("Invalid dimension of `snp.allele'.")
		snp.allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.allele"))
		snp.allele[is.na(snp.allele)] <- "?/?"
		flag <- sapply(strsplit(snp.allele, "/"),
				if (length(x) == 2)
					all(x %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T"))
				} else {
		if (any(!flag))
			s <- as.character((snp.allele[!flag])[1])
			message(sprintf("Some of snp.allele are not standard! E.g., %s", s))
			warn.flag <- TRUE
			snp.flag <- snp.flag & flag

	# check genotype
	dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "genotype"))$dim
	if (length(dm) != 2)
		if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
		stop("Invalid dimension of `genotype'.")
	lv <- get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "genotype"))
	if ("sample.order" %in% names(lv))
		if (dm[1]!=n.samp | dm[2]!=n.snp)
			if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
			stop("Invalid dimension of `genotype'.")
	} else {
		if (dm[2]!=n.samp | dm[1]!=n.snp)
			if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)
			stop("Invalid dimension of `genotype'.")

	# print
	if (show)
		if (inherits(gds, "gds.class"))
			cat("The file name:", gds$filename, "\n")
			cat("The file name:", gds, "\n")
		cat("The total number of samples:", n.samp, "\n")
		cat("The total number of SNPs:", n.snp, "\n")
		if ("sample.order" %in% names(lv))
			cat("SNP genotypes are stored in SNP-major mode.\n")
		} else {
			cat("SNP genotypes are stored in individual-major mode.\n")
		if (warn.flag)
			cat("The number of valid samples:", length(samp.id), "\n")
			cat("The number of valid SNPs:", sum(snp.flag), "\n")

#	if (warn.flag)
#	{
#		warning("Call `snpgdsCreateGenoSet' to create a valid set of genotypes, using the returned sample.id and snp.id.")
#	}

	warn.flag <- FALSE
	snp.chr <- snp.chr[snp.flag]
	snp.pos <- snp.pos[snp.flag]
	chrtab <- setdiff(unique(snp.chr), 0)
	for (chr in chrtab)
		pos <- snp.pos[snp.chr == chr]
		if (length(pos) > 0)
			if (any(order(pos) != seq_len(length(pos))))
				message(sprintf("The SNP positions are not in ascending order on chromosome %d.", chr))
				warn.flag <- TRUE

	# check -- sample annotation
	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.annot", silent=TRUE)))
		# sample.id
		if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.annot/sample.id", silent=TRUE)))
			s <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.annot/sample.id"))
			if (length(s) != length(samp.id))
				warning("Invalid length of `sample.annot/sample.id'.")
			if (any(s != samp.id))
				warning("Invalid `sample.annot/sample.id'.")

		# others
		lst <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "sample.annot"))
		for (n in lst)
			dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, index=c("sample.annot", n)))$dim
			if (!is.null(dm))
				if (dm[1] != length(samp.id))
					warning(sprintf("Invalid `sample.annot/%s'.", n))

	# check -- snp annotation
	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.annot", silent=TRUE)))
		if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.annot/snp.id", silent=TRUE)))
			s <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.annot/snp.id"))
			if (length(s) != length(snp.id))
				warning("Invalid length of `snp.annot/snp.id'.")
			if (any(s != snp.id))
				warning("Invalid `snp.annot/snp.id'.")

		# others
		lst <- ls.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, "snp.annot"))
		for (n in lst)
			dm <- objdesp.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds.tmp, index=c("snp.annot", n)))$dim
			if (!is.null(dm))
				if (dm[1] != length(snp.id))
					warning(sprintf("Invalid `snp.annot/%s'.", n))

	# close ...
	if (is.character(gds)) closefn.gds(gds.tmp)

	invisible(list(sample.id = samp.id, snp.id = snp.id[snp.flag]))

# To get a subset of genotypes from a gds file
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   snpfirstdim -- if TRUE, indicate store in individual-major order; NULL, by default
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsGetGeno <- function(gdsobj, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
	snpfirstdim=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	# SNPs
	snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# get the dimension of SNP genotypes
	node <- .C("gnrGetGenoDim", n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),

	# snp order
	if (is.null(snpfirstdim))
		snpfirstdim <- TRUE
		rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")))
		if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
		if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE
	if (snpfirstdim)
		n1 <- node$n.snp; n2 <- node$n.samp
	} else {
		n1 <- node$n.samp; n2 <- node$n.snp

	if (verbose)
		cat("genotype matrix:", node$n.samp, "samples,", node$n.snp, "SNPs\n");
		cat("Whether the SNP is the first dimension: ", snpfirstdim, "\n", sep="");

	# get the dimension of SNP genotypes
	rv <- .C("gnrCopyGenoMem",
		geno = matrix(as.integer(0), nrow=n1, ncol=n2),
		snpfirstdim, err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())


# To create a gds file for SNP genotypes
#   gds.fn -- the file name of SNP genotypes
#   genmat -- a genotype matrix
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample id (should be unique)
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp id (should be unique)
#   snp.rs.id -- rs.id for snps
#   snp.chromosome -- the chromosome indeces (1..22)
#   snp.position -- the positions in basepair
#   snp.allele -- the reference/non-reference alleles
#   snpfirstdim -- if TRUE, indicate store in individual-major order;
#   compress.annotation -- the compression method for sample and snp annotations
#   compress.geno -- the compression method for genotypes
#   other.vars -- a list of variables

snpgdsCreateGeno <- function(gds.fn, genmat,
	sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL, snp.rs.id=NULL, snp.chromosome=NULL, snp.position=NULL,
	snp.allele=NULL, snpfirstdim=TRUE, compress.annotation="ZIP.max", compress.geno="",
	# check
	if (snpfirstdim)
		n.snp <- dim(genmat)[1]; n.samp <- dim(genmat)[2]
	} else {
		n.snp <- dim(genmat)[2]; n.samp <- dim(genmat)[1]

	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		stopifnot(n.samp == length(sample.id))
		if (anyDuplicated(sample.id) > 0) stop("sample.id is not unique!")
	} else
		sample.id <- 1:n.samp
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.id))
		if (anyDuplicated(snp.id) > 0) stop("snp.id is not unique!")
	} else
		snp.id <- 1:n.snp
	if (!is.null(snp.rs.id))
		stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.rs.id))
	if (!is.null(snp.chromosome))
		stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.chromosome))
	if (!is.null(snp.position))
		stopifnot(n.snp == length(snp.position))
	stopifnot(is.null(other.vars) | is.list(other.vars))

	# create a gds file
	gfile <- createfn.gds(gds.fn)
	add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", sample.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", snp.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (!is.null(snp.rs.id))
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", snp.rs.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	if (is.null(snp.position))
		snp.position <- as.integer(1:n.snp)
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", snp.position, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	if (is.null(snp.chromosome))
		snp.chromosome <- as.integer(rep(1, n.snp))
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", snp.chromosome, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	if (!is.null(snp.allele))
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", snp.allele, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	# add genotype
	genmat[is.na(genmat)] <- 3
	genmat[!(genmat %in% c(0,1,2))] <- 3
	node.geno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", genmat, storage="bit2",
	if (snpfirstdim)
		put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "snp.order")
		put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "sample.order")

	# other variables
	if (!is.null(other.vars))
		for (i in 1:length(other.vars))
			nm <- names(other.vars)[i]
			add.gdsn(gfile, nm, val=other.vars[[i]], compress=compress.annotation)

	# close the gds file

	# return

# To create a gds file from a specified gds file
#   src.fn -- the file name of source gds file
#   dest.fn -- the file name of destination gds file
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample id (should be unique)
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp id (should be unique)
#   snpfirstdim -- if TRUE, indicate store in individual-major order; NULL, by default
#   compress.annotation -- the compression method for sample and snp annotations
#   compress.geno -- the compression method for genotypes
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsCreateGenoSet <- function(src.fn, dest.fn, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
	snpfirstdim=NULL, compress.annotation="ZIP.max", compress.geno="", verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(is.logical(snpfirstdim) | is.null(snpfirstdim))

	if (verbose)
		cat("Create a GDS genotype file:\n");

	# open and create gds files
	srcobj <- openfn.gds(src.fn)
	destobj <- createfn.gds(dest.fn)

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			closefn.gds(srcobj); closefn.gds(destobj)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			closefn.gds(srcobj); closefn.gds(destobj)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]
	# SNPs
	snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.id"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			closefn.gds(srcobj); closefn.gds(destobj)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			closefn.gds(srcobj); closefn.gds(destobj)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

	# call C codes
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(srcobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	if (verbose)
		cat(sprintf("The new dataset consists of %d samples and %d SNPs\n",
			length(sample.ids), length(snp.ids)))
	# write to the destination file
	# sample.id
	add.gdsn(destobj, "sample.id", sample.ids, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (verbose) cat("\twrite sample.id\n");
	# snp.id
	add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.id", snp.ids, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (verbose) cat("\twrite snp.id\n");
	# snp.rs.id
	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)))
		rs.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.rs.id"))
		if (!is.null(snp.id)) rs.id <- rs.id[snp.id]
		add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.rs.id", rs.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
		if (verbose) cat("\twrite snp.rs.id\n");
	# snp.position
	pos <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.position"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id)) pos <- pos[snp.id]
	add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.position", pos, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (verbose) cat("\twrite snp.position\n");
	# snp.chromosome
	chr <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.chromosome"))
	if (!is.null(snp.id)) chr <- chr[snp.id]
	add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.chromosome", chr, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (verbose) cat("\twrite snp.chromosome\n");
	# snp.allele
	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)))
		allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "snp.allele"))
		if (!is.null(snp.id)) allele <- allele[snp.id]
		add.gdsn(destobj, "snp.allele", allele, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
		if (verbose) cat("\twrite snp.allele\n");

	# snp order
	if (is.null(snpfirstdim))
		snpfirstdim <- TRUE
		rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(srcobj, "genotype")))
		if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
		if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE
	if (verbose)
		if (snpfirstdim)
			cat("SNP genotypes are stored in individual-major mode.\n")
		} else {
			cat("SNP genotypes are stored in SNP-major mode.\n")

	# write genotypes to the destination file
	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(srcobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	if (snpfirstdim)
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(destobj, "genotype", storage="bit2",
			valdim=c(node$n.snp, node$n.samp), compress="")
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "snp.order")
	} else {
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(destobj, "genotype", storage="bit2",
			valdim=c(node$n.samp, node$n.snp), compress="")
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "sample.order")

	rv <- .C("gnrCopyGeno", as.integer(gGeno),
		snpfirstdim, err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# close the gds files

	# return

# To merge gds files of SNP genotypes into a single gds file
#   gds.fn -- the files name of SNP genotypes
#   out.fn -- the file name of output
#   sample.id -- a list of sample id (should be unique)
#   snpobj --
#   name.prefix --
#   snpfirstdim -- if TRUE, indicate store in individual-major order;
#   compress.annotation -- the compression method for annotations
#   compress.geno -- the compression method for genotypes
#   other.vars --

snpgdsCombineGeno <- function(gds.fn, out.fn,
	sample.id=NULL, snpobj=NULL, name.prefix=NULL,
	snpfirstdim=TRUE, compress.annotation="ZIP.MAX", compress.geno="",
	other.vars=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		stopifnot(length(gds.fn) == length(sample.id))
	if (!is.null(name.prefix))
		stopifnot(length(gds.fn) == length(name.prefix))
	stopifnot(is.null(snpobj) | inherits(snpobj, "snpgdsSNPListClass"))

	# samples
	total.sampid <- NULL
	for (i in 1:length(gds.fn))
		gdsobj <- openfn.gds(gds.fn[i])
		sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
		sampid <- sample.id[[i]]
		if (!is.null(sampid))
			n.tmp <- length(sampid)
			sampid <- sample.ids %in% sampid
			n.samp <- sum(sampid)
			if (n.samp != n.tmp)
				stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
			if (n.samp <= 0)
				stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
			sample.ids <- sample.ids[sampid]
		# sample id
		if (is.null(name.prefix))
			total.sampid <- c(total.sampid, sample.ids)
			total.sampid <- c(total.sampid, paste(name.prefix[i], sample.ids, sep="."))

	# check whether total.sampid is unique
	if (length(unique(total.sampid)) != length(total.sampid))
		if (!is.null(name.prefix))
			stop("Unable to make sample id unique, please specify correct `name.prefix'.")

		snpgdsCombineGeno(gds.fn=gds.fn, out.fn=out.fn,
			sample.id=sample.id, snpobj=snpobj,
			name.prefix = sprintf("p%02d", 1:length(gds.fn)),
			compress.annotation=compress.annotation, compress.geno=compress.geno,
			other.vars=other.vars, verbose=verbose)

		if (verbose)
			warning("Has specified the value of `name.prefix' to make sample id unique.")

	# SNPs
	for (i in 1:length(gds.fn))
		gdsobj <- openfn.gds(gds.fn[i])
		s <- snpgdsSNPList(gdsobj)
		if (is.null(snpobj))
			# get unique snp id
			tmps <- paste(s$rs.id, s$chromosome, s$position, sep="-")
			i <- match(unique(tmps), tmps)
			snpobj <- s
			snpobj$rs.id <- snpobj$rs.id[i]
			snpobj$chromosome <- snpobj$chromosome[i]
			snpobj$position <- snpobj$position[i]
			snpobj$allele <- snpobj$allele[i]
			snpobj$afreq <- snpobj$afreq[i]
		} else
			snpobj <- snpgdsSNPListIntersect(snpobj, s)
		# check
		if (length(snpobj$rs.id) <= 0)
			stop("There is no common SNP.")

	# create a gds file
	gfile <- createfn.gds(out.fn)
	if (verbose)
		cat("Create", out.fn, "with", length(total.sampid), "samples and",
			length(snpobj$rs.id), "SNPs\n")

	add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", total.sampid, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	if (length(snpobj$rs.id) == length(unique(snpobj$rs.id)))
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", snpobj$rs.id,
			compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	} else {
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", as.integer(1:length(snpobj$rs.id)),
			compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", snpobj$rs.id, compress=compress.annotation,
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", snpobj$position, compress=compress.annotation,
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", snpobj$chromosome, compress=compress.annotation,
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", snpobj$allele, compress=compress.annotation,

	# add genotype
	if (snpfirstdim)
		node.geno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", valdim=c(length(snpobj$rs.id), 0),
			storage="bit2", compress=compress.geno)
		put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "snp.order")
	} else {
		node.geno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", valdim=c(length(total.sampid), 0),
			storage="bit2", compress=compress.geno)
		put.attr.gdsn(node.geno, "sample.order")

	for (i in 1:length(gds.fn))
		# open the file
		gdsobj <- openfn.gds(gds.fn[i])

		# samples
		sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
		sampid <- sample.id[[i]]
		if (!is.null(sampid))
			sampid <- sample.ids %in% sampid
		# SNPs
		L <- snpgdsSNPListStrand(snpobj, snpgdsSNPList(gdsobj))

		if (verbose)
			cat("\tOpen the gds file ", gds.fn[i], ".\n", sep="")
			cat("\t\t", sum(L, na.rm=TRUE), " strands of SNP loci need to be switched.\n", sep="")

		# set genotype working space
		rv <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
			as.logical(sampid), as.integer(!is.null(sampid)),
			as.logical(!is.na(L)), as.integer(TRUE),
			n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
			err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")

		# check
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
		if (rv$n.snp != length(snpobj$position))
			stop("Invalid snp alleles.")

		# write genotypes
		rv <- .C("gnrAppendGenoSpaceStrand", as.integer(node.geno), snpfirstdim,
			L[!is.na(L)], err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
		if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

		# close the file

	# other variables
	if (!is.null(other.vars))
		for (i in 1:length(other.vars))
			nm <- names(other.vars)[i]
			add.gdsn(gfile, nm, val=other.vars[[i]], compress=compress.annotation)

	# close the gds file
	# return

# Plot functions

# To get the error message

snpgdsErrMsg <- function()
	rv <- .C("gnrErrMsg", msg=character(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")

# To get the file name of an example
snpgdsExampleFileName <- function()
	system.file("extdata", "hapmap_geno.gds", package="SNPRelate")

# Conversion
#     X    X chromosome                    -> 23
#     XY   Pseudo-autosomal region of X    -> 24
#     Y    Y chromosome                    -> 25
#     MT   Mitochondrial                   -> 26

# Convert a GDS file to a PLINK ped file
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   ped.fn -- the file name of ped format with the extended name
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   use.snp.rsid -- if TRUE, use "snp.rs.id" instead of "snp.id" if available
#   format -- "A/G/C/T" -- allelic codes, "A/B" -- A or B, "1/2" -- 1 or 2
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsGDS2PED <- function(gdsobj, ped.fn, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL,
	use.snp.rsid=TRUE, format=c("A/G/C/T", "A/B", "1/2"), verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	format <- match.arg(format)

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	if (verbose)
		cat("Converting from GDS to PLINK PED:\n")

	# SNPs
	total.snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	snp.ids <- total.snp.ids
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

	# format code
	snp.idx <- match(snp.ids, total.snp.ids)
	if (format == "A/G/C/T")
		n <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)
		if (is.null(n))
			stop("There is no 'snp.allele' variable in the GDS file.")
		al <- read.gdsn(n)
		if (length(al) != length(total.snp.ids))
			stop("Invalid 'snp.allele' in the GDS file.")
		al <- al[snp.idx]
		fmt.code <- 1L
	} else if (format == "A/B")
		al <- character(0)
		fmt.code <- 2L
	} else if (format == "1/2")
		al <- character(0)
		fmt.code <- 3L
	} else
		stop("Invalid 'format'.")

	# output a MAP file
	tmp.snp.id <- snp.ids
	if (use.snp.rsid)
		if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.rs.id", silent=TRUE)))
			tmp.snp.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.rs.id"))[snp.idx]
	xchr <- as.character(read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome")))[snp.idx]
	xchr[xchr=="23"] <- "X"; xchr[xchr=="25"] <- "Y"
	xchr[xchr=="24"] <- "XY"; xchr[xchr=="26"] <- "MT"
	D <- data.frame(chr = xchr, rs = tmp.snp.id,
		gen = rep(0, length(snp.idx)),
		base = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))[snp.idx],
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	write.table(D, file=paste(ped.fn, ".map", sep=""), sep="\t",
		quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tOutput a MAP file DONE.\n");

	# output a PED file
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tOutput a PED file ...\n");

	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# run the C code
	rv <- .C("gnrConvGDS2PED", paste(ped.fn, ".ped", sep=""),
		as.character(sample.ids), al, fmt.code, as.logical(verbose),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())


# Convert a GDS file to a PLINK binary ped file
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   bed.fn -- the file name of binary ped format with the extended name
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsGDS2BED <- function(gdsobj, bed.fn, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
	stopifnot(is.character(bed.fn) & (length(bed.fn)==1))
	stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) & (length(verbose)==1))

	# samples
	total.samp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	sample.ids <- total.samp.ids
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

	if (verbose)
		cat("Converting from GDS to PLINK binary PED:\n")

	# SNPs
	total.snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	snp.ids <- total.snp.ids
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

	# output a bim file
	snp.idx <- match(snp.ids, total.snp.ids)
	xchr <- as.character(read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome")))[snp.idx]

	opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
	for (i in 1:length(opt$chromosome.code))
		xchr[ xchr == opt$chromosome.code[[i]] ] <- names(opt$chromosome.code)[i]
	xchr[is.na(xchr)] <- "0"

	if ((opt$autosome.start==1) & (opt$autosome.end==22))
		# PLINK: Chromosome codes
		#   The autosomes should be coded 1 through 22.
		#   The following other codes can be used to specify other chromosome types:
		# X    X chromosome                    -> 23
		# Y    Y chromosome                    -> 24
		# XY   Pseudo-autosomal region of X    -> 25
		# MT   Mitochondrial                   -> 26

		xchr[xchr=="X"] <- "23"; xchr[xchr=="Y"] <- "24"; xchr[xchr=="XY"] <- "25"
		xchr[xchr=="M"] <- "26"; xchr[xchr=="MT"] <- "26"

	if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele", silent=TRUE)))
		allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.allele"))
		s <- unlist(strsplit(allele, "/"))
		ref <- s[seq(1, length(s), 2)]; ref <- ref[snp.idx]
		nonref <- s[seq(2, length(s), 2)]; nonref <- nonref[snp.idx]
	} else {
		warning("There is no allele information in the GDS file. ``A/B'' is used for the last two columns.")
		ref <- rep("A", length(snp.idx))
		nonref <- rep("B", length(snp.idx))

	D <- data.frame(chr = xchr, rs = snp.ids,
		gen = rep(0, length(snp.idx)),
		base = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))[snp.idx],
		A1 = ref, A2 = nonref,
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	write.table(D, file=paste(bed.fn, ".bim", sep=""), sep="\t",
		quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tOutput a bim file DONE.\n");

	# output a fam file
	samp.idx <- match(sample.ids, total.samp.ids)
	D <- data.frame(fam = rep(0, length(samp.idx)), ind = sample.ids,
		fat = rep(0, length(samp.idx)), mot = rep(0, length(samp.idx)),
		sex = rep(0, length(samp.idx)), pheno = rep(-9, length(samp.idx)),
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	write.table(D, file=paste(bed.fn, ".fam", sep=""), sep="\t",
		quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

	# output a BED file
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tOutput a BED file ...\n");

	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# Whether SNP major order or not
	snpfirstdim <- TRUE
	rd <- names(get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")))
	if ("snp.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- TRUE
	if ("sample.order" %in% rd) snpfirstdim <- FALSE

	rv <- .C("gnrConvGDS2BED", paste(bed.fn, ".bed", sep=""),
		snpfirstdim, verbose, err=integer(1),
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())


# Convert a GDS file to a PLINK ped file
#   bed.fn -- binary file, genotype information
#   fam.fn -- first six columns of mydata.ped
#   bim.fn -- extended MAP file: two extra cols = allele names
#   out.gdsn -- the output gds file
#   compress.annotation -- "ZIP.max"
#   option -- allows new chromosome coding
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsBED2GDS <- function(bed.fn, fam.fn, bim.fn, out.gdsfn, family=FALSE,
	compress.annotation="ZIP.max", option=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(is.character(bed.fn) & (length(bed.fn)==1))
	stopifnot(is.character(fam.fn) & (length(fam.fn)==1))
	stopifnot(is.character(bim.fn) & (length(bim.fn)==1))

	bed.fn <- normalizePath(bed.fn, mustWork=FALSE)
	fam.fn <- normalizePath(fam.fn, mustWork=FALSE)
	bim.fn <- normalizePath(bim.fn, mustWork=FALSE)

	if (verbose)
		cat("Start snpgdsBED2GDS ...\n")

	# detec bed.fn
	bed <- .C("gnrBEDFlag", bed.fn, snporder=integer(1), err=integer(1),
	if (bed$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())
	if (verbose)
		cat("\topen", bed.fn)
		if (bed$snporder == 0)
			cat(" in the individual-major mode\n")
			cat(" in the SNP-major mode\n")

	# read fam.fn
	famD <- read.table(fam.fn, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	names(famD) <- c("FamilyID", "InvID", "PatID", "MatID", "Sex", "Pheno")
	if (length(unique(famD$InvID)) == dim(famD)[1])
		sample.id <- famD$InvID
	} else {
		sample.id <- paste(famD$FamilyID, famD$InvID, sep="-")
		if (length(unique(sample.id)) != dim(famD)[1])
			stop("IDs in PLINK bed are not unique!")
	if (verbose)
		cat("\topen", fam.fn, "DONE.\n")

	# read bim.fn
	bimD <- read.table(bim.fn, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	names(bimD) <- c("chr", "snp.id", "map", "pos", "allele1", "allele2")

	# chromosome
	if (is.null(option)) option <- snpgdsOption()
	chrcode <- option$chromosome.code
	chr <- bimD$chr
	for (i in names(chrcode))
		chr[bimD$chr == i] <- chrcode[[i]]
	chr <- as.integer(chr)
	chr[is.na(chr)] <- 0

	# snp.id
	if (length(unique(bimD$snp.id)) == dim(bimD)[1])
		snp.id <- bimD$snp.id; snp.rs.id <- NULL
	} else {
		snp.id <- 1:dim(bimD)[1]; snp.rs.id <- bimD$snp.id

	if (verbose)
		cat("\topen", bim.fn, "DONE.\n")

	# create GDS file
	gfile <- createfn.gds(out.gdsfn)

	# add "sample.id"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", sample.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.id"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", snp.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.rs.id"
	if (!is.null(snp.rs.id))
		add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", snp.rs.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.position"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", bimD$pos, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.chromosome"
	v.chr <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", chr, storage="uint8",
		compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.allele"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", paste(bimD$allele1, bimD$allele2, sep="/"),
		compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	# snp.chromosome
	put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.start", option$autosome.start)
	put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.end", option$autosome.end)
	for (i in 1:length(option$chromosome.code))
		put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, names(option$chromosome.code)[i],

	# sync file

	nSamp <- dim(famD)[1]; nSNP <- dim(bimD)[1]
	if (verbose)
		cat(date(), "\tstore sample id, snp id, position, and chromosome.\n")
		cat(sprintf("\tstart writing: %d samples, %d SNPs ...\n", nSamp, nSNP))

	# add "gonetype", 2 bits to store one genotype
	if (bed$snporder == 0)
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSNP, nSamp))
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "snp.order")
	} else {
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSamp, nSNP))
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "sample.order")

	rv <- .C("gnrConvBED2GDS", bed.fn, as.integer(gGeno), verbose, err=integer(1),
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	# sync file

	# add "sample.annot"
	sex <- rep("", length(sample.id))
	sex[famD$Sex==1] <- "M"; sex[famD$Sex==2] <- "F"

	if (family)
		samp.annot <- data.frame(father=famD$PatID, mother=famD$MatID,
			sex=sex, phenotype=famD$Pheno, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	} else {
		samp.annot <- data.frame(sex=sex, phenotype=famD$Pheno, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.annot", samp.annot, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	# close files

	if (verbose) cat(date(), "\tDone.\n")


# To convert a genotype GDS file to Eigenstrat format
#   gdsobj -- an object of gds file
#   eigen.fn -- the file name of Eigenstrat format with the extended name
#   sample.id -- a vector of sample.id; if NULL, to use all samples
#   snp.id -- a vector of snp.id; if NULL, to use all SNPs
#   verbose -- show progress
#    *.eigenstratgeno -- "genotype file in EIGENSTRAT format"
#    *.snp -- "snp file"
#    *.ind -- "individual file"

snpgdsGDS2Eigen <- function(gdsobj, eigen.fn, sample.id=NULL, snp.id=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
	# check
	stopifnot(inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))

	# samples
	sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
	if (!is.null(sample.id))
		n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
		sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
		n.samp <- sum(sample.id);
		if (n.samp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
		if (n.samp <= 0)
			stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
		sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]
	} else
		sample.id <- rep(TRUE, length(sample.ids))

	if (verbose)
		cat("Converting from GDS to EIGENSOFT:\n")

	# SNPs
	total.snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))
	snp.ids <- total.snp.ids
	if (!is.null(snp.id))
		n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
		snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
		n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
		if (n.snp != n.tmp)
			stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
		if (n.snp <= 0)
			stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
		snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]
	} else
		snp.id <- rep(TRUE, length(snp.ids))

	# making the "*.snp" file ...
	tmpD <- data.frame(
		snpid = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.id"))[snp.id],
		chrom = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome"))[snp.id],
		map = rep(0.0, sum(snp.id)),
		pos = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.position"))[snp.id],
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	write.table(tmpD, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
		file = paste(eigen.fn, ".snp", sep=""))
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tsave to *.snp:", dim(tmpD)[1], "snps\n")

	# making the "*.ind" file ...
	sex <- try(read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.annot/sex")), TRUE)
	if (class(sex) == "try-error")
		sex <- rep("U", sum(sample.id))
	} else {
		sex <- as.character(sex)[sample.id]
		if (!all(sex %in% c("F", "M"), na.rm=TRUE))
			stop("The gender variable in GDS file should be either \"M\" or \"F\".")
		sex[is.na(sex)] <- "U"
	tmpD <- data.frame(
		sampid = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))[sample.id],
		gender = sex, label = rep("control", sum(sample.id)),
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	write.table(tmpD, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
		file = paste(eigen.fn, ".ind", sep=""))
	if (verbose)
		cat("\tsave to *.ind:", dim(tmpD)[1], "samples\n")

	# making the "*.eigenstratgeno" file ...

	# set genotype working space
	node <- .C("gnrSetGenoSpace", as.integer(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")),
		as.logical(sample.id), as.logical(!is.null(sample.id)),
		as.logical(snp.id), as.logical(!is.null(snp.id)),
		n.snp=integer(1), n.samp=integer(1),
		err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (node$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	rv <- .C("gnrConvGDS2EIGEN", paste(eigen.fn, ".eigenstratgeno", sep=""),
		as.logical(verbose), err=integer(1), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="SNPRelate")
	if (rv$err != 0) stop(snpgdsErrMsg())

	if (verbose) cat("Done.\n")


# Convert a VCF (sequence) file to a GDS file (extract SNP data)
#   vcf.fn -- the file name of VCF format
#   outfn.gds -- the output gds file
#   nblock -- the number of lines in buffer
#   method -- biallelic SNPs, or copy number of variants
#   compress.annotation -- the compression method for sample and snp annotations
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsVCF2GDS <- function(vcf.fn, outfn.gds, nblock=1024,
	method = c("biallelic.only", "copy.num.of.ref"),
	compress.annotation="ZIP.max", snpfirstdim=FALSE, option = NULL,
	# check
	stopifnot(is.logical(snpfirstdim) & (length(snpfirstdim)==1))

	method <- match.arg(method)
	if (is.null(option)) option <- snpgdsOption()

	# Scan VCF file -- get sample id

	scan.vcf.sampid <- function(fn)
		# open the vcf file
		opfile <- file(fn, open="r")

		# read header
		fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
		samp.id <- NULL
		while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
			if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")
				samp.id <- scan(text=s, what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
		if (is.null(samp.id))
			stop("Error VCF format: invalid sample id!")

		# close the file


	# Scan VCF file -- get marker information

	scan.vcf.marker <- function(fn, method)
		if (verbose)
			cat(sprintf("\tfile: %s\n", fn))

		# total number of rows and columns
		Cnt <- count.fields(fn, sep="\t")
		# check
		if (any(Cnt != Cnt[1]))
			stop(sprintf("The file (%s) has different numbers of columns.", fn))

		line.cnt <- length(Cnt)
		col.cnt <- max(Cnt)
		if (verbose)
			cat(sprintf("\tcontent: %d rows x %d columns\n", line.cnt, col.cnt))

		# open the vcf file
		opfile <- file(fn, open="r")

		# read header
		fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
		while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
			if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")

		# init ...
		chr <- character(line.cnt); position <- integer(line.cnt)
		snpidx <- integer(line.cnt); snp.rs <- character(line.cnt)
		snp.allele <- character(line.cnt)
		snp.cnt <- 0; var.cnt <- 0

		if (method == "biallelic.only")
			while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
				for (i in 1:length(s))
					var.cnt <- var.cnt + 1
					ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
					if (all(ss[c(4,5)] %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T", "a", "g", "c", "t")))
						snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + 1
						chr[snp.cnt] <- ss[1]
						position[snp.cnt] <- as.integer(ss[2])
						snpidx[snp.cnt] <- var.cnt
						snp.rs[snp.cnt] <- ss[3]
						snp.allele[snp.cnt] <- paste(ss[4], ss[5], sep="/")
		} else {
			while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
				for (i in 1:length(s))
					var.cnt <- var.cnt + 1
					ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
					snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + 1
					chr[snp.cnt] <- ss[1]
					position[snp.cnt] <- as.integer(ss[2])
					snpidx[snp.cnt] <- var.cnt
					snp.rs[snp.cnt] <- ss[3]
					snp.allele[snp.cnt] <- paste(ss[4], ss[5], sep="/")

		# close the file

		# chromosomes
		chr <- chr[1:snp.cnt]
		flag <- match(chr, names(option$chromosome.code))
		chr[!is.na(flag)] <- unlist(option$chromosome.code)[ flag[!is.na(flag)] ]
		chr <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(chr))
		chr[is.na(chr)] <- -1

		snp.allele <- gsub(".", "/", snp.allele[1:snp.cnt], fixed=TRUE)
		list(chr = chr, position = position[1:snp.cnt],
			snpidx = snpidx[1:snp.cnt], snp.rs = snp.rs[1:snp.cnt],
			snp.allele = snp.allele

	# Scan VCF file -- get marker information

	scan.vcf.geno <- function(fn, gGeno, method, start)
		# matching codes
		geno.str <- c("0|0", "0|1", "1|0", "1|1", "0/0", "0/1", "1/0", "1/1",
			"0", "1",
			"0|0|0", "0|0|1", "0|1|0", "0|1|1", "1|0|0", "1|0|1", "1|1|0", "1|1|1",
			"0/0/0", "0/0/1", "0/1/0", "0/1/1", "1/0/0", "1/0/1", "1/1/0", "1/1/1")
		geno.code <- as.integer(c(2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
			1, 0,
			2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 
			2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0))

		# open the vcf file
		opfile <- file(fn, open="r")
		# read header
		fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
		while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
			if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")

		# scan
		snp.cnt <- start

		if (method == "biallelic.only")
			while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
				gx <- NULL
				for (i in 1:length(s))
					ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
					if (all(ss[c(4,5)] %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T", "a", "g", "c", "t")))
						ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
						ss <- sapply(strsplit(ss, ":"), FUN = function(x) x[1])
						x <- match(ss, geno.str)
						x <- geno.code[x]
						x[is.na(x)] <- as.integer(3)
						gx <- cbind(gx, x)
				if (!is.null(gx))
					if (snpfirstdim)
						write.gdsn(gGeno, t(gx), start=c(snp.cnt,1), count=c(ncol(gx),-1))
					else {
						write.gdsn(gGeno, gx, start=c(1,snp.cnt), count=c(-1,ncol(gx)))
					snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + ncol(gx)
		} else {
			while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
				gx <- NULL
				for (i in 1:length(s))
					ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
					x <- sapply(strsplit(ss, ":"), FUN = function(x) {
						a <- unlist(strsplit(x[1], ""))
						if (any(a == "."))
							sum(a == "0")
					x[x > 2] <- 2
					x[is.na(x)] <- as.integer(3)
					gx <- cbind(gx, x)
				if (!is.null(gx))
					if (snpfirstdim)
						write.gdsn(gGeno, t(gx), start=c(snp.cnt,1), count=c(ncol(gx),-1))
						write.gdsn(gGeno, gx, start=c(1,snp.cnt), count=c(-1,ncol(gx)))
					snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + ncol(gx)

		# close the file
		snp.cnt - start

	# Starting ...

	if (verbose)
		cat("Start snpgdsVCF2GDS ...\n")
		if (method == "biallelic.only")
			cat("\tExtracting bi-allelic and polymorhpic SNPs.\n")
			cat("\tStoring dosage of the reference allele for all variant sites, including bi-allelic SNPs, multi-allelic SNPs, indels and structural variants.\n")
		cat("\tScanning ...\n")

	# sample.id

	sample.id <- NULL
	for (fn in vcf.fn)
		s <- scan.vcf.sampid(fn)
		if (!is.null(sample.id))
			if (length(sample.id) != length(s))
				stop("All VCF files should have the same sample id.")
			if (any(sample.id != s))
				stop("All VCF files should have the same sample id.")
		} else
			sample.id <- s

	# genetic markers

	all.chr <- integer()
	all.position <- integer()
	all.snpidx <- integer()
	all.snp.rs <- character()
	all.snp.allele <- character()

	for (fn in vcf.fn)
		v <- scan.vcf.marker(fn, method)
		all.chr <- c(all.chr, v$chr)
		all.position <- c(all.position, v$position)
		all.snpidx <- c(all.snpidx, length(all.snpidx) + v$snpidx)
		all.snp.rs <- c(all.snp.rs, v$snp.rs)
		all.snp.allele <- c(all.snp.allele, v$snp.allele)

	# genetic variants

	nSamp <- length(sample.id)
	nSNP <- length(all.chr)
	if (verbose)
		cat(date(), "\tstore sample id, snp id, position, and chromosome.\n")
		cat(sprintf("\tstart writing: %d samples, %d SNPs ...\n", nSamp, nSNP))

	# create GDS file
	gfile <- createfn.gds(outfn.gds)

	# add "sample.id"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", sample.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.id"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", as.integer(all.snpidx), compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.rs.id"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", all.snp.rs, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.position"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", all.position, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.chromosome"
	v.chr <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", all.chr, storage="int32", compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
	# add "snp.allele"
	add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", all.snp.allele, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

	# snp.chromosome
	put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.start", option$autosome.start)
	put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.end", option$autosome.end)
	for (i in 1:length(option$chromosome.code))
		put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, names(option$chromosome.code)[i],

	# sync file

	# add "gonetype", 2 bits to store one genotype
	if (snpfirstdim)
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSNP, nSamp))
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "snp.order")
	} else {
		gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSamp, nSNP))
		put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "sample.order")
	# sync file

	# genetic genotypes

	snp.start <- 1
	for (fn in vcf.fn)
		if (verbose)
			cat(sprintf("\tfile: %s\n", fn))
		s <- scan.vcf.geno(fn, gGeno, method, start=snp.start)
		snp.start <- snp.start + s		
		sync.gds(gfile)  # sync file

	# close files

	if (verbose) cat(date(), "\tDone.\n")


# SNPRelate Option

snpgdsOption <- function(gdsobj=NULL, autosome.start=1, autosome.end=22, ...)
	ans <- list(
		autosome.start = as.integer(autosome.start),  # the starting index of autosome
		autosome.end   = as.integer(autosome.end)     # the ending idex of autosome

	if (!is.null(gdsobj))
		# ignore the arguments "..."

		# chromosome
		n <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "snp.chromosome")
		lst <- get.attr.gdsn(n)

		if (!is.null(lst$autosome.start))
			ans$autosome.start <- lst$autosome.start
			lst <- lst[-match("autosome.start", names(lst))]
		if (!is.null(lst$autosome.end))
			ans$autosome.end <- lst$autosome.end
			lst <- lst[-match("autosome.end", names(lst))]

		ns <- names(lst)
		if (!("X" %in% ns))       # X chromosome
			lst$X <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 1)
		if (!("XY" %in% ns))      # Pseudo-autosomal region of X
			lst$XY <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 2)
		if (!("Y" %in% ns))       # Y chromosome
			lst$Y <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 3)
		if (!("M" %in% ns))       # Mitochondrial
			lst$M <- as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 4)
		if (!("MT" %in% ns))      # Mitochondrial
			lst$MT = as.integer(ans$autosome.end + 4)

		ans$chromosome.code <- lst

		# SNP genotype
		ans$file$filename <- gdsobj$filename

		n <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype")
		lst <- get.attr.gdsn(n)
		if ("sample.order" %in% names(lst))
			ans$file$geno.dim <- "sample-by-snp"
			ans$file$geno.dim <- "snp-by-sample"

	} else {
		# incorporate the arguments "..."

		lst <- list(...)
		lst <- lst[names(lst) != ""]

		if (length(lst) <= 0)
			ans$chromosome.code = list(
				X  = as.integer(autosome.end + 1),    # X chromosome
				XY = as.integer(autosome.end + 2),    # Pseudo-autosomal region of X
				Y  = as.integer(autosome.end + 3),    # Y chromosome
				M  = as.integer(autosome.end + 4),    # Mitochondrial
				MT = as.integer(autosome.end + 4)     # Mitochondrial
		} else {
			ans$chromosome.code <- lst


# Internal R library functions

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg)
	# get the filename of the dynamic-link library
	lib.fn <- as.character(getLoadedDLLs()$gdsfmt[[2]])
	if (length(lib.fn) != 1)
		stop("The package ''gdsfmt'' was not installed correctly.")

	# init SNPRelate
	rv <- .C("gnrInit", lib.fn, err=character(1), sse=integer(1),
	if (rv$err != "") stop(rv$err)

	# information
	packageStartupMessage("SNPRelate: 0.9.19")
	if (rv$sse != 0)
		packageStartupMessage("Supported by Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2).")


.Last.lib <- function(libpath)
	# finalize SNPRelate
	rv <- .C("gnrDone", PACKAGE="SNPRelate")

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SNPRelate documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:56 p.m.