
Defines functions ambur.critical

Documented in ambur.critical

ambur.critical <-
function(ncritpts=50,sampledist=5) {

#sampledist = 5   #for testing
#ncritpts = 50

sample.distance <- sampledist
n.points <- ncritpts

#open baseline file
filetype <- matrix(c("Shapefile", ".shp"), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE)
tkmessageBox(message = "Please select a polyline shapefile...")
getdata <- if(interactive()) tk_choose.files(filter = filetype)
shapename <- gsub(".shp", "", basename(getdata))
shapedata <- readOGR(getdata,layer=shapename)
attrtable <- data.frame(shapedata)

workingdir <- dirname(getdata)

time.stamp1 <- as.character(Sys.time())

time.stamp2 <- gsub("[:]", "_", time.stamp1)

dir.create("AMBUR_critical", showWarnings=FALSE)

dir.create(paste(time.stamp2," ","critical_points",sep=""))
setwd(paste(time.stamp2," ","critical_points",sep=""))

#build function for points along a line (modified to add the start and end points)

pts.along <- function(x,y,pspace) {

#VARIABLES: x = x coord, y = y coord, pspace = spacing between points

Cx <- x
Cy <- y

Cx2 <- c(Cx[-1],Cx[length(Cx)])
Cy2 <- c(Cy[-1],Cy[length(Cy)])

Segment.Length <-  ((Cx2- Cx)^2 +  (Cy2 - Cy)^2)^(1/2)

Dx <- Cx2 - Cx
Dy <- Cy2 - Cy

Segment.Azimuth <- ifelse(Dx >= 0, 90 -(180/pi) * atan(Dy/Dx),270 -(180/pi) * atan(Dy/Dx))

Cumltiv.Sum <- ave(Segment.Length, FUN=cumsum)

pts.int <- pspace  ##defines the point spacing along the line

pts.bin <- seq(from=pts.int,to=max(Cumltiv.Sum),by=pts.int)

Cumltiv.Sum2 <- c(0,Cumltiv.Sum[-max(length(Cumltiv.Sum))])

pts.bin.up <- length(pts.bin)
pts.bin.upx <- length(pts.bin)
pts.bin.upy <- length(pts.bin)
pts.bin.upx2 <- length(pts.bin)
pts.bin.upy2 <- length(pts.bin)
pts.bin.diff <- length(pts.bin)

for (i in 1:length(pts.bin)) {

pts.bin.up[i] <-  which.max(Cumltiv.Sum2[Cumltiv.Sum2  <=  pts.bin[i]])
pts.bin.upx[i] <- x[pts.bin.up[i]]
pts.bin.upy2[i] <- y[pts.bin.up[i]+1]
pts.bin.upx2[i] <- x[pts.bin.up[i]+1]
pts.bin.upy[i] <- y[pts.bin.up[i]]
pts.bin.diff[i] <- pts.bin[i] - Cumltiv.Sum2[pts.bin.up[i]]


Dx2 <- pts.bin.upx2 - pts.bin.upx
Dy2 <- pts.bin.upy2 - pts.bin.upy

pts.bin.az  <- ifelse(Dx2 >= 0, 90 -(180/pi) * atan(Dy2/Dx2),270 -(180/pi) * atan(Dy2/Dx2))

t.azimuth <- c(pts.bin.az[1],pts.bin.az,pts.bin.az[max(length(pts.bin.az))])

t.startx <- c(Cx[1],sin((pts.bin.az * pi/180)) * pts.bin.diff + pts.bin.upx,Cx[max(length(Cx))])
t.starty <- c(Cy[1],cos((pts.bin.az * pi/180)) * pts.bin.diff + pts.bin.upy,Cy[max(length(Cy))])



#create function to find a linear spline's critical points

lin.spline <- function(x,y,pspace) {

Ox <- x
Oy <- y

   n <- 1 #densification threshold
   xy <- cbind(Ox,Oy)

   nP <- length(xy[,1])
   if((nP < 3) || (is.na(any(as.logical(xy[,1])))))
       return(list(x=numeric(0), y=numeric(0)))

  ## else :

   nP <- length(xy[,1])
   z <- n*(nP-1)

   i <- 1:nP
   Sx <- function(x) {approx(i, xy[,1],method="linear",n=n.points)}
   Sy <- function(x) {approx(i, xy[,2],method="linear",n=n.points)}
   ti <- seq(1, nP, length = z)
   opspl <- cbind(x = Sx(ti)$y, y = Sy(ti)$y)


###### break down outer polyline into simply points with IDs
crdl0 <- coordinates(shapedata)
crd.1 <- sapply(crdl0, function(x) do.call("rbind", x),simplify = FALSE)
crd.2    <- do.call("rbind", crd.1)
crd.3 <- as.numeric(sapply(crd.1, function(x) max(row(x)) ,simplify = TRUE))
crd.len.test <- as.numeric(length(crd.3))
if(crd.len.test <= 1) crd.rep <-  1 else crd.rep <- seq(1, length(crd.3),1)
basepointIDs <- rep(crd.rep,crd.3)
baseshapeIDs <- basepointIDs - 1
sortshapeIDs <- seq(1,length(basepointIDs),1)
basex <- crd.2[,1]
basey <- crd.2[,2]

outerbase.tab <- data.frame(sortshapeIDs,baseshapeIDs,basepointIDs,basex,basey)
colnames(outerbase.tab) <- c("sortshapeID","shapeID","baseID","baseX", "baseY")

attrtable$Id <- seq(0,max(length(attrtable[,1]))-1,1)  #repair baseline attr table for sequential IDs to match with bbb$shapeID
bbb <- data.frame(merge(outerbase.tab,attrtable,by.x= "shapeID" ,by.y = "Id", all.x = TRUE,sort=FALSE))

Baseline.Factor <- factor(bbb$shapeID)

#to even out the points for critical point analysis
outer.sample <- sapply(levels(Baseline.Factor), function(x) data.frame(pts.along(bbb$baseX[bbb$shapeID == x],bbb$baseY[bbb$shapeID == x],sample.distance)) ,simplify = FALSE)
outer.basepts4sm <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", outer.sample))

#round down to get ID numbers
outer.basepts4sm$t.ID <- floor(as.numeric(row.names(outer.basepts4sm)))

#fit the linear spline to the s points
BaselineSM.Factor <- factor(outer.basepts4sm$t.ID)

outer.baseptsSmooth <- sapply(levels(BaselineSM.Factor), function(x) data.frame(lin.spline(outer.basepts4sm[,1][outer.basepts4sm$t.ID == x],outer.basepts4sm[,2][outer.basepts4sm$t.ID == x])) ,simplify = FALSE)

smooth.data <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", outer.baseptsSmooth))

opspl <- smooth.data
Ox <- outer.basepts4sm[,1]
Oy <- outer.basepts4sm[,2]

Cxo <- smooth.data[,1]
Cyo <- smooth.data[,2]

smooth.tab <- data.frame(Cxo,Cyo,floor(as.numeric(row.names(smooth.data))))
colnames(smooth.tab) <- c("smoothX","smoothY","baseid")

LineID.Factor <- factor(smooth.tab$baseid)
smooth.final <- sapply(levels(LineID.Factor), function(x)
list(Lines(list(Line(list(x=c(smooth.tab$smoothX[smooth.tab$baseid == x]), y=c(smooth.tab$smoothY[smooth.tab$baseid == x])))), ID=(as.numeric(x))))
,simplify = TRUE)
smooth.final2 <- SpatialLines(smooth.final)

smooth1.tab <- data.frame(ncritpts=ncritpts,smpldist=sampledist,Creator="R - AMBUR")

smooth1.tab2 <-  smooth1.tab[rep(1, length(unique(LineID.Factor))),]
smooth1.tab2$baseID <- seq(0, length(unique(LineID.Factor))-1,1)
row.names(smooth1.tab2) <- seq(0, length(unique(LineID.Factor))-1,1)

smooth.dataframe <- data.frame(merge(attrtable,smooth1.tab2,by.x= "Id" ,by.y = "baseID", all.x = TRUE,sort=FALSE))
row.names(smooth.dataframe) <- seq(0, length(unique(LineID.Factor))-1,1)

smooth.final3 <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(smooth.final2, smooth.dataframe)

projectionString <- proj4string(shapedata) # contains projection info
  proj4string(smooth.final3) <- projectionString

#create polyline shapefile and write it to the working directory
writeOGR(smooth.final3, ".", "ambur_critical_line", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

####write the points
ddTable <- data.frame(merge(smooth.tab,attrtable,by.x= "baseid" ,by.y = "Id", all.x = TRUE,sort=FALSE)) 

colnames(ddTable)[1] <- "Id"
colnames(ddTable)[2] <- "crit_X"
colnames(ddTable)[3] <- "crit_Y"

coordinates(ddTable) <- data.frame(x=smooth.tab$smoothX, y=smooth.tab$smoothY)
writeOGR(ddTable, ".", "critical_pts", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

   #plot the results and write them to a file
pdf(paste("plot_critical_points.pdf",sep=""),width = 6.5, height = 6.5, bg="white", paper= "letter" )
 plot(Ox,Oy, col="light gray",type="l",asp=1,main="Linear Spline Critical Points",xlab="X",ylab="Y")
 lines(opspl, col="green")
 points(opspl, col="orange")
#turn the device off

 plot(Ox,Oy, col="light gray",type="l",asp=1,main="Linear Spline Critical Points",xlab="X",ylab="Y")
 lines(opspl, col="green")
 points(opspl, col="orange")


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ambur documentation built on April 4, 2022, 3:01 a.m.