
TrendAAT <- structure(function(
	## Trend estimation based on annual aggregated time series
	## The function aggregates a time series to annual values and computes breakpoints and trends on the annual aggregated time series. The function can be applied to gridded (raster) data using the function \code{\link{TrendRaster}}. A detailed description of this method can be found in Forkel et al. (2013).
	### univariate time series of class \code{\link{ts}}
	### Maximum p-value for the OLS-MOSUM test in order to search for breakpoints. If p = 0.05, breakpoints will be only searched in the time series trend component if the OLS-MOSUM test indicates a significant structural change in the time series. If p = 1 breakpoints will be always searched regardless if there is a significant structural change in the time series or not. See \code{\link[strucchange]{sctest}} for details.	
	### minimal segment size either given as fraction relative to the sample size or as an integer giving the minimal number of observations in each segment. See \code{\link[strucchange]{breakpoints}} for details.
	### maximal number of breaks to be calculated (integer number). By default the maximal number allowed by h is used. See \code{\link[strucchange]{breakpoints}} for details.
	### function to aggregate time series to annual values The default function is the mean (i.e. trend calculated on mean annual time series). See example section for other examples.
	##references<< Forkel, M., N. Carvalhais, J. Verbesselt, M. Mahecha, C. Neigh and M. Reichstein (2013): Trend Change Detection in NDVI Time Series: Effects of Inter-Annual Variability and Methodology. - Remote Sensing 5.
	## \code{\link{Trend}}, \code{\link{TrendRaster}}
) {
	time <- time(Yt)	
	# aggregate series to annual time steps
	if (frequency(Yt) > 1) {
		years <- as.integer(as.vector(time))
		nyears <- length(unique(years))
		Yt <- aggregate(as.vector(Yt), list(years), FUN=funAnnual, na.rm=TRUE)$x
		Yt <- ts(Yt, start=years[1], end=years[length(years)], frequency=1)
	time <- time(Yt)	
	d <- bfastpp(Yt)
	if (nrow(d) < 2 | AllEqual(d$response)) return(NoTrend(Yt))
	# breakpoints should be calculated?	
	sum.na <- sum(is.na(Yt))
	no.breaks <- FALSE
	if (!is.null(breaks)) {
		if (breaks == 0) no.breaks <- TRUE	# calculate no breakpoints if breaks == 0
	# test for breakpoints
	calc.breaks <- FALSE
	test <- NULL
	if (!no.breaks) {	
		test <- sctest(response ~ trend, data=d, type="OLS-MOSUM", h=h)
		if (is.na(test$p.value)) test$p.value <- 9999
		if (test$p.value <= mosum.pval) calc.breaks <- TRUE
	# estimate breakpoints
	if (!no.breaks & calc.breaks) {
		bp_est <- tryCatch({
			breakpoints(response ~ trend, h=h, breaks=breaks, data=d)
		}, warning = function(w) {
		}, error = function(e) {
		}, finally = function(x) {

	} else {
		bp_est <- NoBP()
	# calculate models with breakpoints
	if (!is.na(bp_est$breakpoints[1])) {
		d$seg <- breakfactor(bp_est)
		m <- lm(response ~ seg / trend, data = d)
	} else {
	# calculate model without breakpoint
		m <- lm(response ~ trend, data = d)
	m.sum <- summary(m)

	# estimate trend component
	trend_est <- rep(NA, length(Yt))
	trend_est[d$trend] <- predict(m, d) 
	trend_est <- approx((1:length(Yt)), trend_est, xout=1:length(Yt), method="linear", rule=c(1,1))$y
	trend_est <- ts(trend_est, start=start(Yt), frequency=frequency(Yt))
	trend_est <- (trend_est - mean(trend_est, na.rm=TRUE)) + mean(Yt, na.rm=TRUE)
	if (!is.na(bp_est$breakpoints[1])) {
		bp_est$breakpoints <- d$trend[bp_est$breakpoints]
	# compute MannKendall test
	mk <- MannKendallSeg(Yt, bp=bp_est)[-1,]
	# return results
	result <- list(
		series = Yt,
		trend = trend_est,
		time = as.vector(time),
		bp = bp_est,
		slope = mk$lm.slope, 
		slope_unc = NoUnc(),
		slope_se = mk$lm.slope.se,
		pval = mk$lm.slope.pvalue,  
		perc = mk$lm.slope.perc,
		perc_unc = NoUnc(),
		mk.tau = mk$mk.tau,
		mk.tau_unc = NoUnc(),
		mk.pval = mk$mk.pval,
		bptest = test,
		method = "AAT")
	class(result) <- "Trend"
	### The function returns a list of class "Trend". 
# calculate trend on mean annual NDVI values
trd.annualmean <- TrendAAT(ndvi)


# calculate annual trend but don't apply MOSUM test for structural change
trd.annualmean <- TrendAAT(ndvi, mosum.pval=1)

# calculate trend on annual peak (maximum) NDVI
trd.annualmax <- TrendAAT(ndvi, funAnnual=max, mosum.pval=1)

# calculate trend on an annual quantile NDVI (e.g. upper 0.9 quantile)
fun <- function(x, ...) { quantile(x, 0.9, ...) }
trd.annualquantile9 <- TrendAAT(ndvi, funAnnual=fun, mosum.pval=1)


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