
list.override <- function(list1, list2) {

  # Get names of elements of list1 and list2
  names.list1 <- names(list1)
  names.list2 <- names(list2)

  # Loop through elements of list 2. If in list 1, remove, then add; if not in
  # list 1, add.
  for (ii in 1: length(list2)) {

    element.name <- names.list2[ii]
    loc.list1 <- which(names.list1 == element.name)
    if (length(loc.list1) > 0) {
      list1[loc.list1] <- list2[ii]
    } else {
      list1 <- c(list1, list2[ii])


  # Return list1, which has its original elements plus any extras/overrides from
  # list2


diffs <- function(x, lag = 1) {
  .Call('stocks_diffs_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x, lag)

pdiffs <- function(x, lag = 1, percent = FALSE) {

  # Check that percent is a logical
  if (!is.logical(percent)) {
    stop("For percent input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")

  # Call pdiffs_c with multiplier depending on percent input
  if (percent) {
    .Call('stocks_pdiffs_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x, lag, 100)
  } else {
    .Call('stocks_pdiffs_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x, lag, 1)


pchanges <- function(x, lag = 1, percent = FALSE) {

  # Check that percent is a logical
  if (!is.logical(percent)) {
    stop("For percent input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")

  # Call pchanges_c with multiplier depending on percent input
  if (percent) {
    .Call('stocks_pchanges_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x, lag, 100)
  } else {
    .Call('stocks_pchanges_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x, lag, 1)


ratios <- function(x) {
  .Call('stocks_ratios_c', PACKAGE = 'stocks', x)

pos <- function(x, include.zero = FALSE) {

  # Check that include.zero is a logical
  if (!is.logical(include.zero)) {
    stop("For include.zero input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")

  # Get positive values
  if (include.zero) {
    x[which(x >= 0)]
  } else {
    x[which(x > 0)]


neg <- function(x, include.zero = FALSE) {

  # Check that include.zero is a logical
  if (!is.logical(include.zero)) {
    stop("For include.zero input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")

  # Get negative values
  if (include.zero) {
    x[which(x <- 0)]
  } else {
    x[which(x < 0)]


nonpos <- function(x) {
  x[which(x <= 0)]

nonneg <- function(x) {
  x[which(x >= 0)]

convert.rate <- function(rate, units.in = 1, units.out = 1) {
  ((rate + 1)^(units.out / units.in)) - 1

daily.yearly <- function(daily.gain, years = 1) {
  (1 + daily.gain)^(252 * years) - 1

yearly.daily <- function(total.gain, years = 1) {
  (total.gain + 1)^(1/(252*years)) - 1

balances <- function(ratios, initial = 10000) {
  c(initial, initial * cumprod(ratios))

final.balance <- function(ratios, initial = 10000) {
  initial * prod(ratios)

ticker.dates <- function(tickers, from = "1950-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), ...) {

  # Download stock prices for tickers from Yahoo! Finance, using the quantmod
  # package
  prices <- list()
  for (ii in 1:length(tickers)) {
    prices[[ii]] <- as.matrix(getSymbols(Symbols = tickers[ii],
                                         from = from, to = to,
                                         auto.assign = FALSE, ...))

  # Create object to return
  ret <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                    start.date = as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
                    end.date = as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
                    days = unlist(lapply(prices, function(x) nrow(x))),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


load.gains <- function(tickers, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL, ...,
                       from = "1950-01-01", to = Sys.Date(),
                       time.scale = "daily",
                       preto.days = NULL, prefrom.days = NULL,
                       earliest.subset = FALSE,
                       latest.subset = FALSE) {

  # Adjust from date if preto.days or prefrom.days are specified
  from.initial <- from <- as.Date(from)
  to <- as.Date(to)
  if (!is.null(preto.days)) {
    from <- to - ifelse(preto.days <= 10, 20, ceiling(preto.days * 1.65))
  if (!is.null(prefrom.days)) {
    from <- from - ifelse(prefrom.days <= 10, 20, ceiling(prefrom.days * 1.65))

  # Download stock prices for tickers from Yahoo! Finance, using the quantmod
  # package
  prices <- list()
  for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
    prices.fund <- try(getSymbols(Symbols = tickers[ii], from = from, to = to,
                                  auto.assign = FALSE, ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(prices.fund)[1] == "try-error") {
      prices[[ii]] <- NULL
    } else {
      prices.fund <- as.matrix(prices.fund)
      locs.remove <- which(prices.fund[, 4] %in% c(0, NA))
      if (length(locs.remove) > 0) {
        prices.fund <- prices.fund[-locs.remove, , drop = F]
      # prices.fund <- as.matrix(adjustOHLC(x = prices.fund,
      #                                     symbol.name = tickers[ii],
      #                                     ...))
      # prices.fund[, 6] <- prices.fund[, 4]
      prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund
      if (! earliest.subset) {
        from <- max(as.Date(from),
                    as.Date(rownames(prices.fund[1, , drop = F])))

  # Drop tickers that could not be loaded
  locs <- sapply(prices, function(x) !is.null(x))
  if (!all(locs)) {
    tickers <- tickers[locs]
    prices <- prices[locs]
    intercepts <- intercepts[locs]
    slopes <- slopes[locs]

  # # Remove NAs - added after Yahoo! Finance change / quantmod patch.
  # for (ii in 1: length(prices)) {
  #   prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
  #   locs.na <- which(is.na(prices.fund[, 6]))
  #   if (length(locs.na) > 0) {
  #     prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund[-locs.na, ]
  #   }
  # }
  # # Adjust for dividends - added after Yahoo! Finance change / quantmod patch. Not 100% confident in it.
  # for (ii in 1: length(prices)) {
  #   prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
  #   prices.dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
  #   prices.adjusted <- prices.fund[, 4]
  #   dividends.fund <- getDividends(tickers[ii], from = from.initial, to = to, auto.assign = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
  #   splits.fund <- getSplits(tickers[ii], from = from.initial, to = to, auto.assign = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
  #   if (! all(is.na(dividends.fund))) {
  #     dividends.fund <- as.data.frame(dividends.fund)
  #     dividend.amounts <- dividends.fund[, 1]
  #     dividend.dates <- as.Date(rownames(dividends.fund))
  #     for (jj in length(dividend.dates): 1) {
  #       div.date <- dividend.dates[jj]
  #       div.amount <- dividend.amounts[jj]
  #       close.price <- prices.fund[which(prices.dates == div.date), 4]
  #       ratio <- 1 - div.amount / (close.price + div.amount)
  #       locs.adjust <- which(prices.dates < div.date)
  #       prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] <- prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] * ratio
  #     }
  #   }
  #   if (! all(is.na(splits.fund))) {
  #     splits.fund <- as.data.frame(splits.fund)
  #     split.ratios <- splits.fund[, 1]
  #     split.dates <- as.Date(rownames(splits.fund))
  #     for (jj in length(split.dates): 1) {
  #       split.date <- split.dates[jj]
  #       split.ratio <- split.ratios[jj]
  #       locs.adjust <- which(prices.dates < split.date)
  #       prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] <- prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] * split.ratio
  #     }
  #   }
  #   prices[[ii]][, 6] <- prices.adjusted
  # }

  # If more than 1 fund, align prices
  if (length(tickers) > 1) {

    # Align start dates
    start.dates <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
      rownames(x[1, , drop = F]))))
    if (earliest.subset) {
      earliest.startdate <- min(start.dates)
      locs.earliest <- which(start.dates == earliest.startdate)
      tickers <- tickers[locs.earliest]
      start.dates <- start.dates[locs.earliest]
      prices <- prices[locs.earliest]
    } else {
      if (length(unique(start.dates)) > 1) {
        latest.startdate <- max(start.dates)
        for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
          if (start.dates[ii] != latest.startdate) {
            prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
            dates.fund <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
            loc.start <- which(dates.fund == latest.startdate)
            prices.fund <- prices.fund[loc.start: nrow(prices.fund), ]
            prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund

    # Align end dates
    end.dates <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
      rownames(x[nrow(x), , drop = F]))))
    if (latest.subset) {
      latest.enddate <- max(end.dates)
      locs.latest <- which(end.dates == latest.enddate)
      tickers <- tickers[locs.latest]
      end.dates <- end.dates[locs.latest]
      prices <- prices[locs.latest]
    } else {
      if (length(unique(end.dates)) > 1) {
        earliest.enddate <- min(end.dates)
        for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
          if (end.dates[ii] != earliest.enddate) {
            prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
            dates.fund <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
            loc.end <- which(dates.fund == earliest.enddate)
            prices.fund <- prices.fund[1: loc.end, ]
            prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund

    # Go through and remove any dates that don't match the others
    ii <- 2
    while (ii <= length(tickers)) {

      # Get price data for 1st and iith fund
      prices.fund1 <- prices[[1]]
      dates.fund1 <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund1))

      prices.fund2 <- prices[[ii]]
      dates.fund2 <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund2))

      # As long as at least 1 date doesn't match up, remove the unmatched date
      while (!suppressWarnings(all(dates.fund1 == dates.fund2))) {

        loc <- suppressWarnings(which(dates.fund1 != dates.fund2))[1]
        if (dates.fund1[loc] < dates.fund2[loc]) {
          message(paste("Dropped", dates.fund1[loc], "from", tickers[1],
                        sep = " "))
          prices.fund1 <- prices.fund1[-loc, ]
          dates.fund1 <- dates.fund1[-loc]
          prices[[1]] <- prices.fund1
        } else {
          message(paste("Dropped", dates.fund2[loc], "from", tickers[ii],
                        sep = " "))
          prices.fund2 <- prices.fund2[-loc, ]
          dates.fund2 <- dates.fund2[-loc]
          prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund2
        ii <- 1

      ii <- ii + 1



  # If specified, apply intercepts and slopes and convert back to prices
  if ((!is.null(intercepts) & !all(intercepts == 0)) |
      (!is.null(slopes) & !all(slopes == 1))) {

    # Set default values for intercepts/slopes if only the other is specified
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- rep(0, length(slopes))
    } else if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- rep(1, length(slopes))

    for (ii in 1: length(prices)) {

      if (! (intercepts[ii] == 0 & slopes[ii] == 1)) {
        closing.prices <- prices[[ii]][, 6]
        prices[[ii]][, 6] <- balances(ratios = 1 + intercepts[ii] +
                                        slopes[ii] * pchanges(closing.prices),
                                      initial = closing.prices[1])
        if (slopes[ii] != 1) {
          tickers[ii] <- paste(slopes[ii], "x ", tickers[ii], sep = "")




  # Get dates
  dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices[[1]]))
  length.dates <- length(dates)

  # If preto.days and/or prefrom.days specified, get just the date range of
  # interest
  if (! is.null(prefrom.days) & ! is.null(preto.days)) {
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(length.dates - prefrom.days - preto.days - 1): length.dates, ])
  } else if (! is.null(prefrom.days) & is.null(preto.days)) {
    loc.from <- which(dates == from.initial)
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(loc.from - prefrom.days - 1): length.dates, ])
  } else if (is.null(prefrom.days) & ! is.null(preto.days)) {
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(length.dates - preto.days - 1): length.dates, ])
  dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices[[1]]))

  # Convert to prices on last day of month/year if requested
  if (time.scale == "monthly") {
    locs <- which(diff(month(dates)) %in% c(1, -11))
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x) x[locs, ])
    dates <- dates[locs]
  } else if (time.scale == "yearly") {
    locs <- which(diff(year(dates)) == 1)
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x) x[locs, ])
    dates <- dates[locs]

  # Output message indicating date range
  message(paste("Results are for ", dates[1], " to " , dates[length(dates)],
                sep = ""))

  # Create gains matrix
  gains.mat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
    pchanges(x[, 6]))), byrow = F, ncol = length(tickers))
  colnames(gains.mat) <- tickers
  rownames(gains.mat) <- as.character(dates)[-1]

  # Return gains matrix


load.prices <- function(tickers, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL, ...,
                        from = "1950-01-01", to = Sys.Date(),
                        time.scale = "daily",
                        preto.days = NULL, prefrom.days = NULL,
                        initial = NULL,
                        earliest.subset = FALSE, latest.subset = FALSE) {

  # Adjust from date if preto.days or prefrom.days are specified
  from.initial <- from <- as.Date(from)
  to <- as.Date(to)
  if (!is.null(preto.days)) {
    from <- to - ifelse(preto.days <= 10, 20, ceiling(preto.days * 1.65))
  if (!is.null(prefrom.days)) {
    from <- from - ifelse(prefrom.days <= 10, 20, ceiling(prefrom.days * 1.65))

  # Download stock prices for tickers from Yahoo! Finance, using the quantmod
  # package
  prices <- list()
  for (ii in 1:length(tickers)) {
    prices.fund <- try(getSymbols(Symbols = tickers[ii], from = from, to = to,
                                  auto.assign = FALSE, ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (class(prices.fund)[1] == "try-error") {
      prices[[ii]] <- NULL
    } else {
      prices.fund <- as.matrix(prices.fund)
      locs.remove <- which(prices.fund[, 4] %in% c(0, NA))
      if (length(locs.remove) > 0) {
        prices.fund <- prices.fund[-locs.remove, , drop = F]
      # prices.fund <- as.matrix(adjustOHLC(x = prices.fund,
      #                                     symbol.name = tickers[ii], ...))
      # prices.fund[, 6] <- prices.fund[, 4]
      prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund
      if (! earliest.subset) {
        from <- max(as.Date(from),
                    as.Date(rownames(prices.fund[1, , drop = F])))

  # Drop tickers that could not be loaded
  locs <- sapply(prices, function(x) !is.null(x))
  if (! all(locs)) {
    tickers <- tickers[locs]
    prices <- prices[locs]
    intercepts <- intercepts[locs]
    slopes <- slopes[locs]

  # # Remove NAs - added after Yahoo! Finance change / quantmod patch.
  # for (ii in 1: length(prices)) {
  #   prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
  #   locs.na <- which(is.na(prices.fund[, 6]))
  #   if (length(locs.na) > 0) {
  #     prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund[-locs.na, ]
  #   }
  # }

  # # Adjust for dividends - added after Yahoo! Finance change / quantmod patch. Not 100% confident in it.
  # for (ii in 1: length(prices)) {
  #   prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
  #   prices.dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
  #   prices.adjusted <- prices.fund[, 4]
  #   dividends.fund <- getDividends(tickers[ii], from = from.initial, to = to, auto.assign = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
  #   splits.fund <- getSplits(tickers[ii], from = from.initial, to = to, auto.assign = FALSE, warnings = FALSE)
  #   if (! all(is.na(dividends.fund))) {
  #     dividends.fund <- as.data.frame(dividends.fund)
  #     dividend.amounts <- dividends.fund[, 1]
  #     dividend.dates <- as.Date(rownames(dividends.fund))
  #     for (jj in length(dividend.dates): 1) {
  #       div.date <- dividend.dates[jj]
  #       div.amount <- dividend.amounts[jj]
  #       #close.price <- prices.fund[which(prices.dates == div.date), 4]
  #       #ratio <- 1 - div.amount / (close.price + div.amount)
  #       close.price <- prices.fund[which(prices.dates == div.date) - 1, 4]
  #       ratio <- 1 - div.amount / close.price
  #       locs.adjust <- which(prices.dates < div.date)
  #       prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] <- prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] * ratio
  #     }
  #   }
  #   if (! all(is.na(splits.fund))) {
  #     splits.fund <- as.data.frame(splits.fund)
  #     split.ratios <- splits.fund[, 1]
  #     split.dates <- as.Date(rownames(splits.fund))
  #     for (jj in length(split.dates): 1) {
  #       split.date <- split.dates[jj]
  #       split.ratio <- split.ratios[jj]
  #       locs.adjust <- which(prices.dates < split.date)
  #       prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] <- prices.adjusted[locs.adjust] * split.ratio
  #     }
  #   }
  #   prices[[ii]][, 6] <- prices.adjusted
  # }

  # If more than 1 fund, align prices
  if (length(tickers) > 1) {

    # Align start dates
    start.dates <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
      rownames(x[1, , drop = F]))))
    if (earliest.subset) {
      earliest.startdate <- min(start.dates)
      locs.earliest <- which(start.dates == earliest.startdate)
      tickers <- tickers[locs.earliest]
      start.dates <- start.dates[locs.earliest]
      prices <- prices[locs.earliest]
    } else {
      if (length(unique(start.dates)) > 1) {
        latest.startdate <- max(start.dates)
        for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
          if (start.dates[ii] != latest.startdate) {
            prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
            dates.fund <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
            loc.start <- which(dates.fund == latest.startdate)
            prices.fund <- prices.fund[loc.start: nrow(prices.fund), ]
            prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund

    # Align end dates
    end.dates <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
      rownames(x[nrow(x), , drop = F]))))
    if (latest.subset) {
      latest.enddate <- max(end.dates)
      locs.latest <- which(end.dates == latest.enddate)
      tickers <- tickers[locs.latest]
      end.dates <- end.dates[locs.latest]
      prices <- prices[locs.latest]
    } else {
      if (length(unique(end.dates)) > 1) {
        earliest.enddate <- min(end.dates)
        for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
          if (end.dates[ii] != earliest.enddate) {
            prices.fund <- prices[[ii]]
            dates.fund <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund))
            loc.end <- which(dates.fund == earliest.enddate)
            prices.fund <- prices.fund[1: loc.end, ]
            prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund

    # Go through and remove any dates that don't match the others
    ii <- 2
    while (ii <= length(tickers)) {

      # Get price data for 1st and iith fund
      prices.fund1 <- prices[[1]]
      dates.fund1 <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund1))

      prices.fund2 <- prices[[ii]]
      dates.fund2 <- as.Date(rownames(prices.fund2))

      # As long as at least 1 date doesn't match up, remove the unmatched date
      while (!suppressWarnings(all(dates.fund1 == dates.fund2))) {

        loc <- suppressWarnings(which(dates.fund1 != dates.fund2))[1]
        if (dates.fund1[loc] < dates.fund2[loc]) {
          message(paste("Dropped", dates.fund1[loc], "from", tickers[1],
                        sep = " "))
          prices.fund1 <- prices.fund1[-loc, ]
          dates.fund1 <- dates.fund1[-loc]
          prices[[1]] <- prices.fund1
        } else {
          message(paste("Dropped", dates.fund2[loc], "from", tickers[ii],
                        sep = " "))
          prices.fund2 <- prices.fund2[-loc, ]
          dates.fund2 <- dates.fund2[-loc]
          prices[[ii]] <- prices.fund2
        ii <- 1

      ii <- ii + 1



  # Get dates
  dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices[[1]]))
  length.dates <- length(dates)

  # If preto.days and/or prefrom.days specified, get just the date range of
  # interest
  if (! is.null(prefrom.days) & ! is.null(preto.days)) {
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(length.dates - prefrom.days - preto.days): length.dates, ])
  } else if (! is.null(prefrom.days) & is.null(preto.days)) {
    loc.from <- which(dates == from.initial)
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(loc.from - prefrom.days): length.dates, ])
  } else if (is.null(prefrom.days) & ! is.null(preto.days)) {
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x)
      x[(length.dates - preto.days): length.dates, ])
  dates <- as.Date(rownames(prices[[1]]))

  # Convert to prices on last day of month/year if requested
  if (time.scale == "monthly") {
    locs <- which(diff(month(dates)) %in% c(1, -11))
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x) x[locs, ])
    dates <- dates[locs]
    # dates <- sapply(dates, function(x)
    #   paste(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "-"))[-3], collapse = "-"))
  } else if (time.scale == "yearly") {
    locs <- which(diff(year(dates)) == 1)
    prices <- lapply(prices, function(x) x[locs, ])
    dates <- dates[locs]

  # Create matrix of closing prices
  closing.prices <- matrix(unlist(lapply(prices, function(x)
    x[, 6])), byrow = F, ncol = length(tickers))
  colnames(closing.prices) <- tickers
  rownames(closing.prices) <- as.character(dates)

  # If intercepts and slopes specified, convert to gains, scale gains, and
  # convert back to prices
  if ((!is.null(intercepts) & !all(intercepts == 0)) |
      (!is.null(slopes) & !all(slopes == 1))) {

    # If intercepts or slopes NULL, set to matrix of 0's and 1's, respectively
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- rep(0, length(tickers))
    if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- rep(1, length(tickers))

    # Scale each column of closing prices
    for (ii in 1: length(tickers)) {
      if (intercepts[ii] != 0 | slopes[ii] != 1) {
        closing.prices[, ii] <- balances(ratios = 1 + intercepts[ii] +
                                           slopes[ii] *
                                           pchanges(closing.prices[, ii]),
                                         initial = closing.prices[1, ii])
        if (slopes[ii] != 1) {
          tickers[ii] <- paste(slopes[ii], "x ", tickers[ii], sep = "")
    colnames(closing.prices) <- tickers


  # Scale prices to same initial value if requested
  if (!is.null(initial)) {

    closing.prices <- apply(closing.prices, 2, function(x) x / x[1] * initial)


  # Output message indicating date range
  message(paste("Results are for ", dates[1], " to " , dates[length(dates)],
                sep = ""))

  # Return closing prices


prices.rate <- function(prices, units.rate = NULL, nas = FALSE) {

  # Drop NA's
  if (nas) {
    prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]

  # Get the overall growth rate
  prices.length <- length(prices)
  rate1 <- prices[prices.length] / prices[1] - 1

  # Convert to x-unit growth rate if units.rate is specified
  if (! is.null(units.rate) && units.rate != prices.length - 1) {
    rate1 <- convert.rate(rate = rate1,
                          units.in = prices.length - 1, units.out = units.rate)

  # Return the rate


gains.rate <- function(gains, units.rate = NULL, nas = FALSE) {

  # Drop NA's
  if (nas) {
    gains <- gains[!is.na(gains)]

  # Get the overall growth rate
  gains.length <- length(gains)
  rate1 <- prod(gains + 1) - 1

  # Convert to x-unit growth rate if xunit.rate is specified
  if (! is.null(units.rate) && ! (units.rate == gains.length)) {
    rate1 <- convert.rate(rate = rate1,
                          units.in = gains.length, units.out = units.rate)

  # Return the rate


mdd <- function(prices = NULL,
                gains = NULL,
                highs = NULL, lows = NULL,
                indices = FALSE,
                nas = FALSE) {

  # Check that indices is a logical
  if (!is.logical(indices)) {
    stop("For indices input, please enter TRUE or FALSE")

  # Drop NA's
  if (nas) {

    if (!is.null(prices)) {
      prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]
    } else if (!is.null(highs)) {
      highs <- highs[!is.na(highs)]
      lows <- lows[!is.na(lows)]
    } else if (!is.null(gains)) {
      gains <- gains[!is.na(gains)]


  # If gains specified rather than prices, convert to prices
  if (!is.null(gains)) {
    prices <- balances(ratios = gains + 1, initial = 1)

  # Call C++ function depending on indices and whether prices or highs and lows
  # specified
  if (!is.null(prices)) {
    if (!is.null(highs) | !is.null(lows)) {
      stop("Please input prices OR highs and lows, but not both. If both are
           available, use prices.")
    if (nas & is.null(gains)) {
      prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]
    if (indices) {
      mdd.out <- .Call('stocks_mdd_p_c2', PACKAGE = 'stocks', prices)
      names(mdd.out) <- c("mdd", "start.index", "end.index")
    } else {
      mdd.out <- .Call('stocks_mdd_p_c1', PACKAGE = 'stocks', prices)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(prices)) {
      stop("Please input prices OR highs and lows, but not both. If both are
           available, use prices.")
    if (nas) {
      highs <- highs[!is.na(highs)]
      lows <- lows[!is.na(lows)]
    if (indices) {
      mdd.out <- .Call('stocks_mdd_hl_c2', PACKAGE = 'stocks', highs, lows)
      names(mdd.out) <- c("mdd", "start.index", "end.index")
    } else {
      mdd.out <- .Call('stocks_mdd_hl_c1', PACKAGE = 'stocks', highs, lows)

  # Return mdd.out


sharpe.ratio <- function(gains = NULL,
                         prices = NULL,
                         rf = 0,
                         nas = FALSE) {

  # Check that either gains or prices is specified
  if (is.null(gains) & is.null(prices)) {
    stop("Please enter a gains vector or a prices vector")

  # Convert from prices to gains if necessary
  if (!is.null(prices)) {
    if (nas) {
      prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]
    gains <- pchanges(prices)
  } else {
    if (nas) {
      gains <- gains[!is.na(gains)]

  # Calculate and return Sharpe ratio
  return((mean(gains) - rf) / sd(gains))


sortino.ratio <- function(gains = NULL,
                          prices = NULL,
                          rf = 0,
                          nas = FALSE) {

  # Check that either gains or prices is specified
  if (is.null(gains) & is.null(prices)) {
    stop("Please enter a gains vector or a prices vector")

  # Convert from prices to gains if necessary
  if (!is.null(prices)) {
    if (nas) {
      prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]
    gains <- pchanges(prices)
  } else {
    if (nas) {
      gains <- gains[!is.na(gains)]

  # Calculate Sortino ratio
  (mean(gains) - rf) / sd(neg(gains))


rrr <- function(prices = NULL,
                gains = NULL,
                highs = NULL, lows = NULL,
                nas = FALSE) {

  # Check that either prices or gains is specified
  if (is.null(prices) & is.null(gains)) {
    stop("Please enter a prices vector or a gains vector")

  # Calculate overall growth rate
  if (!is.null(prices)) {
    if (nas) {
      prices <- prices[!is.na(prices)]
    ret <- prices.rate(prices)
    max.dd <- mdd(prices = prices)
  } else {
    if (nas) {
      gains <- gains[!is.na(gains)]
    ret <- gains.rate(gains)
    max.dd <- mdd(gains = gains)

  # Calculate and return risk-return ratio
  return(ret / max.dd)


metrics <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                    gains = NULL,
                    prices = NULL,
                    perf.metrics = c("mean", "sd", "growth", "cagr", "mdd",
                                     "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "beta",
                                     "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman",
                                     "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman")) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, ...)

  } else if (! is.null(prices)) {

    # Calculate gains based on price data
    gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges)
    rownames(gains) <- rownames(prices)[-1]

  } else if (is.null(gains)) {

    stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or


  # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(gains)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <-
      min(diff(as.Date(rownames(gains)[1: min(10, nrow(gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Calculate performance metrics for each fund
  p.metrics <- data.frame(ticker = tickers, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if ("mean" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$mean <- apply(gains, 2, mean)
  if ("sd" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$sd <- apply(gains, 2, sd)
  if ("growth" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$growth <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x))
  if ("cagr" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$cagr <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year))
  if ("mdd" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$mdd <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x))
  if ("sharpe" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$sharpe <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  if ("sortino" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$sortino <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
  if ("alpha" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$alpha <- c(0, apply(gains[, -1, drop = F], 2, function(x)
      lm(x ~ gains[, 1])$coef[1]))
  if ("beta" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$beta <- c(1, apply(gains[, -1, drop = F], 2, function(x)
      lm(x ~ gains[, 1])$coef[2]))
  if ("r.squared" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$r.squared <- c(1, apply(gains[, -1, drop = F], 2, function(x)
      summary(lm(x ~ gains[, 1]))$r.squared))
  if ("pearson" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$pearson <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, gains[, 1]))
  if ("spearman" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$spearman <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))
  if ("auto.pearson" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$auto.pearson <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
  if ("auto.spearman" %in% perf.metrics) {
    p.metrics$auto.spearman <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))

  # Calculate correlation matrix
  cor.mat <- cor(gains)

  # Return performance metrics and and correlation matrix
  return.list <- list(perf.metrics = p.metrics, cor.mat = cor.mat)


beta.trailing50 <- function(ticker, benchmark.ticker = "SPY", ...) {

  # Load gains for last 90 calendar days
  gains <- load.gains(tickers = c(benchmark.ticker, ticker),
                      from = Sys.Date() - 90, ...)

  # Get subset of most recent 50 gains
  gains.last50 <- gains[(nrow(gains) - 49): nrow(gains), ]

  # Calculate and return beta
  ticker.beta <- as.numeric(lm(gains.last50[, 2] ~ gains.last50[, 1])$coef[2])


twofunds.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL,
                           benchmark.tickers = NULL,
                           reference.tickers = NULL,
                           tickers.gains = NULL,
                           benchmark.gains = NULL,
                           reference.gains = NULL,
                           step.data = 0.0025,
                           step.points = 0.1,
                           x.metric = "sd",
                           y.metric = "mean",
                           tickerlabel.offsets = NULL,
                           reflabel.offsets = NULL,
                           add.plot = FALSE,
                           colors = NULL,
                           plot.list = NULL,
                           points.list = NULL,
                           text.list = NULL,
                           pdf.list = NULL,
                           bmp.list = NULL,
                           jpeg.list = NULL,
                           png.list = NULL,
                           tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # If vectors rather than matrices are provided for tickers, intercepts, or
    # slopes, convert to 2-row matrices
    if (is.vector(tickers)) {
      tickers <- matrix(tickers, nrow = 2)
    if (is.vector(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- matrix(intercepts, nrow = 2)
    if (is.vector(slopes)) {
      slopes <- matrix(slopes, nrow = 2)

    # If intercepts or slopes NULL, set to matrix of 0's and 1's, respectively
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(tickers))
    if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(tickers))

    # Create vector of "extra" tickers comprised of benchmark and reference
    # tickers
    extra.tickers <- unique(c(benchmark.tickers, reference.tickers))

    # Calculate gains matrix
    tickers.vec <- c(as.vector(tickers), extra.tickers)
    intercepts.vec <- c(as.vector(intercepts), rep(0, length(extra.tickers)))
    slopes.vec <- c(as.vector(slopes), rep(1, length(extra.tickers)))
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers.vec, intercepts = intercepts.vec,
                        slopes = slopes.vec, ...)

    # Update ticker names to show intercept/slope
    tickers <- matrix(colnames(gains)[1: length(tickers)], nrow = 2)

    # Separate benchmark gains, reference gains, and ticker gains
    tickers.gains <- gains[, 1: length(tickers), drop = F]
    extra.gains <- gains[, -c(1: length(tickers)), drop = F]
    if (!is.null(benchmark.tickers)) {
      benchmark.gains <- extra.gains[, 1: length(benchmark.tickers), drop = F]
      extra.gains <- extra.gains[, -c(1: length(benchmark.tickers)), drop = F]
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.gains <- extra.gains

  } else {

    # Figure out tickers from tickers.gains
    tickers <- colnames(tickers.gains)
    if (is.null(tickers)) {
      tickers <- paste("FUND", 1: ncol(tickers.gains), sep = "")
    tickers <- matrix(tickers, nrow = 2)

    # Convert reference.gains to matrix if necessary, and figure out
    # reference.tickers
    if (is.vector(reference.gains)) {
      reference.gains <- matrix(reference.gains, ncol = 1)
      reference.tickers <- "REF"
    } else if (is.matrix(reference.gains)) {
      reference.tickers <- colnames(reference.gains)
      if (is.null(reference.tickers)) {
        reference.tickers <- paste("REF", 1: ncol(reference.gains), sep = "")

    # Convert benchmark.gains to matrix if necessary, and figure out
    # benchmark.tickers
    if (is.vector(benchmark.gains)) {
      benchmark.gains <- matrix(benchmark.gains, ncol = 1)
      benchmark.tickers <- "BENCH"
    } else if (is.matrix(benchmark.gains)) {
      benchmark.tickers <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
      if (is.null(benchmark.tickers)) {
        benchmark.tickers <- paste("BENCH", 1: ncol(benchmark.gains), sep = "")


  # Initialize list to store x-axis values and y-axis values for each pair
  x <- y <- portfolio.xy <- list()

  # Loop through fund pairs
  fund1.all <- seq(0, 1, step.data)
  fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
  fund.all <- cbind(fund1.all, fund2.all)
  num.points <- length(fund1.all)

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(tickers.gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(tickers.gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  for (ii in 1: ncol(tickers)) {

    # Get subset of tickers.gains matrix for tickers of interest
    columns <- c(ii * 2 - 1, ii * 2)
    tickers.gains.sub <- tickers.gains[, columns]

    # Calculate x-axis value for each allocation
    if (x.metric == "mean") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean)
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * means[1] + fund2.all * means[2]) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "sd") {

      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub)
      x[[ii]] <- sqrt(fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                        fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "growth") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x)) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x,
                   units.rate = units.year)) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        mdd(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x)) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean)
      x1 <- fund.all %*% means
      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub)
      x2 <- sqrt(fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                   2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2])
      x[[ii]] <- x1 / x2

    } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        sortino.ratio(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x))

    } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * fit1$coef[1] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[1]) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * fit1$coef[1] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[1]) * 100

    } else if (x.metric == "beta") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      x[[ii]] <- fund1.all * fit1$coef[2] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[2]

    } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      x[[ii]] <- fund1.all * fit1$coef[2] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[2]

    } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
      x[[ii]] <- ((fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * vars[3, 3]))^2

    } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
      x[[ii]] <- ((fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
                    sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                            2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) *
                           vars[3, 3]))^2

    } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * vars[3, 3])

    } else if (x.metric == "pearson2") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * vars[3, 3])

    } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor(tickers.gains.sub %*% x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "spearman2") {

      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor(tickers.gains.sub %*% x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub[1: (nrow(tickers.gains.sub) - 1), ],
                        tickers.gains.sub[2: nrow(tickers.gains.sub), ]))
      x[[ii]] <- (fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 3] +
                    fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 4] +
                    fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[2, 3] +
                    fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 4]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) *
               (fund1.all^2 * vars[3, 3] + fund2.all^2 * vars[4, 4] +
                  2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[3, 4]))

    } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {

      num.gains <- nrow(tickers.gains.sub)
      x[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor((tickers.gains.sub %*% x)[-num.gains],
            (tickers.gains.sub %*% x)[-1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "allocation") {

      x[[ii]] <- fund1.all * 100


    # Calculate y-axis value for each allocation
    if (y.metric == "mean") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean)
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * means[1] + fund2.all * means[2]) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "sd") {

      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub)
      y[[ii]] <- sqrt(fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                        2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "growth") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x)) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x,
                   units.rate = units.year)) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        mdd(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x)) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean)
      y1 <- fund1.all * means[1] + fund2.all * means[2]
      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub)
      y2 <- sqrt(fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                   2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2])
      y[[ii]] <- y1 / y2

    } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        sortino.ratio(gains = tickers.gains.sub %*% x))

    } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * fit1$coef[1] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[1]) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * fit1$coef[1] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[1]) * 100

    } else if (y.metric == "beta") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])
      y[[ii]] <- fund1.all * fit1$coef[2] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[2]

    } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {

      fit1 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 1] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      fit2 <- lm(tickers.gains.sub[, 2] ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])
      y[[ii]] <- fund1.all * fit1$coef[2] + fund2.all * fit2$coef[2]

    } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
      y[[ii]] <- ((fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
                    sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                            2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) *
                           vars[3, 3]))^2

    } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
      y[[ii]] <- ((fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
                    sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                            2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) *
                           vars[3, 3]))^2

    } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * vars[3, 3])

    } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all * vars[1, 3] + fund2.all * vars[2, 3]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) * vars[3, 3])

    } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor(tickers.gains.sub %*% x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {

      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor(tickers.gains.sub %*% x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {

      vars <- var(cbind(tickers.gains.sub[1: (nrow(tickers.gains.sub) - 1), ],
                        tickers.gains.sub[2: nrow(tickers.gains.sub), ]))
      y[[ii]] <- (fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 3] +
                    fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 4] +
                    fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[2, 3] +
                    fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 4]) /
        sqrt((fund1.all^2 * vars[1, 1] + fund2.all^2 * vars[2, 2] +
                2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[1, 2]) *
               (fund1.all^2 * vars[3, 3] + fund2.all^2 * vars[4, 4] +
                  2 * fund1.all * fund2.all * vars[3, 4]))

    } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {

      num.gains <- nrow(tickers.gains.sub)
      y[[ii]] <- apply(fund.all, 1, function(x)
        cor((tickers.gains.sub %*% x)[-num.gains],
            (tickers.gains.sub %*% x)[-1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "allocation") {

      y[[ii]] <- fund1.all * 100


    # Combine x and y values into two-column matrix
    portfolio.xy[[ii]] <- cbind(x[[ii]], y[[ii]])


  # Create variables for plot
  x1 <- x2 <- y1 <- y2 <- NULL
  reference.y <- NULL
  if (y.metric == "mean") {
    plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- paste("Mean of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, mean) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
    plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- paste("SD of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, sd) * 100
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
    plot.title <- "Total Growth vs. "
    y.label <- "Growth (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
    plot.title <- "CAGR vs. "
    y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
    plot.title <- "MDD vs. "
    y.label <- "MDD (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sortino.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[2])
  } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[2])
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1]))$r.squared)
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2]))$r.squared)
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "allocation") {
    plot.title <- "Allocation vs. "
    y.label <- "Allocation (%)"
    y1 <- -5
    y2 <- 105

  reference.x <- NULL
  if (x.metric == "mean") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale),
                        " Gains", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Mean of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, mean) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "sd") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "SD of ", capitalize(time.scale),
                        " Gains", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("SD of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, sd) * 100
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "growth") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Total Growth", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Growth (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "CAGR", sep = "")
    x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "MDD", sep = "")
    x.label <- "MDD (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sharpe Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sortino Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sortino ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "beta") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
  } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains))
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains))
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", "")
    x.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "allocation") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Allocation")
    x.title <- "Allocation"
    x.label <- "Allocation (%)"
    x1 <- -5
    x2 <- 105

  # If NULL, set appropriate values for xlim and ylim ranges
  if (is.null(x1) | is.null(x2) | is.null(y1) | is.null(y2)) {
    xvals <- c(unlist(x), reference.x)
    xvals.range <- range(xvals)
    yvals <- c(unlist(y), reference.y)
    yvals.range <- range(yvals)
    if (is.null(x1)) {
      x1 <- xvals.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(xvals.range)
    if (is.null(x2)) {
      x2 <- xvals.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(xvals.range)
    if (is.null(y1)) {
      y1 <- yvals.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(yvals.range)
    if (is.null(y2)) {
      y2 <- yvals.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(yvals.range)

  # Create color scheme for plot
  n.pairs <- ncol(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.pairs == 1) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.pairs == 2) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.pairs == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.pairs == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.pairs > 4) {
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(n.pairs)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = 0, y = 0, type = "n",
                                          main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = x.label, ylab = y.label,
                                          xlim = c(x1, x2), ylim = c(y1, y2)),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(pch = 16, cex = 0.7),
                               list2 = points.list)
  text.list <- list.override(list1 = list(cex = 0.7),
                             list2 = text.list)

  # Figure out positioning of ticker labels for 100% allocation to each fund
  if (is.null(tickerlabel.offsets)) {

    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(0, n.pairs * 2), rep(NA, n.pairs * 2))
    y.offset.mag <- (y2 - y1) / 40
    for (ii in 1: ncol(tickers)) {

      # Put label for ticker with higher y-value above its data point, and
      # label for other ticker below its data point
      fund1.xy <- c(x[[ii]][num.points], y[[ii]][num.points])
      fund2.xy <- c(x[[ii]][1], y[[ii]][1])
      whichmax.y <- which.max(c(fund1.xy[2], fund2.xy[2]))
      if (whichmax.y == 1) {
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 2 - 1), 2] <- y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 2, 2] <- -y.offset.mag
      } else {
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 2 - 1), 2] <- -y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 2, 2] <- y.offset.mag

  } else if (length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 2) {
    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1], n.pairs * 2),
                                 rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2], n.pairs * 2))
  if (is.null(reflabel.offsets) & !is.null(reference.tickers)) {
    reflabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(0, length(reference.tickers)),
                              rep((y2 - y1) / 40, length(reference.tickers)))
  } else if (length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 2) {
    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1], n.pairs * 2),
                                 rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2], n.pairs * 2))

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
  if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (y.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
  if (x.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (x.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(v = 1, lty = 2)

  # Figure out indices for data points
  if (!is.null(step.points)) {
    locs.points <- seq(1, num.points, step.points / step.data)
  } else {
    locs.points <- c(1, num.points)

  # Add curves for each pair
  for (ii in 1: n.pairs) {

    # Add colored curves and data points
    do.call(points, c(list(x = x[[ii]], y = y[[ii]], type = "l",
                           col = colors[ii]), points.list))
    do.call(points, c(list(x = x[[ii]][locs.points], y = y[[ii]][locs.points],
                           col = colors[ii]), points.list))

    # Figure out (x, y) coordinates for 100% fund 1 and 100% fund 2
    fund1.xy <- c(x[[ii]][num.points], y[[ii]][num.points])
    fund2.xy <- c(x[[ii]][1], y[[ii]][1])

    # Add black data points at 100% fund 1 and 100% fund2
    do.call(points, c(list(x = fund1.xy[1], y = fund1.xy[2]), points.list))
    do.call(points, c(list(x = fund2.xy[1], y = fund2.xy[2]), points.list))

    # Add text labels if not already on plot
    if (ii == 1 | ! tickers[1, ii] %in% tickers[, 1: (ii - 1)]) {
      do.call(text, c(list(x = fund1.xy[1] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 2 - 1), 1],
                           y = fund1.xy[2] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 2 - 1), 2],
                           label = paste("100% ", tickers[1, ii], sep = "")),
    if (ii == 1 | ! tickers[2, ii] %in% tickers[, 1: (ii - 1)]) {
      do.call(text, c(list(x = fund2.xy[1] + tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 2, 1],
                           y = fund2.xy[2] + tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 2, 2],
                           label = paste("100% ", tickers[2, ii], sep = "")),


  # Add data point for reference funds (if given)
  if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {

    # Loop through and add data points for each reference fund
    for (ii in 1: ncol(reference.gains)) {

      if (x.metric != "allocation" & y.metric != "allocation") {

        do.call(points, c(list(x = reference.x[ii], y = reference.y[ii],
                               type = "p", col = "black"), points.list))
        if (! reference.tickers[ii] %in% tickers) {
          do.call(text, c(list(x = reference.x[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 1],
                               y = reference.y[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 2],
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),

      } else {

        if (y.metric == "allocation") {

          abline(v = reference.x[ii], lty = 2, col = "black")
          do.call(text, c(list(x = reference.x[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 1],
                               y = 20,
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),

        } else {

          abline(h = reference.y[ii], lty = 2, col = "black")
          do.call(text, c(list(x = 20,
                               y = reference.y[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 2],
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),



  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return portfolio.xy, mean for each fund and correlation matrix
  if (! exists("gains")) {
    gains <- cbind(tickers.gains, benchmark.gains, reference.gains)
  means <- apply(gains, 2, mean)
  corr.matrix <- cor(gains)
  return.list <- list(portfolio.xy = portfolio.xy, means = means,
                      corr.matrix = corr.matrix)


threefunds.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL,
                             benchmark.tickers = NULL,
                             reference.tickers = NULL,
                             tickers.gains = NULL,
                             benchmark.gains = NULL,
                             reference.gains = NULL,
                             step.data = 0.0025,
                             step.points = 0.1,
                             step.curves = 0.2,
                             x.metric = "sd",
                             y.metric = "mean",
                             tickerlabel.offsets = NULL,
                             reflabel.offsets = NULL,
                             add.plot = FALSE,
                             colors = NULL,
                             plot.list = NULL,
                             points.list = NULL,
                             text.list = NULL,
                             pdf.list = NULL,
                             bmp.list = NULL,
                             jpeg.list = NULL,
                             png.list = NULL,
                             tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # If vectors rather than matrices are provided for tickers, intercepts, or
    # slopes, convert to 2-row matrices
    if (is.vector(tickers)) {
      tickers <- matrix(tickers, nrow = 3)
    if (is.vector(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- matrix(intercepts, nrow = 3)
    if (is.vector(slopes)) {
      slopes <- matrix(slopes, nrow = 3)

    # If intercepts or slopes NULL, set to matrix of 0's and 1's, respectively
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = ncol(tickers))
    if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- matrix(1, nrow = 3, ncol = ncol(tickers))

    # Create vector of "extra" tickers comprised of benchmark and reference
    # tickers
    extra.tickers <- unique(c(benchmark.tickers, reference.tickers))

    # Calculate gains matrix
    tickers.vec <- c(as.vector(tickers), extra.tickers)
    intercepts.vec <- c(as.vector(intercepts), rep(0, length(extra.tickers)))
    slopes.vec <- c(as.vector(slopes), rep(1, length(extra.tickers)))
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers.vec, intercepts = intercepts.vec,
                        slopes = slopes.vec, ...)

    # Update ticker names to show intercept/slope
    tickers <- matrix(colnames(gains)[1: length(tickers)], nrow = 3)

    # Separate benchmark gains, reference gains, and ticker gains
    tickers.gains <- gains[, 1: length(tickers), drop = F]
    extra.gains <- gains[, -c(1: length(tickers)), drop = F]
    if (!is.null(benchmark.tickers)) {
      benchmark.gains <- extra.gains[, 1: length(benchmark.tickers), drop = F]
      extra.gains <- extra.gains[, -c(1: length(benchmark.tickers)), drop = F]
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.gains <- extra.gains

  } else {

    # Figure out tickers from tickers.gains
    tickers <- colnames(tickers.gains)
    if (is.null(tickers)) {
      tickers <- paste("FUND", 1: ncol(tickers.gains), sep = "")
    tickers <- matrix(tickers, nrow = 3)

    # Convert reference.gains to matrix if necessary, and figure out
    # reference.tickers
    if (is.vector(reference.gains)) {
      reference.gains <- matrix(reference.gains, ncol = 1)
      reference.tickers <- "REF"
    } else if (is.matrix(reference.gains)) {
      reference.tickers <- colnames(reference.gains)
      if (is.null(reference.tickers)) {
        reference.tickers <- paste("REF", 1: ncol(reference.gains), sep = "")

    # Convert benchmark.gains to matrix if necessary, and figure out
    # benchmark.tickers
    if (is.vector(benchmark.gains)) {
      benchmark.gains <- matrix(benchmark.gains, ncol = 1)
      benchmark.tickers <- "BENCH"
    } else if (is.matrix(benchmark.gains)) {
      benchmark.tickers <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
      if (is.null(benchmark.tickers)) {
        benchmark.tickers <- paste("BENCH", 1: ncol(benchmark.gains), sep = "")


  # Initialize portfolio.xy to store data for each three-fund set
  portfolio.xy <- list()

  # Loop through three-fund sets
  fund1.all <- seq(0, 1, step.curves)
  fund2.all <- seq(0, 1, step.data)
  fund3.all <- 1 - fund2.all
  num.curves <- length(fund1.all)
  num.points <- length(fund2.all)

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(tickers.gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(tickers.gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Going in different direction. If doesn't work, revert back to version in
  # exports file
  for (ii in 1: ncol(tickers)) {

    # Initialize list to store x-axis values and y-axis values for current
    # three-fund set
    x <- y <- list()

    # Get subset of tickers.gains matrix for tickers of interest
    columns <- (ii * 3 - 2): (ii * 3)
    tickers.gains.sub <- tickers.gains[, columns]

    # Calculate x-axis value for each allocation
    if (x.metric == "mean") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean) * 100
      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x)
        x * means[1] + (1 - x) * fund2.all * means[2] +
          (1 - x) * fund3.all * means[3])

    } else if (x.metric == "sd") {

      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub * 100)
      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x)
        sqrt(x^2 * vars[1, 1] + ((1 - x) * fund2.all)^2 * vars[2, 2] +
               ((1 - x) * fund3.all)^2 * vars[3, 3] +
               2 * x * (1 - x) * fund2.all * vars[1, 2] +
               2 * x * (1 - x) * fund3.all * vars[1, 3] +
               2 * (1 - x) * fund2.all * (1 - x) * fund3.all * vars[2, 3]))

    } else if (x.metric == "growth") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x) * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x)
                gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year) * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) mdd(gains = x) * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))

    } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))

    } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[1] * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[1] * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "beta") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[2] * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[2] * 100)

    } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1]))$r.squared)

    } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2]))$r.squared)

    } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1]))

    } else if (x.metric == "pearson2") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2]))

    } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "spearman2") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))

    } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (x.metric == "allocation") {

      x <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) fund2.all * 100)


    # Calculate y-axis value for each allocation
    if (y.metric == "mean") {

      means <- apply(tickers.gains.sub, 2, mean) * 100
      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x)
        x * means[1] + (1 - x) * fund2.all * means[2] +
          (1 - x) * fund3.all * means[3])

    } else if (y.metric == "sd") {

      vars <- var(tickers.gains.sub * 100)
      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x)
        sqrt(x^2 * vars[1, 1] + ((1 - x) * fund2.all)^2 * vars[2, 2] +
               ((1 - x) * fund3.all)^2 * vars[3, 3] +
               2 * x * (1 - x) * fund2.all * vars[1, 2] +
               2 * x * (1 - x) * fund3.all * vars[1, 3] +
               2 * (1 - x) * fund2.all * (1 - x) * fund3.all * vars[2, 3]))

    } else if (y.metric == "growth") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x) * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x)
                gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year) * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) mdd(gains = x) * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))

    } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))

    } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[1] * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[1] * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "beta") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[2] * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[2] * 100)

    } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1]))$r.squared)

    } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2]))$r.squared)

    } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1]))

    } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2]))

    } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))

    } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) {
        apply(tickers.gains.sub %*% matrix(c(rep(x, num.points),
                                             (1 - x) * fund2.all,
                                             (1 - x) * fund3.all),
                                           nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE),
              2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))

    } else if (y.metric == "allocation") {

      y <- lapply(fund1.all, function(x) fund2.all * 100)


    # Create list where each element is a two-column matrix of x and y values
    # for a particular fund-1 allocation
    set.list <- mapply(function(x, y)
      list(cbind(unlist(x), unlist(y))), x, y, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
    names(set.list) <- paste(fund1.all * 100, "% ", tickers[1, ii], sep = "")

    # Add set.list to portfolio.xy
    portfolio.xy[[ii]] <- set.list


  # Create labels for 3-fund sets
  set.labels <- apply(tickers, 2, function(x)
    paste(x[1], "-", x[2], "-", x[3], sep = ""))

  # Extract all x and y values from portfolio.xy
  x <- lapply(portfolio.xy, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) x[, 1]))
  y <- lapply(portfolio.xy, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) x[, 2]))

  # Create variables for plot
  x1 <- x2 <- y1 <- y2 <- NULL
  reference.y <- NULL
  if (y.metric == "mean") {
    plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- paste("Mean of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, mean) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
    plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- paste("SD of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, sd) * 100
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
    plot.title <- "Total Growth vs. "
    y.label <- "Growth (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
    plot.title <- "CAGR vs. "
    y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
    plot.title <- "MDD vs. "
    y.label <- "MDD (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
    plot.title <- "Sortino Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sortino.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[2])
  } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[2])
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1]))$r.squared)
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2]))$r.squared)
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.y <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (y.metric == "allocation") {
    plot.title <- "Allocation vs. "
    y.label <- "Allocation (%)"
    y1 <- -5
    y2 <- 105

  reference.x <- NULL
  if (x.metric == "mean") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale),
                        " Gains", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Mean of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, mean) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "sd") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains",
                        sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("SD of ", time.scale, " gains (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, sd) * 100
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "growth") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Total Growth", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Growth (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "CAGR", sep = "")
    x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "MDD", sep = "")
    x.label <- "MDD (%)"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sharpe Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sortino Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sortino ratio"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], " (%)", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[1]) * 100
  } else if (x.metric == "beta") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1])$coef[2])
  } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2])$coef[2])
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 1]))$r.squared)
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains[, 2]))$r.squared)
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1]))
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2]))
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[1], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.tickers[2], sep = "")
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x, benchmark.gains[, 2], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
    if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.x <- apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
        cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
  } else if (x.metric == "allocation") {
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Allocation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Allocation (%)"
    x1 <- -5
    x2 <- 105

  # If NULL, set appropriate values for xlim and ylim ranges
  if (is.null(x1) | is.null(x2) | is.null(y1) | is.null(y2)) {
    xvals <- c(unlist(x), reference.x)
    xvals.range <- range(xvals)
    yvals <- c(unlist(y), reference.y)
    yvals.range <- range(yvals)
    if (is.null(x1)) {
      x1 <- xvals.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(xvals.range)
    if (is.null(x2)) {
      x2 <- xvals.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(xvals.range)
    if (is.null(y1)) {
      y1 <- yvals.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(yvals.range)
    if (is.null(y2)) {
      y2 <- yvals.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(yvals.range)

  # Create color scheme for plot
  n.sets <- ncol(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.sets == 1) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.sets == 2) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.sets == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.sets == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.sets > 4) {
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(n.sets)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = 0, y = 0, type = "n",
                                          main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = x.label, ylab = y.label,
                                          xlim = c(x1, x2), ylim = c(y1, y2)),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(pch = 16, cex = 0.7),
                               list2 = points.list)
  text.list <- list.override(list1 = list(cex = 0.7),
                             list2 = text.list)

  # Figure out positioning of ticker labels for 100% allocation to each fund
  if (is.null(tickerlabel.offsets)) {

    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(0, n.sets * 3), rep(NA, n.sets * 3))
    y.offset.mag <- (y2 - y1) / 40
    for (ii in 1: ncol(tickers)) {

      # Put label for ticker with higher y-value above its data point, and
      # label for other ticker below its data point
      fund1.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[num.curves]][1, 1: 2]
      fund2.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[1]][num.points, 1: 2]
      fund3.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[1]][1, 1: 2]
      whichmax.y <- which.max(c(fund1.xy[2], fund2.xy[2], fund3.xy[2]))
      if (whichmax.y == 1) {
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 2), 2] <- y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 1), 2] <- -y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 3, 2] <- -y.offset.mag
      } else if (whichmax.y == 2) {
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 2), 2] <- -y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 1), 2] <- y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 3, 2] <- -y.offset.mag
      } else {
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 2), 2] <- -y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 1), 2] <- -y.offset.mag
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 3, 2] <- y.offset.mag

  } else if (length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 3) {
    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1], n.sets * 3),
                                 rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2], n.sets * 3))
  if (is.null(reflabel.offsets) & !is.null(reference.tickers)) {
    reflabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(0, length(reference.tickers)),
                              rep((y2 - y1) / 40, length(reference.tickers)))
  } else if (length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 2) {
    tickerlabel.offsets <- cbind(rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1], n.sets * 3),
                                 rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2], n.sets * 3))

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
  if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (y.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
  if (x.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (x.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(v = 1, lty = 2)

  # Figure out indices for data points
  if (!is.null(step.points)) {
    locs.points <- seq(1, num.points, step.points / step.data)
  } else {
    locs.points <- c(1, num.points)

  # Add curves for each set
  for (ii in 1: n.sets) {

    # Add colored curves and data points
    lapply(portfolio.xy[[ii]], function(x) {
      do.call(points, c(list(x = x[, 1], y = x[, 2], type = "l",
                             col = colors[ii]), points.list))
      do.call(points, c(list(x = x[locs.points, 1], y = x[locs.points, 2],
                             col = colors[ii]), points.list))

    # Figure out (x, y) coordinates for 100% fund 1, 100% fund 2, and 100% fund
    # 3
    fund1.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[num.curves]][1, 1: 2]
    fund2.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[1]][num.points, 1: 2]
    fund3.xy <- portfolio.xy[[ii]][[1]][1, 1: 2]

    # Add black data points at 100% fund 1, 100% fund2, and 100% fund 3
    do.call(points, c(list(x = fund1.xy[1], y = fund1.xy[2]), points.list))
    do.call(points, c(list(x = fund2.xy[1], y = fund2.xy[2]), points.list))
    do.call(points, c(list(x = fund3.xy[1], y = fund3.xy[2]), points.list))

    # Add text labels if not already on plot
    if (ii == 1 | ! tickers[1, ii] %in% tickers[, 1: (ii - 1)]) {
      do.call(text, c(list(x = fund1.xy[1] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 2), 1],
                           y = fund1.xy[2] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 2), 2],
                           label = paste("100% ", tickers[1, ii], sep = "")),
    if (ii == 1 | ! tickers[2, ii] %in% tickers[, 1: (ii - 1)]) {
      do.call(text, c(list(x = fund2.xy[1] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 1), 1],
                           y = fund2.xy[2] +
                             tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3 - 1), 2],
                           label = paste("100% ", tickers[2, ii], sep = "")),
    if (ii == 1 | ! tickers[3, ii] %in% tickers[, 1: (ii - 1)]) {
      do.call(text, c(list(x = fund3.xy[1] + tickerlabel.offsets[(ii * 3), 1],
                           y = fund3.xy[2] + tickerlabel.offsets[ii * 3, 2],
                           label = paste("100% ", tickers[3, ii], sep = "")),


  # Add data point for reference funds (if given)
  if (!is.null(reference.tickers)) {

    # Loop through and add data points for each reference fund
    for (ii in 1: ncol(reference.gains)) {

      if (x.metric != "allocation" & y.metric != "allocation") {

        do.call(points, c(list(x = reference.x[ii], y = reference.y[ii],
                               type = "p", col = "black"), points.list))
        if (! reference.tickers[ii] %in% tickers) {
          do.call(text, c(list(x = reference.x[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 1],
                               y = reference.y[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 2],
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),

      } else {

        if (y.metric == "allocation") {

          abline(v = reference.x[ii], lty = 2, col = "black")
          do.call(text, c(list(x = reference.x[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 1],
                               y = 20,
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),

        } else {

          abline(h = reference.y[ii], lty = 2, col = "black")
          do.call(text, c(list(x = 20,
                               y = reference.y[ii] + reflabel.offsets[ii, 2],
                               label = reference.tickers[ii]),


  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return portfolio.xy, mean for each fund, and correlation matrix
  if (! exists("gains")) {
    gains <- cbind(tickers.gains, benchmark.gains, reference.gains)
  means <- apply(gains, 2, mean)
  corr.matrix <- cor(gains)
  return.list <- list(portfolio.xy = portfolio.xy, means = means,
                      corr.matrix = corr.matrix)


growth.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                         prices = NULL,
                         initial = 10000,
                         add.plot = FALSE,
                         colors = NULL,
                         lty = NULL,
                         plot.list = NULL,
                         points.list = NULL,
                         grid.list = NULL,
                         legend.list = NULL,
                         pdf.list = NULL,
                         bmp.list = NULL,
                         jpeg.list = NULL,
                         png.list = NULL,
                         tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of prices for each fund
    prices <- load.prices(tickers = tickers, initial = initial, ...)


  # Set tickers to column names of prices matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(prices)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(prices))

  # Get dates
  rows <- rownames(prices)
  if (!is.null(rows)) {
    dates <- as.Date(rows)
  } else {
    dates <- 1: nrow(prices)

  # Create color scheme and line types for plot
  n.tickers <- length(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.tickers == 1) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.tickers == 2) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.tickers == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.tickers == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.tickers > 4) {
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(n.tickers)
  if (is.null(lty)) {
    lty <- rep(1, n.tickers)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = dates, y = prices[, 1],
                                          type = "n",
                                          main = paste("Growth of $", initial,
                                                       sep = ""),
                                          cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = "Date", ylab = "Balance ($)",
                                          xlim = range(dates),
                                          ylim = c(0, max(prices) * 1.05)),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  legend.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = "topleft", col = colors,
                                            lty = lty, legend = tickers),
                               list2 = legend.list)
  grid.list <- list.override(list1 = list(nx = 0, ny = NULL),
                             list2 = grid.list)

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add lines for each fund
  for (ii in 1: ncol(prices)) {
    do.call(points, c(list(x = dates, y = prices[, ii], type = "l",
                           col = colors[ii], lty = lty[ii]), points.list))

  # Add grid lines
  do.call(grid, grid.list)

  # Add legend
  do.call(legend, legend.list)

  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return prices matrix, mean of gains for each fund, and correlation matrix
  gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges) * 100
  means <- apply(gains, 2, mean)
  corr.matrix <- cor(gains)
  return.list <- list(prices = prices, means = means, corr.matrix = corr.matrix)


gains.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                        gains = NULL,
                        prices = NULL,
                        orders = 1,
                        add.plot = FALSE,
                        colors = NULL,
                        plot.list = NULL,
                        points.list = NULL,
                        legend.list = NULL,
                        pdf.list = NULL,
                        bmp.list = NULL,
                        jpeg.list = NULL,
                        png.list = NULL,
                        tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, ...) * 100

  } else if (!is.null(prices)) {

    # Calculate gains based on price data
    gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges) * 100

  } else if (is.null(gains)) {

    stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or


  # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(gains)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Create color scheme for plot
  n.tickers <- length(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.tickers == 2) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.tickers == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.tickers == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.tickers == 5) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.tickers > 5) {
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(n.tickers - 1)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  time.scale.cap <- capitalize(time.scale)
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = 0, y = 0, type = "n",
                                          main = paste("Scatterplot of",
                                                       time.scale.cap, "Gains"),
                                          cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = paste(time.scale.cap,
                                                       "gains for", tickers[1],
                                          ylab = ifelse(n.tickers == 2,
                                                              "gains for",
                                                              "gains (%)")),
                                          xlim = range(gains[, 1]) * 1.05,
                                          ylim = range(gains[, -1]) * 1.05),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(cex = 0.7),
                               list2 = points.list)

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # If orders is NULL, set to 1's; if scalar, extend to vector
  if (is.null(orders)) {
    orders <- rep(1, n.tickers - 1)
  } else if (length(orders) == 1 & n.tickers > 2) {
    orders <- rep(orders, n.tickers - 1)

  # Add dotted lines at x = 0 and at y = 0
  abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

  # Add points and regression line for each fund
  lm.fits <- list()
  legend.entries <- list()
  for (ii in 1: (n.tickers - 1)) {
    do.call(points, c(list(x = gains[, 1], y = gains[, ii + 1],
                           col = colors[ii]),
    if (orders[ii] == 1) {
      fit <- lm(gains[, (ii + 1)] ~ gains[, 1])
      legend.entries[[ii]] <-
        bquote(.(tickers[ii + 1]): Y ==
                 .(paste(sprintf("%.3f", fit$coef[1]),
                         ifelse(fit$coef[2] > 0, " + ", " - "),
                         sprintf("%.3f", abs(fit$coef[2])),
                         "X", sep = "")) ~
                 .("(") * R^2 == .(paste(sprintf("%.2f",
                                         ")", sep = "")))

    } else {
      fit <- lm(gains[, (ii + 1)] ~ poly(gains[, 1], orders[ii], raw = TRUE))
      if (orders[ii] == 2) {
        legend.entries[[ii]] <-
          bquote(.(tickers[ii + 1]): Y ==
                   .(paste(sprintf("%.3f", fit$coef[1]),
                           ifelse(fit$coef[2] > 0, " + ", " - "),
                           sprintf("%.3f", abs(fit$coef[2])), "X",
                           ifelse(fit$coef[3] > 0, " + ", " - "),
                           sprintf("%.3f", abs(fit$coef[3])), sep = "")) * X^2 ~
                   .("(") * R^2 == .(paste(sprintf("%.2f",
                                           ")", sep = "")))
      } else {
        legend.entries[[ii]] <- tickers[ii + 1]
    xy <- cbind(gains[, 1], predict(fit))
    xy <- xy[order(xy[, 1]), ]
    do.call(points, c(list(x = xy[, 1], y = xy[, 2], type = "l",
                           col = colors[ii]),
    lm.fits[[ii]] <- fit

  # Add legend
  legend.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = "topleft", lty = 1,
                                            col = colors, cex = 0.7,
                                            legend = sapply(legend.entries,
                               list2 = legend.list)
  do.call(legend, legend.list)

  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return fitted models


onemetric.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                            gains = NULL,
                            prices = NULL,
                            y.metric = "cagr",
                            add.plot = FALSE,
                            sort.tickers = TRUE,
                            plot.list = NULL,
                            points.list = NULL,
                            axis.list = NULL,
                            pdf.list = NULL,
                            bmp.list = NULL,
                            jpeg.list = NULL,
                            png.list = NULL,
                            tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, ...)

  } else if (!is.null(prices)) {

    # Calculate gains based on price data
    gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges)

  } else if (is.null(gains)) {

    stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or


  # If y.metric requires a benchmark, split gains matrix into ticker gains and
  # benchmark gains
  if (y.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman")) {
    benchmark.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
    benchmark.ticker <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
    if (is.null(benchmark.ticker)) {
      benchmark.ticker <- "BENCH"
    gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]

  # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(gains)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12, 1))
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Calculate performance metrics
  if (y.metric == "mean") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, mean) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
    y.label <- "Mean (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, sd) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
    y.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
    plot.title <- "Total Growth"
    y.label <- "Growth (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
    plot.title <- "Compound Annualized Growth Rate"
    y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    plot.title <- "Maximum Drawdown"
    y.label <- "MDD (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio"
    y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- "Sortino Ratio"
    y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
    plot.title <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Alpha (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
    plot.title <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Beta"
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
    plot.title <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "R-squared"
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains))
    plot.title <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Pearson correlation"
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Spearman correlation"
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation"
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. for adjacent ", time.scale, " gains",
                     sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation"
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. for adjacent ", time.scale, " gains",
                     sep = "")

  # Sort tickers by y.metric, if requested
  if (sort.tickers) {
    order.funds <- order(y, decreasing = TRUE)
    tickers <- tickers[order.funds]
    y <- y[order.funds]

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = 1: length(tickers),
                                          y = y, type = "n",
                                          main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xaxt = "n",
                                          xlab = "Fund", ylab = y.label),
                                          #xlim = c(0.5, length(tickers) + 0.5))
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = 1: length(tickers), y = y,
                                            cex = 1, pch = 16),
                               list2 = points.list)
  axis.list <- list.override(list1 = list(side = 1, at = 1: length(tickers),
                                          labels = tickers),
                             list2 = axis.list)

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
  if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "beta", "pearson",
                      "spearman", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)

  # Add points
  do.call(points, points.list)

  # Add fund labels
  do.call(axis, axis.list)

  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return data frame containing tickers and metrics
  return(data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                    y.metric = y,
                    row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


twometrics.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                             gains = NULL,
                             prices = NULL,
                             x.metric = "mdd",
                             y.metric = "cagr",
                             tickerlabel.offsets = NULL,
                             add.plot = FALSE,
                             colors = NULL,
                             plot.list = NULL,
                             points.list = NULL,
                             text.list = NULL,
                             pdf.list = NULL,
                             bmp.list = NULL,
                             jpeg.list = NULL,
                             png.list = NULL,
                             tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, ...)

  } else if (!is.null(prices)) {

    # Calculate gains based on price data
    gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges)

  } else if (is.null(gains)) {

    stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or


  # Convert gains to matrix if not already
  if (! is.matrix(gains)) {
    gains <- as.matrix(gains)

  # If x.metric or y.metric requires one or two benchmarks, split gains matrix
  # into ticker gains and benchmark gains
  if (x.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman") |
      y.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman")) {
    benchmark.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
    benchmark.ticker <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
    if (is.null(benchmark.ticker)) {
      benchmark.ticker <- "BENCH"
    gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]
  if (x.metric %in%
      c("alpha2", "beta2", "r.squared2", "pearson2", "spearman2") |
      y.metric %in%
      c("alpha2", "beta2", "r.squared2", "pearson2", "spearman2")) {
    benchmark2.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
    benchmark2.ticker <- colnames(benchmark2.gains)
    if (is.null(benchmark2.ticker)) {
      benchmark2.ticker <- "BENCH 2"
    gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]

  # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(gains)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Calculate performance metrics
  x1 <- x2 <- y1 <- y2 <- NULL
  if (y.metric == "mean") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, mean) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- "Mean (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, sd) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ",
                        sep = "")
    y.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
    plot.title <- "Total Growth vs. "
    y.label <- "Growth (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
    plot.title <- "CAGR vs. "
    y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    plot.title <- "Maximum Drawdown vs. "
    y.label <- "MDD (%)"
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- "Sortino Ratio vs. "
    y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
    plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[2])
    plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      summary(lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains))$r.squared)
    plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
    y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains))
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- -1.05
    y2 <- 1.05
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains))
    plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- -1.05
    y2 <- 1.05
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- -1.05
    y2 <- 1.05
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, benchmark2.gains, method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    y1 <- -1.05
    y2 <- 1.05
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
    y.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"

  if (x.metric == "mean") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, mean) * 100
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale),
                        " Gains", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Mean (%)"
  } else if (x.metric == "sd") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, sd) * 100
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "SD of ", capitalize(time.scale),
                        " Gains", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "growth") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x) * 100)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Total Growth", sep = "")
    x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
  } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year) * 100)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "CAGR", sep = "")
    x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
  } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x)) * 100
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "MDD", sep = "")
    x.label <- "MDD (%)"
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sharpe Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
  } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sortino Ratio", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Sortino ratio"
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
  } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
  } else if (x.metric == "beta") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
  } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[2])
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      summary(lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains))$r.squared)
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- 0
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- -1.05
    x2 <- 1.05
  } else if (x.metric == "pearson2") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- -1.05
    x2 <- 1.05
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- -1.05
    x2 <- 1.05
  } else if (x.metric == "spearman2") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x, benchmark2.gains, method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
    x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
    x1 <- -1.05
    x2 <- 1.05
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
  } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x)
      cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
    plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
    x.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"

  # If NULL, set appropriate values for xlim and ylim ranges
  if (is.null(x1) | is.null(x2) | is.null(y1) | is.null(y2)) {
    x.range <- range(x)
    y.range <- range(y)
    if (is.null(x1)) {
      x1 <- x.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(x.range)
    if (is.null(x2)) {
      x2 <- x.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(x.range)
    if (is.null(y1)) {
      y1 <- y.range[1] - 0.05 * diff(y.range)
    if (is.null(y2)) {
      y2 <- y.range[2] + 0.05 * diff(y.range)

  # Create color scheme for plot
  n.funds <- length(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.funds == 1) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.funds == 2) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.funds == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.funds == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.funds > 4) {
      #colors <- distinctColorPalette(n.funds)
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red", "darkgreen"))(n.funds)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x,
                                          y = y, type = "n",
                                          main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = x.label, ylab = y.label,
                                          xlim = c(x1, x2), ylim = c(y1, y2)),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x, y = y,
                                            col = colors,
                                            cex = 1, pch = 16),
                               list2 = points.list)
  if (is.null(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
    tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                                          x.offset = rep(0, n.funds),
                                          y.offset = rep((y2 - y1) / 40,
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.vector(tickerlabel.offsets) &
             length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 2) {
    tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                                    x.offset = rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1],
                                    y.offset = rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2],
                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.matrix(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
    tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                                          x.offset = tickerlabel.offsets[, 1],
                                          y.offset = tickerlabel.offsets[, 2],
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.data.frame(tickerlabel.offsets) &
             nrow(tickerlabel.offsets) < n.funds) {
    tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                                          x.offset = rep(0, n.funds),
                                          y.offset = rep((y2 - y1) / 40,
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    for (ii in 1: nrow(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
      loc <- which(tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 1] == tickerlabel.offsets[ii, 1])
      tickerlabel.offsets.dat[loc, 2: 3] <- tickerlabel.offsets.dat[loc, 2: 3] +
        tickerlabel.offsets[ii, 2: 3]
  text.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x + tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 2],
                                          y = y + tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 3],
                                          labels = tickers,
                                          col = colors, cex = 0.7),
                             list2 = text.list)

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
  if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (y.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
  if (x.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2",
                      "beta", "beta2", "pearson", "pearson2", "spearman",
                      "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth",
                      "cagr")) {
    abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (x.metric %in% c("r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
    abline(v = 1, lty = 2)

  # Add points
  do.call(points, points.list)

  # Add fund labels
  do.call(text, text.list)

  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return data frame containing tickers and metrics
  return(data.frame(ticker = tickers,
                    x.metric = x,
                    y.metric = y,
                    row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


# # Working on this one now
# tickers = NULL; intercepts = NULL; slopes = NULL;
# gains = NULL; prices = NULL;
# from = "1900-01-01"; to = Sys.Date(); time.scale = "daily";
# earliest.subset = FALSE;
# x.metric = "mdd"; y.metric = "cagr"; point.size = "sharpe";
# tickerlabel.offsets = NULL;
# add.plot = FALSE;
# colors = NULL;
# plot.list = NULL;
# points.list = NULL;
# text.list = NULL;
# pdf.list = NULL;
# bmp.list = NULL;
# jpeg.list = NULL;
# png.list = NULL;
# tiff.list = NULL
# tickers <- c("VFINX", "VBLTX", "VWEHX")
# threemetrics.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL,
#                                gains = NULL, prices = NULL,
#                                from = "1900-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), time.scale = "daily",
#                                earliest.subset = FALSE,
#                                x.metric = "mdd", y.metric = "cagr", size.metric = "sharpe",
#                                tickerlabel.offsets = NULL,
#                                add.plot = FALSE,
#                                colors = NULL,
#                                plot.list = NULL,
#                                points.list = NULL,
#                                text.list = NULL,
#                                pdf.list = NULL,
#                                bmp.list = NULL,
#                                jpeg.list = NULL,
#                                png.list = NULL,
#                                tiff.list = NULL) {
#   # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
#   if (!is.null(tickers)) {
#     # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
#     gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, from = from, to = to,
#                         intercepts = intercepts, slopes = slopes,
#                         time.scale = time.scale,
#                         earliest.subset = earliest.subset)
#   } else if (!is.null(prices)) {
#     # Calculate gains based on price data
#     gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges)
#   } else if (is.null(gains)) {
#     stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or prices")
#   }
#   # If x.metric or y.metric requires one or two benchmarks, split gains matrix into ticker gains and benchmark gains
#   if (x.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman") |
#       y.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman")) {
#     benchmark.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
#     benchmark.ticker <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
#     if (is.null(benchmark.ticker)) {
#       benchmark.ticker <- "BENCH"
#     }
#     gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]
#   }
#   if (x.metric %in% c("alpha2", "beta2", "r.squared2", "pearson2", "spearman2") |
#       y.metric %in% c("alpha2", "beta2", "r.squared2", "pearson2", "spearman2")) {
#     benchmark2.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
#     benchmark2.ticker <- colnames(benchmark2.gains)
#     if (is.null(benchmark2.ticker)) {
#       benchmark2.ticker <- "BENCH 2"
#     }
#     gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]
#   }
#   # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2, ...
#   tickers <- colnames(gains)
#   if (is.null(tickers)) {
#     tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))
#   }
#   # Calculate performance metrics
#   x1 <- x2 <- y1 <- y2 <- NULL
#   if (y.metric == "mean") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, mean) * 100
#     plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ", sep = "")
#     y.label <- "Mean (%)"
#   } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, sd) * 100
#     plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains vs. ", sep = "")
#     y.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
#     y1 <- 0
#   } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x)) * 100
#     plot.title <- "Total Growth vs. "
#     y.label <- "Growth (%)"
#   } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
#     units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252, ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12, 1))
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year)) * 100
#     plot.title <- "CAGR vs. "
#     y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
#   } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x)) * 100
#     plot.title <- "Maximum Drawdown vs. "
#     y.label <- "MDD (%)"
#     y1 <- 0
#   } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
#     plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio vs. "
#     y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
#   } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
#     plot.title <- "Sortino Ratio vs. "
#     y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
#   } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
#     plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
#   } else if (y.metric == "alpha2") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
#     plot.title <- "Alpha vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
#   } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
#     plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#   } else if (y.metric == "beta2") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[2])
#     plot.title <- "Beta vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#   } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
#     plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- 0
#   } else if (y.metric == "r.squared2") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains))$r.squared)
#     plot.title <- "R-squared vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- 0
#   } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains))
#     plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- -1.05
#     y2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (y.metric == "pearson2") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains))
#     plot.title <- "Pearson Cor. vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- -1.05
#     y2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- -1.05
#     y2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (y.metric == "spearman2") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains, method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- "Spearman Cor. vs. "
#     y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     y1 <- -1.05
#     y2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
#     plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
#     y.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
#   } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
#     y <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- "Autocorrelation vs. "
#     y.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
#   }
#   if (x.metric == "mean") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, mean) * 100
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Mean (%)"
#   } else if (x.metric == "sd") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, sd) * 100
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
#     x1 <- 0
#   } else if (x.metric == "growth") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x) * 100)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Total Growth", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
#   } else if (x.metric == "cagr") {
#     units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252, ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12, 1))
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year) * 100)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "CAGR", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "CAGR (%)"
#   } else if (x.metric == "mdd") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) mdd(gains = x)) * 100
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "MDD", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "MDD (%)"
#     x1 <- 0
#   } else if (x.metric == "sharpe") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sharpe.ratio(gains = x))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sharpe Ratio", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
#   } else if (x.metric == "sortino") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) sortino.ratio(gains = x))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Sortino Ratio", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Sortino ratio"
#   } else if (x.metric == "alpha") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
#   } else if (x.metric == "alpha2") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[1] * 100)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Alpha", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, " (%)", sep = "")
#   } else if (x.metric == "beta") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark.gains)$coef[2])
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#   } else if (x.metric == "beta2") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains)$coef[2])
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Beta", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#   } else if (x.metric == "r.squared") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark.gains))$r.squared)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- 0
#   } else if (x.metric == "r.squared2") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) summary(lm(x ~ benchmark2.gains))$r.squared)
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "R-squared", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- 0
#   } else if (x.metric == "pearson") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- -1.05
#     x2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (x.metric == "pearson2") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Pearson Cor.", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Pearson cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- -1.05
#     x2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (x.metric == "spearman") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark.gains, method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- -1.05
#     x2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (x.metric == "spearman2") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x, benchmark2.gains, method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Spearman Cor.", sep = "")
#     x.label <- paste("Spearman cor. w/ ", benchmark2.ticker, sep = "")
#     x1 <- -1.05
#     x2 <- 1.05
#   } else if (x.metric == "auto.pearson") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Pearson autocorrelation"
#   } else if (x.metric == "auto.spearman") {
#     x <- apply(gains, 2, function(x) cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"))
#     plot.title <- paste(plot.title, "Autocorrelation", sep = "")
#     x.label <- "Spearman autocorrelation"
#   }
#   # If NULL, set appropriate values for xlim and ylim ranges
#   if (is.null(x1)) {
#     x1 <- min(x) * ifelse(min(x) > 0, 1.05, 0.95)
#   }
#   if (is.null(x2)) {
#     x2 <- max(x) * ifelse(max(x) > 0, 1.05, 0.95)
#   }
#   if (is.null(y1)) {
#     y1 <- min(y) * ifelse(min(y) > 0, 1.05, 0.95)
#   }
#   if (is.null(y2)) {
#     y2 <- max(y) * ifelse(max(y) > 0, 1.05, 0.95)
#   }
#   # Create color scheme for plot
#   n.funds <- length(tickers)
#   if (is.null(colors)) {
#     if (n.funds == 1) {
#       colors <- "black"
#     } else if (n.funds == 2) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red")
#     } else if (n.funds == 3) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
#     } else if (n.funds == 4) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
#     } else if (n.funds > 4) {
#       #colors <- distinctColorPalette(n.funds)
#       colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red", "darkgreen"))(n.funds)
#     }
#   }
#   # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
#   plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x,
#                                           y = y, type = "n",
#                                           main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
#                                           xlab = x.label, ylab = y.label,
#                                           xlim = c(x1, x2), ylim = c(y1, y2)),
#                              list2 = plot.list)
#   points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x, y = y,
#                                             col = colors,
#                                             cex = 1, pch = 16),
#                                list2 = points.list)
#   if (is.null(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
#     tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
#                                           x.offset = rep(0, n.funds),
#                                           y.offset = rep((y2 - y1) / 40, n.funds),
#                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   } else if (is.vector(tickerlabel.offsets) & length(tickerlabel.offsets) == 2) {
#     tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
#                                           x.offset = rep(tickerlabel.offsets[1], n.funds),
#                                           y.offset = rep(tickerlabel.offsets[2], n.funds),
#                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   } else if (is.matrix(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
#     tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
#                                           x.offset = tickerlabel.offsets[, 1],
#                                           y.offset = tickerlabel.offsets[, 2],
#                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   } else if (is.data.frame(tickerlabel.offsets) & nrow(tickerlabel.offsets) < n.funds) {
#     tickerlabel.offsets.dat <- data.frame(ticker = tickers,
#                                           x.offset = rep(0, n.funds),
#                                           y.offset = rep((y2 - y1) / 40, n.funds),
#                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#     for (ii in 1: nrow(tickerlabel.offsets)) {
#       loc <- which(tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 1] == tickerlabel.offsets[ii, 1])
#       tickerlabel.offsets.dat[loc, 2: 3] <- tickerlabel.offsets.dat[loc, 2: 3] + tickerlabel.offsets[ii, 2: 3]
#     }
#   }
#   text.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = x + tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 2], y = y + tickerlabel.offsets.dat[, 3],
#                                           labels = tickers,
#                                           col = colors, cex = 0.7),
#                              list2 = text.list)
#   # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
#   if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
#     if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
#       pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
#     }
#     do.call(pdf, pdf.list)
#   }
#   # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
#   if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
#     if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
#       bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
#     }
#     do.call(bmp, bmp.list)
#   }
#   # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
#   if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
#     if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
#       jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
#     }
#     do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)
#   }
#   # If png.list is not NULL, call png
#   if (!is.null(png.list)) {
#     if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
#       png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
#     }
#     do.call(png, png.list)
#   }
#   # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
#   if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
#     if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
#       tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
#     }
#     do.call(tiff, tiff.list)
#   }
#   # Create plot region
#   if (! add.plot) {
#     do.call(plot, plot.list)
#   }
#   # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
#   if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2", "pearson", "pearson2",
#                       "spearman", "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth", "cagr")) {
#     abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
#   } else if (y.metric %in% c("beta", "beta2", "r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
#     abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
#   }
#   if (x.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "sharpe", "sortino", "alpha", "alpha2", "pearson", "pearson2",
#                       "spearman", "spearman2", "auto.pearson", "auto.spearman", "growth", "cagr")) {
#     abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
#   } else if (x.metric %in% c("beta", "beta2", "r.squared", "r.squared2")) {
#     abline(v = 1, lty = 2)
#   }
#   # Add points
#   do.call(points, points.list)
#   # Add fund labels
#   do.call(text, text.list)
#   # Close graphics device if necessary
#   if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
#       !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {
#     dev.off()
#   }
#   # Return data frame containing tickers and metrics
#   return(data.frame(ticker = tickers,
#                     x.metric = x,
#                     y.metric = y,
#                     row.names = NULL))
# }

onemetric.overtime.graph <- function(tickers = NULL, ...,
                                     gains = NULL,
                                     prices = NULL,
                                     y.metric = "cagr",
                                     window.units = 50,
                                     add.plot = FALSE,
                                     colors = NULL,
                                     plot.list = NULL,
                                     points.list = NULL,
                                     legend.list = NULL,
                                     pdf.list = NULL,
                                     bmp.list = NULL,
                                     jpeg.list = NULL,
                                     png.list = NULL,
                                     tiff.list = NULL) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Obtain matrix of gains for each fund
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, ...)

  } else if (!is.null(prices)) {

    # Calculate gains based on price data
    gains <- apply(prices, 2, pchanges)

  } else if (is.null(gains)) {

    stop("You must specify one of the following inputs: tickers, gains, or


  # If y.metric requires a benchmark, split gains matrix into ticker gains and
  # benchmark gains
  if (y.metric %in% c("alpha", "beta", "r.squared", "pearson", "spearman")) {
    benchmark.gains <- gains[, 1, drop = F]
    benchmark.ticker <- colnames(benchmark.gains)
    if (is.null(benchmark.ticker)) {
      benchmark.ticker <- "BENCH"
    gains <- gains[, -1, drop = F]

  # Set tickers to column names of gains matrix; if NULL, use Fund 1, Fund 2,
  # ...
  tickers <- colnames(gains)
  if (is.null(tickers)) {
    tickers <- paste("Fund", 1: ncol(gains))

  # Get dates
  rows <- rownames(gains)[-c(1: (window.units - 1))]
  if (! is.null(rows)) {
    dates <- as.Date(rows)
  } else {
    dates <- 1: (nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
  if (y.metric %in% c("auto.pearson", "auto.spearman")) {
    dates <- dates[-1]

  # Figure out how many units are in a year, for CAGR and axis labels. If
  # unknown, assume daily.
  if (hasArg(time.scale)) {
    extra.args <- list(...)
    time.scale <- extra.args$time.scale
    units.year <- ifelse(time.scale == "daily", 252,
                         ifelse(time.scale == "monthly", 12,
  } else {
    min.diffdates <- min(diff(as.Date(rownames(gains)
                                      [1: min(10, nrow(gains))])))
    if (! is.null(min.diffdates)) {
      if (min.diffdates == 1) {
        time.scale <- "daily"
        units.year <- 252
      } else if (min.diffdates >= 2 & min.diffdates <= 30) {
        time.scale <- "monthly"
        units.year <- 12
      } else if (min.diffdates > 30) {
        time.scale <- "yearly"
        units.year <- 1
    } else {
      time.scale <- "daily"
      units.year <- 252

  # Calculate performance metrics
  y1 <- y2 <- NULL
  if (y.metric == "mean") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = mean, by.column = TRUE) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("Mean of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
    y.label <- "Mean (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "sd") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = sd, by.column = TRUE) * 100
    plot.title <- paste("SD of ", capitalize(time.scale), " Gains", sep = "")
    y.label <- "Standard deviation (%)"
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "growth") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = function(x)
                     gains.rate(gains = x) * 100, by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Total Growth"
    y.label <- "Growth (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "cagr") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = function(x)
                     gains.rate(gains = x, units.rate = units.year) * 100,
                   by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Compound Annualized Growth Rate"
    y.label <- "CAGR (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "mdd") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = function(x) mdd(gains = x) * 100, by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Maximum Drawdown"
    y.label <- "MDD (%)"
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "sharpe") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = sharpe.ratio, by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Sharpe Ratio"
    y.label <- "Sharpe ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "sortino") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units,
                   FUN = sortino.ratio, by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Sortino Ratio"
    y.label <- "Sortino ratio"
  } else if (y.metric == "alpha") {
    y <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(tickers),
                nrow = nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
    for (ii in (window.units: nrow(gains))) {
      locs <- (ii - window.units + 1): ii
      for (jj in 1: ncol(gains)) {
        y[(ii - window.units + 1), jj] <-
          lm(gains[locs, jj] ~ benchmark.gains[locs])$coef[1] * 100
    plot.title <- paste("Alpha w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Alpha (%)"
  } else if (y.metric == "beta") {
    y <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(tickers),
                nrow = nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
    for (ii in (window.units: nrow(gains))) {
      locs <- (ii - window.units + 1): ii
      for (jj in 1: ncol(gains)) {
        y[(ii - window.units + 1), jj] <-
          lm(gains[locs, jj] ~ benchmark.gains[locs])$coef[2]
    plot.title <- paste("Beta w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Beta"
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    y <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(tickers),
                nrow = nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
    for (ii in (window.units: nrow(gains))) {
      locs <- (ii - window.units + 1): ii
      for (jj in 1: ncol(gains)) {
        y[(ii - window.units + 1), jj] <-
          summary(lm(gains[locs, jj] ~ benchmark.gains[locs]))$r.squared
    plot.title <- paste("R-squared w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "R-squared"
    y1 <- 0
  } else if (y.metric == "pearson") {
    y <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(tickers),
                nrow = nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
    for (ii in (window.units: nrow(gains))) {
      locs <- (ii - window.units + 1): ii
      for (jj in 1: ncol(gains)) {
        y[(ii - window.units + 1), jj] <- cor(gains[locs, jj],
    plot.title <- paste("Pearson Cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Pearson correlation"
  } else if (y.metric == "spearman") {
    y <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(tickers),
                nrow = nrow(gains) - window.units + 1)
    for (ii in (window.units: nrow(gains))) {
      locs <- (ii - window.units + 1): ii
      for (jj in 1: ncol(gains)) {
        y[(ii - window.units + 1), jj] <- cor(gains[locs, jj],
                                              method = "spearman")
    plot.title <- paste("Spearman Cor. w/ ", benchmark.ticker, sep = "")
    y.label <- "Spearman correlation"
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.pearson") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units + 1,
                   FUN = function(x)
                     cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1]), by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation"
    y.label <- paste("Pearson cor. for adjacent ", time.scale, " gains",
                     sep = "")
  } else if (y.metric == "auto.spearman") {
    y <- rollapply(gains, width = window.units + 1,
                   FUN = function(x)
                     cor(x[-length(x)], x[-1], method = "spearman"),
                   by.column = TRUE)
    plot.title <- "Autocorrelation"
    y.label <- paste("Spearman cor. for adjacent ", time.scale, " gains",
                     sep = "")

  # If NULL, set appropriate values for ylim range
  if (is.null(y1)) {
    y1 <- min(y) * ifelse(min(y) > 0, 0.95, 1.05)
  if (is.null(y2)) {
    y2 <- max(y) * ifelse(max(y) > 0, 1.05, 0.95)

  # Create color scheme for plot
  n.funds <- length(tickers)
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    if (n.funds == 1) {
      colors <- "black"
    } else if (n.funds == 2) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red")
    } else if (n.funds == 3) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
    } else if (n.funds == 4) {
      colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
    } else if (n.funds > 4) {
      #colors <- distinctColorPalette(n.funds)
      colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red", "darkgreen"))(n.funds)

  # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
  plot.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = dates,
                                          y = y[, 1], type = "n",
                                          main = plot.title, cex.main = 1.25,
                                          xlab = "Date", ylab = y.label,
                                          ylim = c(y1, y2)),
                             list2 = plot.list)
  points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(pch = 16),
                               list2 = points.list)
  legend.list <- list.override(list1 = list(x = "topleft", lty = 1,
                                            col = colors, legend = tickers),
                               list2 = legend.list)

  # If pdf.list is not NULL, call pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf.list)) {
    if (is.null(pdf.list$file)) {
      pdf.list$file <- "figure1.pdf"
    do.call(pdf, pdf.list)

  # If bmp.list is not NULL, call bmp
  if (!is.null(bmp.list)) {
    if (is.null(bmp.list$file)) {
      bmp.list$file <- "figure1.bmp"
    do.call(bmp, bmp.list)

  # If jpeg.list is not NULL, call jpeg
  if (!is.null(jpeg.list)) {
    if (is.null(jpeg.list$file)) {
      jpeg.list$file <- "figure1.jpg"
    do.call(jpeg, jpeg.list)

  # If png.list is not NULL, call png
  if (!is.null(png.list)) {
    if (is.null(png.list$file)) {
      png.list$file <- "figure1.png"
    do.call(png, png.list)

  # If tiff.list is not NULL, call tiff
  if (!is.null(tiff.list)) {
    if (is.null(tiff.list$file)) {
      tiff.list$file <- "figure1.tif"
    do.call(tiff, tiff.list)

  # Create plot region
  if (! add.plot) {
    do.call(plot, plot.list)

  # Add horizontal/vertical lines if useful for requested metrics
  if (y.metric %in% c("mean", "sd", "growth", "cagr", "sharpe", "sortino",
                      "alpha", "beta", "pearson", "spearman", "auto.pearson",
                      "auto.spearman")) {
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  } else if (y.metric == "r.squared") {
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)

  # Add curves for each fund
  for (ii in 1: n.funds) {

    # Add colored curves and data points
    do.call(points, c(list(x = dates, y = y[, ii], type = "l",
                           col = colors[ii]), points.list))


  # Add legend
  if (length(tickers) > 1) {
    do.call(legend, legend.list)

  # Close graphics device if necessary
  if (!is.null(pdf.list) | !is.null(bmp.list) | !is.null(jpeg.list) |
      !is.null(png.list) | !is.null(tiff.list)) {

  # Return matrix of y values
  colnames(y) <- tickers


# trailing <- 50
# dat <- load.gains(tickers = c("VFINX", "VBLTX", "VMNFX"), from = "2016-01-01", to = "2017-04-28")
# dates <- as.Date(rownames(dat))
# loc <- which(dates == "2016-03-18")
# dat <- dat[(loc - trailing + 1): nrow(dat), ]
# gains <- dat[, 1: 2]
# benchmark.gains <- NULL
# reference.gains <- dat[, 3, drop = F]
# target.beta <- 0
# tol <- 0.15
# trailing <- 50
# failure.method <- "cash"
# initial <- 10000
# try1 <- targetbeta.strategy()
# try1 <- targetbeta.strategy(gains = gains, reference.gains = reference.gains, failure.method = c("cash", "lower.absolute"))
# bals <- cbind(try1$failure.cash$fund.balances[, "PORT"], try1$failure.lower.absolute$fund.balances[, "PORT"])
# head(bals)
# dates <- as.Date(rownames(bals))
# plot(dates, bals[, 1], type = "l", col = "blue", ylim = c(0, 12000))
# points(dates, bals[, 2], type = "l", col = "red")

# A bit weird, that betas can both drift away from 0, maybe both be positive, but still operate... Maybe
# rebalance as long as one of them is within tolerance of target beta.

# Now, can specify from and prefrom.days to get correct intervals.
targetbeta.twofunds <- function(tickers = NULL,
                                intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL, ...,
                                benchmark.ticker = NULL,
                                reference.tickers = NULL,
                                tickers.gains = NULL,
                                benchmark.gains = NULL,
                                reference.gains = NULL,
                                target.beta = 0,
                                tol = 0.15,
                                window.units = 50,
                                failure.method = c("cash", "closer"),
                                maxall.tol = tol - 0.05,
                                initial = 10000) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (!is.null(tickers)) {

    # If intercepts or slopes NULL, set to matrix of 0's and 1's, respectively
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- rep(0, length(tickers))
    if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- rep(1, length(tickers))

    # Create vector of "extra" tickers comprised of benchmark and reference
    # tickers
    extra.tickers <- unique(c(benchmark.ticker, reference.tickers))

    # Calculate gains matrix
    tickers.vec <- c(as.vector(tickers), extra.tickers)
    intercepts.vec <- c(intercepts, rep(0, length(extra.tickers)))
    slopes.vec <- c(slopes, rep(1, length(extra.tickers)))
    gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers.vec, intercepts = intercepts.vec,
                        slopes = slopes.vec, ...)

    # Update ticker names to show intercept/slope
    tickers <- colnames(gains)[1: length(tickers)]

    # Separate benchmark gains, reference gains, and ticker gains
    tickers.gains <- gains[, 1: length(tickers), drop = F]
    extra.gains <- gains[, -c(1: length(tickers)), drop = F]
    if (! is.null(benchmark.ticker)) {
      benchmark.gains <- extra.gains[, benchmark.ticker, drop = F]
    if (! is.null(reference.tickers)) {
      reference.gains <- extra.gains[, reference.tickers, drop = F]

  } else {

    # Figure out tickers from tickers.gains
    tickers <- colnames(tickers.gains)
    if (is.null(tickers)) {
      tickers <- paste("FUND", 1: ncol(tickers.gains), sep = "")

    # Convert reference.gains to matrix if necessary, and figure out
    # reference.tickers
    if (is.vector(reference.gains)) {
      reference.gains <- matrix(reference.gains, ncol = 1)
      reference.tickers <- "REF"
    } else if (is.matrix(reference.gains)) {
      reference.tickers <- colnames(reference.gains)
      if (is.null(reference.tickers)) {
        reference.tickers <- paste("REF", 1: ncol(reference.gains), sep = "")


  # Calculate acceptable interval for effective portfolio beta
  beta.range <- c(target.beta - tol, target.beta + tol)

  # Get dates for row names of various results
  dates <- rownames(tickers.gains)[-c(1: (window.units - 1))]

  # If benchmark.gains is not specified, use 1st column of gains as benchmark
  if (is.null(benchmark.gains)) {
    benchmark.gains <- tickers.gains[, 1]
    col1.benchmark <- TRUE
  } else {
    col1.benchmark <- FALSE

  # Extract gains for fund 1 and fund 2
  fund1.gains <- tickers.gains[, 1]
  fund2.gains <- tickers.gains[, 2]

  # Calculate betas for both funds over entire time period
  if (col1.benchmark) {
    fund1.betas <- rep(1, length(fund1.gains) - window.units + 1)
  } else {
    fund1.betas <- rollapply(cbind(benchmark.gains, fund1.gains),
                             width = window.units, by.column = FALSE,
                             FUN = function(x) lm(x[, 2] ~ x[, 1])$coef[2])
  fund2.betas <- rollapply(cbind(benchmark.gains, fund2.gains),
                           width = window.units, by.column = FALSE,
                           FUN = function(x) lm(x[, 2] ~ x[, 1])$coef[2])
  fund.betas <- matrix(c(fund1.betas, fund2.betas), ncol = 2,
                       dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(tickers.gains)))

  # Initialize results.list list
  results.list <- list()

  # Implement "cash" failure method if requested
  if ("cash" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1, fund 2, and cash
    if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
      cash.all <- 0
    } else {
      fund1.all <- 0
      fund2.all <- 0
      cash.all <- 1
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    cash.bal <- initial * cash.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates, c(colnames(tickers.gains),
                                                     "CASH", "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal + cash.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (cash.bal > 0) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, continue to hold 100% cash.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          fund1.all <- 0
          fund2.all <- 0
          cash.all <- 1


      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to 100% cash.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- port.bal





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.cash <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                      fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                      effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                      trades = trades)


  # Implement "fund1" failure method if requested
  if ("fund1" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1 and fund 2
    if (! inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund1.all <- 1
    fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates, c(colnames(tickers.gains),
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (fund1.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, continue to hold 100% fund 1.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

        } else {

          fund1.all <- 1
          fund2.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal
          fund2.bal <- 0


      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to 100% fund 1.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 1
            fund2.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal
            fund2.bal <- 0





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.fund1 <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                       fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                       effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                       trades = trades)


  # Implement "fund2" failure method if requested
  if ("fund2" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1 and fund 2
    if (! inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund1.all <- 0
    fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates, c(colnames(tickers.gains),
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocations for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (fund2.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, continue to hold 100% fund 2.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

        } else {

          fund1.all <- 0
          fund2.all <- 1
          fund1.bal <- 0
          fund2.bal <- port.bal


      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to 100% fund 2.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.fund2 <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                       fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                       effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                       trades = trades)


  # Implement "fund1.maxall" failure method if requested
  if ("fund1.maxall" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate interval for starting beta when maximizing allocation to fund 1
    maxall.beta.range <- c(target.beta - maxall.tol, target.beta + maxall.tol)

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1 and fund 2
    if (! inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      if (inside(fund1.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
        fund1.all <- 1
      } else {
        fund1.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
        port.betas <- fund1.alls * fund1.beta
        fund1.all <-
      fund2.all <- 0
      cash.all <- 1 - fund1.all
    } else {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
      cash.all <- 0
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    cash.bal <- initial * cash.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates, c(colnames(tickers.gains),
                                                     "CASH", "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal + cash.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (cash.bal > 0 | fund1.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if effective beta is outside acceptable range,
        # rebalance fund 1 / cash

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            if (inside(fund1.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
              fund1.all <- 1
            } else {
              fund1.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
              port.betas <- fund1.alls * fund1.beta
              fund1.all <-
            fund2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- port.bal * cash.all



      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to fund 1 / cash.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            if (inside(fund1.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
              fund1.all <- 1
            } else {
              fund1.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
              port.betas <- fund1.alls * fund1.beta
              fund1.all <-
            fund2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- port.bal * cash.all





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.fund1.maxall <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                              fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                              effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                              trades = trades)


  # Implement "fund2.maxall" failure method if requested
  if ("fund2.maxall" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate interval for starting beta when maximizing allocation to fund 1
    maxall.beta.range <- c(target.beta - maxall.tol, target.beta + maxall.tol)

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1 and fund 2
    if (! inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      if (inside(fund2.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
        fund2.all <- 1
      } else {
        fund2.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
        port.betas <- fund2.alls * fund2.beta
        fund2.all <-
      fund1.all <- 0
      cash.all <- 1 - fund2.all
    } else {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
      cash.all <- 0
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    cash.bal <- initial * cash.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates, c(colnames(tickers.gains),
                                                     "CASH", "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal + cash.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, cash.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (cash.bal > 0 | fund2.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if effective beta is outside acceptable range,
        # rebalance fund 2 / cash

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            if (inside(fund2.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
              fund2.all <- 1
            } else {
              fund2.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
              port.betas <- fund2.alls * fund2.beta
              fund2.all <-
            fund1.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1 - fund2.all
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            cash.bal <- port.bal * cash.all



      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to fund 2 / cash.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            if (inside(fund2.beta, maxall.beta.range)) {
              fund2.all <- 1
            } else {
              fund2.alls <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
              port.betas <- fund2.alls * fund2.beta
              fund2.all <-
            fund1.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1 - fund2.all
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            cash.bal <- port.bal * cash.all





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.fund2.maxall <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                              fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                              effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                              trades = trades)


  # Implement "inverse1" failure method if requested
  if ("inverse1" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),
    if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
      inverse1.all <- 0
      cash.all <- 0
    } else {
      inverse1.all <- round((fund2.beta - target.beta) /
                              (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)
      if (inside(inverse1.all, c(0, 1))) {
        fund1.all <- 0
        fund2.all <- 1 - inverse1.all
        cash.all <- 0
      } else {
        fund1.all <- 0
        fund2.all <- 0
        inverse1.all <- 0
        cash.all <- 1

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1, fund 2, inverse fund 1, and cash
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    inverse1.bal <- initial * inverse1.all
    cash.bal <- initial * cash.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 5,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates,
                                              "CASH", "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, inverse1.bal, cash.bal,

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta -
      inverse1.all * fund1.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      inverse1.bal <- inverse1.bal * (1 - fund1.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal + inverse1.bal + cash.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, inverse1.bal,
                                       cash.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal -
                           fund1.beta * inverse1.bal) / port.bal
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (cash.bal > 0) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if target beta can be achieved with inverse fund 1 /
        # fund 2, execute that trade.
        # (3) Otherwise, continue to hold 100% cash.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          inverse1.all <- 0
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          inverse1.bal <- 0
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          inverse1.all <- round((fund2.beta - target.beta) /
                                  (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

          if (inside(inverse1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 1 - inverse1.all
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            inverse1.bal <- port.bal * inverse1.all
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 0
            inverse1.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- 0
            inverse1.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- port.bal



      } else if (inverse1.bal > 0) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute
        # trade to rebalance inverse fund 1 / fund 2 if target beta is
        # achievable, otherwise switch to 100% cash.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          inverse1.all <- 0
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          inverse1.bal <- 0
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

            inverse1.all <- round((fund2.beta - target.beta) /
                                    (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

            if (inside(inverse1.all, c(0, 1))) {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 1 - inverse1.all
              cash.all <- 0
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
              inverse1.bal <- port.bal * inverse1.all
              cash.bal <- 0

            } else {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 0
              inverse1.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 1
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse1.bal <- 0
              cash.bal <- port.bal




      } else {

        # (1) If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute trade to
        # rebalance fund 1 / fund 2.
        # (2) If target beta is not achievable, execute inverse fund 1 / fund 2
        # trade.
        # (3) If target beta is still not achievable, switch to 100% cash.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            inverse1.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            inverse1.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            inverse1.all <- round((fund2.beta - target.beta) /
                                    (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

            if (inside(inverse1.all, c(0, 1))) {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 1 - inverse1.all
              cash.all <- 0
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
              inverse1.bal <- port.bal * inverse1.all
              cash.bal <- 0

            } else {

              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 0
              inverse1.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 1
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse1.bal <- 0
              cash.bal <- port.bal






    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.inverse1 <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                          fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                          effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                          trades = trades)


  # Implement "inverse2" failure method if requested
  if ("inverse2" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),
    if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
      inverse2.all <- 0
      cash.all <- 0
    } else {
      inverse2.all <- round((fund1.beta - target.beta) /
                              (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)
      if (inside(inverse2.all, c(0, 1))) {
        fund1.all <- 1 - inverse2.all
        fund2.all <- 0
        cash.all <- 0
      } else {
        fund1.all <- 0
        fund2.all <- 0
        inverse2.all <- 0
        cash.all <- 1

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1, fund 2, inverse fund 2, and cash
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    inverse2.bal <- initial * inverse2.all
    cash.bal <- initial * cash.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 5,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates,
                                              "CASH", "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, inverse2.bal, cash.bal,

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta -
      inverse2.all * fund1.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      inverse2.bal <- inverse2.bal * (1 - fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal + inverse2.bal + cash.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, inverse2.bal,
                                       cash.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal -
                           fund2.beta * inverse2.bal) / port.bal
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (cash.bal > 0) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / inverse
        # fund 2, execute that trade.
        # (3) Otherwise, continue to hold 100% cash.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          inverse2.all <- 0
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          inverse2.bal <- 0
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          inverse2.all <- round((fund1.beta - target.beta) /
                                  (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

          if (inside(inverse2.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 1 - inverse2.all
            fund2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- 0
            inverse2.bal <- port.bal * inverse2.all
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 0
            inverse2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- 0
            inverse2.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- port.bal



      } else if (inverse2.bal > 0) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute
        # trade to rebalance fund 1 / inverse fund 2 if target beta is
        # achievable, otherwise switch to 100% cash.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          inverse2.all <- 0
          cash.all <- 0
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
          inverse2.bal <- 0
          cash.bal <- 0

        } else {

          if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

            inverse2.all <- round((fund1.beta - target.beta) /
                                    (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

            if (inside(inverse2.all, c(0, 1))) {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 1 - inverse2.all
              fund2.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 0
              fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse2.bal <- port.bal * inverse2.all
              cash.bal <- 0

            } else {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 0
              inverse2.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 1
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse2.bal <- 0
              cash.bal <- port.bal




      } else {

        # (1) If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute trade to
        # rebalance fund 1 / fund 2.
        # (2) If target beta is not achievable, execute fund 1 / inverse fund 2
        # trade.
        # (3) If target beta is still not achievable, switch to 100% cash.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            inverse2.all <- 0
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all
            inverse2.bal <- 0
            cash.bal <- 0

          } else {

            inverse2.all <- round((fund1.beta - target.beta) /
                                    (fund1.beta + fund2.beta), 3)

            if (inside(inverse2.all, c(0, 1))) {

              trades <- trades + 1
              fund1.all <- 1 - inverse2.all
              fund2.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 0
              fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse2.bal <- port.bal * inverse2.all
              cash.bal <- 0

            } else {

              fund1.all <- 0
              fund2.all <- 0
              inverse2.all <- 0
              cash.all <- 1
              fund1.bal <- 0
              fund2.bal <- 0
              inverse2.bal <- 0
              cash.bal <- port.bal






    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.inverse2 <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                          fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                          effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                          trades = trades)


  # Implement "closer" failure method if requested
  if ("closer" %in% failure.method) {

    # Calculate initial betas and initial target allocation to fund 1
    fund1.beta <- fund.betas[1, 1]
    fund2.beta <- fund.betas[1, 2]
    fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

    # Distribute initial balance to fund 1 and fund 2
    if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
    } else {
      fund1.all <- ifelse(which.min(abs(c(fund1.beta, fund2.beta) -
                                          target.beta)) == 1, 1, 0)
      fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
    fund1.bal <- initial * fund1.all
    fund2.bal <- initial * fund2.all
    port.bal <- initial

    # Initialize matrix for fund balances
    fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3,
                            nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1,
                            dimnames = list(dates,
                                            c(colnames(tickers.gains), "PORT")))
    fund.balances[1, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

    # Initialize vector for effective betas
    effective.beta <- fund1.all * fund1.beta + fund2.all * fund2.beta
    effective.betas <- rep(NA, nrow(tickers.gains) - window.units + 1)
    names(effective.betas) <- dates
    effective.betas[1] <- effective.beta

    # Loop through and implement target-beta strategy
    trades <- 0
    loop.index <- 1
    for (ii in (window.units + 1): nrow(tickers.gains)) {

      # Within-loop index
      loop.index <- loop.index + 1

      # Apply gains on iith day
      fund1.bal <- fund1.bal * (1 + fund1.gains[ii])
      fund2.bal <- fund2.bal * (1 + fund2.gains[ii])
      port.bal <- fund1.bal + fund2.bal
      fund.balances[loop.index, ] <- c(fund1.bal, fund2.bal, port.bal)

      # Get fund 1 and fund 2 betas for time period of interest
      fund1.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 1]
      fund2.beta <- fund.betas[loop.index, 2]

      # Calculate target allocation for fund 1
      fund1.all <- round((target.beta - fund2.beta) / (fund1.beta - fund2.beta),

      # Calculate effective beta
      effective.beta <- (fund1.beta * fund1.bal + fund2.beta * fund2.bal) /
      effective.betas[loop.index] <- effective.beta

      # Rebalance
      if (fund1.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if fund 1 still has beta closer to target, stick with
        # 100% fund 1.
        # (3) Otherwise, switch to 100% fund 2.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

        } else {

          if (which.min(abs(c(fund1.beta, fund2.beta) - target.beta)) == 1) {

            fund1.all <- 1
            fund2.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal
            fund2.bal <- 0

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal



      } else if (fund2.bal == port.bal) {

        # (1) If target beta can be achieved with fund 1 / fund 2, execute that
        # trade.
        # (2) Otherwise, if fund 2 still has beta closer to target, stick with
        # 100% fund 2.
        # (3) Otherwise, switch to 100% fund 1.

        if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

          trades <- trades + 1
          fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
          fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
          fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

        } else {

          if (which.min(abs(c(fund1.beta, fund2.beta) - target.beta)) == 2) {

            fund1.all <- 0
            fund2.all <- 1
            fund1.bal <- 0
            fund2.bal <- port.bal

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- 1
            fund2.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal
            fund2.bal <- 0



      } else {

        # If effective beta is outside acceptable range, execute rebalancing
        # trade if target beta is achievable, otherwise switch to 100% whichever
        # fund has beta closer to target.

        if (! inside(effective.beta, beta.range)) {

          if (inside(fund1.all, c(0, 1))) {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            cash.all <- 0
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all

          } else {

            trades <- trades + 1
            fund1.all <- ifelse(which.min(abs(c(fund1.beta, fund2.beta) -
                                                target.beta)) == 1, 1, 0)
            fund2.all <- 1 - fund1.all
            fund1.bal <- port.bal * fund1.all
            fund2.bal <- port.bal * fund2.all





    # If reference funds provided, add to fund.balances matrix
    if (!is.null(reference.gains)) {

      fund.balances <- cbind(fund.balances,
                             apply(reference.gains, 2, function(x)
                               balances(ratios = x[(window.units + 1):
                                                     length(x)] + 1,
                                        initial = initial)))


    # Combine results into list, and add it to growing list to return to user
    results.list$failure.closer <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                                        fund.betas = fund.betas,
                                        effective.betas = effective.betas,
                                        trades = trades)


  # Return list of results
  if (length(results.list) == 1) {
    results.list <- results.list[[1]]


targetall.nfunds <- function(tickers = NULL,
                             intercepts = NULL, slopes = NULL, ...,
                             tickers.gains = NULL,
                             target.alls = NULL,
                             tol = 0.05,
                             rebalance.cost = 0,
                             initial = 10000) {

  # If tickers specified, load various historical prices from Yahoo! Finance
  if (! is.null(tickers)) {

    # Get number of tickers
    n.tickers <- length(tickers)

    # If unspecified, use equal target allocations
    if (is.null(target.alls)) {
      target.alls <- rep(1 / n.tickers, n.tickers)

    # If intercepts or slopes NULL, set to matrix of 0's and 1's, respectively
    if (is.null(intercepts)) {
      intercepts <- rep(0, n.tickers)
    if (is.null(slopes)) {
      slopes <- rep(1, n.tickers)

    # Calculate tickers.gains matrix
    tickers.gains <- load.gains(tickers = tickers, intercepts = intercepts,
                                slopes = slopes, ...)

    # Update ticker names to show intercept/slope
    tickers <- colnames(tickers.gains)[1: n.tickers]

  } else {

    # Get number of tickers
    n.tickers <- ncol(tickers.gains)

    # Figure out tickers from tickers.gains
    tickers <- colnames(tickers.gains)
    if (is.null(tickers)) {
      tickers <- paste("FUND", 1: n.tickers, sep = "")


  # Create tickers.ratios matrix
  tickers.ratios <- tickers.gains + 1

  # Initialize variables used in looping through daily gains
  fund.balances <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.tickers + 1, nrow = nrow(tickers.gains) + 1)
  rebalance.count <- 0

  # Calculate initial balances in each fund
  port.bal <- initial
  funds.bal <- port.bal * target.alls
  fund.balances[1, ] <- c(funds.bal, port.bal)

  # Loop through daily gains and update portfolio and fund balances
  for (ii in 1: nrow(tickers.gains)) {

    # Update balances
    funds.bal <- funds.bal * tickers.ratios[ii, ]
    port.bal <- sum(funds.bal)
    fund.balances[(ii + 1), ] <- c(funds.bal, port.bal)

    # Check fund allocations
    funds.all <- funds.bal / port.bal

    # Rebalance if necessary
    if (any(abs(funds.all - target.alls) > tol) & ii < nrow(tickers.gains)) {
      rebalance.count <- rebalance.count + 1
      port.bal <- port.bal - rebalance.cost
      funds.bal <- port.bal * target.alls


  # Add column names to fund.balances
  colnames(fund.balances) <- c(tickers, "Portfolio")

  # Return list containing fund.balances and rebalance.count
  results.list <- list(fund.balances = fund.balances,
                       rebalance.count = rebalance.count)


# Contango-based XIV/VXX strategy. Hold XIV when contango > c1, hold VXX when
# contango < c2
contango.simple <- function(contango,
                            xiv.gains = NULL,
                            vxx.gains = NULL,
                            xiv.cutpoint = 0,
                            vxx.cutpoint = -Inf,
                            initial = 10000) {

  # Initialize data frame to record holding, gain, and portfolio balance for
  # each day
  results <- data.frame()

  # Create vector of fund held each day, and vector of portfolio gain for each
  # day
  holdings <- rep("cash", length(contango))
  port.gains <- rep(0, length(contango))
  locs.xiv <- which(contango > xiv.cutpoint)
  if (length(locs.xiv) > 0) {
    holdings[locs.xiv] <- "XIV"
    port.gains[locs.xiv] <- xiv.gains[locs.xiv]
  locs.vxx <- which(contango < vxx.cutpoint)
  if (length(locs.vxx) > 0) {
    holdings[locs.vxx] <- "VXX"
    port.gains[locs.vxx] <- vxx.gains[locs.vxx]

  # Calculate portfolio balance over time
  port.balances <- balances(ratios = port.gains + 1, initial = initial)

  # Calculate number of trades
  trades <- length(rle(holdings)$lengths)

  # Compile results into list and return it
  results.list <- list(holdings = holdings,
                       port.gains = port.gains,
                       port.balances = port.balances,
                       trades = trades)


contango.hedged <- function(contango,
                            xiv.spxu.gains = NULL, vxx.upro.gains = NULL,
                            xiv.spxu.cutpoint = 6.36, vxx.upro.cutpoint = 5.45,
                            xiv.allocation = 0.46, vxx.allocation = 0.46,
                            xiv.beta = NULL, vxx.beta = NULL,
                            initial = 10000) {

  # If betas specified, calculate allocations for zero-beta XIV/SPXU and
  if (! is.null(xiv.beta)) {
    xiv.allocation <- 3 / (xiv.beta + 3)
  if (! is.null(vxx.beta)) {
    vxx.allocation <- -3 / (vxx.beta - 3)

  # Calculate weighted XIV/SPXU gains and weighted VXX/UPRO gains
  if (! is.null(xiv.spxu.gains)) {
    xiv.spxu.weighted <- xiv.spxu.gains %*% c(xiv.allocation, 1 -
  if (! is.null(vxx.upro.gains)) {
    vxx.upro.weighted <- vxx.upro.gains %*% c(vxx.allocation, 1 -

  # Initialize data frame to record holding, gain, and portfolio balance for
  # each day
  results <- data.frame()

  # Create vector of fund held each day, and vector of portfolio gain for each
  # day
  holdings <- rep("cash", length(contango))
  port.gains <- rep(0, length(contango))
  locs.xiv.spxu <- which(contango > xiv.spxu.cutpoint)
  if (length(locs.xiv.spxu) > 0) {
    holdings[locs.xiv.spxu] <- "XIV.SPXU"
    port.gains[locs.xiv.spxu] <- xiv.spxu.weighted[locs.xiv.spxu]
  locs.vxx.upro <- which(contango < vxx.upro.cutpoint)
  if (length(locs.vxx.upro) > 0) {
    holdings[locs.vxx.upro] <- "VXX.UPRO"
    port.gains[locs.vxx.upro] <- vxx.upro.weighted[locs.vxx.upro]

  # Calculate portfolio balance over time
  port.balances <- balances(ratios = port.gains + 1, initial = initial)

  # Calculate number of trades
  trades <- length(rle(holdings)$lengths)

  # Compile results into list and return it
  results.list <- list(holdings = holdings,
                       port.gains = port.gains,
                       port.balances = port.balances,
                       trades = trades)


# contango.hedged.onthefly

# # Not incredibly useful... but maybe go through with it. Makes it easy to
# # visualize effect of expense ratio, and look at outperformance probabilities
# # as function of leverage, holding period, underlying fund, etc. Also, should
# # look into options as a way of leveraging any fund, especially a bond fund
# # for example.
# leverage.performance <- function(underlying, ...,
#                                  y.metric = "outperform.rate",
#                                  leverage = c(1, 1.25, 2, 3),
#                                  annual.expense = rep(0, length(leverage)),
#                                  duration.days = c(1, 21, 21 * 6, 252, 252 * 5,
#                                                    252 * 10, 252 * 20),
#                                  colors = NULL,
#                                  plot.list = NULL,
#                                  points.list = NULL,
#                                  legend.list = NULL) {
#   # # Convert leverage vector to row vector, and remove 1 if included
#   # leverage <- matrix(setdiff(leverage, 1), nrow = 1)
#   # Convert leverage vector to row vector
#   leverage <- matrix(leverage, nrow = 1)
#   # Load gains for underlying fund
#   gains.underlying <- load.gains(ticker = underlying, ...)
#   # Create gains matrix for each leverage factor
#   gains.leverage <- gains.underlying %*% leverage +
#     matrix(convert.rate(-abs(annual.expense), units.in = 252, units.out = 1),
#            nrow = nrow(gains.underlying), ncol = length(leverage), byrow = TRUE)
#   # Initialize results list
#   results.list <- list()
#   # For each duration, create matrix of all x-day gains for each leverage factor
#   for (ii in 1: length(duration.days)) {
#     # Get duration
#     duration <- duration.days[ii]
#     # Calculate all x-day gains for underlying and for each leverage factor
#     y.underlying <- rollapply(gains.underlying, width = duration,
#                               FUN = gains.rate)
#     y.leverage <- rollapply(gains.leverage, width = duration,
#                             FUN = function(x) gains.rate(x))
#     # Calculate performance metrics
#     results.ii <- data.frame(leverage = as.vector(leverage),
#                              mean = apply(y.leverage, 2, mean),
#                              median = apply(y.leverage, 2, median),
#                              sd = apply(y.leverage, 2, sd),
#                              perc.025 = apply(y.leverage, 2, function(x)
#                                quantile(x, probs = 0.025)),
#                              perc.975 = apply(y.leverage, 2, function(x)
#                                quantile(x, probs = 0.975)),
#                              min = apply(y.leverage, 2, min),
#                              max = apply(y.leverage, 2, max),
#                              outperform.rate = apply(y.leverage, 2, function(x)
#                                mean(x > y.underlying)) * 100)
#     results.list[[ii]] <- results.ii
#   }
#   # Add names to results.list specifying duration
#   names(results.list) <- paste("duration", duration.days, sep = ".")
#   # Create color scheme for plot
#   n.leverage <- length(leverage)
#   if (is.null(colors)) {
#     if (n.leverage == 1) {
#       colors <- "black"
#     } else if (n.leverage == 2) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red")
#     } else if (n.leverage == 3) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
#     } else if (n.leverage == 4) {
#       colors <- c("blue", "red", "orange", "purple")
#     } else if (n.leverage > 4) {
#       colors <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))(n.leverage)
#     }
#   }
#   # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
#   plot.list <-
#     list.override(list1 = list(x = 0,
#                                y = 0,
#                                type = "n",
#                                main = "Outperformance Rate vs. Holding Period",
#                                cex.main = 1.25,
#                                xlab = "Holding period (days)",
#                                ylab = "Outperformance rate (%)",
#                                xlim = c(0, max(duration.days)),
#                                ylim = c(0, 100)),
#                   list2 = plot.list)
#   points.list <- list.override(list1 = list(pch = 16, type = "b"),
#                                list2 = points.list)
#   legend.list <-
#     list.override(list1 = list(x = "bottomright", col = colors, lty = 1,
#                                legend = paste(leverage, "x", sep = "")),
#                   list2 = legend.list)
#   # Create plot region
#   do.call(plot, plot.list)
#   # Loop through and add data points for each leverage
#   for (ii in 1: length(leverage)) {
#     do.call(points,
#             c(list(x = duration.days,
#                    y = sapply(results.list, function(x) x$outperform.rate[ii]),
#                    col = colors[ii]),
#               points.list))
#   }
#   # Add legend
#   do.call(legend, legend.list)
#   # Return list with growth rates for all holding periods and leverages
#   return(results.list)
# }
# # Function for plotting scatterplot of leveraged version vs. underlying.
# # Returns matrix of growth rates. More useful than previous one I think -
# # add .Rd file and push to R-Forge when possible.
# leverage.mapping <- function(underlying, ...,
#                              leverage = 2,
#                              annual.expense = 0,
#                              duration.days = 252,
#                              plot.list = NULL,
#                              points.list = NULL,
#                              legend.list = NULL) {
#   # Load gains for underlying fund
#   gains.underlying <- load.gains(ticker = underlying, ...)
#   # Create gains matrix for each leverage factor
#   gains.leveraged <- gains.underlying * leverage +
#     convert.rate(-abs(annual.expense), units.in = 252, units.out = 1)
#   # Calculate growth rates for underlying and for leveraged version
#   results.df <-
#     data.frame(underlying.growth = rollapply(gains.underlying,
#                                              width = duration,
#                                              FUN = gains.rate) * 100,
#                leveraged.growth = rollapply(gains.leveraged,
#                                             width = duration,
#                                             FUN = gains.rate) * 100)
#   names(results.df) <- c("underlying.growth", "leveraged.growth")
#   # Figure out features of graph, based on user inputs where available
#   plot.list <-
#     list.override(list1 = list(x = results.df$underlying.growth,
#                                y = results.df$leveraged.growth,
#                                type = "p",
#                                main = paste(duration.days,
#                                             "-d Growth Rates for ", underlying,
#                                             ", ", leverage, "x vs. Unleveraged",
#                                             sep = ""),
#                                cex.main = 1.25,
#                                xlab = "Unleveraged growth (%)",
#                                ylab = "Leveraged growth (%)"),
#                   list2 = plot.list)
#   legend.list <-
#     list.override(list1 = list(x = "topleft", col = c("orange", "red", "blue"),
#                                lty = 1,
#                                legend = c("Regression curve",
#                                           paste("Y = ", leverage, "X",
#                                                 sep = ""),
#                                           "Y = X")),
#                                list2 = legend.list)
#   # Create plot region
#   do.call(plot, plot.list)
#   # Add reference lines
#   points(c(-10000, 10000), c(-10000, 10000), col = "blue", type = "l")
#   points(c(-10000, 10000), c(-10000, 10000) * leverage, col = "red", type = "l")
#   # Add regression line
#   fit <- lm(leveraged.growth ~ poly(underlying.growth, 2, raw = TRUE),
#             data = results.df)
#   xvals <- seq(min(results.df$underlying.growth),
#                max(results.df$underlying.growth), 1)
#   yvals <- fit$coef[1] + fit$coef[2] * xvals + fit$coef[3] * xvals^2
#   points(xvals, yvals, type = "l", col = "orange")
#   # Add notch at median unleverageld growth
#   abline(v = median(results.df$underlying.growth), lty = 2)
#   # Add legend
#   do.call(legend, legend.list)
#   # Return growth rates
#   return(results.df)
# }


# 1. Make function that plots a perf. metric over time, for single or two fund portfolios. Maybe just give it gains for one or more funds/portfolios. Size or color of data points indicate time...
# 2. Make GIF version that shows graph over time. List of lists, etc.
# 3. write article on pairing Vanguard bond funds with S&P (and maybe UPRO). mean vs. sd and cagr vs. mdd.

# threemetrics.graph
# twometrics.overtime.graph if feasible!
# Trigger

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stocks documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:22 p.m.