
## this function reads the contents of a UCS export directory and returns the necessary information for .access.file()
.open.archive <- function (filename) {
  if (file.access(filename, 4) == 0) {
    if (file.info(filename)$isdir) {
        contents <- list.files(filename)
        return(list(contents=contents, dir=filename))
    } else {
      stop("file '", filename, "' exists, but is not a directory")
  else {
    stop("UCS export archive '", filename, "' does not exist")

## access a file from UCS export archive, returning a connection object opened in "rt" mode;
## this function automatically finds compressed files with extension .gz, .bz2 or .xz (which file() will magically decompress)
.access.file <- function (archive, member, encoding=getOption("encoding"), check.only=FALSE) {
  if (grepl("\\.(gz|bz2|xz)$", member, ignore.case=TRUE, perl=TRUE)) stop("internal error - archive members can only be accessed by uncompressed name")
  member.names <- paste(member, c("", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"), sep="")
  idx.found <- member.names %in% archive$contents
  n.found <- sum(idx.found)
  if (check.only) return(n.found == 1)

  if (n.found > 1) stop("UCS export archive '", archive$dir, "' contains multiple versions of the same component: ", paste(member.names[idx.found], collapse=", "))
  if (n.found == 0) stop("'", archive$dir, "' is not a valid UCS export archive, component '", member, "' missing")

  file(paste(archive$dir, member.names[idx.found], sep="/"), encoding=encoding, open="rt")

read.dsm.ucs <- function (filename, encoding=getOption("encoding"), verbose=FALSE) {
  archive <- .open.archive(filename)
  if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Loading DSM from UCS export archive %s/ ...\n", filename))
  fh <- .access.file(archive, "globals.tbl", encoding)
  globals <- read.delim(fh, colClasses=c(N="double"), quote="", comment.char="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  if (nrow(globals) != 1) stop("format error - globals.tbl must contain exactly one row")
  if (!("N" %in% colnames(globals))) stop("format error - sample size N missing from globals.tbl")
  N <- globals$N

  if (verbose) cat(" - marginal frequencies of targets (row information)\n")
  fh <- .access.file(archive, "rows.tbl", encoding)
  rows <- read.delim(fh, colClasses=c(term="character", f="double"), quote="", comment.char="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="")
  if (verbose) cat(" - marginal frequencies of features (column information)\n")
  fh <- .access.file(archive, "cols.tbl", encoding)
  cols <- read.delim(fh, colClasses=c(term="character", f="double"), quote="", comment.char="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="")
  n.rows <- nrow(rows)
  n.cols <- nrow(cols)
  ##  rows$f <- as.double(rows$f) # adjust marginal frequencies to doubles
  ##  cols$f <- as.double(cols$f)
  have.dense.M <- .access.file(archive, "M", check.only=TRUE)
  have.sparse.M <- .access.file(archive, "M.mtx", check.only=TRUE)
  if (have.dense.M && have.sparse.M) stop("UCS export archive '", archive$dir, "' contains both sparse (M.mtx) and dense (M) cooccurrence matrix")
  if (have.sparse.M) {
    if (verbose) cat(" - sparse co-occurrence matrix\n")
    fh <- .access.file(archive, "M.mtx", encoding)
    M <- as(readMM(fh), "CsparseMatrix") # make sure that the sparse matrix is in canonical DSM format
    if (!is(M, "generalMatrix")) M <- as(M, "generalMatrix")
    if (!is(M, "dgCMatrix")) stop(paste0("internal error: conversion to dgCMatrix failed, got '", class(M)[1], "' instead"))
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat(" - dense co-occurrence matrix\n")
    fh <- .access.file(archive, "M", encoding)
    n.cells <- as.double(n.rows) * n.cols # avoid integer overflow for oversized matrix
    if (n.cells >= 2^31) stop("dense co-occurrence matrix is too large to load into R")
    tmp <- scan(fh, what=double(0), nmax=n.cells, quiet=TRUE)
    if (length(tmp) != n.cells) stop(sprintf("invalid data - M does not contain exactly %d = %d * %d cells", n.cells, n.rows, n.cols))
    M <- matrix(tmp, nrow=n.rows, ncol=n.cols, byrow=TRUE)
    rm(tmp) # free memory
  stopifnot(nrow(M) == n.rows && ncol(M) == n.cols)
  dimnames(M) <- list(rows$term, cols$term)

  dsm(M=M, rowinfo=rows, colinfo=cols, globals=globals, raw.freq=TRUE, verbose=verbose)

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wordspace documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 3:04 p.m.