Man pages for clustComp
Clustering Comparison Package

barycentreComputation of the barycentre-coordinate of a node connected...
drawTreeGraphPlot the bi-graph determined by the branches in the tree and...
dyn.crossComputation of the number of crossings in the bi-graph in a...
flatVSflatComparison of two flat clusterings
flatVShierComparison of a hierarchical and a flat clusterings
insertInsert a set of values at a given position of a vector
SCmappingConstruction of the superclusters and the one-to-one mapping...
score.crossingComputation of the aesthetics-based score of the parent and...
score.itComputation of the information theoretic-based score of the...
clustComp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:54 p.m.