Man pages for ggcyto
Visualize Cytometry data with ggplot

as.ggplotIt fortifies the data, fills some default settings and...
autoplotPlot cytometry data in one or two dimension with the ggcyto...
axis_x_inverse_transDisplay ggcyto axis labels using their raw values (as stored...
compute_statscompute the statistics of the cell population defined by...
flowCore_asinht_transInverse hyperbolic sine transformation(flowCore version).
fortify.ellipsoidGateConvert a ellipsoidGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
fortify.filterListConvert a filterList to a data.table useful for ggplot
fortify.flowSetConvert a flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet to a ggplot-compatible...
fortify_fsFortify a model into flowSet object
fortify.polygonGateConvert a polygonGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
fortify.rectangleGateConvert a rectangleGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
gate_nullclear all the geom_gate() layer previously added
geom_gateAdd a gate layer to a ggcyto plot.
geom_overlayOverlay a population on an existing ggcyto plot analogous to...
geom_statsAdd a popluation statistics layer to a ggcyto plot.
getFlowFrameextract flowFrame data structure from the given R object
ggcytoPlot cytometry data using the ggcyto API
ggcyto_addoverloaded '+' method for ggcyto
ggcyto_arrangeArrange a list of ggplot objects into gtable
ggcyto_par_defaultReturn The default ggcyto settings
ggcyto_par_setSet some default parameters for ggcyto
is.ggcytoReports whether x is a ggcyto object
is.ggcyto_flowSetReports whether x is a ggcyto_flowSet object
is.ggcyto_parReports whether x is a ggcyto_par object
labs_cytoChange axis labels and legend titles
marginalFilterGenerate a marginal gate.
merge.quad.gatesextend the original flowWorkspace:::.mergeGates function to...
print.ggcytoDraw ggcyto on current graphics device.
print.ggcyto_GatingLayoutprint method for ggcyto_gate_layout class
replace_datareplace current cytometry data
scales_flowjo_biexpAdd a flowJo biexponential scale to the x or y axes of a...
scales_flowjo_fasinhAdd a flowJo inverse hyperbolic sine scale to the x or y axes...
scale_x_flowCore_fasinhAdd a flowCore inverse hyperbolic sine scale to the x or y...
scale_x_logicleAdd a logicle scale to the x or y axes of a ggcyto plot.
stat_positionCompute the positions of the population statistics based on...
stats_nullclear all the geom_stats() layer previously added
transform-gaterescale methods for gates
ggcyto documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:30 p.m.