nki7g: Subset of NKI dataset containing gene expression, annotations...

Description Format Details Source References Examples


This dataset contains a subset of the gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the NKI datasets (see section details). The subset contains the seven genes introduced by Desmedt et al. 2008


ExpressionSet with 7 features and 337 samples, containing:


This dataset represents a subset of the study published by van't Veer et al. 2002 and van de Vijver et al. 2002. The subset contains the genes AURKA (also known as STK6, STK7, or STK15), PLAU (also known as UPA), STAT1, VEGF, CASP3, ESR1, and ERBB2, as introduced by Desmedt et al. 2008. The seven genes represent the proliferation, tumor invasion/metastasis, immune response, angiogenesis, apoptosis phenotypes, and the ER and HER2 signaling, respectively.





Laura J. van't Veer, Hongyue Dai, Marc J. van de Vijver, Yudong D. He, Augustinus A.M. Hart, Mao Mao, Hans L. Peterse, Karin van der Kooy, Matthew J. Marton, Anke T. Witteveen, George J. Schreiber, Ron M. Kerkhoven, Chris Roberts, Peter S. Linsley, Rene Bernards and Stephen H. Friend (2002) "Gene expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of breast cancer", Nature, 415:530-536

M. J. van de Vijver, Y. D. He, L. van't Veer, H. Dai, A. M. Hart, D. W. Voskuil, G. J. Schreiber, J. L. Peterse, C. Roberts, M. J. Marton, M. Parrish, D. Atsma, A. Witteveen, A. Glas, L. Delahaye, T. van der Velde, H. Bartelink, S. Rodenhuis, E. T. Rutgers, S. H. Friend and R. Bernards (2002) "A Gene Expression Signature as a Predictor of Survival in Breast Cancer", New England Journal of Medicine, 347(25):1999-2009


## load Biobase package
## load the dataset
## show the first 5 columns of the expression data
exprs(nki7g)[ ,1:5]
## show the first 6 rows of the phenotype data
## show first 20 feature names
## show the experiment data summary
## show the used platform
## show the abstract for this dataset

Example output

Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: prodlim
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,
    as.data.frame, basename, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,
    dirname, do.call, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
    intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply, match, mget,
    order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int, rank, rbind,
    rowMeans, rowSums, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
    union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min

Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

           NKI_4  NKI_6  NKI_7  NKI_8  NKI_9
NM_000125 -0.007  0.074 -0.767 -0.820 -0.180
NM_004448 -0.694 -0.462 -0.397 -0.784 -0.395
NM_003600 -0.062 -0.245 -0.504  0.275 -0.247
NM_002658 -0.351 -0.331  0.043 -0.075  0.005
NM_003376 -0.178 -0.051  0.069  0.143  0.193
NM_007315  0.572 -0.387 -0.355  0.363 -0.435
NM_004346  0.040 -0.015 -0.139  0.120 -0.072
       samplename dataset series id filename size age er grade pgr her2
NKI_4       NKI_4     NKI    NKI  4       NA  2.0  41  1     3  NA   NA
NKI_6       NKI_6     NKI    NKI  6       NA  1.3  49  1     2  NA   NA
NKI_7       NKI_7     NKI    NKI  7       NA  2.0  46  0     1  NA   NA
NKI_8       NKI_8     NKI    NKI  8       NA  2.8  48  0     3  NA   NA
NKI_9       NKI_9     NKI    NKI  9       NA  1.5  48  1     3  NA   NA
NKI_11     NKI_11     NKI    NKI 11       NA  2.2  37  1     3  NA   NA
       brca.mutation e.dmfs t.dmfs node t.rfs e.rfs treatment tissue t.os e.os
NKI_4              0      0   4747    0  4747     0         0      1 4744    0
NKI_6              0      0   4075    0  4075     0         0      1 4072    0
NKI_7              0      0   3703    0  3703     0         0      1 3700    0
NKI_8              0      0   3215    0  3215     0         0      1 3213    0
NKI_9              0      0   3760    0  3760     0         0      1 3757    0
NKI_11             0      0   2120    0  2120     0         0      1 2119    0
[1] "NM_000125" "NM_004448" "NM_003600" "NM_002658" "NM_003376" "NM_007315"
[7] "NM_004346"
Experiment data
  Experimenter name: NKI 
  Laboratory: Divisions of Diagnostic Oncology, Radiotherapy and Molecular Carvinogenesis and Center for Biomedical Genetics, The Netherland Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 
  Contact information: Stephen H. Friend <stephen_friend@merck.com> 
  Title: Gene expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of breast cancer. A gene-expresion signature as a predictor  of survival in breast cancer. 
  URL: http://www.rii.com/publications/2002/vantveer.html 

  Abstract: A 61 word abstract is available. Use 'abstract' method.
[1] "rosetta"
[1] "Van de Vijver et al. 2002 and Laura J. van't Veer 2002. Series of 295 concescutive patients with primary breast carcinomas as having a gene-expression signature associated with either a poor prognosis or a good prognosis. All patients had stage I or II breast cancer and were younger than 53 years old; 151 had lymph-node-negaitve disease, and 144 had lymph-node-positive disease."

survcomp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:54 p.m.