ptmvnorm.marginal: One-dimensional marginal CDF function for a Truncated...

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ptmvtnorm.marginalR Documentation

One-dimensional marginal CDF function for a Truncated Multivariate Normal and Student t distribution


This function computes the one-dimensional marginal probability function from a Truncated Multivariate Normal and Student t density function using integration in pmvnorm() and pmvt().


    n = 1, 
    mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), 
    sigma = diag(length(mean)), 
    lower = rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)), 
    upper = rep(Inf, length = length(mean)))
    n = 1, 
    mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), 
    sigma = diag(length(mean)), 
    df = 1, 
    lower = rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)), 
    upper = rep(Inf, length = length(mean)))    



Vector of quantiles to calculate the marginal probability for.


Index position (1..k) within the random vector xn to calculate the one-dimensional marginal probability for.


the mean vector of length k.


the covariance matrix of dimension k. Either corr or sigma can be specified. If sigma is given, the problem is standardized. If neither corr nor sigma is given, the identity matrix is used for sigma.


degrees of freedom parameter


Vector of lower truncation points, default is rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)).


Vector of upper truncation points, default is rep( Inf, length = length(mean)).


The one-dimensional marginal probability for index i is F_i(x_i) = P(X_i \le x_i)

F_i(x_i) = \int_{a_1}^{b_1} \ldots \int_{a_{i-1}}^{b_{i-1}} \int_{a_{i}}^{x_i} \int_{a_{i+1}}^{b_{i+1}} \ldots \int_{a_k}^{b_k} f(x) dx = \alpha^{-1} \Phi_k(a, u, \mu, \Sigma)

where u = (b_1,\ldots,b_{i-1},x_i,b_{i+1},\ldots,b_k)' is the upper integration bound and \Phi_k is the k-dimensional normal probability (i.e. functions pmvnorm() and pmvt() in R package mvtnorm).


Returns a vector of the same length as xn with probabilities.


Stefan Wilhelm <>


## Example 1: Truncated multi-normal
lower <- c(-1,-1,-1)
upper <- c(1,1,1)
mean <- c(0,0,0)
sigma <- matrix(c(  1, 0.8, 0.2, 
                  0.8,   1, 0.1,
                  0.2, 0.1,   1), 3, 3)

X <- rtmvnorm(n=1000, mean=c(0,0,0), sigma=sigma, lower=lower, upper=upper)

x <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.01)
Fx <- ptmvnorm.marginal(xn=x, n=1, mean=c(0,0,0), sigma=sigma, lower=lower, upper=upper) 

plot(ecdf(X[,1]), main="marginal CDF for truncated multi-normal")
lines(x, Fx, type="l", col="blue")

## Example 2: Truncated multi-t
X <- rtmvt(n=1000, mean=c(0,0,0), sigma=sigma, df=2, lower=lower, upper=upper)

x <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.01)
Fx <- ptmvt.marginal(xn=x, n=1, mean=c(0,0,0), sigma=sigma, lower=lower, upper=upper) 

plot(ecdf(X[,1]), main="marginal CDF for truncated multi-t")
lines(x, Fx, type="l", col="blue")

tmvtnorm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:14 a.m.