findLowlyVariableFeaturesCVs: Uses a list of FDR-values to extract features with low...

View source: R/analyzeResults.R

findLowlyVariableFeaturesCVsR Documentation

Uses a list of FDR-values to extract features with low variance in the log2-transformed dataset. This is then used to calculate the average CV for these 'lowly variable' features in each normalization approach


Uses a list of FDR-values to extract features with low variance in the log2-transformed dataset. This is then used to calculate the average CV for these 'lowly variable' features in each normalization approach


findLowlyVariableFeaturesCVs(referenceFDR, methodList)



List of FDR values used as non-normalized reference


List containing normalized matrices


lowVarFeaturesAverageCVs Average CV values for lowly variable features in each normalization approach

ComputationalProteomics/NormalyzerDE documentation built on May 20, 2024, 3:05 p.m.