compareByCoord: Comparison of Samples

compareR Documentation

Comparison of Samples


To compare data of different samples, a ModifierSet can be used. To select the data alongside the transcripts and their positions a GRanges or a GRangesList needs to be provided. In case of a GRanges object, the parent column must match the transcript names as defined by the out put of ranges(x), whereas in case of a GRangesList the element names must match the transcript names.


compare(x, name, pos = 1L, ...)

compareByCoord(x, coord, ...)

plotCompare(x, name, pos = 1L, normalize, ...)

plotCompareByCoord(x, coord, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet'
compare(x, name, pos = 1L, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet,GRanges'
compareByCoord(x, coord, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet,GRangesList'
compareByCoord(x, coord, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet'
plotCompare(x, name, pos = 1L, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet,GRanges'
plotCompareByCoord(x, coord, normalize, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ModifierSet,GRangesList'
plotCompareByCoord(x, coord, normalize, ...)



a Modifier or ModifierSet object.


Only for compare: the transcript name


Only for compare: pos for comparison


optional parameters:

  • alias a data.frame with two columns, tx_id and name, to convert transcipt ids to another identifier

  • name Limit results to one specific gene or transcript

  • sequenceData TRUE or FALSE? Should the aggregate of sequenceData be used for the comparison instead of the aggregate data if each Modifier element? (default: sequenceData = FALSE)

  • compareType a valid score type to use for the comparison. If sequenceData = FALSE this defaults to mainScore(x), whereas if sequenceData = TRUE all columns will be used by setting allTypes = TRUE.

  • allTypes TRUE or FALSE? Should all available score be compared? (default: allTypes = sequenceData)

  • ... passed on to subsetByCoord


coordinates of position to subset to. Either a GRanges or a GRangesList object. For both types the 'Parent' column is expected to match the transcript name. The GRangesList object is unlisted and only non duplicated entries are retained.


either a single logical or character value. If it is a character, it must match one of the names in the ModifierSet.


compareByCoord returns a DataFrame and plotCompareByCoord returns a ggplot object, which can be modified further. The DataFrame contains columns per sample as well as the columns names, positions and mod incorporated from the coord input. If coord contains a column Activity this is included in the results as well.


# constructing a GRanges obejct to mark positive positions
mod <- modifications(msi)
coord <- unique(unlist(mod))
coord$score <- NULL
coord$sd <- NULL
# return a DataFrame
# plot the comparison as a heatmap

FelixErnst/RNAmodR documentation built on March 27, 2024, 2:42 a.m.