PeeperLab/CopywriteRCustomBed: Copy number information from ChIP_seq using off-target reads off-target reads

CopywriteR extracts DNA copy number information from targeted sequencing by utiizing off-target reads. It allows for extracting uniformly distributed copy number information, can be used without reference, and can be applied to sequencing data obtained from various techniques including chromatin immunoprecipitation and target enrichment on small gene panels. Thereby, CopywriteR constitutes a widely applicable alternative to available copy number detection tools. *** The version of CopywriteR "CopywriteR_CustomBed" is a custom version of CopywriteR that allows users to use their own bed files with the identified peak regions instead of using the algorithm in CopywriteR.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorOscar Krijgsman
Bioconductor views CopyNumberVariation Coverage ExomeSeq Preprocessing TargetedResequencing Visualization
MaintainerOscar Krijgsman <>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
PeeperLab/CopywriteRCustomBed documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:34 p.m.