file.param: file.param

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples


Build a file upload AnalysisPageParam


file.param(..., template.uri = NULL, dependent.params = NULL)



Pass through to simple.param, including at least "name" but not including "type".


URI, possibly with :-prefixed parameter names. For example "/get?x=:x;y=:y" has parameters "x" and "y". (See dependent.params next). (Note: this follows the way of doing it in combobox.param). This is optional. If provided, then the front-end can use this callback to allow the user to download a template. This is a template in two senses: the URI itself may be a template whose parameter values should be filled in, and the return value of the request is an excel file which is a template for the user to fill in.


A character vector whose names are parameters from the uri, and whose values are the names of other form elements. Error to provide this without providing template.uri


Build a file upload AnalysisPageParam. This is rendered as a file upload element, to be uploaded along with the submission. (Currently there is no server-side mechanism for storing uploaded files, so asynchronous upload is not possible.) The description field should describe what type of file is expected.

On the server side your handler will get a list with "name", "tmp_name" elements giving the filename, and path to a local file (usually in /tmp)


An AnalysisPageParam


Brad Friedman


  cov.param <- file.param("cov", label="Covariate Data", description="A two-column Excel file, first column being the sample ID (SAMID) and second being covariate data (with the name of the variable in the header)")

apomatix/AnalysisPageServer documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:36 a.m.