Man pages for btmonier/vidger-nd
Create rapid visualizations of RNAseq data in R

df.cuffA 'cuffdiff' example dataset
df.deseqA 'DESeq2' example dataset
df.edgerA 'edgeR' example dataset
vsBoxPlotBox plot for log10(FPKM or CPM) distributions
vsDEGMatrixDifferential gene expression matrix
vsFourWayFour-Way plot for comparison of log fold changes in a...
vsMAMatrixMA plot matrix from log2 fold changes and -log10(p-values)
vsMAPlotMA plot from mean expression and log fold changes from...
vsScatterMatrixScatter plot matrix of log10(FPKM or CPM) values
vsScatterPlotScatter plot of log10(FPKM or CPM) values
vsVolcanoVolcano plot from log2 fold changes and -log10(p-values)
vsVolcanoMatrixVolcano plot matrix from log2 fold changes and...
btmonier/vidger-nd documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:44 p.m.