Man pages for girke-lab/bioassayR
Cross-target analysis of small molecule bioactivity

activeAgainstShow compounds active against a specified target
activeTargetsShow targets against which a small molecule is active
addBioassayIndexIndex a bioassayR database
addDataSourceAdd a new data source to a bioassayR database
allCidsList compound cids in a 'BioassayDB', 'bioassay',...
allTargetsList distinct target(s) in a 'BioassayDB', 'bioassay',...
assaySetTargetsReturn targets of assays in a 'bioassaySet' object
bioactivityFingerprintCreate an 'ChemmineR' 'FPset' object that contains...
bioassay-classClass '"bioassay"'
BioAssayDB-classClass '"BioassayDB"'
bioassaySet-classClass '"bioassaySet"'
connectBioassayDBCreate a 'BioassayDB' object connected to the specified...
crossReactivityProbabilityCompute the probability that compounds in a compound vs...
disconnectBioassayDBDisconnect the database file from a 'BioassayDB' object
dropBioassayDelete an assay from a bioassayR database
dropBioassayIndexRemove index from a bioassayR database
getAssayRetrieve a bioassay
getAssaysRetrieve multiple bioassays from a database
getBioassaySetByCidsCreate 'bioassaySet' sparse matrix object with activity data...
inactiveTargetsTakes a single cid and returns a table of the proteins it has...
loadBioassayAdd an assay to the database
loadIdMappingLoad a target identifier mapping into a bioassayR database
newBioassayDBCreate a new bioassayR database
parsePubChemBioassayParse PubChem Bioassay Data
perTargetMatrixCollapse a 'bioassaySet' object from multiple assays by...
queryBioassayDBPerform a SQL query on a bioassayR database
samplebioassaySample activity data for use with bioassayR
scaleBioassaySetCenters and standardizes the numeric activity scores for a...
screenedAtLeastReturn all compounds in the database screened at least...
selectiveAgainstIdentify small molecules with selective binding against a...
targetSelectivityReturns the target selectivity for a specified list of...
translateTargetIdTranslate a protein target identifier to another identifier...
trinarySimilarityComputes the tanimoto similarity coefficient between the...
girke-lab/bioassayR documentation built on April 28, 2022, 7:34 a.m.