qcReport-methods: Automatic report generation

qcReport-methodsR Documentation

Automatic report generation


The qcReport method generates report in various formats taking a QcMetrics instance as input. Each individual quality control item produces a section with description of the item and a assessment figure.


The reporting functions take a QcMetrics instance as input, generate the source of the report and compile it into the final format that are currently available are reporting_pdf, reporting_tex, reporting_rmd and reporting_html. See qcto for details about the sectioning functions, that convert individual QcMetric objects into adequate report sections.

The package vignette documents the report generation in more details and describes possibilities for customisation.


signature( object = "QcMetrics", reportname = "character", type = "character", author = "character", title = "character", metadata = "logical", toc = "logical", summary = "logical", sessioninfo = "logical", clean = "logical", quiet = "logical", reporter, qcto, ...)

generates a report for the QcMetrics object. The report will be named according the reportname (default is qcreprt)and type, the latter defining the output format and the extension. Possible types are pdf (default), "tex", "Rmd", "html" (all generated using the package knitr). A custom title can be provided; default is "Quality control report generated with qcmetrics". If no author is provided, the default value (Sys.getenv("USER")) is used. The addition of a table of contents (default is FALSE), a metadata section, a summary section and the session information can be controlled with the toc, metadata, summary and sessioninformation arguments. The metadata section is added to the report when present and the other have TRUE as default.

Intermediate files are deleted, unless clean is set to FALSE and verbose output can be turned on by setting quiet to FALSE.

The reporter and qcto arguments are used to convert QcMetric and QcMetrics objects into report source. See Details and the package vignette for details.

Addition parameters can be passed to inner functions. For the pdf report, passed to texi2pdf; for html, passed to markdown::markdownToHTML.

The method invisibly returns the name of the report that was generated.



destdir <- tempdir()
(report <- file.path(destdir, "testQCReport"))

## Not run: 
  ## pdf report
  qcReport(qcm, reportname = report)
  ## use pdflatex to generate the pdf file
  qcReport(qcm, reportname = report, texi2dvi = "pdflatex")

## End(Not run)

## default html report
html <- qcReport(qcm, reportname = report, type = "html")
if (interactive())

lgatto/qcmetrics documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 12:20 p.m.