Man pages for lgeistlinger/EnrichmentBrowser
Seamless navigation through combined results of set-based and network-based enrichment analysis

combResultsCombining enrichment analysis results
compileGRNCompilation of a gene regulatory network from pathway...
configEBrowserConfiguring the EnrichmentBrowser
deAnaDifferential expression analysis between two sample groups
downloadPathwaysDownload of KEGG pathways for a particular organism
eaBrowseExploration of enrichment analysis results
ebrowserSeamless navigation through enrichment analysis results
exportExport results from set- and network-based enrichment...
getGenesetsDefinition of gene sets according to different sources
ggeaGraphGGEA graphs of consistency between regulation and expression
idMapMapping between gene ID types
importImport results from differential expression (DE) analysis
isAvailableIs a required package available?
makeExampleDataExample data for the EnrichmentBrowser package
nbeaNetwork-based enrichment analysis (NBEA)
normalizeNormalization of microarray and RNA-seq expression data
plotsVisualization of gene expression
probe2geneTransformation of probe level expression to gene level...
readSEReading gene expression data from file
sbeaSet-based enrichment analysis (SBEA)
lgeistlinger/EnrichmentBrowser documentation built on May 9, 2024, 7:22 p.m.