read_sge_accounting: Read a tab-delimited SGE accounting file (without parsing it)

View source: R/sge_accounting.R

read_raw_sge_accountingR Documentation

Read a tab-delimited SGE accounting file (without parsing it)


Read a tab-delimited SGE accounting file (without parsing it)

Coerce to an 'sge_accounting' Object

Locate the SGE Accounting File on the Current System

Read an SGE accounting

Parse SGE Accounting 'category' Field

Table of SGE failed codes with descriptions


  offset = 0,
  n_max = Inf,
  skip = if (is.character(file) && offset == 0) 4L else 0L,

write_raw_sge_accounting(x, file, header = attr(x, "header"), ...)

as_sge_accounting(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'raw_sge_accounting'
as_sge_accounting(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sge_accounting'
print(x, format = c("pretty", "raw"), ...)

  filename = "accounting",
  path =, args = as.list(c(Sys.getenv(c("SGE_ROOT", "SGE_CELL")),

read_sge_accounting(file = sge_accounting_file(), ...)

parse_category(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sge_accounting'
parse_category(x, properties = c("h_rt", "s_rt", "mem_free"), ...)




(character) The SGE ‘accounting’ file to read.


The file offset position (in bytes) from where to start reading.


(numeric) The maximum number of rows to read.


(integer) Number of lines to skip before parsing file content.


An sge_accounting object.


(character vector) Zero of more header lines to be written at the top of the file.


Either "pretty" or "raw".


(character string) The name of the accounting file.


(character string) The path to the accounting file.


(character vector) The properties to extract.


(optional) Not used.


(character string) The pathname to the SGE accounting file. If not found, and error is thrown.

A tibble data frame with columns:

  • qname (character) - name of the cluster queue in which the job has run

  • hostname (character) - name of the execution host

  • group (character) - the effective group id of the job owner when executing the job

  • owner (character) - owner of the Grid Engine job

  • job_name (character) - job name

  • job_number (integer) - job identifier

  • account (character) - an account string as specified by the qsub or qalter

  • priority (integer) - priority value assigned to the job

  • submission_time (dttm) - submission time

  • start_time (dttm) - start time

  • end_time (dttm) - end time

  • failed (integer) - indicates the problem which occurred in case a job failed (at the system level, as opposed to the job script or binary having non-zero exit status). Indicates the problem which occurred in case a job could not be started on the execution host (e.g. because the owner of the job did not have a valid account on that machine). If Sun Grid Engine tries to start a job multiple times, this may lead to multiple entries in the accounting file corresponding to the same job ID

  • exit_status (integer) - exit status of the job script (or Grid Engine-specific status in case of certain error conditions). The exit status is determined by following the normal shell conventions. If the command terminates normally the value of the command is its exit status. However, in the case that the command exits abnormally, a value of 0200 (octal), 128 (decimal) is added to the value of the command to make up the exit status. For example: If a job dies through signal 9 (SIGKILL) - probably issued by Grid Engine through qdel, or because the job exceeded time or memory hard limits - then the exit status is 128 + 9 = 137.

  • ru_wallclock (drtn) - Difference between 'end_time' and 'start_time' (time interval), except that if the job fails, it is zero.

  • ru_utime (drtn) - user CPU time (in seconds) used, i.e. total amount of time spent executing in user mode

  • ru_stime (drtn) - system CPU time (in seconds) used, i.e. total amount of time spent executing in kernel mode

  • ru_maxrss (character) - maximum resident set size (in kB)

  • ru_ixrss (character) - integral shared memory size (in kB) [UNUSED]

  • ru_ismrss (character) - ???

  • ru_idrss (character) - integral unshared data size (in kB) [UNUSED]

  • ru_isrss (character) - integral unshared stack size (in kB) [UNUSED]

  • ru_minflt (numeric) - page reclaims (soft page faults)

  • ru_majflt (numeric) - page faults (hard page faults)

  • ru_nswap (numeric) - number of swaps [UNUSED]

  • ru_inblock (numeric) - number of block input operations

  • ru_oublock (numeric) - number of block output operations

  • ru_msgsnd (numeric) - number of IPC messages sent [UNUSED]

  • ru_msgrcv (numeric) - number of IPC messages received [UNUSED]

  • ru_nsignals (numeric) - number of signals received

  • ru_nvcsw (numeric) - number of voluntary context switches (number of times a context switch resulted due to a process voluntarily giving up the processor before its time slice was completed (usually to await availability of a resource)

  • ru_nivcsw (numeric) - number of involuntary context switches (number of times a context switch resulted due to a higher priority process becoming runnable or because the current process exceeded its time slice)

  • project (character) -

  • department (character) -

  • granted_pe (character) - the parallel environment which was selected for the job

  • slots (integer) - the number of slots which were dispatched to the job by the scheduler

  • task_number (integer) -

  • cpu (drtn) - The CPU time usage (in seconds)

  • mem (character) - the integral memory usage (in GB seconds)

  • io (character) - the amount of data transferred in input/output operations (in GB) if available, otherwise 0

  • category (character) -

  • iow (drtn) - the input/output wait time (in seconds) if available, otherwise 0

  • pe_taskid (character) - if this identifier is not equal to NONE, the task was part of parallel job, and was passed to Grid Engine via the qrsh-inherit interface

  • maxvmem (numeric) - the maximum vmem size (in bytes)

  • arid (numeric) - advance reservation identifier

  • ar_sub_time (dttm) - advance reservation submission time, if the job uses the resources of an advance reservation, otherwise 0

A tibble data frame with columns corresponding to the requested properties.

A tibble

Location of the SGE accounting file

The SGE ‘accounting’ file is typically located in a subfolder of the folder ‘$SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/’. On Wynton HPC, the pathname is given by sge_accounting_file().

File offset positions for each job entry

If you know the file offset (in bytes) for the first job entry you wish to read, then specify it via argument offset. This speeds up the reading, because it avoids having to parse jobs from the beginning. To find the file offsets for job entries, see make_file_index().

Failed code

Code Description OK Explanation
0 no failure Y ran and exited normally
1 assumedly before job N failed early in execd
3 before writing config N failed before execd set up local spool
4 before writing PID N shepherd failed to record its pid - filesystem problem?
6 setting processor set N failed setting up processor set (obsolete)
7 before prolog N failed before prolog
8 in prolog N failed in prolog
9 before pestart N failed before starting PE
10 in pestart N failed in PE starter
11 before job N failed in shepherd before starting job
12 before pestop Y ran, but failed before calling PE stop procedure
13 in pestop Y ran, but PE stop procedure failed
14 before epilog Y ran, but failed before calling epilog
15 in epilog Y ran, but failed in epilog
16 releasing processor set Y ran, but processor set could not be released (obsolete)
17 through signal Y job killed by signal (possibly qdel)
18 shepherd returned error N shepherd died somehow
19 before writing exit_status N shepherd didn't write reports correctly - probably program or machine crash
20 found unexpected error file ? shepherd encountered a problem
21 in recognizing job N qmaster asked about an unknown job (not in accounting?)
24 migrating (checkpointing jobs) Y ran, will be migrated
25 rescheduling Y ran, will be rescheduled
26 opening output file N failed opening stderr/stdout file
27 searching requested shell N failed finding specified shell
28 changing to working directory N failed changing to start directory
29 AFS setup N failed setting up AFS security
30 application error returned Y ran and exited 100 - maybe re-scheduled
36 checking configured daemons N failed because of configured remote startup daemon
37 qmaster enforced h_rt, h_cpu, or h_vmem limit Y ran, but killed due to exceeding run time limit
38 adding supplementary group N failed adding supplementary gid to job
100 assumedly after job Y ran, but killed by a signal (perhaps due to exceeding resources), task died, shepherd died (e.g. node crash), etc.

The following failed codes are specific to MS Windows:

Code Description OK Explanation
31 accessing sgepasswd file N failed because sgepasswd not readable*
32 entry is missing in password file N failed because user not in sgepasswd*
33 wrong password N failed because of wrong password against sgepasswd*
34 communicating with Grid Engine Helper Service N failed because of failure of helper service*
35 before job in Grid Engine Helper Service N failed because of failure running helper service*

Source: ⁠man sge_status⁠.

In addition to the above, I, the package author, have tried to gathered additional information about the below failed codes based on real-world observations.

  • 21: When this happens, both qname and hostname are UNKNOWN, qsub_time is 0 ("Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969"), start_time and end_time are 0 ("-/-"), all run-time data, including ru_wallclock, are all 0. It appears to happen to old jobs (per job_number) from times before one or more major downtimes. Because of this, I believe these are from jobs with Eqw state that SGE eventually tries to flush out.

Common exit codes

Code Description
0 Success
1 Catchall for general errors
2 Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation)
126 Command invoked cannot execute, e.g. ⁠/dev/null⁠
127 "command not found"
128 Invalid argument to exit, e.g. ⁠exit 3.14⁠
128 + n Fatal error signal n
134 128 + 6 = 128 + SIGABRT - Abort signal from abort
135 128 + 7 = 128 + SIGBUS - Bus error (bad memory access)
136 128 + 8 = 128 + SIGFPE - Floating-point exception
137 128 + 9 = 128 + SIGKILL
138 128 + 10 = 128 + SIGUSR1
140 128 + 12 = 128 + SIGUSR2
255 128 + 127 = Exit status out of range, e.g.exit -1

Comment: exit only takes integers in [0,255]


The ‘accounting’ on Wynton HPC took ~2 minutes to read when it was 4.8 GB in size and ~6-8 minutes when it was 12 GB in size.


  • ⁠man accounting⁠

  • ⁠man sge_status⁠


pathname <- system.file("exdata", "accounting", package = "wyntonquery")

jobs <- read_raw_sge_accounting(pathname)

## Anonymize (although actually already anonymized)
jobs_anon <- anonymize(jobs)
pathname <- system.file("exdata", "accounting", package = "wyntonquery")

jobs <- read_sge_accounting(pathname)
## # A tibble: 1,000 x 45
##    qname    hostname group  owner   job_name job_number account priority submission_time    
##    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>  <chr>   <chr>         <int> <chr>      <int> <dttm>             
##  1 member.q cin-id3  group4 owner09          1 sge            0 2017-08-15 11:59:21
##  2 long.q   cc-id2   group4 owner09          2 sge           19 2017-08-15 12:00:23
##  3 long.q   cc-id2   group4 owner09          2 sge           19 2017-08-15 12:00:23
## ...

## Identify successful and failed jobs
jobs_success <- subset(jobs, failed == 0)
jobs_fail <- subset(jobs, failed > 0)

## CPU time consumed
t <- c(sum(jobs_success$cpu), sum(jobs_fail$cpu))
units(t) <- "days"
## Time differences in days
## [1] 1283.6721  328.9508

## Fraction of successful and failed CPU time
u <- as.numeric(t)
u <- u / sum(u)
names(u) <- c("success", "failed")
##   success    failed 
## 0.7960151 0.2039849

ucsf-wynton/wyntonquery documentation built on May 15, 2024, 6:23 a.m.