topGO-package: Enrichment analysis for Gene Ontology

Description Details Author(s) References See Also


topGO package provides tools for testing GO terms while accounting for the topology of the GO graph. Different test statistics and different methods for eliminating local similarities and dependencies between GO terms can be implemented and applied.


Package: topGO
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2006-10-02
License: What license is it under?

TODO: An overview of how to use the package, including the most important functions


Adrian Alexa, J\"org Rahnenf\"uhrer

Maintainer: Adrian Alexa


Alexa A., Rahnenf\"uhrer J., Lengauer T., Improved scoring of functional groups from gene expression data by decorrelating GO graph structure, Bioinformatics 22(13): 1600-1607, 2006

See Also

topGOdata-class, groupStats-class, getSigGroups-methods

ycl6/topGO-Bioc documentation built on July 30, 2020, 1:10 a.m.