Man pages for supraHex
supraHex: a supra-hexagonal map for analysing tabular omics data

FangHuman embryo gene expression dataset from Fang et al. (2010)
GolubLeukemia gene expression dataset from Golub et al. (1999)
sBMHFunction to identify the best-matching hexagons/rectangles...
sCompReorderFunction to reorder component planes
sDistanceFunction to compute the pairwise distance for a given data...
sDmatFunction to calculate distance matrix in high-dimensional...
sDmatClusterFunction to partition a grid map into clusters
sDmatMinimaFunction to identify local minima (in 2D output space) of...
sHexDistFunction to calculate distances between hexagons/rectangles...
sHexGridFunction to define a supra-hexagonal grid
sHexGridVariantFunction to define a variant of a supra-hexagonal grid
sHexPolygonFunction to extract polygon location per hexagon within a...
sInitialFunction to initialise a sInit object given a topology and...
sMapOverlayFunction to overlay additional data onto the trained map for...
sNeighAnyFunction to calculate any neighbors for each...
sNeighDirectFunction to calculate direct neighbors for each...
sPipelineFunction to setup the pipeline for completing ab initio...
sTopologyFunction to define the topology of a map grid
sTrainBatchFunction to implement training via batch algorithm
sTrainologyFunction to define trainology (training environment)
sTrainSeqFunction to implement training via sequential algorithm
sWriteDataFunction to write out the best-matching hexagons and/or...
visColoralphaFunction to add transparent (alpha) into colors
visColorbarFunction to define a colorbar
visColormapFunction to define a colormap
visCompReorderFunction to visualise multiple component planes reorded...
visDmatClusterFunction to visualise clusters/bases partitioned from a...
visDmatHeatmapFunction to visualise gene clusters/bases partitioned from a...
visHeatmapFunction to visualise input data matrix using heatmap
visHeatmapAdvFunction to visualise input data matrix using advanced...
visHexAnimateFunction to animate multiple component planes of a...
visHexBarplotFunction to visualise codebook matrix using barplot for all...
visHexCompFunction to visualise a component plane of a supra-hexagonal...
visHexGridFunction to visualise a supra-hexagonal grid
visHexMappingFunction to visualise various mapping items within a...
visHexMulCompFunction to visualise multiple component planes of a...
visHexPatternFunction to visualise codebook matrix or input patterns...
visKernelsFunction to visualize neighborhood kernels
visTreeBootstrapFunction to build and visualise the bootstrapped tree
visTreeBSclustFunction to obtain clusters from a bootstrapped tree
visVpFunction to create viewports for multiple supra-hexagonal...
XiangArabidopsis embryo gene expression dataset from Xiang et al....
supraHex documentation built on May 24, 2021, 3 p.m.