Man pages for tomoda
Tomo-seq data analysis

corHeatmapCorrelation heatmap of sections
createTomoCreate an object representing tomo-seq data
embedPlotEmbedding plot for sections
expHeatmapExpression heatmap
findPeakFind peak in a vector
findPeakGeneFind peak genes
geneCorHeatmapCorrelation heatmap of genes
geneEmbedPlotEmbedding plot for genes
hierarchClustHierarchical clustering across sections
kmeansClustK-Means clustering across sections
linePlotLine plot for expression traces
normalizeTomoNormalize data
runPCAPerform PCA
runTSNEPerform TSNE
runUMAPPerform UMAP
scaleTomoScale data
tomoMatrixCreate an object from matrix
tomoSummarizedExperimentCreate an object from SummarizedExperiment
zh.dataA raw read count matrix of zebrafish injured heart.
tomoda documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:10 p.m.