Man pages for acidgenomics/minimalism
Acid Genomics Plot Functions and Themes

acid_discrete_coord_flipFlip coordinates
acid_geom_ablineReference line
acid_geom_barBar chart
acid_geom_labelText label
acid_geom_label_averageAverage labels
acid_geom_label_repelRepulsive textual annotations
AcidPlotsTestsUrlAcidPlots test data URL
acid_pretty_breaksPretty breaks that resemble the base plotting engine
acid_scale_y_continuous_nopadRemove Y axis padding
autoScaleAutomatic color/fill scales to use with ggplot object
gradientHex color gradient generator
matchLabelsMatch ggplot2 labels
palettesColor palettes
plotBarcodeRanksPlot barcode ranks
plotCellCountsPlot cell counts
plotCellCountsPerClusterPlot cell counts per cluster
plotCellTypesPerClusterPlot cell types per cluster
plotCorrelationCorrelation X-Y scatterplot
plotCorrelationHeatmapCorrelation heatmap
plotCountsPlot counts
plotCountsCorrelationPlot counts correlation
plotCountsCorrelationHeatmapPlot counts correlation heatmap
plotCountsPerBiotypePlot counts per biotype
plotCountsPerCellPlot counts per cell
plotCountsPerFeaturePlot counts per feature
plotCountsVsFeaturesPlot count and feature correlation
plotFeaturePlot feature
plotFeaturesDetectedPlot features detected
plotFeaturesPerCellPlot features per cell
plotGenderMarkersPlot sexually dimorphic gender marker genes
plotKnownMarkersPlot known markers
plotMarkerPlot cell-type-specific gene markers
plotMitoRatioPlot mitochondrial transcript abundance
plotMitoVsCodingPlot mitochondrial vs. coding counts
plotNoveltyPlot novelty score
plotQcQuality control
plotQuantileHeatmapQuantile heatmap
plotReducedDimPlot reduced dimensions
plotStackedBarPlotPlot stacked bar plot
plotSumsPlot row or column sums
plotTotalCountsPlot total read counts
plotUpsetUpSet plot
plotWaterfallPlot waterfall
plotZerosVsDepthPlot percentage of zeros vs. library depth
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
synesthesiaSynesthesia color palette
themesggplot2 themes
acidgenomics/minimalism documentation built on April 1, 2024, 10:34 a.m.