germinate: Germinate a seed.

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also


Observe the miracle of life as your seed germinates and spews forth a glorious tree.


germinate(x, angle = 15, trunk.width = 20, middle = "0", left = "1",
  right = "2", left2 = "3", right2 = "4", left3 = "5", right3 = "6",
  left4 = "7", right4 = "8", plot = FALSE, ...)



Either a seed object returned by seed, or a named list containing:


Exactly how glorious will this tree be?


A binary coded vector of addresses of branches to be included. Branches can branch to the left or the right from the end of the trunk, or from the end of another branch included in branches. Elements of branches may only contain the characters given in args left and right, and all parent branches of each element must also be provided. E.g. if left and right are '0' and '1', respectively, then '0' is the first branch to the left stemming from the top of the trunk, while '1' is the first branch to the right, stemming from the top of the trunk; '01' would be a branch forking to the right from the end of the first branch that forked left off the trunk.


A vector of branch lengths corresponding to the elements of branches. Should be the same length as branches.


The angle of branches relative to their parent branch (or relative to the trunk). This angle is negated for left-pointing branches.


The line width of the trunk. Widths are then scaled down for successive child branches, to a minimum of 1.


The character used to represent left-turning branches in the branches vector (default is '0'). Must not be 'Y'.


The character used to represent right-turning branches in the branches vector (default is '1'). Must not be 'Y'.


Should the tree be plotted? (logical).


Further arguments to plot.plant.


a plant object, which is a data.frame comprising branch addresses, depths, lengths, angles, base coordinates, and tip coordinates.

See Also

seed foliate prune

hdng/clonevol documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:19 p.m.