Man pages for VennDetail
A package for visualization and extract details

detailDetail function provides a way to display the amount of...
dot-add_colnamesGive first colname as RowNxyz
dot-make.tablemake table for venndetail modified from make.truth.table...
dplotDplot function allows users to visualize the detail function...
getFeaturegetFeature provides a way to combine list of user supplied...
getSetgetSet function provides a way to extract subsets
make.subsetGet subset from list of input groups
mergeMerge two or more venndetail obejcts
plotPlot Venn object
resultExtract the result from venn object
rowjoinJoin data.frame based on rownames
setcolorreturn colors with given a vector
showShow the summary of venn object
summaryGive summary information of Venn object
Venn-classClass 'Venn' This class includes all information from...
venndetailExtract shared and unique subsets
vennpiePie plot shows shared and unique sets
VennDetail documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:25 p.m.