Man pages for adaptest
Data-Adaptive Statistics for High-Dimensional Multiple Testing

adaptestData-adaptive Statistics for High-Dimensional Multiple...
adaptest_oldOLD Data-Adaptive Algorithm Implementation (for reference...
adapTMLE-classConstructor for class adaptmle
bioadaptestData Adaptive Multiple Testing for Computational Biology
cv_param_estCompute data-adaptive parameter estimate for a single...
data_adaptS3-Style Constructor for Data Adaptive Parameter Class
get_compositionDecomposition tables of the data-adaptive parameter after...
get_pvalCompute p-values based on asymptotic normality
get_results_adaptmleAccessor for results of class adaptest
get_significant_biomarkerExtract statistically significant biomarkers
plot.data_adaptPlot method for data_adapt objects
print.data_adaptPrint method for data_adapt objects
rank_DECompute ranking of biomarkers by sorting effect sizes
rank_ttestCompute ranking of biomarkers by sorting t-test p-values
simulated_arraySimulated differential expression data with one exposure
simulated_treatmentSimulated differential expression data with one exposure
summary.data_adaptSummary tables for data_adapt objects
adaptest documentation built on April 28, 2020, 7:24 p.m.