Biocview "AffymetrixChip"

Contains the data files for analyzing MTA / ClariomD (mouse) arrays at the exon-level (PSR probeset ID) with the Sscore2 R package
Contains the data files for analyzing MTA / ClariomD (mouse) arrays at the gene-level (transcription cluster ID) with Sscore2 R package
Contains the data files for analyzing MTA / ClariomD (mouse) arrays at the gene-level (transcription cluster ID) with Sscore2 R package
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type clariomdhuman
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type clarioms.human
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type clariomsmouse
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type clarioms.mouse
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type clarioms.rat
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type hta20
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moex10stv1
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mogene10stv1
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mouse4302
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mta10
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mta10
Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rta10
Strain Specific Exon Modeling