Man pages for ACSWR
A Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R"

abrasion_indexAbrasion Index for the Tire Tread
ACSWR-packageAn R Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics...
adjectivesA Dataset for Factor Analysis
atombombJapanese atomic bomb survivors
batteryTwo Factorial Experiment for Battery Data
Binom_SimSimulation for Binomial Distribution
bottlingA Three Factorial Experiment for Bottling Data
bsSimulated Sample from Binomial Distribution
bs1British Doctors Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease
caesareansThe Cesarean Cases
calciumThe Calcium in Soil
cardataCar Data
chdageCoronary Heart Disease
chemicaldataChemical Reaction Experiment
chestThe Militiamen's Chest Dataset
cloudThe Cloud Seeding Data
corkThe Cork Dataset
csRandom Samples from Cauchy Distribution
depressionThe Hamilton Depression Scale Factor
DiseaseDisease Outbreak Study
EhrenfestGenerate transition probability matrix of Ehrenfest model
flightInjuries in Airflights
Geom_SimSimulation for Geometric Distribution
girderStrength Data Set of a Girder Experiment
hardnessHardness and a Block Experiment
hearingHearing Loss Data
hwHeight-Weight Covariance Study
insuranceInsurance Claims Data
intensityBlocking for Intensity Data Set
kurtcoeffCoefficient of Kurtosis
lifeLife Expectancies
lowbwtThe Low-Birth Weight Problem
LRNormal2MeanLikelihood Ratio Test for Equality of Means when Variance...
LRNormalMean_KVLikelihood ratio test for equality of mean when the variance...
LRNormalMean_UVLikelihood ratio test for mean when variance is unknown
LRNormalVariance_UMLikelihood ratio test for the variance of normal distribution...
lvalLetter Values
memoryMemory Recall Times
mfpPsychological Tests for Males and Females
MPbinomialMost Powerful Binomial Test
MPNormalMost Powerful Test for Normal Distribution
MPPoissonMost Powerful Test for Poisson Distribution
msteptpmm-step Transition Probability Matrix Computation
MucociliaryMucociliary Clearance
nerveThe Nerve Data
nsSimulated Sample from Normal Distribution
olsonThe Olson Heart Lung Dataset
pareto_densityPareto density
pareto_quantileQuantile of Pareto RV
Poisson_SimSimulation for Poisson Distribution
powertestplotA Function to Plot the Power of a UMP Test for Normal...
psSimulated Sample from Poisson Distribution
pwThe Linguistic Probe Word Analysis
QH_CIQuesenberry-Hurst Simultaneous Confidence Interval
reactionChemical Reaction Experiment
resistant_lineResistant Line EDA Regression Technique
rocketRocket Propellant
rocket_GraecoRocket Propellant Example Extended
rootstockApple of Different Rootstock
sampleSimulated Dataset
sheishuThe Seishu Wine Study
shelf_stockThe Shelf-Stocking Data
siegel.tukeySiegel-Tukey Nonparametric Test
skewcoeffA simple and straightforward function to compute the...
somesamplesScatter Plots for Understanding Correlations
SPUnderstanding Strength of Paper with a Three Factorial...
stationdistTPMA function which will return the stationary distribution of...
stiffThe Board Stiffness Dataset
ST_OrderedSimulating Random Observations from an Arbitrary Distribution
ST_UnorderedSimulating Random Observations from an Arbitrary Distribution...
swissForged Swiss Bank Notes
tcThe Toluca Company Labour Hours against Lot Size
tensileThe Tensile Strength Experiment
testtpmA transition probability matrix
testtpm2A matrix of transition probability matrix, second example
testtpm3A matrix of transition probability matrix, third example
TMTrimmed Mean
TMHTrimean based on hinges instead of quartiles
UMPExponentialUniformly Most Powerful Test for Exponential Distribution
UMPNormalUniformly Most Powerful Test for Normal Distribution
UMPUniformUniformly Most Powerful Test for Uniform Sample
uscUS Crime Data
viscosThe Box-Cox Transformation for Viscosity Dataset
vonNeumannvon Neumann Random Number Generator
waterqualityTesting for Physico-chemical Properties of Water in 4 Cities
WilsonCIWilson Confidence Interval
ww.testWald-Wolfowitz Nonparametric Test
x_bimodalUnderstanding kernel smoothing through a simulated dataset
ybYouden and Beale's Data on Lesions of Half-Leaves of Tobacco...
ACSWR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:53 a.m.