Man pages for AdaptGauss
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)

AdaptGaussAdapt Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
AdaptGauss-packageGaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
Bayes4MixturesPosterioris of Bayes Theorem
BayesDecisionBoundariesDecision Boundaries calculated through Bayes Theorem
BayesFor2GMMPosterioris of Bayes Theorem for a two group GMM
CDFMixturescumulative distribution of mixture model
Chi2testMixturesPearson's chi-squared goodness of fit test
ClassifyByDecisionBoundariesClassify Data according to decision Boundaries
EMGaussEM Algorithm for GMM
GMMplot_ggplot2Plots the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) withing ggplot2
InformationCriteria4GMMInformation Criteria For GMM
Intersect2MixturesIntersect of two Gaussians
KStestMixturesKolmogorov-Smirnov test
LikelihoodRatio4MixturesLikelihood Ratio for Gaussian Mixtures
LKWFahrzeitSeehafen2010Truck driving time seaport 2010
LogLikelihood4MixturesLogLikelihood for Gaussian Mixture Models
Pdf4MixturesCalculates pdf for GMM
PlotMixturesShows GMM
PlotMixturesAndBoundariesShows GMM with Boundaries
qqplotGMMQuantile Quantile Plot of Data
randomLogGMMRandom Number Generator for Log or Gaussian Mixture Model
Symlognpdfcomputes a special case of log normal distribution density
AdaptGauss documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:12 a.m.